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Meaning: Something added, or to be added.

Synonyms: Addition, Adjunct, Appendage, Appendix, Attachment, Augmentation, Codicil, Extension, Extra, Postscript, Rider, Supplement,

Antonyms: Decrease, Lessening, Reduction, Subtraction,


Meaning: To make inefficient or worthless; muddle.

Synonyms: Baffle, Befuddle, Bewilder, Confound, Discombobulate, Disconcert, Fuddle, Muddle, Muddy, Mystify, Perplex, Mix Up, Puzzle,

Antonyms: Clarify, Enlighten, Explain, Explicate, Clear Up,


Meaning: To bring forward or name for consideration.

Synonyms: Cite, Illustrate, Show, Point Out, Prove,

Antonyms: Hide,


Meaning: To stick fast or together.

Synonyms: Comply, Follow, Heed, Keep, Maintain, Mind, Obey, Observe, Practice, Respect, Support, Abide By, Stand By, Be Attached, Be Constant, Be Devoted, Be Devoted To, Be Faithful, Be Loyal, Be True, Cleave To,

Antonyms: Condemn, Disjoin, Disobey, Disregard, Forget, Ignore, Loose, Loosen, Neglect, Overlook, Release, Scorn, Separate, Unfasten, Let Go, Not Conform,


Meaning: Attachment.

Synonyms: Attachment, Cohesion, Constancy, Faithfulness, Fidelity, Loyalty, Obedience,

Antonyms: Disloyalty, Inconstancy, Unsteadiness,


Meaning: Clinging or sticking fast.

Synonyms: Advocate, Aficionado, Backer, Believer, Devotee, Disciple, Enthusiast, Fan,

Antonyms: Antagonist,


Meaning: The state of being attached or joined.

Synonyms: Adherence, Adhesiveness, Attachment, Bond, Cling, Grip, Stickiness, Sticking,

Adieu inter

Meaning: Good-by; farewell.

Synonyms: Adios, Farewell, Goodbye, Parting, Valediction, So Long,

Antonyms: Greeting, Hello,


Meaning: The state of being adjacent.

Synonyms: Area, Block, Closeness, Confines, Contiguity, District, Environs, Ghetto, Hood, Jungle, Locale, Locality, Nearness, Parish, Part, Precinct, Quarter, Region, Section, Slum, Street, Suburb, Territory, Tract, Turf, Vicinage, Vicinity, Ward, Zone, Zoo, Purlieus, Propinquity, Neck Of The Woods, Stomping Ground, Proximity,

Antonyms: Distance, Remoteness, Whole,


Meaning: That which is near or bordering upon.

Synonyms: Adjoining, Alongside, Beside, Bordering, Close, Contiguous, Near, Neighboring, Touching, Next Door, Close By,

Antonyms: Apart, Away, Detached, Disconnected, Distant, Divided, Far, Faraway, Remote, Separate, Nonadjacent,


Meaning: To award or bestow by formal decision.

Synonyms: Adjudicate, Arbitrate, Award, Consider, Decide, Decree, Determine, Rate, Referee, Rule, Settle,


Meaning: Something joined to or connected with another thing, but holding a subordinate place.

Synonyms: Aide, Auxiliary, Helper,


Meaning: A vehement appeal.

Synonyms: Address, Application, Bid, Call, Claim, Demand, Entreaty, Imploration, Importunity, Invocation, Overture, Petition, Plea, Prayer, Question, Recourse, Requisition, Solicitation, Submission, Suit, Supplication, Proposal, Proposition,

Antonyms: Answer, Denial, Disavowal, Disclaimer, Refusal, Reply, Retraction, Revocation, Ugliness,


Meaning: Auxiliary.

Synonyms: Aide, Auxiliary, Helper,


Meaning: One who manages affairs of any kind.

Synonyms: Ambassador, Authority, Boss, Bureaucrat, Captain, Ceo, Chair, Chairperson, Chief, Commander, Consul, Controller, Custodian, Dean, Director, Exec, Executive, Governor, Head, Inspector, Judge, Leader, Manager, Mayor, Minister, Officer, Official, Organizer, Overseer, Superintendent, Supervisor, Premier, President, Producer, Head Honcho, Head Person, Front Office, Person Upstairs,

Antonyms: Employee, Follower, Worker,


Meaning: Having the right or privilege of entry.

Synonyms: Acceptable, Allowed, Applicable, Appropriate, Fair, Fitting, Just, Justifiable, Lawful, Legal, Legitimate, Licit, Likely, Logical, Okay, Passable, Permissible, Permitted, Pertinent, Possible, Rational, Reasonable, Relevant, Right, Suitable, Tolerable, Tolerated, Warranted, Worthy, Proper, Probable, Not Impossible, Not Unlikely,

Antonyms: Illegitimate, Inadmissible, Inapplicable, Inappropriate, Irrelevant, Unfair, Unjust, Unsuitable, Wrong,


Meaning: Entrance, or the right or permission to enter.

Synonyms: Access, Entrance, Entry, Ingress, Pass, Passage, Reception, Entr?e,


Meaning: To warn of a fault.

Synonyms: Advise, Berate, Censure, Check, Chide, Counsel, Ding, Enjoin, Exhort, Forewarn, Glue, Growl, Hoist, Notice, Rap, Rebuke, Reprimand, Reprove, Scold, Upbraid, Warn, Give A Going Over, Sit On, Call Down, Speak To, Talk To, Tell Off, Rap On Knuckles, Slap On Wrist, Call On The Carpet, Come Down Hard On, Draw The Line,


Meaning: Gentle reproof.


Meaning: Profound devotion.

Synonyms: Admiration, Amore, Ardor, Attachment, Crush, Devotion, Esteem, Estimation, Exaltation, Glorification, Hankering, Honor, Idolatry, Idolization, Infatuation, Pash, Passion, Reverence, Shine, Veneration, Weakness, Worship, Yen, Worshipping, Puppy Love,

Antonyms: Abhorrence, Condemnation, Debasement, Denunciation, Detestation, Dislike, Disregard, Disrespect, Hate, Hatred, Humiliation, Indifference,


Meaning: Having skill in the use of the bodily or mental powers.

Synonyms: Adept, Apt, Artful, Clean, Clever, Crack, Cunning, Cute, Deft, Dexterous, Expert, Foxy, Good, Handy, Ingenious, Masterful, Neat, Nifty, Nimble, Savvy, Sharp, Skillful, Slick, Smart, Up, Whiz, Wizard, On The Ball, On The Beam, Proficient, Crackerjack, Up To Speed, Quick On The Uptake, Hot Tamale,

Antonyms: Awkward, Clumsy, Dense, Ignorant, Incompetent, Inept, Stupid, Unable, Unhandy, Unskilled, Unskillful,


Meaning: An adulterating substance.

Synonyms: Adulteration, Adulterator, Contamination, Defilement, Impurity, Pollutant, Contaminator,


Meaning: To make impure by the admixture of other or baser ingredients.

Synonyms: Alloy, Amalgamate, Attenuate, Blend, Cheapen, Commingle, Contaminate, Cook, Corrupt, Cut, Defile, Degrade, Denature, Depreciate, Deteriorate, Devalue, Dilute, Dissolve, Doctor, Falsify, Impair, Infiltrate, Intermix, Irrigate, Lace, Mingle, Mix, Plant, Pollute, Shave, Spike, Taint, Thin, Transfuse, Vitiate, Weaken, Phony Up, Water Down, Doctor Up, Make Impure,

Antonyms: Aid, Approve, Assist, Clarify, Clean, Cleanse, Concentrate, Distill, Divide, Filter, Free, Help, Honor, Improve, Increase, Raise, Refine, Separate, Strengthen, Thicken, Upgrade, Purify, Unmix,


Meaning: To represent beforehand in outline or by emblem.

