
Find Your Words In English By Alphabets:


Meaning: used, especially at the beginning of a sentence, when you are accepting that something is true

Sentence: Admittedly, it is rather expensive, but you don't need to use much.


Meaning: something, especially a small amount of something, that is mixed with something else; the act of mixing a small amount of something with something else

Sentence: A French-speaking region with an admixture of German speakers


Meaning: a warning to somebody about their behaviour

Sentence: To William he had written a letter full of the gravest admonitions, urging him to think carefully about what he was committing himself to.


Meaning: that is a warning to somebody about their behaviour

Sentence: The sergeant lifted an admonitory finger at us.


Meaning: (old-fashioned) without delaying; immediately

Sentence: We set to work without further ado.


Meaning: mud that is dried in the sun, mixed with straw and used as a building material

Sentence: The floors were bare adobe and the walls painted blue.


Meaning: the time in a person’s life when he or she develops from a child into an adult

Sentence: Adolescence brings about major changes in a young person’s body.


Meaning: a young person who is developing from a child into an adult

Sentence: Adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 and the problems they face


Meaning: an extremely attractive young man


Meaning: to take somebody else’s child into your family and become its legal parent(s)

Sentence: he was forced to have her baby adopted.


Meaning: an adopted child has legally become part of a family that is not the one in which he or she was born

Sentence: Danny is their adopted son.


Meaning: a person who adopts a child

Sentence: early/late adopters of social media


Meaning: the act of adopting a child; the fact of being adopted

Sentence: The number of adoptions has fallen markedly since the 1970s.


Meaning: (of a parent, child or family) in that relationship as a result of the parent legally adopting the child

Sentence: his adoptive father


Meaning: very attractive and easy to feel love for

Sentence: What an adorable child!


Meaning: in a way that is very attractive and easy to feel love for


Meaning: adore somebody to love somebody very much

Sentence: It's obvious that she adores him.


Meaning: in a way that shows much love


Meaning: to make something/somebody look more attractive by decorating it or them with something

Sentence: The children adorned themselves with flowers.


Meaning: [countable] something that you wear to make yourself look more attractive; something used to decorate a place or an object

Sentence: A plain necklace was her only adornment.

Adrenal gland

Meaning: either of the two small organs above the kidneys that produce adrenaline and other hormones


Meaning: a substance produced in the body when you are excited, afraid or angry. It makes the heart beat faster and increases your energy and ability to move quickly.

Sentence: The excitement at the start of a race can really get the adrenaline flowing.


Meaning: if a boat or a person in a boat is adrift, the boat is not tied to anything or is floating without being controlled by anyone

Sentence: The survivors were adrift in a lifeboat for six days.


Meaning: in a way that is clever and shows skill

Sentence: He adroitly avoided answering my questions.


Meaning: the quality of being clever and having skill


Meaning: a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service

Sentence: The TV ads were first run last year.


Meaning: adsorb something if a material adsorbs a liquid, gas or other substance, it holds it on its surface, or on internal surfaces within the material

Sentence: The dye is adsorbed onto the fibre.


Meaning: (of a substance or material) able to adsorb gases or liquids


Meaning: great praise, especially when it is greater than necessary

Sentence: The band enjoy the adulation of their fans wherever they go.


Meaning: showing great praise, especially when it is greater than necessary

Adult education

Meaning: education for adults that is available outside the formal education system, for example at evening classes or over the internet

Sentence: adult education classes


Meaning: to make food or drink less pure by adding another substance to it

Sentence: The water supply had been adulterated with chemicals from the soil.


Meaning: the action of making food or drink less pure by adding another substance to it


Meaning: a person who commits adultery


Meaning: a woman who commits adultery


Meaning: involving sex between a married person and somebody who is not their husband or wife; (of a married person) having sex with somebody who is not their husband or wife

Sentence: An adulterous relationship


Meaning: sex between a married person and somebody who is not their husband or wife

Sentence: He was accused of committing adultery.

Synonyms: ??? ? ???? ???? ?? ????? ? ??? ???? ? ???? ???? ? ?????? ? ?? ????? ? ?? ???? ? ?? ???? ? (?????) ?? ????? ? ????? ????

Advance guard

Meaning: a group of soldiers who go somewhere to make preparations before other soldiers arrive

Sentence: (figurative) White blood cells may be considered the advance guard of the immune system.


Meaning: having the most modern and recently developed ideas, methods, etc.

Sentence: Scientists are working on highly advanced technology to replace fossil fuels.


Meaning: progress or a development in a particular activity or area of understanding

Sentence: We live in an age of rapid technological advance.


