Dawn News Vocabulary 4 Oct 2022
lender (noun) قرض دینے والا
someone or something that lends money, especially a large financial organization such as a bank
The IMF official made the comments in response to a question if the recent reduction in fuel prices had been discussed with the lender.
jeopardy (noun) خطرہ
in danger of being damaged or destroyed
Though our economists have been advocating the government to ease socio-economic jeopardies caused by the recurring crises, they lack the knowledge of survival economics
collusive (adjective) سازشی
acting together secretly or illegally in order to deceive or cheat someone
Unfortunately, our politicians adopt a collusive style because our economic policymakers have no clear stance to follow in the long run.
draconian (adj.) سخت ظالمانہ
Draconian laws, government actions, etc. are extremely severe, or go further than what is right or necessary
concoct (verb) منصوبہ بنانا
to make something, usually food, by adding several different parts together, often in a way that is original or not planned
The FO described Mr Jaishankar`s remarks as a manifestation of Indian leaders` obsession to concoct facts for misleading the international community
heed (verb) غور سے سننا
to pay attention to something, especially advice or a warning
Country’s loss if long march call not heeded, says Fawad Chaudhry
ambiguity (noun) مبہم یا غیر واضح ہونے کی حالت
(an example of) the fact of something having more than one possible meaning and therefore possibly causing confusion
social media was being used for false reporting against their lawyer and parliament could fix the transgender bill if there was any ambiguity in it.
trample (verb) روندنا
to step heavily on something or someone, causing damage or injury
pushing fans back into the stands where many were trampled or suffocated to death after tear gas was fired.