Synonyms: Augur, Bode, Cloud, Darken, Foretell, Indicate, Intimate, Mist, Obfuscate, Obscure, Outline, Portend, Sketch, Suggest,

Antonyms: Illuminate,


Meaning: The coming or arrival, as of any important change, event, state, or personage.

Synonyms: Appearance, Approach, Arrival, Coming, Entrance, Occurrence, Onset, Visitation,

Antonyms: Departure, End, Leaving,


Meaning: Opposing or opposed.

Synonyms: Conflicting, Contrary, Detrimental, Disadvantageous, Inimical, Injurious, Inopportune, Negative, Opposed, Opposing, Opposite, Oppugning, Ornery, Reluctant, Repugnant, Stuffy, Unfortunate, Unfriendly, Unlucky, Unwilling, Unpropitious, Allergic To, Down On, Down Side,

Antonyms: Advantageous, Aiding, Assisting, Auspicious, Beneficial, Favorable, Fortunate, Friendly, Good, Helpful, Kind, Lucky, Nice, Propitious,


Meaning: Misfortune.

Synonyms: Affliction, Bummer, Calamity, Catastrophe, Clutch, Contretemps, Crunch, Difficulty, Disaster, Distress, Drag, Hardship, Hurting, Jam, Jinx, Misery, Misfortune, Mishap, Poison, Reverse, Sorrow, Suffering, Trial, Trouble, Pain In The Neck, Evil Eye, Bad Break, Tough Luck, Hard Times, The Worst, Hard Knocks, Kiss Of Death, Ill Fortune,

Antonyms: Advantage, Aid, Assistance, Benefit, Blessing, Boon, Comfort, Contentment, Ease, Encouragement, Favor, Fortune, Happiness, Health, Help, Joy, Miracle, Peace, Pleasure, Success, Wonder, Prosperity, Good Fortune, Good Luck, Profit,


Meaning: To refer incidentally.

Synonyms: Attend, Consider, Notice, Observe,

Antonyms: Disregard, Forget, Ignore, Miss, Neglect, Overlook,


Meaning: One who advertises, especially in newspapers.

Synonyms: Advocate, Ancestor, Announcer, Author, Envoy, Foregoer, Harbinger, Initiator, Originator, Pioneer, Precursor, Progenitor, Prognostic, Prototype,

Antonyms: Result,


Meaning: Not mandatory.

Synonyms: Advising, Avuncular, Consultative, Counseling, Helping, Recommending, Consultive,


Meaning: The act of pleading a cause.

Synonyms: Advancement, Aid, Assistance, Backing, Championing, Defense, Encouragement, Justification, Recommendation, Upholding, Proposal, Promotion, Promulgation, Propagation, Campaigning For, Pleading For,

Antonyms: Attack, Discouragement, Opposition, Stop, Stoppage, Protest,


Meaning: One who pleads the cause of another, as in a legal or ecclesiastical court.

Synonyms: Apostle, Attorney, Backer, Campaigner, Champion, Counsel, Defender, Exponent, Lawyer, Pleader, Speaker, Spokesperson, Supporter, Upholder, Proponent, Expounder, Promoter, Proposer,

Antonyms: Antagonist, Assailant, Enemy, Opponent, Opposition, Protestor,


Meaning: Of, pertaining to, or like the air.

Synonyms: Aeriform, Aeronautical, Airy, Atmospheric, Ethereal, Flying, Lofty, Pneumatic, Vaporous, Up Above,

Antonyms: Ground,


Meaning: One who navigates the air, a balloonist.

Synonyms: Ace, Eagle, Flier, Jockey, Navigator, Pilot, Hotshot, Barnstormer, Bird Legs,


Meaning: the art or practice of flying aircraft

Synonyms: Aviation, Flight, Flying, Air Transportation,


Meaning: A balloon or other apparatus floating in or sustained by the air.


Meaning: The branch of pneumatics that treats of the equilibrium, pressure, and mechanical properties.


Meaning: Easy to approach.

Synonyms: miable, Amicable, Approachable, Benevolent, Benign, Breezy, Civil, Clubby, Congenial, Cordial, Courteous, Genial, Gentle, Gracious, Kindly, Mild, Nice, Obliging, Pleasant, Polite, Sociable, Urbane, Warm,

Antonyms: Complaining, Disagreeable, Discourteous, Disdainful, Grouchy, Grumbling, Hateful, Impolite, Irritable, Mean, Miserable, Nasty, Reserved, Rude, Surly, Uncivil, Uncivilized, Unfriendly, Unhappy, Unkind, Unmannerly, Unrefined, Unsociable, Unsophisticated,


Meaning: To act upon


Meaning: A studied or ostentatious pretense or attempt.

Synonyms: Air, Airs, Appearance, Artificiality, Facade, Front, Imitation, Insincerity, Mannerism, Pose, Sham, Show, Simulation, Pretension, Pretentiousness, Pretense, False Front, Showing Off, Going Hollywood, Putting On Airs,

Antonyms: Honesty, Naturalness, Personality, Reality, Simplicity, Truth,


Meaning: Some auxiliary person or thing.

Synonyms: Associate, Branch, Offshoot, Partner, Sibling, Affil,

Antonyms: Detach, Disconnect, Disjoin, Dissociate, Divide, Part, Separate, Stay Away,


Meaning: Answering yes; to a question at issue.

Synonyms: Acknowledging, Acquiescent, Affirmatory, Affirming, Approving, Complying, Concurring, Confirmative, Confirmatory, Confirming, Consenting, Corroborative, Endorsing, Favorable, Positive, Ratifying, Supporting,

Antonyms: Dissenting, Negative,


Meaning: To fasten.

Synonyms: Add, Annex, Append, Bind, Fasten, Glue, Join, Paste, Rivet, Subjoin, Tack, Tag, Hitch On, Tack On, Put On, Slap On, Tag On,

Antonyms: Detach, Loosen, Unfasten, Withdraw, Let Go,


Meaning: A profuse or abundant supply of riches.

Synonyms: Abundance, Fortune, Luxury, Opulence, Plenty, Riches, Wealthiness, Prosperity,


Meaning: An open insult or indignity.

Synonyms: Abuse, Brickbat, Indignity, Injury, Offense, Outrage, Slap, Slight, Slur, Vexation, Wrong, Provocation, Backhanded Compliment, Slap In The Face, Dirty Deed,

Antonyms: Aid, Appeasement, Compliment, Flattery, Happiness, Help, Kindness, Pleasantry, Praise, Respect, Right,


Meaning: On fire, literally or figuratively.

Synonyms: Aflame, Burning,


Meaning: In progress.

Synonyms: Hiking, Walking, On Foot,

Antonyms: Completed, Ended, Finished,


Meaning: Said in a preceding part or before.

Synonyms: Preceding, Previous, Mentioned Earlier, Spoken Of Earlier,


Meaning: Once more, after rest or interval.

Synonyms: Again, Anew, Lately, Newly, Over, Recently, Once More, Of Late, De Novo, Once Again, Over Again,


Meaning: A thought that comes later than its appropriate or expected time.

Synonyms: Reconsideration, Review,

Antonyms: Forethought,


Meaning: To pile or heap together.

Synonyms: Aggregate, Cluster, Collection, Lump, Mass, Pile,

Antonyms: ndividual, One,


Meaning: To cause to appear greatly.