Meaning: a thing that helps you to be better or more successful than other people

Sentence: It gives you an unfair advantage (= something that benefits you, but not your opponents).

Advantage ground

Meaning: Advantage ground


Meaning: advantageous (to somebody) good or useful in a particular situation

Sentence: A free trade agreement would be advantageous to both countries.


Meaning: in a way that is good or useful in a particular situation

Sentence: He rearranged his business affairs advantageously by investing his money overseas.


Meaning: a member of a Christian religious group that believes that Christ will soon return to Earth


Meaning: happening by accident; not planned


Meaning: an unusual, exciting or dangerous experience, journey or series of events

Sentence: Four members of our staff have embarked on the adventure of a lifetime.


Meaning: (old-fashioned) a person who enjoys exciting new experiences, especially going to unusual places

Sentence: The buildings are named after great sailors and adventurers like Drake and Nelson.


Meaning: (of a person) willing to take risks and try new ideas; enjoying being in new, exciting situations

Synonyms: audacious, bold, brave, courageous, daredevil, daring, dashing, gutsy, venturesome, venturous



Meaning: (old-fashioned) a woman who enjoys exciting new experiences, especially going to unusual places


Meaning: in a way that shows you are willing to take risks; showing pleasure in being in new, exciting situations

Sentence: She made her home in Rome and travelled adventurously in north Africa.


Meaning: a word that adds more information about place, time, manner, cause or degree to a verb, an adjective, a phrase or another adverb

Sentence: In ‘speak kindly’, ‘incredibly deep’, ‘just in time’ and ‘too quickly’, ‘kindly’, ‘incredibly’, ‘just’ and ‘too’ are all adverbs.


Meaning: (of a word or phrase) adding more information about place, time, manner, cause or degree to a verb, an adjective, a phrase or another adverb

Sentence: ?(of a word or phrase) adding more information about place, time, manner, cause or degree to a verb, an adjective, a phrase or another adverb


Meaning: a person that somebody is opposed to and competing with in an argument or a battle

Sentence: The British considered him a worthy adversary.


Meaning: (of a word or phrase) expressing something that is opposed to or the opposite of what has been said

Sentence: The adversative conjunction ‘but’


Meaning: in a way that is negative and unpleasant and not likely to produce a good result

Sentence: Her health was adversely affected by the climate.


Meaning: to tell the public about a product or a service in order to encourage people to buy or to use it

Sentence: If you want to attract customers you need to advertise.


Meaning: to tell the public about a product or a service in order to encourage people to buy or to use it

Sentence: If you want to attract customers you need to advertise.


Meaning: the activity and industry of advertising things to people on television, in newspapers, on the internet, etc.

Sentence: The company's print and digital advertising rose compared with the same period a year ago. a career in advertising


Meaning: an opinion or a suggestion about what somebody should do in a particular situation

Sentence: Ask your teacher's advice on how to prepare for the exam.


Meaning: how sensible something is; the degree to which it is a good idea in order to achieve something


Meaning: to tell somebody what you think they should do in a particular situation

Sentence: advise somebody against doing something They advised me against visiting the troubled south of the country.


Meaning: to tell somebody what you think they should do in a particular situation

Sentence: advise somebody against doing something They advised me against visiting the troubled south of the country.


Meaning: if you say that you are using a word advisedly, you mean that you have thought carefully before choosing it


Meaning: advice

Sentence: the University Advisement Center


Meaning: a person who gives advice, especially somebody who knows a lot about a particular subject

Sentence: adviser (to somebody) (on something) a special adviser to the President on education


Meaning: a person who gives advice, especially somebody who knows a lot about a particular subject

Sentence: adviser (to somebody) (on something) a special adviser to the President on education


Meaning: a person who gives advice, especially somebody who knows a lot about a particular subject

Sentence: adviser (to somebody) (on something) a special adviser to the President on education


Meaning: a strong alcoholic drink made from eggs, sugar and brandy


Meaning: a heavy tool with a sharp curved blade at 90 degrees to the handle, used for cutting or shaping large pieces of wood


Meaning: a heavy tool with a sharp curved blade at 90 degrees to the handle, used for cutting or shaping large pieces of wood


Meaning: (formal) with the protection or support of a particular organization or person

Sentence: Medical supplies are being sent under the aegis of the Red Cross.


Meaning: connected with or caused by the action of the wind


Meaning: (formal) an extremely long period of time; thousands of years

Sentence: Only yesterday—and it seemed aeons ago, not just a few hours—he had been a happily married man.


Meaning: (formal) an extremely long period of time; thousands of years

Sentence: Only yesterday—and it seemed aeons ago, not just a few hours—he had been a happily married man.


