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Meaning: Hole.

Synonyms: Breach, Break, Chasm, Chink, Cleft, Crack, Cut, Eye, Fissure, Gap, Gash, Interstice, Opening, Orifice, Outlet, Passage, Perforation, Pinhole, Rift, Rupture, Slash, Slit, Slot, Space, Vent, Puncture,

Antonyms: Agreement, Closing, Closure, Juncture, Misfortune, Solid,


Meaning: The highest point, as of a mountain.

Synonyms: Acme, Apogee, Climax, Crest, Crown, Culmination, Cusp, Greatest, Height, Max, Maximum, Meridian, Most, Peak, Pinnacle, Point, Roof, Spire, Sublimity, Summit, Tip, Tops, Vertex, Zenith, Up There,

Antonyms: Base, Bottom, Nadir,


Meaning: Proverb.

Synonyms: Adage, Apothegm, Axiom, Dictum, Maxim, Moral, Precept, Rule, Saw, Saying, Truism, Proverb,


Meaning: A place where bees are kept.

Synonyms: Beehive, Hive,


Meaning: The climax.

Synonyms: Acme, Apex, Climax, Crest, Peak, Summit, Zenith,

Antonyms: Base, Bottom, Nadir,


Meaning: A disclaimer of intentional error or offense.

Synonyms: Admission, Amends, Atonement, Concession, Confession, Defense, Excuse, Explanation, Extenuation, Justification, Mitigation, Plea, Redress, Reparation, Vindication, Mea Culpa,

Antonyms: Accusation, Censure, Charge, Complaint, Condemnation, Criticism, Defiance, Denial, Indictment, Refusal, Repudiation,


Meaning: A total departure from one's faith or religion.

Synonyms: Abandonment, Dereliction, Disaffection, Estrangement, Tergiversation,


Meaning: False.

Synonyms: Backslider, Defector, Deserter, Dissenter, Heretic, Nonconformist, Rat, Recreant, Renegade, Turncoat,

Antonyms: Adherent, Faithful, Loyalist,


Meaning: Any messenger commissioned by or as by divine authority.

Synonyms: Advocate, Champion, Companion, Converter, Evangelist, Follower, Herald, Messenger, Missionary, Pioneer, Witness, Proponent, Propagandist, Proselytizer,

Antonyms: Enemy,


Meaning: One who keeps drugs for sale and puts up prescriptions.

Synonyms: Dispenser, Druggist, Gallipot,


Meaning: Deification.

Synonyms: Deification, Elevation, Idolization, Immortalization,


Meaning: To fill with dismay or horror.

Synonyms: Alarm, Amaze, Appal, Astound, Awe, Consternate, Daunt, Disconcert, Dishearten, Dismay, Faze, Frighten, Insult, Intimidate, Outrage, Petrify, Scare, Shake, Shock, Terrify, Throw, Unnerve, Get To, Gross Out,

Antonyms: Assist, Assure, Calm, Comfort, Delight, Embolden, Encourage, Gladden, Hearten, Help, Inspirit, Please, Soothe, Make Happy,


Meaning: Easily understood.

Synonyms: Credible, Illusive, Illusory, Likely, Ostensible, Outward, Plausible, Possible, Specious, Superficial, Supposed, Probable, Suppositious, Semblant,

Antonyms: Doubtful, Dubious, Equivocal, Hidden, Improbable, Obscure, Questionable, Real, Uncertain, Unclear, Unlikely,


Meaning: a ghost

Sentence: The children were scared by the apparition.

Synonyms: Bogeyman, Chimera, Delusion, Hallucination, Haunt, Illusion, Phantasm, Phantom, Revenant, Specter, Spirit, Spook, Visitant, Bump In The Night,

Antonyms: Animate, Being, Certainty, Fact, Reality, Truth,


Meaning: To soothe by quieting anger or indignation.

Synonyms: Allay, Alleviate, Assuage, Blunt, Calm, Compose, Conciliate, Content, Diminish, Do, Ease, Gratify, Lessen, Lull, Mitigate, Mollify, Placate, Quell, Quench, Quiet, Serve, Soften, Soothe, Subdue, Sweeten, Tranquilize, Propitiate, Meet Halfway, Patch Things Up, Be Enough, Make Matters Up,

Antonyms: Aggravate, Agitate, Anger, Annoy, Arouse, Destroy, Displease, Disturb, Excite, Incite, Increase, Intensify, Irritate, Start, Tease, Trouble, Upset, Worry, Worsen, Provoke,


Meaning: Capable of being appealed to.


Meaning: The name or title by which a particular person, class, or thing is called.

Synonyms: Designation, Epithet, Handle, Label, Moniker, Nickname, Sobriquet, Title,


Meaning: To add or attach, as something accessory, subordinate, or supplementary.

Synonyms: Adjoin, Affix, Annex, Attach, Conjoin, Fasten, Fix, Hang, Subjoin, Supplement, Tack On, Tag On,

Antonyms: Detach, Disconnect, Disjoin, Subtract, Unfasten, Take Away,


Meaning: To belong, as by right, fitness, association, classification, possession, or natural relation.

Synonyms: Apply, Bear, Pertain, Refer, Relate, Vest, Be Part Of, Be Characteristic Of, Be Pertinent, Be Proper, Be Relevant, Have To Do With, Touch Upon,


Meaning: Appropriate.

Synonyms: Germane, Relevant, Suitable, Timely,

Antonyms: Inappropriate,


Meaning: The act of placing side by side, together, or in contact.

Synonyms: Accord, Agreement, Appropriateness, Aptness, Coherence, Cohesion, Compatibility, Concord, Concurrence, Congruity, Consonance, Correspondence, Evenness, Fitness, Harmony, Homogeneity, Invariability, Likeness, Similarity, Stability, Steadfastness, Steadiness, Suitability, Symmetry, Uniformity, Union, Unity, Proportion, Conformability,

Antonyms: Difference, Disagreement, Discord, Disproportion, Dissimilarity, Fighting, Imbalance, Incongruity, Inconsistency, Inconstancy, Irregularity, Opposition, Unevenness, Unlikeness, Variation, Erraticism,


Meaning: To estimate the money value of.

Synonyms: Adjudge, Assay, Assess, Audit, Calculate, Check, Deem, Evaluate, Examine, Eye, Figure, Gauge, Guesstimate, Inspect, Peg, Rate, Read, Review, Size, Survey, Value, Check Out, Price, Take Account Of, Look Over, Valuate, Figure Out,

Antonyms: Ignore, Neglect,


Meaning: Capable of being discerned by the senses or intellect.

