Meaning: Resembling brass in colour.
Meaning: A child, typically one that is badly behaved.
Meaning: Savagely violent.
Meaning: A child, typically one that is badly behaved.
Meaning: A partition or shaft lining in a coal mine, typically made of wood or heavy cloth.
Meaning: A bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate.
Meaning: A bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate.
Meaning: Ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.
Meaning: Endure or face (unpleasant conditions or behaviour) without showing fear.
Meaning: In a way that shows a willingness to face and endure danger or pain; courageously.
Meaning: Ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.
Meaning: Courageous behaviour or character.
Meaning: Courageous behaviour or character.
Meaning: A North American Indian warrior.
Meaning: Ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.
Meaning: Endure or face (unpleasant conditions or behaviour) without showing fear.
Meaning: A violent troublemaker or hired assassin.
Meaning: A cry of bravo.
Meaning: Great technical skill and brilliance shown in a performance or activity.
Meaning: Fight or quarrel in a rough or noisy way.
Meaning: A person who engages in rough or noisy fights or quarrels, especially habitually.
Meaning: A person who engages in rough or noisy fights or quarrels, especially habitually.
Meaning: Fight or quarrel in a rough or noisy way.
Meaning: A rough or noisy fight or quarrel.
Meaning: Physical strength in contrast to intelligence.
Meaning: Physically strong; muscular.
Meaning: Physically strong; muscular.
Meaning: Physical strength in contrast to intelligence.
Meaning: Physically strong; muscular.
Meaning: (of a donkey or mule) utter a bray.
Meaning: (of a donkey or mule) utter a bray.
Meaning: The loud, harsh cry of a donkey or mule.
Meaning: Form, fix, or join by soldering with an alloy of copper and zinc at high temperature.
Meaning: Bold and without shame.
Brazen face
Meaning: A brazen face is an idiomatic phrase used to describe a person who is unashamed or bold in their actions or words
Meaning: A brazen faced is an idiomatic phrase used to describe a person who is unashamed or bold in their actions or words
Brazen out
Meaning: To confront or endure a difficult or uncomfortable situation with boldness, confidence, and a lack of shame or embarrassment.
Sentence: someone who is facing a difficult or uncomfortable conversation with a friend or colleague, may "brazen it out" by being honest and direct, regardless of how difficult the conversation may be.
Meaning: Brazened is not a commonly used word or idiomatic phrase. It is a verb form of brazen.
Meaning: A brazen face is an idiomatic phrase used to describe a person who is unashamed or bold in their actions or words
Meaning: Brazening is a gerund form of the verb brazen, which means to confront or endure a difficult or uncomfortable situation with boldness, confidence, and a lack of shame or embarrassment.
Sentence: She was brazening her way through the interview means she was being bold, impudent, cheeky, audacious and shameless during the interview and facing the interviewer confidently
Meaning: Brazenly is an adverb form of the adjective brazen, which describes a person or their behavior that is bold, impudent, cheeky, audacious, and shameless.
Sentence: She brazenly walked into the meeting uninvited means She walked into the meeting uninvited in a bold, impudent, cheeky, audacious, and shameless manner.
Meaning: Brazenness is a noun form of the adjective brazen, which describes a person or their behavior that is bold, impudent, cheeky, audacious, and shameless.
Sentence: Her actions were bold, impudent, cheeky, audacious, and shameless, and it made her colleagues feel uncomfortable
Meaning: Brazens is the third person present tense of the verb brazen and it's not commonly used or idiomatic phrase,
Sentence: He brazens the difficult situation means He is confronting or enduring a difficult or uncomfortable situation with boldness, confidence, and a lack of shame or embarrassment.
Meaning: Brazes is the third person present tense of the verb braze which means to join two pieces of metal together using a filler metal that has a lower melting point than the pieces being joined.
Sentence: The welder brazes the two pieces of metal together means The welder joins two pieces of metal together using a filler metal that has a lower melting point than the pieces being joined.
Brazier brasier
Meaning: A brazier (also spelled "brasier") is a portable container, usually made of metal, that is used to hold burning coals or charcoal and provide heat.
