
English Words:


Meaning: Move or fall downwards.

Sentence: We have to descend the hill to reach the valley.

Synonyms: cascade, collapse, crash, dip, disembark, dive, go down, penetrate, plummet, plunge, settle, sink, slide, slip, stumble, subside, swoop, trickle, tumble

Antonyms: ascend, go up, grow, increase, leave, rise, even, level, mount, pour, straighten


Meaning: to get yourself free

Sentence: The prisoner tried to escape from prison.

Synonyms: breakout, departure, desertion, disappearance, flight, freedom, liberation, outbreak, rescue, withdrawal

Antonyms: arrival, coming, entrance, stay, staying, directness, meeting, capture


Meaning: hurried, done too quickly

Sentence: Her hasty decisions did not always have the required effect.

Synonyms: abrupt, careless, expeditious, hurried, ill-advised, impulsive, quick, rapid, reckless, sudden, swift, urgent

Antonyms: careful, cautious, kind, leisurely, slow, sluggish, thoughtful, wise


Meaning: unusual or extraordinary

Sentence: He climbed over the wall with remarkable ease.

Synonyms: curious, exceptional, important, impressive, miraculous, momentous, notable, noteworthy, noticeable, odd, outstanding, phenomenal, rare, significant, singular, solid, strange, striking, surprising, uncommon, unique, wonderful

Antonyms: average, bad, common, commonplace, familiar, inconsequential, inconspicuous, inferior, insignificant, like, normal, ordinary, poor, regular, similar, standard, trivial, unexceptional, unimportant, unimpressive, unnoticeable, unremarkable, usual, worthless


Meaning: Very great in amount, scale, or intensity.

Sentence: A tremendous wave rocked the boat.

Synonyms: amazing, astounding, awesome, colossal, dreadful, enormous, excellent, exceptional, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, formidable, great, immense, incredible, marvelous, massive, monumental, prodigious, terrible, terrific, vast, wonderful

Antonyms: bad, believable, common, commonplace, conventional, customary, expected, familiar, inferior, insignificant, little, miniature, minute, nice, normal, ordinary, plain, pleasant, poor, powerless, small, teeny, tiny, trivial, unamazing, unimportant, unnoteworthy, usual, weak, wonderful


Meaning: The faculty or state of being able to see.

Sentence: He needs glasses to improve his vision.

Synonyms: eyesight, perception, view

Antonyms: actuality, blindness, fact, reality, sightlessness


Meaning: To make heavier, worse, or more burdensome.

Sentence: His remarks really aggravate me.

Synonyms: Bother, Bug, Bum, Dog, Exasperate, Gall, Get, Grate, Hack, Irk, Irritate, Nag, Needle, Nettle, Peeve, Pester, Pique, Tease, Vex, Wig, Provoke, Get To, Be At, Be On The Back Of, Give A Hard Time, Pick On, Drive Up The Wall,

Antonyms: Aid, Alleviate, Appease, Calm, Delight, Gladden, Help, Improve, Mollify, Please, Relieve, Soften, Soothe, Make Happy,


Meaning: Not in sympathy with or desiring to associate with others.

Sentence: The emperor kept himself aloof from the people.

Synonyms: Above, Apart, Casual, Chilly, Cold, Cool, Detached, Distant, Forbidding, Haughty, Incurious, Indifferent, Loner, Reserved, Secluded, Solitary, Supercilious, Unapproachable, Unconcerned, Unfriendly, Uninterested, Unresponsive, Unsociable, Unsympathetic, Uppity, Withdrawn, Laid Back, On Ice, Offish, Stuck Up, Cold Fish, Lone Wolf, Putting On Airs,

Antonyms: Compassionate, Concerned, Friendly, Interested, Kind, Sociable, Sympathetic, Warm,


Meaning: Something that may or must exist, be taken or chosen, or done instead of something else.

Sentence: I left my job after an altercation with my boss.

Synonyms: Another, Different, Second, Substitute, Surrogate, Other Side,

Antonyms: Compulsion, Constraint, Necessity, Obligation, Rejection, Restraint,


Meaning: Having a double meaning.

Sentence: The ambiguous account confused the judge.