Meaning: aerate something to make it possible for air to become mixed with soil, water, etc.

Sentence: Earthworms do the important job of aerating the soil.


Meaning: the process of making it possible for air to become mixed with soil, water, etc.

Sentence: The primary effect of soil flooding is to reduce aeration of the soil.


Meaning: (in nouns, adjectives and adverbs)

Sentence: aerodynamic


Meaning: movements performed in an aircraft that are exciting and show skill, such as flying with the top of the aircraft facing the ground, especially in front of an audience

Sentence: a spectacular display of aerobatics by the Red Arrows


Meaning: [plural] the qualities of an object that affect the way it moves through the air

Sentence: Research has focused on improving the car's aerodynamics.


Meaning: a sheet of light paper that can be folded and sent by air as a letter


Meaning: connected with the science or practice of building and flying aircraft

Sentence: an aeronautical engineer


Meaning: a flying vehicle with wings and one or more engines

Sentence: The aeroplane was carrying 350 people.


Meaning: a person who has a love and understanding of art and beautiful things


Meaning: connected with beauty and art and the understanding of beautiful things

Sentence: The benefits of conservation are both financial and aesthetic.


Meaning: the qualities and ideas in a work of art or literature that relate to beauty and the nature of art

Sentence: The students debated the aesthetic of the poems.


Meaning: in an artistic way that is beautiful to look at

Sentence: The film is technically and aesthetically brilliant.


Meaning: an approach to art and life based on the belief that art and beauty should be valued for themselves, not for a social or moral purpose


Meaning: a clear liquid made from alcohol, used in industry as a solvent and, in the past, in medicine to make people unconscious before an operation

Sentence: Her words disappeared into the ether.


Meaning: the cause of a disease or medical condition


Meaning: (literary) from a long distance away

Sentence: Even from afar the castle was most impressive.


Meaning: the quality of being pleasant, friendly and easy to talk to


Meaning: in a pleasant and friendly way


Meaning: events that are of public interest or political importance

Sentence: We are expecting a statement from the home affairs (= political events in your own country) spokesman.


Meaning: events that are of public interest or political importance

Sentence: We are expecting a statement from the home affairs (= political events in your own country) spokesman.


Meaning: changed or influenced by something

Sentence: Don't worry about the rule changes—you're not affected.


Meaning: in a way that is not natural or sincere


Meaning: making you feel very sad, sorry, etc. about somebody/something


Meaning: [uncountable, singular] the feeling of liking or loving somebody/something very much and caring about them

Sentence: Children need lots of love and affection.


Meaning: in a way that shows caring feelings and love for somebody

Sentence: William was affectionately known as Billy.


Meaning: connected with emotions and attitudes

Sentence: affective disorders


Meaning: a written statement that you swear is true, and that can be used as evidence in court

Sentence: They swore affidavits and put further material before the court.


Meaning: closely connected to or controlled by a group or an organization

Sentence: All affiliated members can vote.


Meaning: a person’s connection with a political party, religion, etc.

Sentence: He was arrested because of his political affiliation.


Meaning: [singular] affinity (for/with somebody/something) | affinity (between A and B) a strong feeling that you understand somebody/something and like them or it

Sentence: Sam was born in the country and had a deep affinity with natur??????? ? ????? ? ??????? ? ?????? ? ????? ? (????????) ??? e.


Meaning: to state clearly or publicly that something is true or that you support something strongly

Sentence: The decision was affirmed by the Court of Appeal.


Meaning: a definite or public statement that something is true or that you support something strongly

Sentence: She nodded in affirmation.


Meaning: in a way that means ‘yes’ or expresses agreement

Sentence: 90 per cent voted affirmatively.


Meaning: to stick or attach something to something else; to be able to be fixed to something

Sentence: The label should be firmly affixed to the package.


Meaning: to stick or attach something to something else; to be able to be fixed to something

Sentence: be affixed (to something) The label should be firmly affixed to the package.


Meaning: to affect somebody/something in an unpleasant or harmful way

Sentence: Aid will be sent to the afflicted areas.


Meaning: to affect somebody/something in an unpleasant or harmful way

Sentence: Aid will be sent to the afflicted areas.


Meaning: pain and difficulty or something that causes it


Meaning: having a lot of money and a good standard of living

Sentence: affluent Western countries


Meaning: cheap enough that people can afford to pay it or buy it

Sentence: There is a lack of affordable housing in the city.


Meaning: to plant areas of land with trees in order to form a forest

Sentence: be afforested Large areas are being afforested each year.