Synonyms: Acclaim, Applaud, Augment, Boost, Commend, Dignify, Distinguish, Enlarge, Ennoble, Expand, Extend, Glorify, Heighten, Hike, Honor, Hype, Increase, Intensify, Jump, Magnify, Multiply, Parlay, Praise, Hike Up, Beef Up,

Antonyms: Abridge, Belittle, Censure, Condemn, Condense, Contract, Criticize, Curtail, Debase, Decrease, Degrade, Denounce, Depress, Diminish, Disapprove, Disgrace, Dishonor, Humble, Humiliate, Keep, Lessen, Lower, Reduce, Reproach, Shame, Shorten, Shrink, Weaken,


Meaning: To make heavier, worse, or more burdensome.

Sentence: His remarks really aggravate me.

Synonyms: Bother, Bug, Bum, Dog, Exasperate, Gall, Get, Grate, Hack, Irk, Irritate, Nag, Needle, Nettle, Peeve, Pester, Pique, Tease, Vex, Wig, Provoke, Get To, Be At, Be On The Back Of, Give A Hard Time, Pick On, Drive Up The Wall,

Antonyms: Aid, Alleviate, Appease, Calm, Delight, Gladden, Help, Improve, Mollify, Please, Relieve, Soften, Soothe, Make Happy,


Meaning: The fact of being made heavier or more heinous, as a crime , offense, misfortune, etc.

Synonyms: Affliction, Aggro, Bother, Botheration, Difficulty, Distress, Exasperation, Headache, Irksomeness, Irritation, Pain, Teasing, Vexation, Worry, Provocation, Pain In The Neck, Pet Peeve,

Antonyms: Aid, Calmness, Comfort, Ease, Happiness, Health, Help, Pleasure,


Meaning: The entire number, sum, mass, or quantity of something.

Synonyms: Accumulated, Added, Amassed, Assembled, Collected, Collective, Combined, Composite, Corporate, Cumulative, Heaped, Mixed, Piled, Total,

Antonyms: Individual, Part, Particular, Uncombined,


Meaning: To make the first attack.

Synonyms: Assail, Assault, Beset, Charge, Fight, Quarrel, Storm, Strike, Go At, Lunge At,

Antonyms: Agree, Make Peace,


Meaning: An unprovoked attack.

Synonyms: Assailment, Assault, Blitz, Blitzkrieg, Encroachment, Injury, Invasion, Offense, Offensive, Onset, Onslaught, Raid, Push,


Meaning: To give grief or sorrow to.

Synonyms: Abuse, Afflict, Oppress,

Antonyms: Help,


Meaning: Struck with terror and amazement.

Synonyms: Afraid, Agape, Agog, Alarmed, Amazed, Anxious, Appalled, Astonished, Astounded, Awestruck, Confounded, Dismayed, Dumbfounded, Frightened, Overwhelmed, Shocked, Startled, Stunned, Terrified, Thunderstruck,

Antonyms: Unsurprised,


Meaning: agile adj. Able to move or act quickly, physically, or mentally.

Synonyms: Active, Acute, Alert, Athletic, Brisk, Buoyant, Bustling, Clever, Dexterous, Energetic, Fleet, Frisky, Limber, Lithe, Lively, Mercurial, Quick, Rapid, Ready, Sharp, Spirited, Sportive, Sprightly, Spry, Stirring, Supple, Swift, Vigorous, Vivacious, Winged, Zippy, Prompt, Quick On The Draw,

Antonyms: Apathetic, Brittle, Clumsy, Depressed, Dispirited, Down, Dull, Ignorant, Inactive, Lazy, Lethargic, Lifeless, Rigid, Slow, Sluggish, Stiff, Stupid,


Meaning: To move or excite (the feelings or thoughts).

Synonyms: Beat, Churn, Concuss, Convulse, Disturb, Rock, Rouse, Stir, Toss,

Antonyms: Calm, Lull, Quiet, Soothe, Tranquilize, Not Bother,


Meaning: Pertaining to land, especially agricultural land.


Meaning: Slight sickness.

Synonyms: Ache, Bug, Complaint, Condition, Disease, Disorder, Dose, Flu, Illness, Indisposition, Infirmity, Malady, Syndrome,

Antonyms: Health,


Meaning: Delicate, ethereal.

Synonyms: Aerial, Atmospheric, Blowy, Breezy, Drafty, Exposed, Fluttering, Fresh, Gaseous, Gusty, Light, Lofty, Uncluttered, Vaporous, Ventilated, Windy,

Antonyms: Burdensome, Close, Closed, Heavy, Oppressive, Stuffy,


Meaning: Of similar nature or qualities.

Synonyms: Affiliated, Agnate, Alike, Allied, Analogous, Comparable, Connate, Consonant, Corresponding, Incident, Kindred, Like, Parallel, Similar,

Antonyms: Alien, Disconnected, Dissimilar, Unalike, Unconnected, Unlike, Unrelated,


Meaning: A white or delicately tinted fine-grained gypsum.

Synonyms: Alabastrine, Fair, Ivory, Light, Pale, Translucent, White,

Antonyms: Black, Dark,


Meaning: Cheerful willingness.

Synonyms: Alertness, Avidity, Briskness, Cheerfulness, Dispatch, Eagerness, Enthusiasm, Expedition, Fervor, Gaiety, Hilarity, Joyousness, Quickness, Readiness, Speed, Sprightliness, Willingness, Zeal, Promptitude,

Antonyms: Apathy, Aversion, Coolness, Discouragement, Disinclination, Dullness, Indifference, Lethargy, Reluctance, Sadness, Slowing, Slowness, Unwillingness,

Albeit conj

Meaning: Even though.

Synonyms: Admitting, Notwithstanding, Even If, Even Though,


Meaning: A person with milky white skin and hair, and eyes with bright red pupil and usually pink iris.

Synonyms: Bleached, Champagne, Fair, Flaxen, Light, Pale, Pearly, Platinum, Sallow, Snowy, Straw, Strawberry, Auricomous, Towheaded,

Antonyms: Brunet, Brunette,


Meaning: A book whose leaves are so made to form paper frames for holding photographs or the like.

Synonyms: Anthology, Collection, Depository, Index, Memento, Miscellany, Notebook, Portfolio, Register, Registry, Scrapbook, Memory Book,


Meaning: Chemistry of the middle ages, characterized by the pursuit of changing base metals to gold.

Sentence: She found it difficult to find books on alchemy.

Synonyms: Magic, Sorcery, Thaumaturgy, Witchcraft, Wizardry, Black Magic, Black Arts, Pseudo Science,


Meaning: A volatile, inflammable, colorless liquid of a penetrating odor and burning taste.

Synonyms: Booze, Cocktail, Drink, Ethanol, Intoxicant, Liquor, Methanol, Moonshine, Palliative, Sauce, Smoke, Spirits, Tipple, Toddy, Hard Stuff, Hootch, Canned Heat,


Meaning: A condition resulting from the inordinate or persistent use of alcoholic beverages.

Synonyms: ddiction, Crapulence, Dipsomania, Drunkenness, Substance Abuse, Alcohol Addiction, Alcohol Dependence, Problem Drinking, Vinosity,


Meaning: A covered recess connected with or at the side of a larger room.

Synonyms: Anteroom, Bay, Bower, Compartment, Corner, Cubbyhole, Cubicle, Niche, Recess, Study,


Meaning: Any shrub or small tree of the genus Alumnus, of the oak family.


Meaning: A member of a municipal legislative body, who usually exercises also certain judicial functions.


Meaning: An assumed name.