Synonyms: Aafa, Aggressive, Anxious, Ardent, Aspiring, Avid, Climbing, Designing, Desirous, Determined, Driving, Eager, Earnest, Energetic, Enterprising, Enthusiastic, Hopeful, Hungry, Industrious, Inspired, Intent, Longing, Resourceful, Sharp, Soaring, Striving, Thirsty, Vaulting, Zealous, Purposeful, Pushy, Pushing, Come On, Eager Beaver, Ball Of Fire, Bent Upon, Come On Strong, Hard Ball,

Antonyms: Content, Easy, Facile, Fulfilled, Lethargic, Satisfied, Unassuming, Unenthusiastic,


Meaning: Reasoning in which from certain and known relations or resemblance others are formed.

Sentence: Our teacher explained the heart, using the analogy of a pump.

Synonyms: Affinity, Comparison, Correlation, Correspondence, Equivalence, Homology, Likeness, Metaphor, Parallel, Relation, Relationship, Resemblance, Semblance, Simile, Similitude, Alikeness,

Antonyms: Difference, Disagreement, Dissimilarity, Unlikeness,


Meaning: to make a thing lively

Sentence: The teacher can animate even the most boring literature and make it interesting.

Synonyms: Breathing, Live, Living, Mortal, Moving, Viable, Vital, Zoetic,

Antonyms: Dead, Discouraged, Dull, Inactive, Quiet, Shy, Spiritless,


Meaning: to take possession of an area of land or a country, usually by force or without permission

Sentence: The UK annexed this small island west of Scotland in 1955.

Synonyms: Addendum, Addition, Adjunct, Affix, Appendix, Arm, Attachment, Ell, Subsidiary, Supplement, Wing

Antonyms: Base, Lessening, Subtraction


Meaning: Of unknown authorship.

Sentence: He wished he could thank the anonymous donor for paying his school fees.

Synonyms: Bearding, Incognito, Innominate, Nameless, Secret, Unacknowledged, Unattested, Unavowed, Unclaimed, Uncredited, Undisclosed, Unidentified, Unnamed, Unsigned, Unspecified, X, Pseudo, Pseudonymous, Jane/john Doe, Undesignated, You Know Who,

Antonyms: Known, Named, Identified,


Meaning: A gradual or sudden decrease in the importance or impressiveness of what is said.

Sentence: The adventure story ended in an anticlimax.

Synonyms: Bathos, Comedown, Decline, Descent, Disappointment, Drop, Letdown, Slump,

Antonyms: Ascent, Boon, Boost, Climax, Improvement, Increase, Rise, Success,


Meaning: Anything that destroys or restrains the growth of putrefactive micro- organisms.

Sentence: She cleaned the wound with an antiseptic.

Synonyms: Antibacterial, Antibiotic, Aseptic, Bactericidal, Clean, Disinfectant, Germicidal, Hygienic, Medicated, Sanitary, Sterile, Sterilized, Sterilizing, Unpolluted, Pure, Prophylactic, Purifying,

Antonyms: Contaminated, Dirty, Polluted, Unclean, Unsanitary, Unsterile,


Meaning: a ghost

Sentence: The children were scared by the apparition.

Synonyms: Bogeyman, Chimera, Delusion, Hallucination, Haunt, Illusion, Phantasm, Phantom, Revenant, Specter, Spirit, Spook, Visitant, Bump In The Night,

Antonyms: Animate, Being, Certainty, Fact, Reality, Truth,


Meaning: An agreeable odor.

Sentence: The aroma of coffee filled the air.

Synonyms: Balm, Bouquet, Fragrance, Incense, Odor, Perfume, Redolence, Scent, Spice,

Antonyms: Odor, Stench, Stink,


Meaning: To kill, as by surprise or secret assault, especially the killing of some eminent person.

Sentence: The police discovered a plot to assassinate the king.

Synonyms: Eliminate, Execute, Hit, Kill, Liquidate, Slaughter, Slay, Do In, Knock Off, Bump Off, Gun Down,

Antonyms: Bear, Create, Keep, Give Birth,


Meaning: Of undisputed origin.

Sentence: This is an authentic Picasso painting and not a fake.

Synonyms: Accurate, Actual, Authoritative, Certain, Convincing, Credible, Creditable, Dependable, Factual, Faithful, Legit, Legitimate, Official, Original, Reliable, Sure, True, Trustworthy, Trusty, Valid, Veritable, Pure, For Real, Bona Fide,

Antonyms: Corrupt, Counterfeit, Doubtful, Fake, False, Falsified, Implausible, Improbable, Incredible, Invalid, Unauthorized, Unlikely, Unreal, Unreliable, Untrustworthy, Ungenuine,

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