
Find Your Words In English By Alphabets:


Meaning: a banana like plant native to the Philippines and having broad leaves with long stalks

Sentence: Abaca prefers a warm climate with year-round rainfall.

Synonyms: bhang, cannabis, fiber, flax, hashish, jute, marijuana


Meaning: an unexpected happening, especially one causing damage

Sentence: He had an accident on his way to work and broke his ankle


Meaning: unfair, cruel or violent treatment of somebody

Sentence: Child labour is an abuse of human rights.


Meaning: a person who keeps financial records

Sentence: The accountant has to make sure that all bills are paid by the end of the month.


Meaning: used to, adapted to

Sentence: He took his accustomed seat by the fire.


Meaning: fear of heights

Sentence: I cannot go skydiving because I suffer from acrophobia.


Meaning: to acquire a goal

Sentence: The movie star will achieve fame once the movie is released.


Meaning: a woman who acts in a play or film

Sentence: Julia Roberts is a terrific actress and has won an oscar


Meaning: success, accomplishment

Sentence: It is quite an achievement to have completed this assignment in such a short time.


Meaning: in reality

Sentence: Actually, we are only a week away from our mid- terms.


Meaning: the science of sound

Sentence: Carnegie Hall is popular with music lovers because of its good acoustics.


Meaning: capable of adjusting

Sentence: The company preferred hiring adaptable workers.


Meaning: a substance added, especially to food or medicine Food companies put more than one vitamin additive in breakfast cereals.


Meaning: a person whom one knows, but not well

Sentence: She is an acquaintance of mine from work.


Meaning: enough, sufficient

Sentence: He earns an adequate income which is enough to pay his bills.


Meaning: a notice of a product or service

Sentence: We place an advertisement about our products in the newspaper every week.


Meaning: a substance used to stick things together

Sentence: Glue is the perfect adhesive for my torn notebook.


Meaning: strongly suggested for good reasons, recommended

Sentence: It is advisable that you do your homework on time.


Meaning: capable of being changed

Sentence: The new model of the car had adjustable seat belts.


Meaning: control or management

Sentence: The directors are responsible for the administration of a company.


Meaning: an airfield

Sentence: The newly built aerodrome is designed for big aeroplanes.


Meaning: worthy of approval or respect

Sentence: Sarah received an award for her admirable performance.


Meaning: a spray container holding pressurised liquid

Sentence: He used an aerosol to paint the walls.


Meaning: to have enough money to pay for something

Sentence: I can afford to treat you to an ice cream.


Meaning: inclined to undertake new and daring activities For a more adventurous holiday, try mountain climbing.


Meaning: unfriendly; likely to attack people verbally or physically His aggressive behaviour suggested that he had no friends.


Meaning: extreme physical or mental pain

Sentence: The man broke his arm and was in agony.


Meaning: loyalty

Sentence: I owe my allegiance to my country.


Meaning: cultivating land on a large scale; farming

Sentence: Most of the land in this area is used for agriculture.


Meaning: a place where planes land and take off and that has buildings for passengers to wait in

Sentence: I like to watch planes taking off from the airport.


Meaning: a passage between rows of seats or shelves

Sentence: I found cans of tuna in the last aisle.


Meaning: a large reptile of the crocodile family


Meaning: to assign

Sentence: I will allocate the task of tidying the room to Akbar.


Meaning: a metal formed by mixing two or more metals

Sentence: Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.


Meaning: an oval nut

Sentence: She peeled the almond and ate it with honey.

Aloud adverb

Meaning: in a voice that can be heard

Sentence: The teacher asked him to read the passage aloud.


Meaning: the letters used in a language

Sentence: There are twenty-six letters in the English alphabet.


Meaning: a noisy argument or disagreement

Sentence: I left my job after an altercation with my boss.


Meaning: a strong desire to achieve something

Sentence: His ambition in life is to become an astronaut.


Meaning: undecided

Sentence: He has an ambivalent attitude towards her.


Meaning: height

Sentence: The summit of Mount Everest is at an altitude of 29,000 feet.


Meaning: with all included; in total

Sentence: Altogether, a hundred competitors took part.


Meaning: a change or improvement to a law or document

Sentence: She made a minor amendment to her essay.


Meaning: loss of memory

Sentence: Grandma?s amnesia makes it difficult for her to remember when we last visited.


Meaning: a person sent to a foreign country to represent his or her own government

Sentence: His uncle is the ambassador to Brazil.


Meaning: an animal that can live both in water and on land

Sentence: The turtle is an amphibian.


Meaning: a round, usually unroofed building with tiers of seats surrounding a central space

Sentence: The school staged a play in the amphitheatre.


Meaning: to make stronger

Sentence: He used a loudspeaker to amplify his voice.


Meaning: a date that is an exact number of years after the date of an important or special event

Sentence: August 14 is the anniversary of Pakistan?s Independence


Meaning: the act of making something publicly known

Sentence: The principal made an announcement that the school would remain closed the following day.


Meaning: to examine

Sentence: In history class, we had to analyse the causes of the war.


Meaning: to make slightly angry

Sentence: My brother tried to annoy me by hiding my toys.


Meaning: anyone from whom a person is descended

Sentence: He wondered if he had a famous ancestor.


Meaning: a heavy object joined to a ship by a chain and dropped to the bottom of the sea to stop the ship from moving

Sentence: Sailors dropped the ship?s anchor into the water.


Meaning: very old

Sentence: We found some ancient dinosaur bones on our trip to the desert.


Meaning: a substance that destroys bacteria

Sentence: The doctor prescribed an antibiotic for my wounded knee.


Meaning: to expect something

Sentence: They do not anticipate any major problems.


Meaning: shocking; very unpleasant

Sentence: They were faced with appalling working conditions.


