English Word: Breadstick
English Meaning: A breadstick is a long, thin, and typically hard bread roll that is made from wheat flour, yeast, water, and salt.
Example Sentence: "They are typically long and slender, around 8-12 inches (20-30 cm) in length, and about the width of a finger. Breadsticks can be straight or twisted, and are often served as a side dish with pasta or soup, or as an appetizer. They can be brushed with butter or olive oil and sprinkled with herbs, such as oregano or basil, or with cheese before or after baking to add flavor."
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Meaning: Move or fall downwards.
Sentence: We have to descend the hill to reach the valley.
Synonyms: cascade, collapse, crash, dip, disembark, dive, go down, penetrate, plummet, plunge, settle, sink, slide, slip, stumble, subside, swoop, trickle, tumble
Antonyms: ascend, go up, grow, increase, leave, rise, even, level, mount, pour, straighten
Meaning: to get yourself free
Sentence: The prisoner tried to escape from prison.
Synonyms: breakout, departure, desertion, disappearance, flight, freedom, liberation, outbreak, rescue, withdrawal
Antonyms: arrival, coming, entrance, stay, staying, directness, meeting, capture
Meaning: hurried, done too quickly
Sentence: Her hasty decisions did not always have the required effect.
Synonyms: abrupt, careless, expeditious, hurried, ill-advised, impulsive, quick, rapid, reckless, sudden, swift, urgent
Antonyms: careful, cautious, kind, leisurely, slow, sluggish, thoughtful, wise
Meaning: unusual or extraordinary
Sentence: He climbed over the wall with remarkable ease.
Synonyms: curious, exceptional, important, impressive, miraculous, momentous, notable, noteworthy, noticeable, odd, outstanding, phenomenal, rare, significant, singular, solid, strange, striking, surprising, uncommon, unique, wonderful
Antonyms: average, bad, common, commonplace, familiar, inconsequential, inconspicuous, inferior, insignificant, like, normal, ordinary, poor, regular, similar, standard, trivial, unexceptional, unimportant, unimpressive, unnoticeable, unremarkable, usual, worthless
Meaning: Very great in amount, scale, or intensity.
Sentence: A tremendous wave rocked the boat.
Synonyms: amazing, astounding, awesome, colossal, dreadful, enormous, excellent, exceptional, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, formidable, great, immense, incredible, marvelous, massive, monumental, prodigious, terrible, terrific, vast, wonderful
Antonyms: bad, believable, common, commonplace, conventional, customary, expected, familiar, inferior, insignificant, little, miniature, minute, nice, normal, ordinary, plain, pleasant, poor, powerless, small, teeny, tiny, trivial, unamazing, unimportant, unnoteworthy, usual, weak, wonderful