Synonyms: Apparent, Ascertainable, Definite, Detectable, Discernible, Distinguishable, Estimable, Evident, Goodly, Healthy, Large, Manifest, Marked, Material, Measurable, Noticeable, Observable, Obvious, Perceivable, Perceptible, Plain, Recognizable, Sensible, Significant, Sizable, Substantial, Tangible, Visible, Pronounced,

Antonyms: Ambiguous, Imperceptible, Inconsiderable, Indistinct, Insignificant, Invisible, Little, Minor, Negligible, Obscure, Small, Unimportant, Unnoticeable, Unnoticed, Unrecognizable, Vague,


Meaning: To make a prisoner of (a person) in the name of the law.

Synonyms: Bag, Bust, Capture, Collar, Cop, Grab, Nab, Nail, Seize, Take In, Take Prisoner, Place Under Arrest,

Antonyms: Free, Liberate, Lose, Misunderstand, Release, Let Go, Not Catch,


Meaning: Capable of being conceived.

Synonyms: Audible, Coherent, Comprehensible, Conspicuous, Crystal, Definite, Distinct, Evident, Explicit, Express, Graspable, Incontrovertible, Intelligible, Knowable, Legible, Lucent, Lucid, Manifest, Obvious, Palpable, Patent, Perceptible, Perspicuous, Plain, Precise, Readable, Recognizable, Sharp, Simple, Straightforward, Transparent, Unambiguous, Uncomplicated, Unequivocal, Unmistakable, Unquestionable, Pronounced, Transpicuous, Loud Enough, Spelled Out,

Antonyms: Ambiguous, Blocked, Clogged, Closed, Clouded, Cloudy, Complicated, Concealed, Congested, Culpable, Dark, Difficult, Dim, Dull, Equivocal, Foggy, Fuzzy, Gloomy, Guilty, Hidden, Hindered, Imprecise, Indefinite, Indistinct, Inexact, Mistakable, Mysterious, Obscure, Obscured, Questionable, Responsible, Shadowy, Smudged, Uncertain, Unclear, Undefined, Unintelligible, Unsure, Vague,


Meaning: Sanction.

Synonyms: Admiration, Approval, Bells, Consent, Endorsement, Esteem, Favor, Okay, Permission, Recognition, Sanction, Support, The Nod, High Regard,

Antonyms: Criticism, Denial, Disagreement, Disapprobation, Disapproval, Disfavor, Dislike, Hatred, Opposition, Refusal, Rejection, Veto,


Meaning: Suitable for the purpose and circumstances.

Sentence: Is now an appropriate time to make a speech?


Meaning: A water-conduit, particularly one for supplying a community from a distance.

Synonyms: Channel, Conduit, Course, Duct, Pipeline, Waterworks, Water Passage,


Meaning: Of, pertaining to, or containing water.

Synonyms: Flowing, Fluent, Juicy, Liquefied, Lymphatic, Melted, Molten, Running, Runny, Serous, Watery, Uncongealed, In Solution,

Antonyms: Inflexible, Solid, Stable, Unchangeable,


Meaning: One chosen or appointed, by mutual consent of parties in dispute, to decide matters.

Synonyms: Adjudicator, Arbitrator, Fixer, Holdout, Judge, Maven, Mediator, Moderator, Referee, Umpire,


Meaning: Fixed or done capriciously.

Synonyms: Approximate, Capricious, Discretionary, Erratic, Fanciful, Frivolous, Inconsistent, Injudicious, Irrational, Irresponsible, Offhand, Optional, Random, Subjective, Supercilious, Superficial, Unaccountable, Unreasonable, Unscientific, Wayward, Willful,

Antonyms: Circumspect, Consistent, Definite, Democratic, Dependable, Logical, Rational, Reasonable, Reasoned, Regular, Reliable, Sensible, Steady, Supported, Unchanging,


Meaning: To act or give judgment as umpire.

Synonyms: Adjudge, Adjudicate, Adjust, Conciliate, Decide, Determine, Interpose, Intervene, Judge, Mediate, Negotiate, Parley, Placate, Reconcile, Referee, Settle, Smooth, Soothe, Umpire, Pass Judgment, Play Ball, Hammer Out A Deal, Work Out A Deal, Make A Deal, Straighten Out, Bring To Terms, Step In, Meet Halfway, Strike Happy Medium, Trade Off, Come To Terms, Come To School,

Antonyms: Agitate, Confuse, Hesitate, Ignore, Upset, Worry, Let Ride,


Meaning: A tree.

Synonyms: Axle, Hinge, Pivot, Pole, Shaft, Spindle, Stalk, Stem, Support, Turning Point,


Meaning: Of or pertaining to a tree or trees.


Meaning: Having the nature of a tree.


Meaning: A botanical garden or place devoted to the cultivation of trees or shrubs.

Synonyms: Acreage, Acres, Claim, Enclosure, Estate, Farmstead, Field, Freehold, Garden, Grange, Grassland, Holding, Homestead, Lawn, Meadow, Nursery, Orchard, Pasture, Patch, Plantation, Ranch, Soil, Vineyard,


Meaning: The cultivation of trees or shrubs.

Synonyms: Agriculture, Cultivation, Farming, Floriculture, Viniculture, Viticulture,


Meaning: A vaulted passageway or street; a roofed passageway having shops, etc., opening from it.

Synonyms: Cloister, Colonnade, Gallery, Loggia, Mall, Passageway, Piazza, Portico, Stoa, Walkway,


Meaning: The branch of anthropology concerned with the systematic investigation of the relics of man.

Sentence: She is an expert on the archaeology of ancient Egypt.

Synonyms: Antiquarianism, Excavation, Paleontology, Prehistory


Meaning: Antiquated.

Synonyms: Ancient, Antiquated, Antique, Bygone, Obsolete, Olden, Outmoded, Superannuated, Primitive, Out Of Date,

Antonyms: Contemporary, Current, Modern, New, Young, In Vogue, Present,


Meaning: Obsolescence.

Synonyms: Age, Ancientness, Antiqueness, Elderliness, Old Age, Venerableness, Hoariness, Archaicism,

Antonyms: Convention, Modernity, Newness, Now,


Meaning: An angel of high rank.

