English Word: Preposterous
Part of Speech:
English Meaning: The word is often used to express disbelief or contempt, and it suggests that something is so absurd or ridiculous that it is not worth taking seriously.
Example Sentence: "Something that is preposterous is absurd or ridiculous, and is not worthy of serious consideration. The word is often used to describe something that is so improbable or unlikely that it is almost unbelievable, or that it is clearly ridiculous or nonsensical. Preposterous can also be used to describe a person who is behaving in a way that is absurd or ridiculous, or who is making unreasonable or ridiculous demands or claims."
Synonyms: absurd, crazy, excessive, fantastic, foolish, impossible, incredible, insane, irrational, laughable, ludicrous, nonsensical, outrageous, senseless, shocking, silly, stupid, unbelievable, unreasonable, unthinkable
Antonyms: bad, balanced, believable, credible, good, intelligent, logical, plain, plausible, poor, possible, practical, rational, realistic
Random Words:
Meaning: Move or fall downwards.
Sentence: We have to descend the hill to reach the valley.
Synonyms: cascade, collapse, crash, dip, disembark, dive, go down, penetrate, plummet, plunge, settle, sink, slide, slip, stumble, subside, swoop, trickle, tumble
Antonyms: ascend, go up, grow, increase, leave, rise, even, level, mount, pour, straighten
Meaning: to get yourself free
Sentence: The prisoner tried to escape from prison.
Synonyms: breakout, departure, desertion, disappearance, flight, freedom, liberation, outbreak, rescue, withdrawal
Antonyms: arrival, coming, entrance, stay, staying, directness, meeting, capture
Meaning: hurried, done too quickly
Sentence: Her hasty decisions did not always have the required effect.
Synonyms: abrupt, careless, expeditious, hurried, ill-advised, impulsive, quick, rapid, reckless, sudden, swift, urgent
Antonyms: careful, cautious, kind, leisurely, slow, sluggish, thoughtful, wise
Meaning: unusual or extraordinary
Sentence: He climbed over the wall with remarkable ease.
Synonyms: curious, exceptional, important, impressive, miraculous, momentous, notable, noteworthy, noticeable, odd, outstanding, phenomenal, rare, significant, singular, solid, strange, striking, surprising, uncommon, unique, wonderful
Antonyms: average, bad, common, commonplace, familiar, inconsequential, inconspicuous, inferior, insignificant, like, normal, ordinary, poor, regular, similar, standard, trivial, unexceptional, unimportant, unimpressive, unnoticeable, unremarkable, usual, worthless
Meaning: Very great in amount, scale, or intensity.
Sentence: A tremendous wave rocked the boat.
Synonyms: amazing, astounding, awesome, colossal, dreadful, enormous, excellent, exceptional, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, formidable, great, immense, incredible, marvelous, massive, monumental, prodigious, terrible, terrific, vast, wonderful
Antonyms: bad, believable, common, commonplace, conventional, customary, expected, familiar, inferior, insignificant, little, miniature, minute, nice, normal, ordinary, plain, pleasant, poor, powerless, small, teeny, tiny, trivial, unamazing, unimportant, unnoteworthy, usual, weak, wonderful