Sentence: Braziers are often made of metal such as steel or iron, and have legs to raise them off the ground and a mesh or perforated surface to hold the coals or charcoal.
Meaning: Braziers is the plural form of the word brazier, which is a portable container, usually made of metal, that is used to hold burning coals or charcoal and provide heat.
Sentence: Braziers could refer to several portable containers set up at a campground or picnic area to provide heat for a group of people. In a metalworking shop, "braziers" may refer to several small heating devices used to heat up different areas of metal for various processes.
Brazil brazil wood
Meaning: Brazil is a country located in South America. It is home to the Amazon rainforest, the world's largest tropical rainforest, which is home to an estimated 400 billion individual trees belonging to 16,000 species.
Sentence: Brazil wood is a species of tree that is native to Brazil, the common name coming from the country of origin. The botanical name of this tree is Caesalpinia echinata. It is also known as Pernambuco tree, this tree can grow up to 20m tall, and has a hard and heavy wood. This wood was once heavily harvested for its use in furniture, flooring, and shipbuilding, and also as a source of red dye. However, it is now considered an endangered species, and the harvesting of Brazil wood is highly regulated. In modern times, it is mainly used for violins bows, furniture, and other decorative items. The tree is protected now, and it is in danger of extinction due to over-harvesting and habitat destruction.
Brazil nut
Meaning: Brazil nut is the large, hard-shelled seed of the Brazil nut tree (Bertholletia excelsa), which is native to the Amazon rainforest in South America. The tree can grow up to 50 meters tall and can live for more than 500 years.
Sentence: Brazil nuts are a good source of protein, healthy fats, and several important vitamins and minerals, including selenium, which is an essential mineral that plays a role in the metabolism and antioxidant defense.
Brazil wood
Meaning: Brazil wood is a species of tree that is native to Brazil, the common name coming from the country of origin. The botanical name of this tree is Caesalpinia echinata.
Meaning: Brazilian refers to anything or anyone from or related to Brazil, a country located in South America. It can be used as an adjective to describe a person, object or anything that is native or related to Brazil.
Sentence: For example, "Brazilian coffee" refers to coffee grown in Brazil, "Brazilian music" refers to the music produced in Brazil, and "He is a Brazilian citizen" means he is a citizen of Brazil.
Meaning: Brazing is a method of joining two pieces of metal together using heat and a filler metal. The filler metal, which is usually made of copper, nickel, or silver, has a lower melting point than the pieces being joined and is heated until it melts.
Breach of bond
Meaning: A "breach of bond" refers to a failure to fulfill a legal or contractual obligation.
Sentence: It occurs when one party to an agreement fails to meet their responsibilities or obligations as outlined in the agreement, and thereby causes harm or damage to the other party.
Breach of close
Meaning: A "breach of close" typically refers to a violation of the rules or restrictions on the use of land that is designated as "close."
Sentence: This term is most commonly used in British legal system for referring to an area of land that is enclosed or surrounded by a boundary such as a fence or hedge.
Breach of conditions
Meaning: A breach of conditions refers to the violation of a rule or agreement that is specified in a contract or legal document. This can include violations of the terms of a lease, the terms of a loan agreement, or the terms of probation or parole.
Sentence: When a person breaches a condition, they may be subject to legal consequences, such as fines, penalties, or having their contract terminated. In case of a criminal offence, violation of condition would lead to further charges and trial.
Breach of confidence
Meaning: A breach of confidence is the unauthorized disclosure or use of confidential information that is obtained in a relationship of trust.
Sentence: The information may be in any form, including written documents, oral communications, or electronic data.
Breach of contract
Meaning: A breach of contract is a failure to fulfill the terms of a legal agreement between two or more parties.
Sentence: In a contract, each party makes a promise or set of promises, and a breach of contract occurs when one of the parties fails to fulfill their promises. A contract can be written or oral, and it can be between individuals, businesses, or organizations.