Synonyms: Cherub, Guardian, Seraph, Spirit, Sprite, Supernatural Being, Celestial Being, Divine Messenger, Heavenly Being, Holy Being, Spiritual Being,


Meaning: The chief of the bishops of an ecclesiastical province in the Greek, Roman, and Anglican church.

Synonyms: Abbey, Bishop, Cardinal, Cassock, Chaplain, Cleric, Clerk, Curate, Dean, Divine, Ecclesiastic, Evangelist, Father, Missionary, Monsignor, Padre, Parson, Pastor, Pontiff, Preacher, Rabbi, Rector, Reverend, Shepherd, Vicar, Priest, Primate, Ecclesiast, Person Of God,

Antonyms: Layman,


Meaning: A high official administrator of the affairs of a diocese.

Synonyms: Abbot, Archbishop, Bishop, Chaplain, Clergy, Cleric, Clerical, Clerk, Confessor, Curate, Deacon, Dean, Diocesan, Divine, Ecclesiastic, Lecturer, Missionary, Monk, Parson, Pastor, Preacher, Rector, Reverend, Shepherd, Vicar, Priest, Prelate, Pulpiteer,


Meaning: A prototype.

Synonyms: Form, Ideal, Model, Original, Paradigm, Pattern, Standard, Prototype, Classic Exemplar, Perfect Specimen,

Antonyms: Atypical, Disorganization,


Meaning: Any large body of water studded with islands, or the islands collectively themselves.

Synonyms: Atoll, Bar, Cay, Enclave, Haven, Isle, Islet, Key, Peninsula, Reef, Refuge, Retreat, Sanctuary, Shelter,


Meaning: Burning with passion.

Synonyms: Agog, Avid, Blazing, Burning, Desirous, Eager, Fervent, Fervid, Fierce, Fiery, Horny, Hot, Hungry, Impassioned, Intense, Keen, Lusty, Passionate, Spirited, Thirsty, Vehement, Warm, Zealous,

Antonyms: Apathetic, Calm, Cold, Cool, Disloyal, Dispassionate, Dull, Frigid, Indifferent, Lukewarm, Unenthusiastic, Unexcited,


Meaning: Intensity of passion or affection.

Synonyms: Avidity, Devotion, Eagerness, Earnestness, Feeling, Fervor, Fierceness, Fire, Gusto, Heat, Intensity, Jazz, Keenness, Oomph, Passion, Spirit, Vehemence, Verve, Warmth, Weakness, Zeal, Zest, Zing, Turn On,

Antonyms: Apathy, Coldness, Coolness, Dullness, Frigidity, Indifference, Lethargy,


Meaning: Very dry.

Synonyms: Barren, Desert, Dusty, Moistureless, Parched, Thirsty, Waterless, Dry As Dust, Dry As A Bone,


Meaning: A hereditary nobility

Synonyms: Elite, Gentility, Gentry, Nobility, Patricians, Peerage, Society, Upper Crust, Noblesse, Haut Monde, High Society, Upper Class, Patriciate,

Antonyms: Commoners, Proletariat,


Meaning: A hereditary noble or one nearly connected with nobility.

Synonyms: Noble, Patrician, Peer, Swell, Silk Stocking, Gentleperson, Blueblood, Lace Curtain, Upper Cruster,

Antonyms: Commoner, Proletariat, Plebian,


Meaning: A fleet of war-vessels.

Synonyms: Fleet, Flotilla, Force, Navy, Squadron,


Meaning: As much as can be held in the arm or arms.


Meaning: An arsenal.

Synonyms: Arsenal, Center, Depot, Dump, Factory, Headquarters, Magazine, Plant, Range,


Meaning: An agreeable odor.

Sentence: The aroma of coffee filled the air.

Synonyms: Balm, Bouquet, Fragrance, Incense, Odor, Perfume, Redolence, Scent, Spice,

Antonyms: Odor, Stench, Stink,


Meaning: To call into court, as a person indicted for crime, and demand whether he pleads guilty or not.

Synonyms: Blame, Charge, Criminate, Incriminate, Inculpate, Indict, Summon, Hang On, Pin It On,

Antonyms: Discharge, Exculpate, Exonerate, Free, Let Go,


Meaning: To put in definite or proper order.

Synonyms: Align, Array, Class, Classify, Dispose, File, Form, Group, Organize, Police, Position, Range, Rank, Regulate, Sort, Spruce, Tidy, Fix Up, Spruce Up, Clear The Decks, Put In Order, Put To Rights, Systematize, Methodize, Line Up, Police Up, Put In Good Shape, Whip Into Shape,

Antonyms: Confuse, Derange, Destroy, Disarrange, Disorder, Disorganize, Disperse, Displace, Disturb, Jumble, Mismanage, Scatter, Mix Up, Not Plan,


Meaning: The act of putting in proper order, or the state of being put in order.

Synonyms: Adjustment, Agreement, Compact, Compromise, Deal, Layout, Organization, Package, Plan, Schedule, Settlement, Setup, Terms, Game Plan, Provision, Preparation, Package Deal,

Antonyms: Disagreement,


Meaning: Notoriously bad.

Synonyms: Absolute, Blatant, Glaring, Notorious, Unmitigated, Unregenerate,


Meaning: Something overdue and unpaid.


Meaning: A coming to stopping-place or destination.

Synonyms: Accession, Advent, Alighting, Appearance, Approach, Arriving, Debarkation, Disembarkation, Dismounting, Entrance, Happening, Influx, Ingress, Landing, Meeting, Occurrence, Return, Homecoming,

Antonyms: Departure, Disappearance, Leave,


Meaning: Unduly or excessively proud, as of wealth, station, learning, etc.

Synonyms: Aloof, Assuming, Audacious, Autocratic, Biggety, Bossy, Cavalier, Cheeky, Cocky, Conceited, Contemptuous, Cool, Disdainful, Domineering, Haughty, Imperious, Insolent, Lordly, Overbearing, Peremptory, Pompous, Scornful, Smarty, Smug, Snippy, Snooty, Snotty, Supercilious, Superior, Uppity, Vain, Proud, Pretentious, High And Mighty, Presumptuous,

Antonyms: Humble, Meek, Modest, Servile, Shy, Timid, Unsure,


Meaning: To take, demand, or claim, especially presumptuously or without reasons or grounds.

Synonyms: Appropriate, Assume, Commandeer, Confiscate, Demand, Expropriate, Preempt, Seize, Take, Usurp, Presume, Accroach,

Antonyms: Abstain, Give, Keep, Offer, Refuse, Reject, Hand Over,

Artesian well

Meaning: A very deep bored well. water rises due to underground pressure


Meaning: Characterized by craft or cunning.