Meaning: the process of planting areas of land with trees in order to form a forest


Meaning: a fight or violent behaviour in a public place that disturbs the peace

Sentence: The men were charged with affray/with causing an affray.


Meaning: a speech sound that is made up of a plosive followed immediately by a fricative, for example /t/ and /d/ in chair and jar


Meaning: to say or do something that offends somebody

Sentence: be/feel affronted He hoped they would not feel affronted if they were not invited.


Meaning: to say or do something that offends somebody

Sentence: He hoped they would not feel affronted if they were not invited.


Meaning: far away from home; to or in places that are not near

Sentence: ou can hire a car if you want to explore further afield.


Meaning: burning; on fire

Sentence: The whole building was soon aflame.


Meaning: floating on water

Sentence: He could not swim and only a life jacket kept him afloat.


Meaning: in a state of nervous excitement

Sentence: The world is aflutter with news of the royal baby.


Meaning: feeling fear; frightened because you think that you might be hurt or suffer Don't be afraid.

Sentence: He had always been afraid of death.


Meaning: of or connected with Africa


Meaning: a language that has developed from Dutch, spoken in South Africa


Meaning: in, near or towards the back of a ship or an aircraft

Sentence: The ship was moored to the dock fore and aft.

After all

Meaning: despite what has been said or expected

Sentence: So you made it after all!

After effect

Meaning: the after-effects of a drug, an illness or an unpleasant event are the feelings that you experience later as a result of it


Meaning: happening or open after the normal or legal closing time for a business

Sentence: Shares are currently falling in after-hours trading.

After image

Meaning: an image that your eye still sees after the thing that you were looking at is no longer there


Meaning: the possibility or belief that people continue to exist in some form after they die

Sentence: Do you believe in life after death?

After wise

Meaning: (often disapproving) to understand something, or realize what you should have done, only after something has happened

Sentence: Anyone can be wise after the event.


Meaning: the situation that exists as a result of an important (and usually unpleasant) event, especially a war, an accident, etc.

Sentence: A lot of rebuilding took place in the aftermath of the war.


Meaning: nearest to the stern of a ship or the tail of an aircraft


Meaning: a taste (usually an unpleasant one) that stays in your mouth after you have eaten or drunk something

Sentence: The whole experience, though enjoyable enough at the time, left a bitter aftertaste.


Meaning: at a later time; after an event that has already been mentioned

Sentence: Afterwards she was sorry for what she'd said.


Meaning: at a later time; after an event that has already been mentioned

Sentence: Let's go out now and eat afterwards.


Meaning: a section at the end of a book that says something about the main text, and may be written by a different author


Meaning: used when you are reacting to something that has been said, or when you are angry or annoyed by something

Sentence: Ag, don't worry about it.


Meaning: a type of British cooker made of solid iron that is also used for heating. ‘Aga saga’ is a humorous name for a novel about the lives of British middle-class women, because Agas are very popular with this group.


Meaning: a type of British cooker made of solid iron that is also used for heating. ‘Aga saga’ is a humorous name for a novel about the lives of British middle-class women, because Agas are very popular with this group.


Meaning: a type of British cooker made of solid iron that is also used for heating. ‘Aga saga’ is a humorous name for a novel about the lives of British middle-class women, because Agas are very popular with this group.


Meaning: one more time; on another occasion

Sentence: Can we start again, please?

As much again

Meaning: to the extent of half

Sentence: The glass was half full.


Meaning: opposing or disagreeing with somebody/something

Sentence: We're playing against the league champions next week.


Meaning: if a person’s mouth is agape, it is wide open, especially because they are surprised or shocked

Sentence: He watched the spectacle, mouth agape.???? ??? ? ???? ? ????? ????? ? ???? ? ????? ? ????? ? ?????


Meaning: a substance like jelly, used by scientists for growing cultures, and to make liquid foods thicker


Meaning: a type of fungus with a large top, that looks like a mushroom


Meaning: a hard stone with bands or areas of colour, used in jewellery


Meaning: a plant that grows in hot dry areas of North and South America, with sharp points on the leaves and tall groups of flowers


Meaning: the number of years that a person has lived or a thing has existed

Sentence: You're the same age as my brother.

Age class

Meaning: to treat everyone in the same way, without being influenced by their importance, wealth, etc.

Sentence: Death is no respecter of persons.

Age limit

Meaning: the oldest or youngest age at which you are allowed to do something

Sentence: the upper/lower age limit

Age of consent

Meaning: the age at which somebody is legally old enough to agree to have a sexual relationship

Sentence: The girl was under the age of consent.