Meaning: One who owes allegiance to a foreign government.

Synonyms: Conflicting, Contrary, Estranged, Exotic, Extraneous, Extrinsic, Inappropriate, Incompatible, Incongruous, Opposed, Remote, Separate, Unusual,

Antonyms: Akin, Appropriate, Familiar, Harmonious, Native, Normal, Usual, Proper,


Meaning: Capable of being aliened or alienated, as lands.


Meaning: To cause to turn away.

Synonyms: Disaffect, Disunite, Divide, Divorce, Estrange, Part, Separate, Wean, Turn Off, Break Off, Turn Away, Come Between, Make Indifferent, Withdraw The Affections Of,

Antonyms: Combine, Disarm, Join, Marry, Unite, Be Friendly,


Meaning: Estrangement.

Synonyms: Breach, Coolness, Disaffection, Diverting, Division, Divorce, Estrangement, Indifference, Remoteness, Rupture, Separation, Variance, Withdrawal, Breaking Off, Setting Against, Turning Away,

Antonyms: Agreement, Charm, Connection, Endearment, Friendliness,


Meaning: That which nourishes.

Synonyms: mestible, Eats, Edible, Esculent, Fare, Foodstuff, Nourishment, Nurture, Nutriment, Nutrition, Pabulum, Sustenance, Victuals, Provender, Provision,

Antonyms: Deprivation, Starvation,


Meaning: Anything that will neutralize an acid, as lime, magnesia, etc.

Sentence: An alkali is a chemical often used in scientific experiments.

Synonyms: Antacid, Salt, Caustic Soda,


Meaning: To calm the violence or reduce the intensity of; mitigate.

Synonyms: Abate, Alleviate, Assuage, Calm, Compose, Decrease, Ease, Lessen, Lighten, Mitigate, Moderate, Mollify, Pacify, Quiet, Square, Make Nice, Pour Oil On, Take The Sting Out, Cool Out, Take The Bite Out,

Antonyms: Aggravate, Agitate, Enlarge, Incite, Increase, Intensify, Irritate, Stir, Upset, Worry, Worsen, Provoke,


Meaning: To assert to be true, especially in a formal manner, as in court.

Synonyms: Adduce, Advance, Affirm, Aver, Avouch, Avow, Charge, Cite, Declare, Depose, Lay, Maintain, Offer, Plead, Recite, Recount, State, Testify, Present, Profess, Put Forward,

Antonyms: Contradict, Deny, Disagree, Dissent, Object, Repudiate, Take, Withdraw, Withhold, Take Back, Protest,


Meaning: The setting forth of a subject under the guise of another subject of aptly suggestive likeness.

Synonyms: Apologue, Emblem, Fable, Figuration, Moral, Myth, Parable, Story, Symbol, Symbolism, Symbolization, Tale, Typification,

Antonyms: Truth,


Meaning: To make less burdensome or less hard to bear.

Synonyms: Allay, Assuage, Ease, Lighten, Mitigate, Mollify, Pacify, Pour Oil On, Take The Edge Off, Take The Sting Out, Take The Bite Out,

Antonyms: Aggravate, Agitate, Depress, Heighten, Incite, Increase, Intensify, Irritate, Magnify, Upset, Worsen,


Meaning: A narrow street, garden path, walk, or the like.

Synonyms: Lane, Passageway, Path, Pathway, Walk, Back Street,


Meaning: Any combination or union for some common purpose.

Synonyms: ccord, Affiliation, Affinity, Betrothal, Bond, Coalition, Coherence, Collaboration, Collusion, Combination, Communion, Compact, Concord, Concurrence, Confederacy, Confederation, Congruity, Conjunction, Connection, Consanguinity, Cooperation, Engagement, Entente, Federation, Friendship, Interrelation, Kinship, League, Marriage, Matrimony, Membership, Mutuality, Pact, Participation, Partnership, Relation, Support, Tie, Treaty, Union, Fraternization,

Antonyms: Antagonism, Detachment, Disagreement, Disconnection, Discord, Disunion, Disunity, Division, Divorce, Estrangement, Hatred, Hostility, Opposition, Rebellion, Separation, War,


Meaning: Portion.

Synonyms: Allocation, Allowance, Apportionment, Appropriation, Bite, Chunk, Cut, End, Grant, Lot, Measure, Part, Piece, Quota, Ration, Share, Slice, Split, Stint, Cut Of Pie, Rake Off,

Antonyms: Whole,


Meaning: To refer incidentally, or by suggestion.

Synonyms: Advert, Imply, Insinuate, Intimate, Point, Refer, Suggest, Bring Up,


Meaning: An indirect and incidental reference to something without definite mention of it.

Synonyms: Charge, Citation, Connotation, Denotation, Implication, Imputation, Indication, Inference, Innuendo, Insinuation, Intimation, Mention, Quotation, Remark, Statement, Suggestion, Figure Of Speech, Incidental Mention,

Antonyms: Reality, Silence,


Meaning: Flood.

Synonyms: Cascade, Cataclysm, Deluge, Downpour, Gush, Inundation, Niagara, Overflow, Torrent,


Meaning: A person or thing connected with another, usually in some relation of helpfulness.

Synonyms: Abate, Alleviate, Assuage, Calm, Compose, Decrease, Ease, Lessen, Lighten, Mitigate, Moderate, Mollify, Pacify, Quiet, Square, Make Nice, Pour Oil On, Take The Sting Out, Cool Out, Take The Bite Out,

Antonyms: Aggravate, Agitate, Enlarge, Incite, Increase, Intensify, Irritate, Stir, Upset, Worry, Worsen, Provoke,


Meaning: . A series of tables giving the days of the week together with certain astronomical information.

Synonyms: Annual, Calendar, Chronicle, Ephemeris, Journal, Record, Register, Registry, Yearbook,


Meaning: Not in sympathy with or desiring to associate with others.

Sentence: The emperor kept himself aloof from the people.

Synonyms: Above, Apart, Casual, Chilly, Cold, Cool, Detached, Distant, Forbidding, Haughty, Incurious, Indifferent, Loner, Reserved, Secluded, Solitary, Supercilious, Unapproachable, Unconcerned, Unfriendly, Uninterested, Unresponsive, Unsociable, Unsympathetic, Uppity, Withdrawn, Laid Back, On Ice, Offish, Stuck Up, Cold Fish, Lone Wolf, Putting On Airs,

Antonyms: Compassionate, Concerned, Friendly, Interested, Kind, Sociable, Sympathetic, Warm,


Meaning: Any raised place or structure on which sacrifices may be offered or incense burned.

Synonyms: Chantry, Font, Shrine, Tabernacle, Reredos, Retable,


Meaning: To make change in.

Synonyms: Adapt, Adjust, Amend, Change, Convert, Cook, Develop, Diversify, Doctor, Metamorphose, Modify, Mutate, Recast, Reconstruct, Reform, Remodel, Renovate, Reshape, Revamp, Revise, Shift, Transform, Transmute, Turn, Vary, Phony Up, Recalibrate, Dial Back, Refashion, Fine Tune, Make Different,

Antonyms: Continue, Destroy, Fix, Hurt, Keep, Maintain, Remain, Retain, Ruin, Stagnate, Stay, Sustain, Preserve, Leave Alone, Let Stand,


Meaning: Change or modification.

Synonyms: Accommodation, Adaptation, Adjustment, Amendment, Conversion, Correction, Difference, Diversification, Exchange, Fixing, Metamorphosis, Modification, Mutation, Reformation, Remodeling, Revision, Shift, Switch, Transformation, Transmutation, Turn, Variance, Variation, Reshaping,

Antonyms: Agreement, Sameness, Stagnation,


Meaning: To contend angrily or zealously in words.