Synonyms: Adept, Adroit, Clever, Crafty, Designing, Dexterous, Foxy, Ingenious, Masterly, Politic, Resourceful, Scheming, Sharp, Shrewd, Slick, Sly, Smart, Smooth, Tricky, Wily, Proficient,

Antonyms: Artless, Awkward, Clumsy, Inept, Ingenuous, Naive, Stupid, Unskillful,


Meaning: Pertaining to King Arthur, the real or legendary hero of British poetic story.


Meaning: Trickery.

Synonyms: Con, Contrivance, Device, Dodge, Expedient, Gambit, Gimmick, Machination, Maneuver, Play, Ploy, Racket, Ruse, Savvy, Scam, Stratagem, Subterfuge, Tactic, Wile,

Antonyms: Artlessness, Candor, Frankness, Honesty, Honor, Inability, Incapacity, Ingenuousness, Innocence, Openness, Reality, Simplicity, Sincerity, Truthfulness,


Meaning: Ingenuous.

Synonyms: Direct, Genuine, Guileless, Honest, Ingenuous, Innocent, Naive, Natural, Open, Plain, Sincere, Straight, Straightforward, True, Unadorned, Unaffected, Unpretentious, Unsophisticated, Pure, Up Front, Talking Turkey, Uncontrived,

Antonyms: Artful, Complicated, Contrived, Sophisticated, Pretentious,


Meaning: Dominant.

Synonyms: Commanding, Controlling, Dominant, Predominant, Predominating, Superior, Supreme, Surpassing, Prevailing, Ascendent,

Antonyms: Humble, Inferior,


Meaning: The act of rising.

Synonyms: Ascent, Climbing, Escalating, Flying, Mounting, Rise, Rising, Scaling, Soaring, Towering,

Antonyms: Declension, Decline,


Meaning: A rising, soaring, or climbing.

Synonyms: Ascendance, Ascending, Ascension, Climb, Climbing, Lift, Mounting, Rise, Rising, Scaling, Spring, Take Off,

Antonyms: Decline, Descent, Lowering,


Meaning: Given to severe self-denial and practicing excessive abstinence and devotion.

Synonyms: Abstaining, Abstemious, Abstinent, Austere, Disciplined, Spartan, Strict, Puritanical,


Meaning: To assign as a quality or attribute.

Synonyms: Accredit, Attribute, Charge, Credit, Impute, Lay, Refer, Reference, Set Down, Hang On,


Meaning: Having no distinct sexual organs.

Synonyms: Agamic, Agamous, Parthenogenetic, Abiogenetic, Agamogenetic,


Meaning: Pale.

Synonyms: Anemic, Blanched, Cadaverous, Colorless, Ghastly, Gray, Leaden, Pale, Pallid, Pasty, Sallow, Wan, White,


Meaning: With a side or indirect glance or meaning.

Synonyms: Askew, Disapprovingly, Disdainfully, Dubiously, Obliquely, Sidelong, Sideways, Skeptically, Suspiciously,


Meaning: Harshness or roughness of temper.

Synonyms: Acerbity, Acrimony, Bitterness, Churlishness, Crossness, Difficulty, Disagreeableness, Irascibility, Irritability, Meanness, Moroseness, Peevishness, Roughness, Sharpness, Sourness, Sullenness, Tartness,

Antonyms: Calmness, Contentment, Courtesy, Happiness, Kindness, Mildness, Politeness, Sweetness,


Meaning: One who seeks earnestly, as for advancement, honors, place.

Synonyms: Applicant, Candidate, Competitor, Contestant, Hopeful, Postulant, Striver, Wannabe,


Meaning: An earnest wish for that which is above one's present reach.

Synonyms: Aim, Ambition, Ambitiousness, Craving, Desire, Direction, Dream, Eagerness, Endeavor, Hankering, Inclination, Longing, Object, Objective, Passion, Urge, Vocation, Wish, Work, Yearning, Push, Pursuit, Right Stuff, Fire In The Belly,

Antonyms: Apathy, Dislike, Entertainment, Fun, Hate, Hatred, Indifference, Laziness, Pastime,


Meaning: To have an earnest desire, wish, or longing, as for something high and good, not yet attained.


Meaning: One who attacks.

Synonyms: Aggressor, Antagonist, Assaulter, Enemy, Foe, Goon, Invader, Mugger, Hit Person, Trigger Person, Bushwhacker,

Antonyms: Ally, Friend,


Meaning: One who kills, or tries to kill, treacherously or secretly.

Synonyms: Butcher, Clipper, Dropper, Eliminator, Enforcer, Executioner, Guerrilla, Gun, Killer, Liquidator, Plugger, Slayer, Soldier, Torpedo, Gun Person, Hatchet Person, Hit Person, Piece Person, Trigger Person,

Antonyms: Victim,


Meaning: To kill, as by surprise or secret assault, especially the killing of some eminent person.

Sentence: The police discovered a plot to assassinate the king.

Synonyms: Eliminate, Execute, Hit, Kill, Liquidate, Slaughter, Slay, Do In, Knock Off, Bump Off, Gun Down,

Antonyms: Bear, Create, Keep, Give Birth,


Meaning: Murderer, as by secret assault or treachery.

Synonyms: Bloodshed, Butchery, Carnage, Crime, Death, Erase, Hit, Manslaughter, Murder, Offing, Ride, Slaying, Foul Play, Big Chill,

Antonyms: Birth,


Meaning: The chemical analysis or testing of an alloy ore.

Synonyms: Appraisal, Assessment, Estimation, Evaluation, Examination, Inspection, Investigation, Measurement, Rating, Survey, Test, Trial, Valuation,

Antonyms: Ignorance, Neglect,


Meaning: To express agreement with a statement or matter of opinion.

Synonyms: Ascendance, Ascending, Ascension, Climb, Climbing, Lift, Mounting, Rise, Rising, Scaling, Spring, Take Off,

Antonyms: Decline, Descent, Lowering,


Meaning: To determine the amount of (a tax or other sum to be paid).

Synonyms: Appraise, Apprise, Assay, Check, Compute, Determine, Estimate, Figure, Fix, Gauge, Guess, Judge, Nick, Peg, Rate, Reckon, Set, Size, Survey, Value, Weigh, Check Out, Size Up, Valuate, Take Measure, Dig It,

Antonyms: Aid, Assist, Guess, Help, Ignore, Neglect,


Meaning: An officer whose duty it is to assess taxes.