Meaning: expectation

Sentence: waiting in anticipation for your arrival.


Meaning: what somebody looks like

Sentence: The clown?s appearance was very amusing.


Meaning: a small tube leading off from the intestine

Sentence: Maha had an operation to remove her appendix.


Meaning: desire for food

Sentence: Exercise gives you a good appetite.


Meaning: clapping

Sentence: The actors were pleased with the applause at the end of their show.


Meaning: to choose a person for a job

Sentence: The teacher wants to appoint a responsible student as a prefect.


Meaning: a small sap-sucking insect that is harmful to plants


Meaning: to enjoy or value something

Sentence: I would appreciate some help with my homework.


Meaning: the punctuation mark used to show that letters have been missed out

Sentence: She wondered if it was appropriate to use an apostrophe.


Meaning: a person who is learning a skill

Sentence: My son is an apprentice in a carpenter?s workshop.


Meaning: a person who designs buildings

Sentence: The Statue of Liberty was designed by a French architect.


Meaning: time spent as a novice learning a new skill

Sentence: During his apprenticeship he learnt how to carve wood.


Meaning: a disagreement or quarrel

Sentence: It is best to avoid an argument and get on peacefully.


Meaning: to say that a person or thing is good

Sentence: I do not approve of her rude behaviour.


Meaning: a display

Sentence: There was a colourful array of fruit at the supermarket.


Meaning: a piece of clothing worn over the front of the body, especially to protect other clothes

Sentence: Mum refuses to cook without her apron.


Meaning: a round vegetable with a lot of thick, green leaves Mrs. Riaz steamed the artichoke and served it with dinner.


Meaning: a talent

Sentence: Akbar has an aptitude for mathematics.


Meaning: able to express things clearly

Sentence: He was an articulate speaker and gave a wonderful speech.


Meaning: to do with water

Sentence: Swimming is an aquatic sport.


Meaning: to take in and absorb something

Sentence: She thinks she can assimilate knowledge without having to work..


Meaning: a disease that makes breathing difficult

Sentence: My friend suffers from asthma.


Meaning: to surprise somebody greatly

Sentence: Your excellent grades will astonish your parents.


Meaning: a task given to someone

Sentence: I have finished my homework assignment.


Meaning: a person who travels in a spacecraft

Sentence: Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut to walk on the moon.


Meaning: to help

Sentence: My friend offered to assist me with my school project.


Meaning: refuge and safety; a place of refuge

Sentence: The defeated rebels sought political asylum in another country.


Meaning: a colleague

Sentence: Ali is my associate from work.


Meaning: a room in the roof of a house

Sentence: I have left my disused bicycle up in the attic.


Meaning: a mixed collection of things

Sentence: This box contains an assortment of sweets.


Meaning: pleasant or good looking

Sentence: He has an attractive face.


Meaning: a promise or guarantee that something is true or will happen

Sentence: A promise from the doctor that he would check in on her was all the assurance she needed.


Meaning: to establish the truth

Sentence: The expert was asked to authenticate whether the painting was a genuine antique.


Meaning: the writer of a book, play, poem, etc.

Sentence: Shakespeare is a famous English author.


Meaning: having proper authority or expert knowledge

Sentence: The professor is an authoritative figure in his field.


Meaning: the power to give orders to other people

Sentence: A policeman has the authority to arrest a criminal.


Meaning: a persons signature

Sentence: I asked my favourite actor for his autograph.


Meaning: the season between summer and winter

Sentence: Most trees shed their leaves in autumn.


Meaning: To lower in position, estimation, or the like; degrade.

Synonyms: Belittle, Debase, Degrade, Demean, Diminish, Disgrace, Dishonor, Humble, Humiliate, Lower, Mortify, Reduce, Shame,

Antonyms: Cherish, Compliment, Dignify, Elevate, Enhance, Esteem, Exalt, Expand, Extend, Extol, Flatter, Grow, Honor, Improve, Increase, Laud, Praise, Raise, Respect, Upgrade, Value, Build Up, Promote,


Meaning: The lady superior of a nunnery.

Synonyms: Cloister, Convent, Friary, Ministry, Monastery, Nunnery, Temple, Priory,


Meaning: The group of buildings which collectively form the dwelling-place of a society of monks or nuns.

Synonyms: Cloister, Convent, Friary, Ministry, Monastery, Nunnery, Temple, Priory,


Meaning: The superior of a community of monks.

Synonyms: Friar, Monk, Rector,


Meaning: To give up (royal power or the like).

Synonyms: Abandon, Abjure, Abnegate, Cede, Demit, Drop, Forgo, Leave, Quit, Relinquish, Renounce, Resign, Retire, Surrender, Vacate, Waive, Withdraw, Yield, Give Up, Bail Out, Opt Out, Step Down, Leave In The Lurch, Sell Out, Quitclaim, Bag It,

Antonyms: Assert, Assume, Challenge, Claim, Come, Continue, Defend, Defy, Do, Fight, Hold, Keep, Maintain, Remain, Retain, Stay, Treasure, Usurp, Win, Pursue,


Meaning: In mammals, the visceral cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor; the belly.

Synonyms: Belly, Bowels, Corporation, Gut, Guts, Intestines, Middle, Midriff, Midsection, Paunch, Pot, Potbelly, Tummy, Venter, Viscera, Bay Window, Spare Tire, Breadbasket,


Meaning: Of, pertaining to, or situated on the abdomen.

Synonyms: Belly, Duodenal, Gastric, Intestinal, Stomachic, Ventral, Visceral,


Meaning: A carrying away of a person against his will, or illegally.

Synonyms: Appropriation, Kidnapping, Rape, Seizure, Theft,


Meaning: In bed; on a bed.