Synonyms: Acervulus, Bandy, Battle, Bicker, Buck, Contend, Cross, Disagree, Dispute, Feud, Hammer, Hash, Hassle, Jump, Pettifog, Quarrel, Quibble, Rehash, Row, Squabble, Wrangle, Sass, Lock Horns, Cross Swords, Bump Heads, Have At It, Knock Around, Face Down, Break With, Gang Up On, Face Off, Go One On One, Hammer Away, Have At Each Other, Jump On, Mix It Up, Pick An Argument, Put Up A Fight, Put Up A Struggle,

Antonyms: Abstain, Agree, Comply, Concur, Harmonize, Ignore, Overlook, Give In, Make Peace, Keep Quiet, Keep Silent,


Meaning: One chosen to act in place of another, in case of the absence or incapacity of that other.

Synonyms: Backup, Double, Equivalent, Replacement, Sub, Surrogate, Proxy,


Meaning: Something that may or must exist, be taken or chosen, or done instead of something else.

Sentence: I left my job after an altercation with my boss.

Synonyms: Another, Different, Second, Substitute, Surrogate, Other Side,

Antonyms: Compulsion, Constraint, Necessity, Obligation, Rejection, Restraint,


Meaning: The lowest or deepest female voice or part.

Synonyms: Bass, Deep, Resonant, Sonorous,


Meaning: Benevolence to others on subordination to self-interest.

Synonyms: Benevolence, Charity, Humanitarianism, Kindness, Magnanimity, Philanthropy, Selflessness, Public Spirit, Social Conscience,

Antonyms: Meanness,


Meaning: One who advocates or practices altruism.

Synonyms: Aid, Angel, Assistant, Backer, Contributor, Fan, Helper, Humanitarian, Mark, Patron, Philanthropist, Sponsor, Subscriber, Subsidizer, Supporter, Protector, Good Samaritan, Santa Claus, Promoter, Fairy Godparent, Grubstaker,

Antonyms: Antagonist, Opponent, Opposer,


Meaning: An alloy or union of mercury with another metal.

Synonyms: Admixture, Alloy, Amalgamation, Composite, Compound, Fusion, Mishmash, Soup,

Antonyms: Division, Separation,


Meaning: To mix or blend together in a homogeneous body.

Synonyms: Admix, Alloy, Ally, Coalesce, Combine, Compound, Consolidate, Fuse, Incorporate, Integrate, Interface, Intermix, Meld, Merge, Mingle, Network, Pool, Unite, Tie Up, Come Together, Hook Up With, Team Up, Join Together,

Antonyms: Disconnect, Disjoin, Divide, Part, Separate,


Meaning: Practicing an art or occupation for the love of it, but not as a profession.

Synonyms: Abecedarian, Apprentice, Aspirant, Beginner, Dabbler, Dilettante, Greenhorn, Ham, Hopeful, Learner, Neophyte, Novice, Recruit, Tenderfoot, Tyro, Probationer, Putterer, Sunday Driver, Bush Leaguer,

Antonyms: Expert, Professional,


Meaning: Designed to excite love.

Synonyms: Admiring, Amorous, Aphrodisiac, Ardent, Attracted, Devoted, Erotic, Fervent, Fond, Languishing, Lovesick, Loving, Passionate, Rapturous, Romantic, Sentimental, Tender, Wooing, Yearning,

Antonyms: Hateful, Unfriendly,


Meaning: Having the ability of using both hands with equal skill or ease.

Sentence: The ambidextrous surgeon worked equally well with both hands.

Synonyms: Deceitful, Deceptive, Disingenuous, Hypocritical,


Meaning: Having a double meaning.

Sentence: The ambiguous account confused the judge.

Synonyms: Aafa, Aggressive, Anxious, Ardent, Aspiring, Avid, Climbing, Designing, Desirous, Determined, Driving, Eager, Earnest, Energetic, Enterprising, Enthusiastic, Hopeful, Hungry, Industrious, Inspired, Intent, Longing, Resourceful, Sharp, Soaring, Striving, Thirsty, Vaulting, Zealous, Purposeful, Pushy, Pushing, Come On, Eager Beaver, Ball Of Fire, Bent Upon, Come On Strong, Hard Ball,

Antonyms: Content, Easy, Facile, Fulfilled, Lethargic, Satisfied, Unassuming, Unenthusiastic,


Meaning: Eagerly desirous and aspiring.

Synonyms: Aafa, Aggressive, Anxious, Ardent, Aspiring, Avid, Climbing, Designing, Desirous, Determined, Driving, Eager, Earnest, Energetic, Enterprising, Enthusiastic, Hopeful, Hungry, Industrious, Inspired, Intent, Longing, Resourceful, Sharp, Soaring, Striving, Thirsty, Vaulting, Zealous, Purposeful, Pushy, Pushing, Come On, Eager Beaver, Ball Of Fire, Bent Upon, Come On Strong, Hard Ball,

Antonyms: Content, Easy, Facile, Fulfilled, Lethargic, Satisfied, Unassuming, Unenthusiastic,


Meaning: Divinely sweet, fragrant, or delicious.

Synonyms: Delicate, Fragrant, Heavenly, Luscious,


Meaning: A vehicle fitted for conveying the sick and wounded.

Synonyms: Ems, Rescue, Transport, Hospital Wagon,


Meaning: To walk about

Synonyms: Amble, Foot, Pace, Perambulate, Step, Walk, Traipse, Foot It,

Antonyms: Run,


Meaning: The act or state of lying concealed for the purpose of surprising or attacking the enemy.

Synonyms: Ambuscade, Ambushment, Camouflage, Concealment, Deception, Hiding, Lurking, Pitfall, Shelter, Trap, Trick, Waiting, Waylaying, Hiding Place,

Antonyms: Frankness, Honesty,


Meaning: To relieve, as from pain or hardship

Synonyms: Alleviate, Amend, Help, Improve, Lighten, Meliorate, Mitigate, Relieve, Upgrade, Step Up,

Antonyms: Aggravate, Decrease, Harm, Hurt, Increase, Injure, Intensify, Worsen,


Meaning: Willing and ready to submit.

Synonyms: Acquiescent, Agreeable, Biddable, Docile, Influenceable, Manageable, Obedient, Open, Pliable, Responsive, Susceptible, Tractable, Persuadable,

Antonyms: Intractable, Irresponsible, Nonconforming, Unaccountable, Unanswerable, Uncooperative, Unwilling, Unsusceptible, Not Responsible,


Meaning: A peculiar sense in which an English word or phrase is used in the United States.


Meaning: Done in a friendly spirit.

Synonyms: Accordant, Agreeing, Amiable, Civil, Clubby, Concordant, Cordial, Courteous, Cozy, Harmonious, Kind, Kindly, Mellow, Pacific, Peaceable, Peaceful, Polite, Regular, Sociable, Sympathetic, Understanding, Neighborly, Right Nice, Square Shooting,

Antonyms: Disagreeable, Hostile, Impolite, Rude, Uncivil, Unfriendly, Unmannerly, Unrefined, Unsociable,


Meaning: Having a propensity for falling in love.

Synonyms: Amative, Amatory, Aphrodisiac, Ardent, Attached, Enamored, Erotic, Fond, Horny, Hot, Impassioned, Infatuated, Lovesick, Lustful, Passionate, Romantic, Sexy, Tender, Turned On, In Love, Have A Crush On, Boy Crazy, Girl Crazy, Lovey Dovey, Sweet For, Sweet On,

Antonyms: Cold, Cool, Frigid, Hateful, Indifferent, Unfriendly,


Meaning: Without determinate shape.