Synonyms: Auditor, Checker, Controller, Detective, Investigator, Monitor, Overseer, Reviewer, Sleuth, Tester, Scrutinizer, Police Officer, Private Eye,

Assets pl

Meaning: Property in general, regarded as applicable to the payment of debts.

Synonyms: Belongings, Capital, Credit, Equity, Estate, Goods, Money, Resources, Riches, Valuables, Wealth, Worth,

Antonyms: Debt, Liabilities,


Meaning: Diligent.

Synonyms: Active, Attentive, Busy, Constant, Diligent, Exacting, Grinding, Indefatigable, Industrious, Laborious, Persevering, Plugging, Scrupulous, Sedulous, Steady, Studious, Unflagging, Untiring, Whiz, Zealous, Eager Beaver,

Antonyms: Indifferent, Lazy, Lethargic, Neglectful, Negligent,


Meaning: One who is appointed to act for another in the management of certain property and interests.

Synonyms: Abettor, Actor, Advocate, Ambassador, Assistant, Attorney, Broker, Commissioner, Delegate, Deputy, Doer, Emissary, Envoy, Executor, Factor, Factotum, Functionary, Handler, Intermediary, Lawyer, Minister, Mover, Negotiator, Officer, Operative, Operator, Representative, Salesperson, Servant, Steward, Substitute, Surrogate, Worker, Proxy, Principal, Promoter, Proctor, Ten Percenter,

Antonyms: Giver, Payer,


Meaning: To adapt.

Synonyms: Comprehend, Digest, Grasp, Incorporate, Ingest, Learn, Sense, Understand, Take Up, Take In, Osmose, Soak Up,

Antonyms: Exclude, Misinterpret, Mistake, Misunderstand, Overlook, Reject, Unlearn, Not Adapt,


Meaning: Resemblance or correspondence in sound.

Synonyms: Air, Aria, Carillon, Chant, Chime, Concord, Consonance, Descant, Diapason, Euphony, Inflection, Lay, Lyric, Measure, Music, Musicality, Refrain, Resonance, Run, Song, Strain, Theme, Unison, Tunefulness, Melodiousness,

Antonyms: Cacophony, Disagreement, Discord, Disharmony,


Meaning: Having resemblance of sound.

Synonyms: Accordant, Agreeable, Canorous, Clear, Concordant, Dulcet, Euphonious, Harmonic, Mellifluous, Mellow, Pleasing, Resonant, Silvery, Soft, Songful, Sweet, Symphonic, Symphonious, Tuned, Tuneful, In Tune, Euphonic,

Antonyms: Cacophonous, Discordant, Grating, Harsh, Inharmonious, Unmusical,


Meaning: To cause to be less harsh, violent, or severe, as excitement, appetite, pain, or disease.

Synonyms: Allay, Alleviate, Appease, Calm, Compose, Conciliate, Cool, Ease, Fill, Lessen, Lighten, Lull, Mitigate, Moderate, Mollify, Pacify, Palliate, Placate, Quench, Quiet, Sate, Satisfy, Soften, Still, Surfeit, Sweeten, Temper, Tranquilize, Propitiate, Make Nice, Pour Oil On, Take The Edge Off,

Antonyms: Aggravate, Agitate, Anger, Deplete, Dissatisfy, Exacerbate, Excite, Incite, Increase, Intensify, Irritate, Trouble, Upset, Worry, Worsen, Provoke,


Meaning: Harsh in disposition or character.

Synonyms: Acetic, Acrid, Biting, Bitter, Cutting, Sharp, Tonic,

Antonyms: Bland, Kind, Mild, Nice, Pleasant,


Meaning: Keen in discernment.

Synonyms: Adroit, Brainy, Bright, Calculating, Canny, Clever, Crafty, Discerning, Foxy, Insightful, Intelligent, Keen, Knowing, Perspicacious, Sagacious, Savvy, Sharp, Shrewd, Sly, On The Ball, Quick On The Uptake, Sharp As A Tack, Not Born Yesterday,

Antonyms: Asinine, Foolish, Idiotic, Ignorant, Imbecile, Inept, Naive, Obtuse, Shallow, Stupid, Thick, Unintelligent,


Meaning: The denial of the existence of God.

Synonyms: Disbelief, Doubt, Godlessness, Heresy, Iconoclasm, Impiety, Infidelity, Irreligion, Irreverence, Nihilism, Paganism, Skepticism, Unbelief, Freethinking,

Antonyms: Belief, Godliness, Piety, Religion, Trust,


Meaning: Wanting water.

Synonyms: Agog, Anxious, Ardent, Avid, Bursting, Desiring, Desirous, Excited, Hungry, Impatient, Keen, Longing, Raring, Thirsting, Thirsty, Yearning, Champing At The Bit,


Meaning: From side to side.

Synonyms: Across, Crosswise,


Meaning: An apparatus for reducing a liquid to a fine spray, as for disinfection, inhalation, etc.

Synonyms: Destroy, Grate, Reduce, Spray, Vaporize, Pulverize,

Antonyms: Build, Construct, Create,


Meaning: To make amends for.

Synonyms: Absolve, Answer, Apologize, Appease, Balance, Correct, Counterbalance, Expiate, Offset, Outweigh, Pay, Recompense, Reconcile, Redeem, Redress, Repair, Square, Set Off, Propitiate, Make Up For, Do Penance, Make Redress, Make Reparation,

Antonyms: Disagree, Spoil,


Meaning: Amends, reparation, or expiation made from wrong or injury.

Synonyms: Amends, Expiation, Indemnification, Payment, Penance, Recompense, Redemption, Redress, Reparation, Restitution, Satisfaction, Propitiation,

Antonyms: Dissatisfaction,


Meaning: Outrageously or wantonly wicked, criminal, vile, or cruel.

Synonyms: Awful, Bad, Barbaric, Beastly, Desperate, Diabolical, Fiendish, Flagrant, Gross, Hairy, Heinous, Lousy, Monstrous, Nefarious, Rotten, Scandalous, Shocking, Villainous, Wicked, Grody,

Antonyms: Good, Inoffensive, Magnificent, Wonderful,


Meaning: Great cruelty or reckless wickedness.