Synonyms: Comatose, Dormant, Inactive, Latent, Slumbering, Unconscious,

Antonyms: Awake, Conscious, Waking,


Meaning: The act of detesting extremely.

Synonyms: Detestation, Enmity, Hate, Hatred, Horror, Loathing, Malice, Odium, Repugnance, Revulsion,

Antonyms: Kindness, Like, Liking, Love, Loving,


Meaning: Very repugnant; hateful.

Synonyms: disgusting, awful, horrible, sickening, ugly, hideous, shocking, obscene, obnoxious, offensive, dreadful

Antonyms: acceptable, innocuous, desirable, attractive, inoffensive, delightful, pleasant, agreeable, delicious, appealing, alluring, enjoyable, sweet


Meaning: An abiding.


Meaning: Sunk to a low condition.

Synonyms: Base, Contemptible, Degraded, Dejected, Deplorable, Dishonorable, Fawning, Forlorn, Groveling, Hangdog, Humiliated, Low, Miserable, Outcast, Pitiable, Servile, Submissive, Worthless, Wretched,

Antonyms: Commendable, Exalted, Excellent, Magnificent, Noble, Worthy, Proud,


Meaning: To recant, renounce, repudiate under oath.

Synonyms: Forswear, Recant, Renege, Renounce, Retract, Withdraw, Take Back, Abstain From,

Antonyms: Allow, Emphasize,


Meaning: A washing or cleansing, especially of the body.

Synonyms: Bath, Cleansing, Decontamination, Lavation, Shower, Purification, Showering,


Meaning: To renounce (a right or privilege).

Synonyms: Abstain, Decline, Forbear, Forgo, Refrain, Reject, Give Up,

Antonyms: Accept, Continue, Indulge, Use,


Meaning: Not conformed to the ordinary rule or standard.

Synonyms: Aberrant, Anomalistic, Anomalous, Atypical, Bizarre, Curious, Deviant, Deviate, Deviating, Divergent, Eccentric, Exceptional, Extraordinary, Fantastic, Funny, G ross, Heteroclite, Heterodox, Heteromorphic, Irregular, Odd, Peculiar, Queer, Screwy, Spastic, Strange, Uncommon, Unexpected, Unnatural, Unorthodox, Unusual, Weird, Preternatural, Grody

Antonyms: Common, Conforming, Conventional, Customary, Expected, Familiar, Normal, Ordinary, Regular, Standard, Straight, Usual


Meaning: Very hateful.

Synonyms: Abhorrent, Atrocious, Awful, Bad, Base, Beastly, Contemptible, Cursed, Despicable, Disgusting, Foul, Grim, Gross, Hairy, Hateful, Heinous, Hellish, Horrible, Horrid, Loathsome, Lousy, Nauseating, Obnoxious, Odious, Offensive, Repellent, Reprehensible, Repugnant, Repulsive, Revolting, Rotten, Sleazy, Stinking, Terrible, Vile, Wretched, Grody,

Antonyms: Alluring, Appealing, Attractive, Delightful, Desirable, Desirous, Enjoyable, Good, Great, Honorable, Kind, Likeable, Lovable, Loveable, Nice, Pleasant, Pleasing, Respectable, Sweet, Wonderful, Worthy,


Meaning: To hate violently.

Synonyms: Abhor, Despise, Dislike, Hate, Loathe,

Antonyms: Admire, Approve, Cherish, Like, Love,


Meaning: A very detestable act or practice.

Synonyms: Anathema, Aversion, Bother, Curse, Detestation, Evil, Horror, Nuisance, Plague, Shame, Torment,

Antonyms: Beauty, Benefit, Blessing, Delight, Enjoyment, Esteem, Happiness, Joy, Love, Pleasure, Right, Treat,


Meaning: Primitive; unsophisticated.

Synonyms: Ancient, Endemic, First, Indigenous, Native, Original, Primeval, Primary, Primitive, Earliest, Primordial,

Antonyms: Foreign, Modern, New,


Meaning: The original of earliest known inhabitants of a country.


Meaning: Without concealment, fraud, or trickery.

Synonyms: Forthright, Frank, Honest, Open, Overt, Square, Straight, Straightforward, True, Trustworthy, Truthful, Veracious, Up Front, Right On, Straight From Shoulder,

Antonyms: Deceitful, Devious, Lying, Shady, Underhanded,


Meaning: To wear away the surface or some part of by friction.

Synonyms: Chafe, Erode, Grate, Rub, Scuff, Triturate, Wear, Wear Down, Rub Off,

Antonyms: Please, Rebuild, Make Happy,


Meaning: That which is rubbed off.

Synonyms: Chafe, Injury, Scrape, Scratch, Scuff,


Meaning: To make shorter in words, keeping the essential features, leaning out minor particles.

Synonyms: Abbreviate, Abstract, Chop, Clip, Compress, Concentrate, Condense, Contract, Curtail, Cut, Decrease, Digest, Diminish, Downsize, Lessen, Limit, Narrow, Reduce, Restrict, Slash, Snip, Summarize, Trim, Truncate, Blue Pencil, Put In Nutshell,

Antonyms: Add, Develop, Enlarge, Expand, Extend, Fill, Free, Grow, Increase, Lengthen, Raise, Release, Strengthen, Stretch, Let Go,


Meaning: A condensed form as of a book or play.

Synonyms: Abbreviation, Abstract, Brief, Compendium, Condensation, Contraction, Curtailment, Cutting, Decrease, Digest, Diminution, Lessening, Outline, Precis, Reducing, Reduction, Synopsis, Pr?cis, Conspectus, Diminishment,

Antonyms: Addition, Development, Enlargement, Expansion, Extension, Growth, Increase, Lengthening, Padding,


Meaning: To abolish, repeal.