Synonyms: Baggy, Characterless, Formless, Inchoate, Indeterminate, Irregular, Nebulous, Nondescript, Shapeless, Unformed, Unshaped, Vague, Blobby,

Antonyms: Definite, Distinct, Distinctive, Shaped, Shapely,


Meaning: A love-affair, especially one of an illicit nature.

Synonyms: Affair, Entanglement, Liaison, Love, Passion, Relationship, Love Affair,

Antonyms: Dislike, Hate, Hatred,


Meaning: The practical unit of electric-current strength.


Meaning: The character &; and.


Meaning: Living both on land and in water.


Meaning: An edifice of elliptical shape, constructed about a central open space or arena.

Synonyms: Auditorium, Coliseum, Grandstand, Oval, Stadium,


Meaning: Largeness.

Synonyms: Breadth, Extent, Magnitude, Mass, Size, Volume, Width,

Antonyms: Incompleteness, Insignificance, Littleness, Smallness, Unimportance, Tininess,


Meaning: Sufficiently.

Synonyms: Abundantly, Acceptably, Adequately, Appropriately, Bountifully, Capaciously, Completely, Copiously, Enough, Extensively, Fittingly, Generously, Greatly, Lavishly, Liberally, Plenteously, Plentifully, Richly, Rightly, Satisfactorily, Substantially, Suitably, Thoroughly, Well, Profusely, Properly,

Antonyms: Illiberal, Inadequately, Insufficiently,


Meaning: To remove by cutting, as a limb or some portion of the body.

Synonyms: Dismember, Eliminate, Excise, Lop, Separate, Sever, Truncate, Cut Off, Cut Away,

Antonyms: Join,


Meaning: Diversion.

Synonyms: Action, Ball, Beguilement, Cheer, Delight, Diversion, Enjoyment, Entertainment, Fun, Gladdening, Gratification, Grins, Hilarity, Laughs, Laughter, Merriment, Mirth, Picnic, Play, Pleasing, Pleasure, Regalement, Whoopee, Hoopla, High Time, Field Day, Merry Go Round,


Meaning: Anything occurring or existing out of its proper time.

Synonyms: Misdate, Misplacement, Postdate, Solecism, Prolepsis, Chronological Error, Metachronism,


Meaning: The letters of a word or phrase so transposed as to make a different word or phrase.

Synonyms: Cipher, Game, Logograph,


Meaning: Corresponding (to some other) in certain respects, as in form, proportion, relations.

Synonyms: Akin, Alike, Comparable, Consonant, Convertible, Correspondent, Corresponding, Equivalent, Homologous, Interchangeable, Kindred, Like, Parallel, Related, Resembling, Undifferentiated, Uniform,

Antonyms: Alien, Disagreeing, Disconnected, Disparate, Dissimilar, Unalike, Unlike, Unrelated,


Meaning: Reasoning in which from certain and known relations or resemblance others are formed.

Sentence: Our teacher explained the heart, using the analogy of a pump.

Synonyms: Affinity, Comparison, Correlation, Correspondence, Equivalence, Homology, Likeness, Metaphor, Parallel, Relation, Relationship, Resemblance, Semblance, Simile, Similitude, Alikeness,

Antonyms: Difference, Disagreement, Dissimilarity, Unlikeness,


Meaning: One who analyzes or makes use of the analytical method.

Synonyms: Accountant, Examiner, Guru, Inquisitor, Investigator, Questioner, Shrink, Therapist, Psychiatrist, Couch Doctor,


Meaning: To examine minutely or critically.

Synonyms: Assay, Confab, Consider, Estimate, Evaluate, Figure, Hash, Inspect, Interpret, Investigate, Judge, Rehash, Resolve, Scrutinize, Study, Test, Spell Out, Talk Game, Figure Out, Chew Over, Sort Out, Think Through, Beat A Dead Horse,

Antonyms: Assemble, Combine, Forget, Ignore, Neglect, Synthesize,


Meaning: Absence or utter disregard of government.

Synonyms: Chaos, Confusion, Disorder, Disorganization, Disregard, Hostility, Misrule, Nihilism, Rebellion, Revolution, Riot, Turmoil, Unrest, Mob Rule, Reign Of Terror, Nongovernment,

Antonyms: Calm, Harmony, Lawfulness, Method, Order, Organization, Peace, Rule, System,


Meaning: Anything forbidden, as by social usage.

Synonyms: Abomination, Bane, Bugbear, Detestation, Enemy, Hate, Pariah,

Antonyms: Love,


Meaning: That branch of morphology which treats of the structure of organisms.

Synonyms: Analysis, Biology, Cytology, Diagnosis, Dissection, Division, Embryology, Etiology, Examination, Genetics, Histology, Inquiry, Investigation, Medicine, Morphology, Physiology, Zoology,

Antonyms: Connection,


Meaning: One's ancestors collectively.

Synonyms: Ancestor, Antecedent, Antecessor, Blood, Breed, Breeding, Derivation, Descent, Extraction, Forebear, Forefather, Foregoer, Forerunner, Genealogy, Heritage, House, Kindred, Line, Lineage, Origin, Parentage, Pedigree, Precursor, Race, Source, Stock, Progenitor, Primogenitor, Foremother,

Antonyms: Effect, End, Result,


Meaning: A brief account of some interesting event or incident.

Synonyms: Chestnut, Episode, Gag, Incident, Narration, Narrative, Recital, Relation, Reminiscence, Sketch, Tale, Yarn, Short Story, Fish Story, Tall Story, Tall Tale, Fairy Tale, Old Chestnut,


Meaning: Affected with anemia.

Synonyms: Bloodless, Feeble, Frail, Infirm, Pallid, Sickly, Wan, Watery,

Antonyms: Flushed, Healthy, Hearty, Strong,


Meaning: An instrument for measuring the force or velocity of wind.

Synonyms: Barometer,


Meaning: Pertaining to or producing loss of sensation.

Synonyms: Analgesic, Anodyne, Dope, Gas, Hypnosis, Inhalant, Opiate, Shot, Soporific, Spinal, General Anesthetic, Local Anesthetic,

Antonyms: Stimulant, Analeptic,


Meaning: Once more.

Synonyms: Afresh, Lately, New, Newly, Over, Recently, Come Again, Once More, One More Time, De Novo, Once Again, Over Again, Another Time, From Scratch, From The Beginning, In A Different Way, In A New Way,


Meaning: Saintly.

Synonyms: Adorable, Archangelic, Beatific, Beneficent, Celestial, Cherubic, Devout, Divine, Entrancing, Ethereal, Godly, Good, Heavenly, Holy, Humble, Innocent, Lovely, Radiant, Rapturous, Righteous, Saintly, Seraphic, Virtuous, Pure, Otherworldly,

Antonyms: Bad, Demonic, Devilish, Earthly, Fiendish, Hellish, Sinful, Unkind, Wicked,


Meaning: Hatred or dread of England or of what is English.


Meaning: Sharp-cornered.

Synonyms: Akimbo, Bifurcate, Cornered, Crooked, Crossing, Forked, Intersecting, Jagged, Oblique, Skewed, Slanted, Staggered, Zigzag, Divaricate, Crotched,

Antonyms: Fat, Heavy, Straight, Thick, Weighted,


Meaning: Withered.


Meaning: The utterance of criticism or censure.