Breach of law
Meaning: A breach of law is the violation of a law or regulation, whether it's criminal or civil.
Breach of peace
Meaning: A breach of the peace is a legal term that refers to any act or behavior that disrupts the public order and tranquility, or poses a threat to the safety and well-being of others.
Sentence: The concept of a "breach of the peace" varies depending on the jurisdiction and the specific context, but it generally encompasses conduct that is disorderly, disruptive, or violent.
Breach of peace apprehension of
Meaning: It is a legal term referring to the power of law enforcement, such as police officers, to arrest and detain an individual whose behavior poses an immediate threat to the safety and well-being of others, or disrupts the public order and tranquility.
Sentence: This power is often referred to as the power of arrest for a breach of the peace, or the power to arrest for a disturbance of the peace.
Breach of privilege
Meaning: "Breach of privilege" is a legal term used to describe the violation of certain rights or immunities afforded to certain individuals or groups in certain situations.
Sentence: The term can be used in different legal contexts, depending on the specific privileges that are involved.
Breach of promise
Meaning: A breach of promise is a legal term that refers to the failure to fulfill a promise that was made in a contract, or the failure to perform as promised.
Sentence: This can include a failure to perform as outlined in a contract, a failure to deliver on a promise to do something, or a failure to follow through on a commitment made to another party.
Breach of promise of marriage
Meaning: Also known as "jilted bride" or "jilted groom" case, refers to a legal cause of action that was available in the past in many countries.
Sentence: It involved a person (traditionally a woman) who brought a lawsuit against their partner (traditionally a man) for breaking a promise to marry them.
Breach of trust
Meaning: A violation of the duty to act with loyalty and honesty in relation to someone else's property, assets, or confidential information.
Sentence: This can occur when someone in a position of trust misuses their position for personal gain or fails to safeguard the property or assets that have been entrusted to them.
Meaning: The past participle of the verb "to breach," which means to fail to fulfill a promise or an obligation, or to violate a rule or an agreement.
Sentence: If a person fails to fulfill their obligations under a lease agreement, they have breached the lease.
Meaning: The plural form of the noun "breach," which refers to a failure to fulfill a promise or an obligation, or to violate a rule or an agreement.
Meaning: The present participle form of the verb "to breach," which means to fail to fulfill a promise or an obligation, or to violate a rule or an agreement.
Sentence: The term is often used to describe an ongoing action of violating a contract, a law, or an agreement, or an ongoing failure to follow established procedures or protocols.
Meaning: Bread is a staple food made from a mixture of flour, water, and other ingredients, such as yeast, salt, and sugar.
Sentence: It is usually baked in an oven, but there are also many different types of bread that are made in other ways, such as on a griddle or in a bread machine. Bread has been a staple food in many cultures around the world for thousands of years and comes in many varieties, such as white bread, whole wheat bread, sourdough bread, and many others.
Bread and butter
Meaning: Bread and butter is a simple, yet popular food combination that consists of bread, typically sliced, and butter.
Bread and butter letter
Meaning: A term that is sometimes used to describe a type of written communication that is polite, friendly, and non-threatening. Such a letter is typically used to build or maintain a relationship, rather than to convey information or make a request.
Sentence: Bread-and-butter letters may be used in a variety of settings, such as business, personal, or social. They are generally written in a conversational style, focusing on pleasantries, common interests, and well-wishes, rather than making demands or presenting new information.
Bread basket
Meaning: A bread basket is a container or holder used to serve bread in a restaurant or other dining setting.
Sentence: Bread baskets are typically made from woven materials, such as wicker or rattan, and are used to hold rolls, sliced bread or any other type of baked goods. They can come in various shapes and sizes, often oval-shaped with a handle or round with a tall woven sides. They are often placed on the table at the beginning of a meal and refilled as needed. Bread baskets are usually lined with a cloth napkin to keep the bread warm and to absorb any crumbs. They are also used in household settings, typically in the middle of the table during a dinner or lunch, and provide an elegant way to serve and present bread.
Bread board
Meaning: A bread board is a flat board, typically made of wood, used for slicing and cutting bread.