Synonyms: Atrociousness, Barbarity, Barbarousness, Enormity, Heinousness, Horror, Monstrousness, Nefariousness, Wickedness, Fiendishness, Shockingness,

Antonyms: Kindness, Pleasantness, Pleasantry, Good Behavior,


Meaning: A subordinate member of a diplomatic embassy.

Synonyms: Backpack, Briefcase, Carryall, Case, Duffel, Gear, Handbag, Haversack, Holdall, Kit, Knapsack, Pack, Packet, Pocket, Pocketbook, Poke, Pouch, Rucksack, Sac, Sack, Saddlebag, Satchel, Suitcase, Tote, Purse,

Antonyms: Receiver,


Meaning: To certify as accurate, genuine, or true.

Synonyms: Adjure, Announce, Argue, Assert, Authenticate, Aver, Certify, Confirm, Corroborate, Countersign, Declare, Demonstrate, Display, Exhibit, Indicate, Ratify, Seal, Show, Substantiate, Support, Sustain, Swear, Testify, Uphold, Verify, Warrant, Witness, Prove, Bear Witness, Bear Out, Give Evidence,

Antonyms: Abstain, Conceal, Contradict, Cover, Deny, Disavow, Discredit, Disprove, Hide, Invalidate, Oppose, Refuse, Reject, Repudiate, Veto, Withhold,


Meaning: The chief law-officer of a government.

Synonyms: Advocate, Barrister, Counsel, Counselor, Da, Fixer, Front, Lip, Mouthpiece, Pleader, Spieler, Proxy, Legal Beagle, Legal Eagle,


Meaning: Reddish-brown, said usually of the hair.

Synonyms: Chestnut, Copper, Hazel, Henna, Nut, Russet, Rust, Tawny, Titian,


Meaning: Fearless.

Synonyms: Adventurous, Aweless, Bold, Brassy, Brave, Cheeky, Courageous, Daredevil, Dauntless, Enterprising, Fearless, Foolhardy, Intrepid, Nervy, Rash, Resolute, Risky, Unafraid, Undaunted, Ungoverned, Valiant, Venturesome, Uncurbed, Gutty, Smart Ass,

Antonyms: Afraid, Careful, Cautious, Cowardly, Fearful, Gentle, Humble, Meek, Mild, Modest, Reserved, Shy, Timid, Weak, Yielding,


Meaning: Loud enough to be heard.

Synonyms: Aural, Auricular, Clear, Deafening, Detectable, Discernible, Distinct, Hearable, Loud, Perceptible, Plain, Resounding, Roaring, Sounding, Loud Enough,

Antonyms: Ambiguous, Inaudible, Indistinct, Invisible, Obscure, Obscured, Unclear, Unnoticeable, Vague,


Meaning: The act or sensation of hearing.

Sentence: The actor went to an audition for the new film.

Synonyms: Audience, Demo, Hearing, Reading, Trial, Tryout, Try On,


Meaning: Of or pertaining to hearing or the organs or sense of hearing.

Synonyms: Acoustic, Audible, Audile, Auditive, Aural, Auricular, Otic, Sound,


Meaning: To make bigger.

Synonyms: Aggrandize, Amplify, Boost, Build, Compound, Develop, Enhance, Enlarge, Expand, Extend, Grow, Heighten, Increase, Inflate, Intensify, Magnify, Mount, Multiply, Pad, Piggyback, Raise, Reinforce, Strengthen, Sweeten, Swell, Build Up, Add To, Progress, Tag On, Beef Up,

Antonyms: Abridge, Compress, Condense, Contract, Curtail, Decline, Decrease, Degrade, Demolish, Depress, Destroy, Diminish, Discourage, Drop, Halt, Hurt, Lessen, Lower, Raze, Reduce, Shorten, Shrink, Stop, Undermine, Weaken,


Meaning: To predict.

Synonyms: diviner, forecaster, harbinger, herald, oracle, prognosticator, prophet, seer, soothsayer


Meaning: Pertaining to St. Augustine, his doctrines, or the religious orders called after him.


Meaning: Pervasive psychic influence supposed to emanate from persons

Synonyms: Ambience, Appearance, Aspect, Atmosphere, Background, Emanation, Feel, Feeling, Mood, Quality, Scent, Semblance, Suggestion, Tone,


Meaning: Of or pertaining to the ear.

Synonyms: Audile, Audio, Auditory, Hearing, Phonic,

Antonyms: Ambiguous, Inaudible, Indistinct, Invisible, Obscure, Obscured, Unclear, Unnoticeable, Vague,


Meaning: One of the two chambers of the heart which receives the blood from the veins.


Meaning: Of or pertaining to the ear, its auricle, or the sense of hearing.


Meaning: Containing gold.

Synonyms: Aureate, Auric, Aurous, Blond, Blonde, Caramel, Dusty, Flaxen, Honeyed, Straw, Tan, Tawny, Wheat, Aurulent, Mellow Yellow,


Meaning: A luminous phenomenon in the upper regions of the atmosphere.

Synonyms: Dawn, Eos,


Meaning: favoring, protecting, or propitious influence or guidance.

Synonyms: Augury, Foreshadowing, Harbinger, Portent, Sign, Warning, Prognostication,

Antonyms: Attack, Opposition,


Meaning: Severely simple; unadorned.

Synonyms: Ascetic, Astringent, Cold, Earnest, Exacting, Forbidding, Formal, Grave, Grim, Hard, Harsh, Inexorable, Inflexible, Obdurate, Rigid, Rigorous, Serious, Sober, Solemn, Somber, Stern, Stiff, Strict, Stringent, Unfeeling, Unrelenting,

Antonyms: Bland, Calm, Elaborate, Encouraging, Extravagant, Flexible, Gentle, Indulgent, Luxurious, Meek, Mild, Spending,


Meaning: Unrestricted power.

Synonyms: Autocracy, Despotism, Dictatorship, Monocracy, Totalitarianism, Tyranny, Tyrannical Rule,

Antonyms: Democracy,


Meaning: Of undisputed origin.

Sentence: This is an authentic Picasso painting and not a fake.

Synonyms: Accurate, Actual, Authoritative, Certain, Convincing, Credible, Creditable, Dependable, Factual, Faithful, Legit, Legitimate, Official, Original, Reliable, Sure, True, Trustworthy, Trusty, Valid, Veritable, Pure, For Real, Bona Fide,

Antonyms: Corrupt, Counterfeit, Doubtful, Fake, False, Falsified, Implausible, Improbable, Incredible, Invalid, Unauthorized, Unlikely, Unreal, Unreliable, Untrustworthy, Ungenuine,


Meaning: The state or quality of being genuine, or of the origin and authorship claimed.

