English Word: Believe
Part of Speech:
English Meaning: To accept as true on the testimony or authority of others.
Example Sentence: "I do not believe that you are telling the truth."
Synonyms: Accept,Accredit,Admit,Affirm,Buy,Conceive,Conclude,Consider,Credit,Deem,Have,Hold,Posit,Postulate,Regard,Suppose,Swallow,Think,Trust,Understand,Take It,Presuppose,Count On,Fall For,Swear By,Attach Weight To,Be Certain Of,Be Convinced Of,Be Credulous,Be Of The Opinion,Give Credence To,Have Faith In,Have No Doubt,Keep The Faith,Lap Up,Place Confidence In,Presume True,Reckon On,Rest Assured,Take As Gospel,
Antonyms: Abandon,Deny,Disbelieve,Discard,Dismiss,Dispute,Disregard,Distrust,Exclude,Forget,Ignore,Neglect,Refuse,Reject,
Random Words:
Meaning: Move or fall downwards.
Sentence: We have to descend the hill to reach the valley.
Synonyms: cascade, collapse, crash, dip, disembark, dive, go down, penetrate, plummet, plunge, settle, sink, slide, slip, stumble, subside, swoop, trickle, tumble
Antonyms: ascend, go up, grow, increase, leave, rise, even, level, mount, pour, straighten
Meaning: to get yourself free
Sentence: The prisoner tried to escape from prison.
Synonyms: breakout, departure, desertion, disappearance, flight, freedom, liberation, outbreak, rescue, withdrawal
Antonyms: arrival, coming, entrance, stay, staying, directness, meeting, capture
Meaning: hurried, done too quickly
Sentence: Her hasty decisions did not always have the required effect.
Synonyms: abrupt, careless, expeditious, hurried, ill-advised, impulsive, quick, rapid, reckless, sudden, swift, urgent
Antonyms: careful, cautious, kind, leisurely, slow, sluggish, thoughtful, wise
Meaning: unusual or extraordinary
Sentence: He climbed over the wall with remarkable ease.
Synonyms: curious, exceptional, important, impressive, miraculous, momentous, notable, noteworthy, noticeable, odd, outstanding, phenomenal, rare, significant, singular, solid, strange, striking, surprising, uncommon, unique, wonderful
Antonyms: average, bad, common, commonplace, familiar, inconsequential, inconspicuous, inferior, insignificant, like, normal, ordinary, poor, regular, similar, standard, trivial, unexceptional, unimportant, unimpressive, unnoticeable, unremarkable, usual, worthless
Meaning: Very great in amount, scale, or intensity.
Sentence: A tremendous wave rocked the boat.
Synonyms: amazing, astounding, awesome, colossal, dreadful, enormous, excellent, exceptional, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, formidable, great, immense, incredible, marvelous, massive, monumental, prodigious, terrible, terrific, vast, wonderful
Antonyms: bad, believable, common, commonplace, conventional, customary, expected, familiar, inferior, insignificant, little, miniature, minute, nice, normal, ordinary, plain, pleasant, poor, powerless, small, teeny, tiny, trivial, unamazing, unimportant, unnoteworthy, usual, weak, wonderful