Synonyms: Abate, Abolish, Annul, Cancel, Dissolve, End, Invalidate, Negate, Nix, Nullify, Quash, Reject, Renege, Repeal, Retract, Revoke, Scrub, Torpedo, Undo, Vacate, Vitiate, Void, Do In, Knock Out, Finish Off,

Antonyms: Allow, Approve, Enact, Establish, Fix, Institute, Legalize, Pass, Permit, Ratify, Sanction, Schedule, Support, Validate, Set Up,


Meaning: Beginning, ending, or changing suddenly or with a break.

Synonyms: Blunt, Brusque, Crude, Crusty, Curt, Direct, Discourteous, Gruff, Impetuous, Impolite, Rough, Short, Snappy, Snippy, Uncivil, Ungracious,

Antonyms: Calm, Deliberate, Expansive, Gradual, Kind, Leisurely, Nice, At Ease,


Meaning: A Collection of pus in a cavity formed within some tissue of the body.

Synonyms: Boil, Carbuncle, Ulcer, Pustule,


Meaning: The act of cutting off, as in a surgical operation.

Synonyms: Incision, Section, Resection, Enucleation,


Meaning: To depart suddenly and secretly, as for the purpose of escaping arrest.

Synonyms: Bolt, Break, Decamp, Disappear, Escape, Fade, Flee, Get, Hightail, Jump, Leave, Quit, Scram, Slip, Split, Vanish, Pull Out, Fly The Coop, Skedaddle, Vamoose, Beat It, Clear Out, Make Off, Take Off, Cut And Run, Dog It, Duck Out,

Antonyms: Abide, Appear, Arrive, Come, Continue, Endure, Face, Join, Remain, Stay, Stop, Strengthen, Wait, Yield, Give Up,


Meaning: The fact of not being present or available.

Synonyms: Absenteeism, Awol, Cut, Hooky, Truancy, Vacancy, French Leave, Nonattendance, Nonappearance,

Antonyms: Abundance, Enough, Existence, Plenty, Presence,


Meaning: Lacking in attention to immediate surroundings or business.

Synonyms: Abstracted, Daydreaming, Distracted, Distrait, Dreaming, Faraway, Oblivious, Unseeing, Preoccupied,

Antonyms: Alert, Observant,


Meaning: Forgiveness, or passing over of offenses.

Synonyms: Acquittal, Amnesty, Compurgation, Exculpation, Forgiveness, Mercy, Pardon, Release,


Meaning: To free from sin or its penalties.

Synonyms: Absorbents, Acquit, Bleach, Clear, Discharge, Exculpate, Excuse, Exempt, Exonerate, Forgive, Free, Launder, Liberate, Loose, Pardon, Release, Relieve, Sanitize, Spare, Spring, Vindicate, Whitewash, Let Off, Write Off, Blink At, Go Easy On, Let Off Easy, Let Off The Hook, Let Up On,

Antonyms: Accuse, Bind, Blame, Censure, Charge, Condemn, Convict, Damn, Hold, Impeach, Incriminate, Keep, Limit, Obligate, Restrain, Sentence, Punish,


Meaning: To drink in or suck up, as a sponge absorbs water.

Synonyms: Blot, Consume, Devour, Imbibe, Ingest, Ingurgitate, Swallow, Take In, Drink In, Osmose, Soak Up, Sop Up, Sponge Up, Suck In,

Antonyms: Abstain, Disperse, Dissipate, Distract, Eject, Emit, Exude, Misunderstand, Spew, Vomit, Not Get,


Meaning: The act or process of absorbing.

Synonyms: Consumption, Digestion, Exhaustion, Fusion, Imbibing, Impregnation, Ingestion, Inhalation, Intake, Osmosis, Penetration, Reception, Retention, Saturation, Suction, Drinking In, Soaking Up, Taking In,

Antonyms: Boredom, Distraction,


Meaning: To keep oneself back (from doing or using something).

Synonyms: Abjure, Abnegate, Avoid, Cease, Constrain, Curb, Decline, Eschew, Evade, Fast, Forbear, Forgo, Pass, Quit, Refrain, Refuse, Renounce, Shun, Spurn, Starve, Stop, Withhold, Give Up, Do Without, Pass Up, Deny Oneself, Give The Go By, Go On The Wagon,

Antonyms: Accept, Allow, Continue, Do, Embrace, Encourage, Face, Indulge, Meet, Use, Want,


Meaning: Characterized by self denial or abstinence, as in the use of drink, food.

Synonyms: Abstinent, Ascetic, Austere, Continent, Frugal, Moderate, Moderating, Restrained, Sober, Sparing, Temperate,

Antonyms: Gluttonous, Greedy, Hungry,


Meaning: Self denial.

Synonyms: Abnegation, Abstaining, Abstemiousness, Asceticism, Avoidance, Chastity, Continence, Fasting, Forbearance, Frugality, Moderation, Refraining, Renunciation, Soberness, Sobriety, Teetotalism, Temperance,

Antonyms: Drunkenness, Excess, Indulgence, Intemperance, Intoxication, Revelry,


Meaning: Dealing with matters difficult to be understood.

Synonyms: Abstract, Complex, Complicated, Deep, Enigmatic, Esoteric, Heavy, Hidden, Incomprehensible, Intricate, Involved, Muddy, Obscure, Perplexing, Recondite, Subtle, Unfathomable, Vague, Profound, Puzzling, Greek To Me, Clear As Dishwater,

Antonyms: Clear, Concrete, Easy, Lucid, Obvious, Plain, Simple,


Meaning: Inconsistent with reason or common sense.