Synonyms: Accusation, Censure, Criticism, Knock, Observation, Perception, Slur,

Antonyms: Approval, Compliment, Praise,


Meaning: To pass criticism or censure.

Synonyms: Abuse, Admonish, Asperse, Attack, Backbite, Berate, Blame, Castigate, Cavil, Chastise, Chide, Contemn, Denigrate, Denounce, Deprecate, Disapprove, Discipline, Disparage, Impugn, Incriminate, Judge, Knock, Lecture, Ostracize, Rebuff, Rebuke, Remonstrate, Reprehend, Reprimand, Reproach, Reprove, Scold, Upbraid, Cut Up, Tell Off, Carp At, Get After, Look Askance, Pick Apart, Pull Apart,

Antonyms: Agree, Allow, Approve, Cherish, Commend, Compliment, Defend, Endorse, Flatter, Forgive, Laud, Permit, Praise, Sanction, Protect,


Meaning: An animal of microscopic smallness.

Synonyms: nimalculum, N,


Meaning: to make a thing lively

Sentence: The teacher can animate even the most boring literature and make it interesting.

Synonyms: Breathing, Live, Living, Mortal, Moving, Viable, Vital, Zoetic,

Antonyms: Dead, Discouraged, Dull, Inactive, Quiet, Shy, Spiritless,


Meaning: Hatred.

Synonyms: Acrimony, Animus, Antagonism, Antipathy, Bitterness, Displeasure, Enmity, Hate, Hostility, Malevolence, Malice, Malignity, Rancor, Resentment, Virulence, Ill Will, Bad Blood,

Antonyms: Friendliness, Friendship, Happiness, Kindness, Like, Liking, Love, Loving, Rapport, Respect, Sweetness, Sympathy, Good Will,


Meaning: Historian.

Synonyms: Chronicler, Historiographer, Teacher, Writer, Professor,

Antonyms: Student, Pupil,


Meaning: A record of events in their chronological order, year by year.

Synonyms: Archives, History, Journal, Records, Publication,


Meaning: to take possession of an area of land or a country, usually by force or without permission

Sentence: The UK annexed this small island west of Scotland in 1955.

Synonyms: Addendum, Addition, Adjunct, Affix, Appendix, Arm, Attachment, Ell, Subsidiary, Supplement, Wing

Antonyms: Base, Lessening, Subtraction


Meaning: To destroy absolutely.

Synonyms: Abate, Abolish, Abrogate, Annul, Crush, Decimate, Demolish, Eradicate, Erase, Expunge, Exterminate, Extinguish, Extirpate, Invalidate, Liquidate, Massacre, Murder, Negate, Nullify, Obliterate, Quash, Quell, Raze, Ruin, Slaughter, Undo, Vitiate, Wrack, Wreck, Do In, Take Out, Wipe Out, Finish Off, Blot Out, Root Out,

Antonyms: Aid, Approve, Assist, Bear, Build, Construct, Create, Establish, Fix, Help, Institute, Legalize, Permit, Ratify, Revive, Sanction, Save, Support, Validate, Preserve, Protect, Give Birth,


Meaning: To make explanatory or critical notes on or upon.

Synonyms: Comment, Commentate, Construe, Define, Elucidate, Explain, Expound, Footnote, Gloss, Illustrate, Interpret, Note, Remark,

Antonyms: Confuse, Mystify, Obscure, Be Vague,


Meaning: Occurring every year.

Synonyms: Anniversary, Each Year, Every Year, Once A Year, Year End,


Meaning: An annual allowance, payment, or income.

Synonyms: Accomplishment, Achievement, Allowance, Award, Benefit, Bonus, Commission, Dividend, Donation, Earnings, Fortune, Gain, Gift, Grant, Income, Increment, Inheritance, Net, Remuneration, Return, Reward, Riches, Salary, Security, Wages, Wealth, Winnings, Premium, Profit, Prize, Proceeds,

Antonyms: Dearth, Debt, Defeat, Failure, Forfeit, Lack, Loss, Misfortune, Need, Penalty, Poverty, Want, Punishment,


Meaning: Proclamation.

Synonyms: Advertisement, Bulletin, Communication, Declaration, Edict, Enunciation, Notice, Notification, Proclamation, Publication, Pronouncement,

Antonyms: Concealment,


Meaning: The point where or path by which a voltaic current enters an electrolyte or the like.


Meaning: Of unknown authorship.

Sentence: He wished he could thank the anonymous donor for paying his school fees.

Synonyms: Bearding, Incognito, Innominate, Nameless, Secret, Unacknowledged, Unattested, Unavowed, Unclaimed, Uncredited, Undisclosed, Unidentified, Unnamed, Unsigned, Unspecified, X, Pseudo, Pseudonymous, Jane/john Doe, Undesignated, You Know Who,

Antonyms: Known, Named, Identified,


Meaning: Mutual opposition or resistance of counteracting forces, principles, or persons.

Synonyms: Animosity, Animus, Antipathy, Antithesis, Clashing, Competition, Conflict, Contention, Contradistinction, Contrariety, Difference, Disagreement, Discord, Dissension, Enmity, Friction, Hatred, Hostility, Incongruity, Rancor, Resistance, Rivalry, Oppugnancy,

Antonyms: Accord, Agreement, Approval, Friendship, Harmony, Kindness, Like, Liking, Love, Peace, Rapport, Respect, Sympathy, Understanding, Good Will,


Meaning: Pertaining to the south pole or the regions near it.

Synonyms: Arctic, Chill, Chilly, Cool, Freezing, Frosty, Frozen, Gelid, Glacial, Icebox, Icy, Refrigerated, Siberian, Snappy, Wintry,

Antonyms: Amicable, Amorous, Friendly, Heated, Hot, Lovable, Loving, Responsive, Warm,


Meaning: In the game of poker, to put up a stake before the cards are dealt.

Synonyms: Pay, Pot, Stake, Price,


Meaning: To precede.

Synonyms: Accelerate, Backdate, Misdate, Pace, Precede, Predate, Anachronize, Date Back, Forerun,

Antonyms: Predate,


Meaning: One who or that which precedes or goes before, as in time, place, rank, order, or causality.

Synonyms: Antecedency, Anteriority, Importance, Precedency, Priority,


Meaning: A waiting room for those who seek audience.

Synonyms: Alcove, Apartment, Bastille, Booth, Burrow, Cage, Cavity, Chamber, Cloister, Closet, Compartment, Coop, Crib, Crypt, Cubicle, Den, Dungeon, Hold, Hole, Keep, Lockup, Nook, Pen, Receptacle, Recess, Retreat, Stall, Tower, Vault,

Antonyms: Conclusion, Exit,


Meaning: To assign or affix a date to earlier than the actual one.

Synonyms: Accelerate, Antecede, Backdate, Misdate, Pace, Precede, Predate, Anachronize, Date Back, Forerun,

Antonyms: Predate,


Meaning: Of or pertaining to the times, things, events before the great flood in the days of Noah.

Synonyms: Ancient, Antiquated, Antique, Archaic, Hoary, Obsolete, Old, Venerable, Primeval, Primitive, Primordial, Timeworn,

Antonyms: Current, Fresh, Modern, New, Recent, Young,


Meaning: Pertaining to time before the world's creation.


Meaning: Occurring or existing before birth.


Meaning: Prior.

Synonyms: Antecedent, Foregoing, Former, Past, Precedent, Preceding, Previous,

Antonyms: After, Current, Ending, Following, Future, Posterior, Subsequent, Present,


Meaning: A room situated before and opening into another, usually larger.