Age of reason

Meaning: a period in Europe in the 18th century when many writers and thinkers began to question established beliefs, e.g. in the authority of kings or of the Church, in favour of reason and scientific proof. The idea developed that everyone was of equal valu


Meaning: having existed for a very long time

Sentence: an age-old custom/problem


Meaning: [not before noun] of the age of

Sentence: They have two children aged six and nine.


Meaning: the process of growing old

Sentence: skin care products which claim to halt the ageing process


Meaning: having existed for a very long time

Sentence: age-long traditions


Meaning: a business or an organization that provides a particular service especially when representing other busiShe works for an advertising agency.nesses or organizations

Sentence: She works for an advertising agency.


Meaning: a list of items to be discussed at a meeting

Sentence: We have a very full agenda of issues to discuss.


Meaning: the representative of an Australian state or Canadian province in a foreign country

Agent noun

Meaning: a noun that refers to a person or thing that does an action, for example ‘worker’ or ‘elevator’

Agent provocateur

Meaning: a person who is employed to encourage people in political groups to do something illegal so that they can be arrested


Meaning: to form into a mass or group; to collect things and form them into a mass or group

Sentence: They agglomerated many small pieces of research into a single large study.


Meaning: to form into a mass or group; to collect things and form them into a mass or group

Sentence: These small particles agglomerate together to form larger clusters.


Meaning: a group of things put together in no particular order or arrangement; the fact of putting things together in this way

Sentence: an ugly agglomeration of buildings


Meaning: (of languages) using complex words consisting of many elements to show the functions of words in a sentence, rather than separate words or changes to the ends of words

Synonyms: syrupy, tacky, viscous, clinging, gluey, glutinous

Antonyms: dry, smooth, unsticky


Meaning: an increase in the power or importance of a person or country

Sentence: He was a strong and greedy monarch who pursued a course of military aggrandizement from the beginning of his reign.


Meaning: an aggravated crime involves further unnecessary violence or unpleasant behaviour

Sentence: aggravated assault/burglary


Meaning: making an illness or a bad or unpleasant situation worse

Sentence: aggravating circumstances/factors


Meaning: to put together different items, amounts, etc. into a single group or total

Sentence: The scores were aggregated with the first round totals to decide the winner.


Meaning: the act of putting together different items, amounts, etc. into a single group or total; the group that is formedStrategic networks are an aggregation of autonomous organizations that retain their own identity.

Sentence: Strategic networks are an aggregation of autonomous organizations that retain their own identity.


Meaning: an internet company that collects information about other companies’ products and services and puts it on a single website

Sentence: a news aggregator


Meaning: in a way that is angry and threatening

Sentence: ‘What do you want?’ he demanded aggressively.


Meaning: angry and threatening behaviour

Sentence: assumptions about the natural aggressiveness of boys and men


Meaning: feeling that you have been treated unfairly

Sentence: He had every right to feel aggrieved at the decision.


Meaning: the ability to move quickly and easily

Sentence: He had the agility of a man half his age.


Meaning: showing in your behaviour that you are anxious and nervous

Sentence: Calm down! Don't get so agitated.


Meaning: to argue strongly for something you want, especially for changes in a law, in social conditions, etc.

Sentence: Some militant groups have been agitating for autonomy for the region.


Meaning: worry that you show by behaving in a nervous way

Sentence: Dot arrived in a state of great agitation.


Meaning: in a quick and excited or nervous way


Meaning: a person who tries to persuade people to take part in political protest

Sentence: a known agitator and troublemaker


Meaning: shining brightly

Sentence: His skin was agleam with sweat.


Meaning: shining with colour, warmth or happiness

Sentence: Christmas trees aglow with lights


Meaning: the lack of the ability to recognize things and people


Meaning: a person who believes that it is not possible to know whether God exists or not


Meaning: the belief that it is not possible to know whether God exists or not


Meaning: used in expressions of time with the simple past tense to show how far in the past something happened

Sentence: The letter came a few days ago.


Meaning: excited and very interested to find out something

Sentence: We were all agog with curiosity.


Meaning: to spend a long time thinking and worrying about a difficult situation or problem

Sentence: I spent days agonizing over whether to take the job or not.


Meaning: suffering or expressing severe pain or worry

Sentence: After five months of agonized debate they signed the treaty.


Meaning: causing great pain, worry or difficulty

Sentence: It was the most agonizing decision of her life.


Meaning: used meaning ‘extremely’ to emphasize something negative

Sentence: an agonizingly slow process


Meaning: in ancient Greece, an open space used for markets and public meetings


Meaning: a fear of being in public places where there are many other people

Sentence: She had agoraphobia and never wanted to go out of the house.


Meaning: a medical condition in which a person loses the ability to write

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