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Meaning: to have the same opinion as somebody; to say that you have the same opinion

Sentence: You can't expect them to agree on everything.


Meaning: pleasant and easy to like

Sentence: We spent a most agreeable day together.


Meaning: in a pleasant, nice way

Sentence: They were agreeably surprised by the quality of the food.


Meaning: discussed and accepted by everyone

Sentence: They all met at the agreed time and place.


Meaning: to have the same opinion as somebody; to say that you have the same opinion

Sentence: You can't expect them to agree on everything.


Meaning: an arrangement, a promise or a contract made with somebody

Sentence: The agreement (= the document recording the agreement) was signed during a meeting at the UN.


Meaning: an arrangement, a promise or a contract made with somebody an international peace agreement

Sentence: The agreement (= the document recording the agreement) was signed during a meeting at the UN.


Meaning: connected with the science or practice of farming

Sentence: agricultural policy/land/production/development


Meaning: an expert in agriculture who gives advice to farmers


Meaning: an expert in agriculture who gives advice to farmers


Meaning: an expert in agriculture who gives advice to farmers


Meaning: a scientist who studies the relationship between crops and the environment


Meaning: the scientific study of the relationship between crops and environment


Meaning: if a ship runs/goes aground, it touches the ground in shallow water and cannot move

Sentence: The oil tanker ran/went aground off the Spanish coast.

Synonyms: ashore, marooned, stranded, wrecked

Antonyms: afloat


Meaning: a disease such as malaria that causes a high temperature and shivering (= shaking of the body)


Meaning: used to express surprise, pleasure or sympathy, or when you disagree with somebody

Sentence: Ah, there you are!


Meaning: used when you are expressing pleasure that you have understood something or found something out

Sentence: Aha! So that's where I left it!A


Meaning: further forward in space or time; in front

Sentence: I'll run ahead and warn them.

Ahead of

Meaning: further forward in space or time than somebodAhead of us lay ten days of intensive training.y/something; in front of somebody/something

Sentence: Ahead of us lay ten days of intensive training.


Meaning: used in writing to show the sound of a short cough (= the noise made when air is forced from the throat) made by somebody who is trying to get attention or to say something that is difficult or embarrassing

Sentence: Ahem, can I make a suggestion?


Meaning: used by people in boats to attract attention

Sentence: Ahoy there!


Meaning: artificial intelligence (= the study and development of computer systems that can copy intelligent human behaviour)

Sentence: This new technology uses AI to recognize character features in the same way a human brain does.


Meaning: money, food, etc. that is sent to help countries in difficult situations

Sentence: An extra £10 million in foreign aid has been provided for victims of the earthquake.


Meaning: an officer in the army or navy who helps a more senior officer

Aide memoire

Meaning: a thing, especially a book or document, that helps you to remember something


Meaning: to help somebody/something to do something, especially by making it easier

Sentence: The investigation was greatly aided by the fact that the house was equipped with CCTV cameras.


Meaning: a person who is trained to give first aid


Meaning: ail something (formal) to cause problems for somebody/something

Sentence: They discussed the problems ailing the steel industry.


Meaning: the state of having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you feel

Sentence: her ambivalence towards men

Synonyms: doubt, hesitancy, hesitation, indecision, uncertainty, fluctuation, haze, inconclusiveness

Antonyms: certainty, sureness, decisiveness


Meaning: used by ratings agencies (= organizations that calculate the level of risk of investments) to describe bonds, etc. with a very low risk of not being paid back

Sentence: Allied Bank's long-term foreign currency deposit has been rated A1 by Weston Investment Service.

Synonyms: excellent, 24-carat, ace, best

A bit much

Meaning: too extreme or not reasonable

Sentence: I think it's a bit much for you to expect me to do all the cleaning.

Synonyms: enough, heavy-handed, impossible, inadmissible, insufferable, intolerable, last straw, oppressive, unacceptable

A bad break

Meaning: A misfortune. A serious bone fracture.

Sentence: 1. Tony has lost his job, just when he needed the cash to move house. That’s a bad break. 2. Tanya’s leg was crushed when the rock fell on it - a really bad break the doctor said.

A bad workman always blames his tools

Meaning: said when someone has blamed a mistake or failure on the things that they use to work

A big ask

Meaning: something you ask someone to do that will be difficult for them

A bird in the hand (is worth two in the bush)

Meaning: said when you recognize that you should not risk losing something you already have by trying to get something you think might be better

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

Meaning: said when you recognize that you should not risk losing something you already have by trying to get something you think might be better

A bite to eat

Meaning: some food

Sentence: You'll feel better once you've had a bite to eat.

A blessing in disguise

Meaning: something that seems bad or unlucky at first, but results in something good happening later

Sentence: Losing that job was a blessing in disguise really.

A bunch of fives

Meaning: If you give someone a bunch of fives, you hit them hard with your hand closed.

A chip on your shoulder

Meaning: an angry attitude from someone who feels unfairly treated


Meaning: existing out of its time in history

Sentence: Anachronistic mechanical voting machines are gone, replaced with computerized scanners.

Synonyms: antiquated, archaic, out-of-date, outmoded

Antonyms: current, modern, new


Meaning: typical of an original thing from which others are copied

Sentence: an archetypal English gentleman

Synonyms: quintessential, stereotypical

Antonyms: atypical, unique


Meaning: a temporary change from the typical or usual way of behaving

Sentence: Lenses for correcting chromatic aberration of the eye.

Synonyms: oddity, peculiarity, quirk

Antonyms: normality, usualness


Meaning: a liking or sympathy for someone or something, especially because of shared characteristics

Sentence: There are several close affinities between the two paintings.

Synonyms: affection, closeness, fondness, leaning, rapport, sympathy, weakness

Antonyms: dislike, hate, hatred


Meaning: to get a large amount of something, especially money or information, by collecting it over a long period

Sentence: She has amassed a huge fortune from her novels.

Synonyms: assemble, collect, compile, garner, hoard, stockpile

Antonyms: disperse, divide, scatter, separate


Meaning: pleasant and friendly

Sentence: He seemed an amiable young man.

Synonyms: affable, amicable, charming, cheerful, cordial, delightful, engaging, friendly, genial, good-humored, good-natured, gracious, lovable, mellow, pleasant, sociable

Antonyms: aloof, bad, cold, disagreeable, hateful, hostile, mean, nasty, repulsive, sad, unfriendly, unhappy, unkind, unpleasant, unsociable


Meaning: frequent or habitual absence from work, school, etc.

Sentence: rising absenteeism in the industry.

Synonyms: absence, defection, desertion, truancy

Antonyms: attendance, presence

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