Synonyms: Accuracy, Correctness, Credibility, Dependability, Legitimacy, Realness, Reliability, Trustworthiness, Truthfulness, Validity, Purity, Factualness, Veritableness,

Antonyms: Inaccuracy,


Meaning: The story of one's life written by himself.

Synonyms: Adventures, Bio, Biography, Confession, Diary, Experience, Journal, Letter, Letters, Life, Memoir, Life Story, Reminiscences, Personal History,


Meaning: Absolute government.

Synonyms: Absolutism, Despotism, Dictatorship, Monarchy, Monocracy, Oppression, Tyranny, Czarism, Totalitarian Government,

Antonyms: Democracy,


Meaning: Any one who claims or wields unrestricted or undisputed authority or influence.

Synonyms: Authoritarian, Caesar, Despot, Fascist, Hitler, Overlord, Totalitarian, Tyrant,


Meaning: Any living being whose actions are or appear to be involuntary or mechanical.

Synonyms: Apparatus, Appliance, Automobile, Computer, Contraption, Contrivance, Engine, Gadget, Implement, Instrument, Mechanism, Motor, Robot, Tool, Vehicle, Widget,

Antonyms: End,


Meaning: Self-governing.

Synonyms: Free, Sovereign, Uncontrolled,

Antonyms: Dependent, Subject, Subservient,


Meaning: Self-government.

Synonyms: Freedom, Liberty, Sovereignty,

Antonyms: Dependence,


Meaning: The examination of a dead body by dissection to ascertain the cause of death.

Synonyms: Dissection, Necropsy, Postmortem, Pathological Examination,


Meaning: Of or pertaining to autumn.

Synonyms: Blooming, Cultivated, Fall, Mature, Ripened, Seasoned, Serotinal,


Meaning: One who or that which aids or helps, especially when regarded as subsidiary or accessory.

Synonyms: Accessory, Adjuvant, Ancillary, Appurtenant, Backup, Complementary, Contributory, Extra, Reserve, Secondary, Spare, Subordinate, Subservient, Subsidiary, Supporting, Abetting,

Antonyms: Body, Chief, Important, Main, Necessary, Superior,


Meaning: The fall or sliding of a mass of snow or ice down a mountain-slope, often bearing with it rock.

Synonyms: Barrage, Deluge, Flood, Inundation, Landslide, Landslip, Snowslide, Torrent,


Meaning: Passion for getting and keeping riches.

Synonyms: Avidity, Covetousness, Cupidity, Frugality, Greediness, Miserliness, Niggardliness, Parsimony, Penuriousness, Rapacity, Stinginess, Thrift, Grabbiness,

Antonyms: Generosity, Philanthropy,


Meaning: To assert as a fact.

Synonyms: Affirm, Assert, Avouch, Claim, Contend, Declare, Emphasize, Insist, Justify, Predicate, State, Swear, Verify, Proclaim, Prove,

Antonyms: Deny, Disclaim, Discredit, Disprove, Forget, Question,


Meaning: Reluctant.

Synonyms: Afraid, Allergic, Antagonistic, Antipathetic, Contrary, Disinclined, Disliking, Hesitant, Hostile, Indisposed, Inimical, Loath, Nasty, Perverse, Reluctant, Unfriendly, Unwilling, Unfavorable, Having No Use For, Uneager,

Antonyms: Agreeable, Caring, Friendly, Kind, Liking, Loving, Ready, Sympathetic, Willing,


Meaning: A mental condition of fixed opposition to or dislike of some particular thing.

Synonyms: Abhorrence, Abomination, Allergy, Animosity, Antagonism, Antipathy, Detestation, Disfavor, Disgust, Disinclination, Disliking, Displeasure, Dissatisfaction, Distaste, Dread, Hate, Hatred, Horror, Hostility, Indisposition, Loathing, Odium, Reluctance, Repugnance, Repulsion, Revulsion, Unwillingness, Having No Use For,

Antonyms: Affection, Approval, Attachment, Beauty, Care, Delight, Desire, Esteem, Fondness, Kindness, Like, Liking, Love, Loving, Pleasure, Rapport, Respect, Sympathy,


Meaning: To turn away or aside.

Synonyms: Avoid, Deflect, Deter, Divert, Foil, Forestall, Frustrate, Halt, Preclude, Shunt, Turn, Prevent, Rule Out, Stave Off, Ward Off, Turn Aside, Turn Away, Look Away, Fend Off, Shove Aside,

Antonyms: Aid, Allow, Assist, Help, Support,


Meaning: A spacious cage or enclosure in which live birds are kept.

Synonyms: Columbary, Birdhouse,


Meaning: Greediness.

Synonyms: Avarice, Cupidity, Enthusiasm, Fervor, Greediness, Longing, Intense Desire,

Antonyms: Apathy, Coolness, Dislike, Indifference,


Meaning: Diversion.

Synonyms: Amusement, Diversion, Kick, Occupation, Pastime, Recreation, Shot, Sideline, Thing, Side Interest,

Antonyms: Boredom, Vocation, Work, Profession,


Meaning: To declare openly.

Synonyms: Acknowledge, Admit, Affirm, Allow, Assert, Aver, Avouch, Concede, Confess, Declare, Grant, Maintain, Swear, Proclaim, Own Up, Swear On Bible,

Antonyms: Censure, Conceal, Condemn, Contradict, Deny, Disavow, Disclaim, Disown, Dispute, Dissent, Hide, Ignore, Refuse, Reject, Renounce, Repudiate, Veto,


Meaning: To arouse, as emotion, interest, or the like.

Synonyms: Activate, Animate, Arouse, Awake, Call, Enliven, Excite, Fan, Incite, Kindle, Rally, Revive, Rouse, Stimulate, Vivify, Wake, Provoke, Turn Out, Stir Up, Roll Out, Pile Out,

Antonyms: Bore, Calm, Deaden, Discourage, Hypnotize, Lull, Quiet, Sleep, Stop, Go To Sleep,


Meaning: Out of the proper form, direction, or position.

Synonyms: Afield, Askance, Askew, Aslant, Astray, Badly, Bent, Cockeyed, Crooked, Curved, Slanting, Turned, Wrong, Zigzag,

Antonyms: Ok, On Course,


Meaning: A flowering shrub.


Meaning: The color of the sky.