Synonyms: Batty, Crazy, Daffy, Dippy, Flaky, Foolish, Freaky, Goofy, Idiotic, Illogical, Inane, Incongruous, Irrational, Jokey, Laughable, Loony, Ludicrous, Nonsensical, Nutty, Sappy, Screwy, Silly, Stupid, Tomfool, Unreasonable, Wacky, Preposterous, Off The Wall, Campy, Fooling Around, For Grins, Gagged Up, Joshing,

Antonyms: Certain, Logical, Practical, Rational, Realistic, Reasonable, Responsible, Sensible, Serious, Smart, Wise,


Meaning: Plentiful.

Synonyms: Abounding, Ample, Bounteous, Bountiful, Copious, Exuberant, Filled, Full, Generous, Heavy, Lavish, Liberal, Luxuriant, Overflowing, Plenteous, Plenty, Rich, Sufficient, Profuse, Crawling With, Cup Runs Over With, Lousy With, Mucho, No End Of, Plate Is Full Of,

Antonyms: Depleted, Insufficient, Lacking, Meager, Needy, Poor, Rare, Scarce, Sparse, Wanting,


Meaning: Employing harsh words or ill treatment.

Synonyms: Calumniating, Castigating, Censorious, Defamatory, Derisive, Disparaging, Insolent, Insulting, Invective, Libelous, Maligning, Offensive, Opprobrious, Reproachful, Reviling, Rude, Sarcastic, Scathing, Scolding, Scurrilous, Slanderous, Traducing, Upbraiding, Vilifying, Vituperative, Contumelious, Obloquious,

Antonyms: Complimentary, Kind, Nice, Respectful,


Meaning: To touch at the end or boundary line.

Synonyms: Adjoin, Join, Border On, Neighbor, Be Adjacent To, Butt Against,


Meaning: Bottomless gulf.

Synonyms: Abysm, Chasm, Crevasse, Depth, Fissure, Gorge, Gulf, Hole, Pit, Void,


Meaning: Of or pertaining to an academy, college, or university.

Synonyms: Bookish, College, Collegiate, Erudite, Intellectual, Learned, Pedantic, Scholarly, Scholastic, Studious, University,

Antonyms: Ignorant, Ordinary, Plain, Practical, Simple, Untaught,


Meaning: To move faster.

Synonyms: Advance, Drive, Dust, Expedite, Forward, Further, Gun, Hasten, Hurry, Impel, Precipitate, Quicken, Railroad, Rev, Roll, Spur, Stimulate, Tool, Step Up, Open Up, Fire Up, Hammer On, Lay A Patch, Lay Rubber, Nail It, Peel Rubber,

Antonyms: Block, Cease, Check, Decelerate, Defer, Delay, Discourage, Dissuade, Halt, Hinder, Impede, Postpone, Repress, Retard, Slow, Stop, Wait, Slow Down,


Meaning: To take when offered.

Synonyms: Acquire, Gain, Get, Obtain, Secure, Take, Welcome,

Antonyms: Blackball, Decline, Demur, Deny, Disagree, Disallow, Discard, Dispute, Fail, Forfeit, Lose, Misunderstand, Refuse, Reject, Renounce, Repudiate,


Meaning: A way of approach or entrance; passage.

Synonyms: Admittance, Approach, Avenue, Connection, Contact, Course, Door, Entrance, Entree, Entry, In, Ingress, Introduction, Key, Passage, Path, Road, Route, Way, Entr?e, Open Door, Open Arms,

Antonyms: Conclusion, Egress, Outlet,


Meaning: Approachable.

Synonyms: Attainable, Available, Employable, Exposed, Handy, Near, Obtainable, Open, Operative, Possible, Practicable, Reachable, Susceptible, Unrestricted, Usable, Public,

Antonyms: Inaccessible, Limited, Restricted, Unhandy, Useless,


Meaning: Induction or elevation, as to dignity, office, or government.

Synonyms: Accretion, Addition, Augmentation, Enlargement, Extension, Increase, Increment, Raise, Rise,

Antonyms: Compression, Decline, Decrease, Deduction, Disagreement, Dispute, Drop, Fall, Loss, Reduction, Repudiation, Shrinkage, Subtraction, Abridgment,


Meaning: A person or thing that aids the principal agent.

Synonyms: Accent, Addition, Adjunct, Adornment, Appendage, Appendix, Appliance, Appurtenance, Attachment, Component, Decoration, Extension, Extra, Frill, Help, Supplement, Trim, Trimming,

Antonyms: Decrease, Lessening, Reduction, Subtraction, Principal,


Meaning: To utter with a shout.

Synonyms: Acclamation, Applause, Approbation, Celebration, Cheering, Commendation, Eulogizing, Exaltation, Honor, Kudos, Plaudits, Pr, Praise, Rave, Recognition, Strokes, Stroking, Puff, Pat On The Back, Clapping, Pat On The Head, Pumping Up,

Antonyms: Blame, Censure, Condemnation, Criticism, Debasement, Denunciation, Disapproval, Humiliation, Jeering, Vituperation,


Meaning: To furnish something as a kindness or favor.

Synonyms: Board, Contain, Domicile, Entertain, Furnish, Harbor, Hold, House, Quarter, Receive, Rent, Shelter, Supply, Welcome, Take In, Put Up,

Antonyms: Bar, Block, Disarrange, Frustrate, Hinder, Impede, Limit, Obstruct, Reject, Stop, Prevent, Unsuit, Turn Out, Turn Away,


Meaning: A subordinate part or parts, enriching or supporting the leading part.

Synonyms: Accessory, Adjunct, Appendage, Appurtenance, Attachment, Attendant, Attribute, Augmentation, Complement, Concomitant, Enhancement, Enrichment, Supplement,


Meaning: One who or that which accompanies.

Synonyms: Artist, Artiste, Chanter, Chanteuse, Chorister, Crooner, Diva, Melodist, Minstrel, Musician, Nightingale, Serenader, Soloist, Songbird, Songster, Troubadour, Vocalist, Voice, Warbler, Yodeler, Choralist, Intoner,


Meaning: To go with, or be associated with, as a companion.