Synonyms: Bay, Bower, Compartment, Corner, Cubbyhole, Cubicle, Niche, Recess, Study,

Antonyms: Denial, Refusal, Veto,


Meaning: A collection of extracts from the writings of various authors.

Synonyms: Album, Compendium, Compilation, Digest, Garland, Omnibus, Selection, Treasury,


Meaning: Hard coal.

Synonyms: Ash, Carbon, Char, Charcoal, Cinder, Ember, Fuel, Scoria, Slack, Smut, Spark, Stoke, Culm,


Meaning: The science of man in general.

Synonyms: Folklore, Sociology,


Meaning: Having or resembling human form.

Synonyms: Anthropoid, Anthropomorphic, Humanoid, Humanlike,


Meaning: A grotesque, ludicrous, or fantastic action.

Synonyms: Caper, Dido, Frolic, Joke, Lark, Romp, Shenanigan, Tomfoolery, Trick,


Meaning: Any opponent or enemy of Christ, whether a person or a power.

Synonyms: Archfiend, Beelzebub, Demon, Lucifer, Prince Of Darkness, Mephistopheles, Angel Of Darkness, Apollyon, King Of Hell, The Evil Spirit,

Antonyms: Archfiend, Christ, Demon, Lucifer, Prince Of Darkness, The Evil Spirit,


Meaning: A gradual or sudden decrease in the importance or impressiveness of what is said.

Sentence: The adventure story ended in an anticlimax.

Synonyms: Bathos, Comedown, Decline, Descent, Disappointment, Drop, Letdown, Slump,

Antonyms: Ascent, Boon, Boost, Climax, Improvement, Increase, Rise, Success,


Meaning: An atmospheric condition of high central pressure, with currents flowing outward.


Meaning: Anything that will counteract or remove the effects of poison, disease, or the like.

Synonyms: Antivenin, Corrective, Cure, Medicine, Neutralizer, Nullifier, Remedy, Countermeasure, Counteractant, Counteragent, Antitoxin, Preventive, Negator,

Antonyms: Disease,


Meaning: Inconsistency or contradiction in terms or ideas.

Synonyms: Antithesis, Antonym, Contra, Contradiction, Contrary, Contrast, Converse, Counterpart, Foil, Inverse, Obverse, Opposition, Paradox, Reverse, Vice Versa, Other Side Of Coin, Other Side, Antipode, Antipole, Another Adverse, Other Extreme,

Antonyms: Agreement, Likeness, Same, Similarity,


Meaning: To show or feel a feeling of antagonism, aversion, or dislike.

Synonyms: Abhor, Abominate, Avoid, Condemn, Contemn, Deplore, Despise, Detest, Disapprove, Disesteem, Disfavor, Disrelish, Eschew, Execrate, Loathe, Mind, Regret, Resent, Scorn, Shun, Be Allergic To, Look Down On, Have Hard Feelings, Not Care For, Be Averse To, Be Turned Off To, Bear Malice Toward, Grossed Out On, Have No Stomach For, Have No Taste For, Lose Interest In, Make Faces At, Not Appreciate, Not Endure, Not Feel Like, Not Take Kindly To, Shudder At,

Antonyms: Admire, Adore, Approve, Cherish, Face, Like, Love, Meet, Be Happy,


Meaning: A response or alteration of responses, generally musical.

Synonyms: Close, Comeback, Comment, Cooler, Counterclaim, Crack, Defense, Disclosure, Echo, Elucidation, Explanation, Feedback, Guff, Interpretation, Justification, Key, Lip, Observation, Plea, Rebuttal, Refutation, Rejoinder, Remark, Repartee, Report, Resolution, Response, Result, Retort, Return, Riposte, Sign, Solution, Statement, Topper, Vindication, Wisecrack, Back Talk, Quick Fix,

Antonyms: Question, Quiet, Request, Silence, Trouble, Problem,


Meaning: A place or region on the opposite side of the earth.

Synonyms: Antithesis, Contrary, Converse, Inverse, Obverse, Reverse, Antipode, Antipole,

Antonyms: Same,


Meaning: One who collects and examines old things, as coins, books, medals, weapons, etc.

Synonyms: Accumulator, Antiquarian, Authority, Compiler, Connoisseur, Fancier, Finder, Gatherer, Pack Rat, Hobbyist,


Meaning: To make old or out of date.

Synonyms: Archaize, Obsolete, Outdate, Obsolesce,


Meaning: Pertaining to ancient times.

Synonyms: Aged, Ancient, Elderly, Obsolescent, Obsolete, Outdated, Superannuated, Prehistoric,

Antonyms: Current, Fresh, Modern, New, Recent, Young,


Meaning: Anything that destroys or restrains the growth of putrefactive micro- organisms.

Sentence: She cleaned the wound with an antiseptic.

Synonyms: Antibacterial, Antibiotic, Aseptic, Bactericidal, Clean, Disinfectant, Germicidal, Hygienic, Medicated, Sanitary, Sterile, Sterilized, Sterilizing, Unpolluted, Pure, Prophylactic, Purifying,

Antonyms: Contaminated, Dirty, Polluted, Unclean, Unsanitary, Unsterile,


Meaning: Opposed to human slavery.


Meaning: The inversion of terms in successive classes, as in the home of joy and the joy of home.

Synonyms: Adumbration, Allegory, Alliteration, Allusion, Analogue, Analogy, Anaphora, Anticlimax, Antithesis, Apostrophe, Asyndeton, Bathos, Comparison, Conceit, Device, Ellipsis, Euphemism, Euphuism, Exaggeration, Expression, Flourish, Flower, Hyperbole, Image, Imagery, Irony, Litotes, Malapropism, Metaphor, Metonymy, Ornament, Parable, Paradox, Parallel, Personification, Rhetoric, Sarcasm, Satire, Simile, Understatement, Aposiopesis, Echoism, Manner Of Speaking,


Meaning: A substance which neutralizes the poisonous products of micro-organisms.

Synonyms: Antibiotic, Antibody, Antiseptic, Antivenin, Medicine, Neutralizer, Serum, Vaccine, Antiserum, Counteractant, Counteragent, Preventive,


Meaning: A word directly opposed to another in meaning.

Synonyms: Opposite, Reverse,

Antonyms: Same, Synonym,


Meaning: Distressed in mind respecting some uncertain matter.

Synonyms: Afraid, Aghast, Apprehensive, Bugged, Butterflies, Careful, Choked, Clutched, Concerned, Disquieted, Distressed, Disturbed, Dreading, Fearful, Fidgety, Fretful, Hacked, Hyper, Jittery, Jumpy, Nervous, Nervy, Overwrought, Restless, Scared, Shaking, Shaky, Shivery, Solicitous, Taut, Troubled, Uneasy, Unquiet, Watchful, Wired, Wreck, In A State, Basket Case, In A Tizzy, In Suspense,

Antonyms: Assured, Bold, Brave, Calm, Collected, Composed, Confident, Content, Cool, Courageous, Happy, Inattentive, Indifferent, Peaceful, Quiet, Unafraid, Unconcerned, Unwilling, Unworried, Unfearful,


Meaning: Insensibility to emotion or passionate feeling.

Synonyms: Aloofness, Coldness, Coolness, Detachment, Disinterest, Dispassion, Disregard, Dullness, Heedlessness, Indifference, Insensibility, Insensitivity, Insouciance, Lassitude, Lethargy, Listlessness, Passiveness, Passivity, Stoicism, Unconcern, Unresponsiveness, Halfheartedness,

Antonyms: Care, Concern, Feeling, Interest, Passion, Sensitivity, Sympathy, Warmth,

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