Synonyms: Blue, Cerulean, Deep Blue, Pale Blue,


Meaning: ab+bacinus


Meaning: English meaning is not available


Meaning: with the sail pressed backward against the mast by a headwind.


Meaning: English meaning is not available


Meaning: Cattle thief


Meaning: an oblong frame with rows of wires or grooves along which beads are slid, used for calculating.

Sentence: the flat slab on top of a capital, supporting the architrave.


Meaning: (in the Bible) a name for the Devil or for hell.

Sentence: [Heb.]


Meaning: [Adverb] in or behind the stern of a ship.

Sentence: [Preposition] nearer the stern than; behind.


Meaning: an edible mollusk of warm seas that has a shallow ear-shaped shell lined with mother-of-pearl and pierced with respiratory holes.

Sentence: The types of seafood they eat include mussels, scallops, clams, crabs, lobsters, abalone , and sea urchins.


Meaning: give up completely (a course of action, a practice, or a way of thinking).

Sentence: However, the company doesn't want to abandon the practice, and hopes new technology will improve the return on investment.


Meaning: to become less strong

Sentence: The storm/wind/rain has started to abate.

Synonyms: decrease, diminish, dull, dwindle, ebb, recede, slacken, slow, subside, taper, taper off, wane

Antonyms: advance, develop, enlarge, expand, extend, forward, grow, increase, raise, rise, incite, win


Meaning: to make a word or phrase shorter by using only the first letters of each word

Sentence: "Chief Executive Officer" is abbreviated as "CEO".

Synonyms: abridge, compress, abstract, clip, condense, contract, cut, digest, encapsulate, pare, prune, reduce, summarize, trim

Antonyms: expand, extend, increase, enlarge, lengthen, strengthen, amplify


Meaning: to take away secretly by force

Sentence: The company director was abducted from his car by terrorists.

Synonyms: kidnap, seize, snatch, grab, remove

Antonyms: give, give up, let go, release


Meaning: different from what is typical or usual, especially in an unacceptable way

Sentence: aberrant behaviour/sexuality

Synonyms: abnormal, deviant, psycho, weird, atypical, bizarre, different

Antonyms: normal, regular, usual, same, true


Meaning: to assist or encourage by aid, especially in crime

Sentence: to help or encourage someone to do something wrong or illegal

Synonyms: condone, incite, instigate, provoke, advocate, back, encourage

Antonyms: halt, prevent, stop, disapprove, discourage, dissuade, oppose, protest, refuse, reject


Meaning: temporary inactivity

Sentence: The project is being held in abeyance until agreement is reached on funding it.

Synonyms: discontinuation, dormancy, inactivity, intermission, latency, postponement, quiescence, recess, remission, suspension, waiting

Antonyms: continuation, action, activity, continuance, operation, renewal, revival


Meaning: The Acaridae are a family of mites. Common forms include some mold mites, for example the grain mite.

Addition sign

Meaning: Addition sign is a term meaning "more".


Meaning: adept (at/in something) | adept (at/in doing something) good at doing something that is quite difficult

Sentence: He became adept at getting even the shyest students to talk.


Meaning: Uncountable

Sentence: The adequacy of the security arrangements has been questioned.


Meaning: in a way that is enough in quantity, or good enough in quality, for a particular purpose or need

Sentence: Are you adequately insured?


Meaning: to stick to something

Sentence: Once in the bloodstream, the bacteria adhere to the surface of the red cells.


Meaning: goodbye

Sentence: I bid you adieu.

Adjacent angle

Meaning: one of the two angles formed on the same side of a straight line when another line meets it


Meaning: to be next to or joined to something

Sentence: They stayed in adjoining rooms.


Meaning: A barn adjoins the farmhouse.

Sentence: They stayed in adjoining rooms.


Meaning: A barn adjoins the farmhouse.

Sentence: They stayed in adjoining rooms.


Meaning: to stop a meeting or an official process, especially a trial, for a period of time

Sentence: The court adjourned for lunch.


Meaning: to make a decision about someone or something based on the facts that are available

Sentence: The tour was adjudged a success.


Meaning: who is right in a disagreement between two groups or organizations

Sentence: A special subcommittee adjudicates on planning applications.


Meaning: to ask or to order someone to do something

Sentence: He adjured them to tell the truth.


Meaning: to change something slightly to make it more suitable for a new set of conditions or to make it work better

Sentence: Watch out for sharp turns and adjust your speed accordingly.


Meaning: to change something slightly to make it more suitable for a new set of conditions or to make it work better

Sentence: The brakes need to be adjusted.


Meaning: to change something slightly to make it more suitable for a new set of conditions or to make it work better

Sentence: This button is for adjusting the volume.


Meaning: a small change made to something in order to correct or improve it

Sentence: I've made a few adjustments to the design.


Meaning: to manage and organize the affairs of a company, an organization, a country, etc.

Sentence: To administer a charity/fund/school.


Meaning: in a way that is connected with organizing the work of a business or an institution

Sentence: The president faced major challenges both administratively and politically.


Meaning: in a way that you admire and respect

Sentence: Joe coped admirably with a difficult situation.


Meaning: The admiral visited the ships under his command.


Meaning: a feeling of respect for and approval of somebody/something

Sentence: He never lost the admiration of his students.


Meaning: to respect somebody for what they have done or to respect their qualities

Sentence: Her work was much admired by critics.


Meaning: to respect somebody for what they have done or to respect their qualities

Sentence: Her work was much admired by critics.


Meaning: a person who admires somebody/something, especially a well-known person or thing

Sentence: He is a great admirer of Picasso's early paintings.


Meaning: admiring (of somebody/something) showing respect for somebody/something for what they are or what they have done

Sentence: James was admiring of her courage and determination.


Meaning: in a way that shows respect for what somebody/something is or what they have done

Sentence: He always spoke admiringly of serious scholars.


Meaning: how much something can be allowed or accepted, especially in court

Sentence: His lawyers plan to challenge the admissibility of this evidence.


Meaning: how much something can be allowed or accepted, especially in court

Sentence: His lawyers plan to challenge the admissibility of this evidence.


Meaning: the act of accepting somebody into an institution, organization, etc.; the right to enter a place or to join an institution or organization

Sentence: Hospital admission is not necessary in most cases.


Meaning: to agree, often unwillingly, that something is true

Sentence: It was a stupid thing to do, I admit.


Meaning: to agree, often unwillingly, that something is true

Sentence: ‘I'm very nervous,’ she admitted reluctantly.

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