Synonyms: Attend, Chaperon, Conduct, Consort, Convoy, Date, Dog, Draft, Drag, Escort, Follow, Guard, Guide, Lead, Shadow, Spook, Squire, Tailgate, Usher, Take Out, Look After, Come Along, String Along, Associate With, Go Along, Hang Around With, Hang Out, Keep Company, Shlep Along, Show About, Show Around, Stick To, Tag Along,

Antonyms: Abandon, Desert, Disregard, Ignore, Leave, Lose, Neglect, Withdraw,


Meaning: An associate in wrong-doing.

Synonyms: Abettor, Accessory, Aid, Aide, Ally, Assistant, Associate, Collaborator, Colleague, Confederate, Conspirator, Insider, Partner, Plant, Stall,

Antonyms: Adversary, Antagonist, Enemy, Opponent,


Meaning: To bring to pass.

Synonyms: Abandon, Begin, Commence, Destroy, Fail, Forfeit, Halt, Introduce, Leave, Lose, Miss, Neglect, Nullify, Relinquish, Start, Stop, Give Up, Not Finish,


Meaning: A portable free-reed musical instrument.

Synonyms: Concertina, Melodeon, Stomach Steinway,


Meaning: To speak to.

Synonyms: Address, Annoy, Bother, Brace, Buttonhole, Call, Challenge, Confront, Cross, Dare, Entice, Face, Flag, Greet, Hail, Salute, Welcome, Proposition,

Antonyms: Aid, Avoid, Dodge, Evade, Help, Ignore, Refrain, Scorn, Shun, Slight, Turn Away,


Meaning: A record or statement of receipts and expenditures, or of business transactions.

Synonyms: Annal, Bulletin, Chronicle, Detail, Explanation, History, Make, Narration, Narrative, Recital, Report, Score, Story, Tab, Take, Tale, Version, Lowdown, Blow By Blow, Play By Play, The Picture, The Whole Picture,


Meaning: To dress.

Synonyms: Accoutre, Array, Attire, Clothe, Equip, Fit, Gear, Outfit, Rig, Supply, Turn Out,

Antonyms: Unclothe,


Meaning: To give credit or authority to.

Synonyms: Ascribe, Assign, Charge, Credit, Refer,

Antonyms: Deny, Disapprove, Reject,


Meaning: To become greater in quantity or number.

Synonyms: Accrue, Acquire, Agglomerate, Aggregate, Amalgamate, Assemble, Cache, Collect, Collocate, Compile, Concentrate, Cumulate, Expand, Gain, Gather, Grow, Heap, Hoard, Incorporate, Increase, Lump, Mass, Pile, Stockpile, Store, Swell, Unite, Procure, Add To, Profit, Round Up, Pile Up, Bring Together, Clean Up,

Antonyms: Contract, Decrease, Diminish, Disperse, Dissipate, Divide, Dwindle, Forfeit, Lessen, Lose, Scatter, Separate, Shrink, Spend, Squander, Waste,


Meaning: Exactness.

Synonyms: Accurateness, Carefulness, Certainty, Closeness, Definiteness, Definitiveness, Efficiency, Exactitude, Exactness, Incisiveness, Mastery, Preciseness, Sharpness, Skill, Strictness, Sureness, Truthfulness, Veracity, Verity, Meticulousness, Skillfulness, Faultlessness, Definitude,

Antonyms: Falsehood, Inability, Inaccuracy, Mistake, Erroneousness,


Meaning: Conforming exactly to truth or to a standard.

Synonyms: adil, Authentic, Careful, Close, Concrete, Correct, Definite, Deft, Detailed, Discriminating, Distinct, Exact, Explicit, Factual, Faithful, Genuine, Judicious, Just, Literal, Methodical, Meticulous, Particular, Regular, Right, Rigid, Rigorous, Scientific, Scrupulous, Severe, Sharp, Skillful, Solid, Specific, Strict, Systematic, Unerring, Proper, Punctual, Punctilious,

Antonyms: Careless, Counterfeit, Doubtful, Erroneous, False, Faulty, General, Imprecise, Improper, Inaccurate, Incorrect, Indefinite, Inexact, Lax, Lenient, Misleading, Mistaken, Questionable, Uncertain, Unreal, Unreliable, Unsuitable, Untrustworthy, Untruthful, Vague, Wrong, Uncareful,


Meaning: Doomed to evil, misery, or misfortune.

Synonyms: Bedeviled, Condemned, Damned, Doomed, Hexed, Unfortunate, Done For,


Meaning: A charge of crime, misdemeanor, or error.

Synonyms: Allegation, Arraignment, Attribution, Beef, Blast, Censure, Citation, Complaint, Denunciation, Dido, Gripe, Impeachment, Imputation, Incrimination, Indictment, Insinuation, Recrimination, Roar, Rumble, Slur, Squawk, Stink, Bum Rap,

Antonyms: Approval, Commendation, Compliment, Exculpation, Flattery, Praise,


Meaning: Of, pertaining to, or involving an accusation.

Synonyms: Accusing, Denunciatory,


Meaning: To make familiar by use.

Synonyms: Acclimatize, Acculturate, Acquaint, Adapt, Familiarize, Habituate, Season,

Acerbity Sourness

Meaning: with bitterness and astringency.

Synonyms: Acidity, Asperity, Astringency, Mordancy, Sourness, Tartness,

Antonyms: Kindness, Mellowness, Mildness, Sweetness,


Meaning: A salt of acetic acid.


Meaning: Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of vinegar.

Synonyms: Acid, Biting, Sour,


Meaning: To be in pain or distress.