Bread board model
Meaning: A breadboard is a construction base for prototyping of electronics, it is made of a grid of holes, into which electronic components can be inserted to build an electrical circuit.
Sentence: The breadboard is a convenient and efficient way for engineers and technicians to build, test, and experiment with circuits before committing to a permanent circuit design.
Bread fruit
Meaning: A type of tropical fruit that is native to the Pacific Islands and parts of Southeast Asia.
Sentence: It is a staple food in many of these regions, and is considered to be a good source of carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins. The fruit has a starchy texture and a mild, slightly sweet taste when it is ripe. Breadfruit can be eaten cooked or raw and is often roasted, baked, or boiled.
Bread line
Meaning: A bread line is a queue or line of people waiting to receive free or subsidized food, typically bread.
Sentence: The term is most commonly associated with the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when large numbers of people were unemployed and struggling to afford food.
Bread root
Meaning: "Breadroot" or "prairie potato" is a common name for a plant species in the genus Psoralea, specifically Psoralea esculenta.
Meaning: A breadstick is a long, thin, and typically hard bread roll that is made from wheat flour, yeast, water, and salt.
Sentence: They are typically long and slender, around 8-12 inches (20-30 cm) in length, and about the width of a finger. Breadsticks can be straight or twisted, and are often served as a side dish with pasta or soup, or as an appetizer. They can be brushed with butter or olive oil and sprinkled with herbs, such as oregano or basil, or with cheese before or after baking to add flavor.
Bread stuff
Meaning: "Bread stuff" is a term used to refer to all things related to bread, including the ingredients, the process of making bread, and the final product.
Sentence: This can include things like flour, yeast, water, salt, and any other ingredients that are used to make bread such as eggs, milk, honey, etc. It can also include the equipment and tools used in the process of making bread, such as mixing bowls, baking pans, and proofing baskets.
Bread winner
Meaning: A person, typically the male head of a household, who is responsible for financially supporting a family.
Sentence: The term refers to the fact that historically, the primary role of the breadwinner was to earn enough money to purchase bread, which was considered to be the staple food for a family. The breadwinner is typically the person who earns the most income and is responsible for paying for the family's basic necessities such as food, housing, clothing, and healthcare.
Meaning: A method of cooking food in which it is coated in breadcrumbs before being cooked.
Sentence: The food is usually first coated in a wet mixture, such as beaten egg or milk, and then rolled in breadcrumbs. The breadcrumbs can be seasoned with various herbs and spices to add flavor.
Meaning: A type of tropical fruit that is native to the Pacific Islands and parts of Southeast Asia.
Sentence: It is a staple food in many of these regions, and is considered to be a good source of carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins. The fruit has a starchy texture and a mild, slightly sweet taste when it is ripe. Breadfruit can be eaten cooked or raw and is often roasted, baked, or boiled.
Meaning: A type of tropical fruit that is native to the Pacific Islands and parts of Southeast Asia.
Sentence: It is a staple food in many of these regions, and is considered to be a good source of carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins. The fruit has a starchy texture and a mild, slightly sweet taste when it is ripe. Breadfruit can be eaten cooked or raw and is often roasted, baked, or boiled.
Meaning: The coating of food, typically meats, fish, or vegetables, with a layer of breadcrumbs before cooking.
Sentence: This process is usually done by first coating the food in a wet mixture, such as beaten egg or milk, and then rolling it in breadcrumbs. The breadcrumbs can be seasoned with various herbs and spices to add flavor.
Meaning: A sweet dessert dish made from bread, eggs, milk or cream, sugar, and a variety of other ingredients such as fruit, nuts, spices, and flavorings.
Sentence: The bread is typically stale or leftover bread that is soaked in a custard mixture made from eggs, milk, cream and sugar, before being baked in an oven.
Meaning: Bread is a staple food that has been made for thousands of years and it is made from a simple mixture of flour, water, yeast, and salt.
Sentence: There are many different types of bread, each with its own unique characteristics, ingredients, and methods of preparation.