Synonyms: Anguish, Hurt, Misery, Pang, Pounding, Smarting, Soreness, Spasm, Suffering, Throb, Throbbing, Throe, Twinge,

Antonyms: Comfort, Ease, Happiness, Health, Joy, Relief,


Meaning: Invulnerable.


Meaning: Colorless,

Synonyms: Colorless, Diatonic, Neutral,


Meaning: A sour substance.

Synonyms: Acerbic, Acidulous, Biting, Piquant, Sharp, Tart, Vinegary, Pungent, Vinegarish,

Antonyms: Basic, Bland, Dull, Kind, Mild, Nice, Sweet,


Meaning: To change into acid.

Synonyms: Acerbate, Acidulate, Clabber, Clot, Coagulate, Condense, Congeal, Curd, Ferment, Spoil, Thicken, Turn, Go Off, Turn Sour,

Antonyms: Calm, Cool, Dampen, Discourage, Dull, Freeze, Pacify, Stop, Tranquilize, Be Happy,


Meaning: To recognize; to admit the genuineness or validity of.

Synonyms: Accede, Accept, Acquiesce, Agree, Allow, Approve, Certify, Defend, Endorse, Grant, Own, Ratify, Recognize, Support, Uphold, Yield, Attest To, Defer To, Subscribe To, Take An Oath,

Antonyms: Abjure, Condemn, Contradict, Decline, Deny, Disagree, Disallow, Disapprove, Disavow, Dispute, Disregard, Forswear, Ignore, Invalidate, Oppose, Refuse, Reject, Renounce, Repudiate, Veto, Protest,


Meaning: Recognition.


Meaning: The highest point, or summit.

Synonyms: Apogee, Capstone, Climax, Culmination, Height, Meridian, Optimum, Peak, Summit, Top, Ultimate, Vertex, Zenith, High Point, Highest Point,

Antonyms: Base, Bottom, Nadir,


Meaning: Pertaining to the act or sense of hearing.

Synonyms: Audile, Audio, Auditory, Aural, Hearing, Phonic,


Meaning: To make familiar or conversant.

Synonyms: Accustom, Advise, Apprise, Clue, Disclose, Divulge, Enlighten, Familiarize, Habituate, Inform, Intro, Introduce, Notify, Post, Reveal, Tell, Warn, Bring Out, Present, Fix Up, Come Out With, Get Together, Let Know, Fill In, Knock Down, Make Familiar,

Antonyms: Conceal, Deceive, Delude, Falsify, Hide, Mislead, Misrepresent, Secrete, Suppress, Withhold, Hold Back,


Meaning: To comply; submit.

Synonyms: Accede, Accept, Accommodate, Adapt, Adjust, Agree, Allow, Approve, Buy, Comply, Concur, Conform, Consent, Ditto, Jibe, Okay, Pass, Reconcile, Set, Submit, Subscribe, Yes, Yield, Give In, Come Across, Cry Uncle, Play Ball, Cave In, Go Along, Come Around, Cut A Deal, Give Out, Shake On, Say Uncle, Bow To,

Antonyms: Decline, Deny, Differ, Disagree, Disallow, Disapprove, Disarrange, Disorder, Dispute, Dissent, Dissuade, Hinder, Object, Oppose, Refuse, Reject, Resist, Unfit, Veto, Prevent, Protest, Unsuit,


Meaning: Passive consent.

Synonyms: Accede, Accept, Accommodate, Adapt, Adjust, Agree, Allow, Approve, Buy, Comply, Concur, Conform, Consent, Ditto, Jibe, Okay, Pass, Reconcile, Set, Submit, Subscribe, Yes, Yield, Give In, Come Across, Cry Uncle, Play Ball, Cave In, Go Along, Come Around, Cut A Deal, Give Out, Shake On, Say Uncle, Bow To,

Antonyms: Decline, Deny, Differ, Disagree, Disallow, Disapprove, Disarrange, Disorder, Dispute, Dissent, Dissuade, Hinder, Object, Oppose, Refuse, Reject, Resist, Unfit, Veto, Prevent, Protest, Unsuit,


Meaning: To get as one's own.

Synonyms: Access, Achieve, Amass, Annex, Attain, Buy, Catch, Collect, Cop, Corral, Earn, Gain, Gather, Get, Grab, Have, Hustle, Land, Secure, Snag, Take, Wangle, Win, Promote, Pick Up, Procure, Get Hands On, Get Hold Of, Lock Up, Take Possession Of, Bring In, Latch Onto,

Antonyms: Disperse, Divide, Fail, Forfeit, Forgo, Give, Lose, Miss, Misunderstand, Pass, Release, Relinquish, Scatter, Spend, Surrender, Yield, Give Up, Let Go, Throw Away,


Meaning: Anything gained, or made one's own, usually by effort or labor.

Synonyms: Accretion, Achievement, Acquirement, Acquiring, Addition, Attainment, Buy, Gain, Gaining, Learning, Obtainment, Possession, Recovery, Redemption, Retrieval, Salvage, Winning, Prize, Procurement, Property, Purchase, Pursuit, Procuring, Procuration,

Antonyms: Dearth, Failure, Forfeit, Lack, Loss, Need, Surrender, Want,


Meaning: To free or clear, as from accusation.

Synonyms: Absolve, Clear, Deliver, Discharge, Exculpate, Excuse, Exonerate, Free, Liberate, Release, Relieve, Vindicate, Whitewash, Let Go, Let Off, Blink At, Let Off The Hook, Disculpate, Wipe Off,

Antonyms: Accuse, Blame, Censure, Charge, Condemn, Convict, Damn, Denounce, Doom, Hold, Incarcerate, Incriminate, Keep, Limit, Restrain, Sentence, Punish,


Meaning: A discharge from accusation by judicial action.

Synonyms: Absolution, Amnesty, Clearance, Deliverance, Discharge, Discharging, Dismissal, Dismissing, Exculpation, Exemption, Exoneration, Freeing, Liberation, Pardon, Release, Releasing, Reprieve, Vindication, Acquitting, Letting Off, Relief From,

Antonyms: Blame, Censure, Conviction, Denunciation, Doom, Employment, Hiring, Hold, Retention, Sentence,


Meaning: Release or discharge from indebtedness, obligation, or responsibility.

Synonyms: Acquittal, Adherence, Awareness, Celebration, Cognizance, Compliance, Discharge, Fidelity, Heed, Heeding, Honoring, Keeping, Mark, Mind, Note, Notice, Obedience, Observation, Performance, Regard, Remark, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Carrying Out,

Antonyms: Carelessness, Disregard, Heedlessness, Ignorance, Inattention, Indifference, Neglect, Thoughtlessness, Unorthodoxy,


Meaning: Quantity or extent of land, especially of cultivated land.

Synonyms: Expanse, Holding, Parcel, Plot, Property, Real Estate, Back Forty,


Meaning: Harshly pungent or bitter.

Synonyms: Acid, Astringent, Biting, Burning, Caustic, Harsh, Irritating, Sharp, Stinging, Pungent,

Antonyms: Complimentary, Delicious, Kind, Nice, Savory, Sweet,


Meaning: Full of bitterness.

Synonyms: cerbic, Acid, Angry, Astringent, Belligerent, Biting, Bitter, Caustic, Censorious, Churlish, Crabby, Cranky, Cross, Cutting, Indignant, Irascible, Irate, Ireful, Mad, Mordant, Peevish, Petulant, Rancorous, Sarcastic, Sharp, Spiteful, Splenetic, Tart, Testy, Trenchant, Wrathful,

Antonyms: Happy, Helping, Kind, Kindly, Mild, Nice, Peaceable, Pleasant,


Meaning: Sharpness or bitterness of speech or temper.

Synonyms: Acerbity, Animosity, Antipathy, Asperity, Astringency, Belligerence, Bitterness, Churlishness, Crankiness, Harshness, Irascibility, Malevolence, Malice, Mordancy, Peevishness, Rancor, Rudeness, Sarcasm, Spite, Tartness, Unkindness, Virulence, Ill Will,

Antonyms: Benevolence, Civility, Courtesy, Diplomacy, Flattery, Kindness, Like, Liking, Love, Mildness, Politeness, Sweetness, Sympathy, Good Will,


Meaning: Affording cause for instituting an action, as trespass, slanderous words.

Synonyms: Triable, Unjust, Prosecutable,


Meaning: Any reality.

Synonyms: Achievement, Actualization, Attainment, Fact, Materiality, Materialization, Reality, Substance, Substantiality, Truth, Brass Tacks, Real World, Straight Stuff, What It Is,

Antonyms: Failure, Forfeit, Lie,


Meaning: An officer, as of an insurance company, who calculates and states the risks and premiums.

Synonyms: Analyst, Auditor, Bookkeeper, Calculator, Cashier, Clerk, Comptroller, Examiner, Reckoner, Teller, Public Accountant,


Meaning: To move or incite to action.

Synonyms: Activate, Animate, Arouse, Cause, Drive, Energize, Excite, Impel, Incite, Induce, Influence, Inspire, Instigate, Mobilize, Motivate, Move, Quicken, Rouse, Spur, Stimulate, Egg On, Prompt, Propel, Fire Up, Turn On, Work Up, Key Up, Put Up To, Work Into Lather,

Antonyms: Bore, Calm, Check, Deaden, Delay, Depress, Discourage, Dissuade, Dull, Halt, Hinder, Impede, Lull, Quiet, Repress, Retard, Slow, Stop, Weaken, Prevent,


Meaning: Quickness of intellectual insight, or discernment; keenness of discrimination.

Synonyms: Acuity, Acuteness, Astuteness, Awareness, Brains, Brilliance, Cleverness, Comprehension, Cunning, Discernment, Discrimination, Farsightedness, Grasp, Guile, Ingenuity, Insight, Intellect, Intelligence, Intuition, Judgment, Keenness, Perception, Percipience, Perspicacity, Perspicuity, Refinement, Sagacity, Sensitivity, Sharpness, Shrewdness, Smartness, Smarts, Understanding, Vision, Wisdom, Wit, Good Taste,

Antonyms: Denseness, Ignorance, Inability, Ineptness, Insensitivity, Misinterpretation, Mistake, Misunderstanding, Obtuseness, Stupidity,


Meaning: Having fine and penetrating discernment.

Synonyms: Astute, Canny, Clever, Discerning, Discriminating, Incisive, Ingenious, Insightful, Intense, Intuitive, Judicious, Keen, Observant, Penetrating, Perspicacious, Piercing, Sensitive, Sharp, Smart, Subtle,

Antonyms: Blunt, Calm, Dense, Dull, Forthright, Honest, Ignorant, Imperceptive, Insensitive, Mild, Moderate, Obtuse, Slow, Stupid, Unimportant, Not Serious,


Meaning: Any substance of exceeding hardness or impenetrability.

Synonyms: Determined, Firm, Fixed, Immovable, Inexorable, Inflexible, Insistent, Intransigent, Obdurate, Pat, Relentless, Resolute, Rigid, Set, Stiff, Stubborn, Unbending, Uncompromising, Unrelenting, Unshakable, Unbendable, Hanging Tough, Set In Stone, Standing Pat,

Antonyms: Flexible, Indefinite, Irresolute, Lenient, Movable, Moving, Pliant, Soft, Submissive, Supple, Unfixed, Weak, Willing, Yielding,

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