
Find Your Words In English By Alphabets:


Meaning: a vegetable with green or purple leaves

Sentence: She liked to eat raw cabbage in her salad.


Meaning: part of the leg below the knee

Sentence: I injured my calf playing football.


Meaning: the art of beautiful handwriting

Sentence: You need a special pen for calligraphy.


Meaning: a plant, usually with prickles, from a hot, dry climate

Sentence: The thorny cactus pricked my finger.


Meaning: a common crystalline form of natural calcium carbonate

Sentence: Calcite may be found in sedimentary rocks.


Meaning: quiet and still

Sentence: The calm sea was perfect for sailing and swimming.


Meaning: a mineral found in foods like milk and cheese

Sentence: Calcium is an important part of a child?s diet.


Meaning: to work something out by using mathematics

Sentence: Mehr tried to calculate how much money she needed to buy seven chocolate bars.


Meaning: an animal with either one or two humps on its back, used in desert countries


Meaning: the large crater at the top of the volcano

Sentence: A caldera can be upto 60 km in diameter.


Meaning: a way of hiding things by making them look like part of their surroundings

Sentence: The soldiers dressed in camouflage to hide themselves from the enemy.


Meaning: a hollow pill containing medicine

Sentence: The doctor prescribed his patient one capsule a day.


Meaning: strong coarse cloth; a fabric for painting on

Sentence: There is nothing on the canvas now but wait till I fetch my paintbrush.


Meaning: the amount that something can hold

Sentence: The capacity of this bus is 50 passengers.


Meaning: a white substance with a strong smell, used in medicine

Sentence: I put sachets of camphor in my wardrobe to keep the insects away


Meaning: to say that something planned will not be done or will not take place

Sentence: She had to cancel her appointment with the dentist.


Meaning: a person in command of a ship, aircraft, sports team, etc.

Sentence: The captain of the cricket team led his team to victory


Meaning: the act of stopping something that was planned The last minute cancellation of the concert left the audience disappointed.


Meaning: the state of being imprisoned

Sentence: The lion was released from captivity into the wild.


Meaning: a wax light

Sentence: She lit a candle in the dark.


Meaning: a group of people travelling together across desert country

Sentence: The caravan stopped at the oasis to drink water.


Meaning: to take someone as a prisoner

Sentence: The police will capture the escaped convict.


Meaning: a narrow lightweight boat

Sentence: The river was so violent that the canoe flipped upside down.


Meaning: a compound of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen

Sentence: Cereals contain carbohydrates that give us energy.


Meaning: a non-metallic element occurring in many inorganic and in all organic compounds

Sentence: Carbon is present in all living substances.


Meaning: any substance that causes cancer

Sentence: The nicotine in cigarettes is a carcinogen.


Meaning: a small, sealed case containing recording tape or film

Sentence: This cassette contains all my favourite songs.


Meaning: a knitted jacket

Sentence: I have a blue cardigan to wear in winter.


Meaning: a large, old, fortified building

Sentence: The king lived in a castle.


Meaning: the series of jobs that a person has in a particular area of work

Sentence: He is retiring this year after a long career.


Meaning: a stick with a rubber band attached to it, used for shooting stones

Sentence: The pigeons on the balcony have been in danger ever since Farooq got a catapult.


Meaning: a passenger vehicle pulled by horses

Sentence: We decided to travel to the village in a carriage.


Meaning: a person who draws cartoons

Sentence: The cartoonist drew an amusing picture.


Meaning: the creeping, worm-like creature that will turn into a butterfly or moth

Sentence: Caterpillars feed on the leaves of plants.


Meaning: the most important church of a city

Sentence: St. Paul?s Cathedral is a famous landmark in London.


Meaning: the flat surface forming the top of a room

Sentence: The fan has to be fitted to the ceiling.


Meaning: a large deep pot for boiling things in

Sentence: The wicked witch made rabbit stew in her big black cauldron.


Meaning: a happy event to mark a special occasion

Sentence: Her birthday celebration will be next week.


Meaning: a reason

Sentence: There is no cause for worry.


Meaning: an underground room

Sentence: The pipes are in the cellar.


Meaning: tissue that forms the main part of all plants and trees

Sentence: Cellulose cannot be digested by human beings.


Meaning: showing attention to safety

Sentence: He is a cautious driver.


Meaning: soldiers who fight on horseback or in armoured vehicles


Meaning: one hundredth of a metre, about four tenths of an inch

Sentence: The nail was no more than a centimetre long.


Meaning: a hollow or hole

Sentence: I spotted a cavity in one of my teeth.


Meaning: a small, crawling creature with a long body and many legs

Sentence: A centipede was coming out of a stone wall.


Meaning: to stop or end

Sentence: When the teacher entered the class we had to cease talking.


Meaning: the middle point or part

Sentence: The centre of the Earth is very hot.


Meaning: a person in a story, film or play

Sentence: He plays a minor character in the film.


Meaning: something that is sure to happen

Sentence: Pakistan?s victory in the hockey match is a certainty.


Meaning: an official written or printed statement giving information about a person etc.

Sentence: The employment office asked for his birth certificate.


Meaning: a room

Sentence: Behind the mirror was a secret chamber where the wizard lived.


Meaning: a situation in which people pretend that something is true when it is clearly not

Sentence: Her whole act of being sick was a charade.


Meaning: generous in giving to those in need

Sentence: The charitable organisation distributed clothes to the needy.


Meaning: a person or thing that has defeated all the others in a sport or competition

Sentence: Mohammad Ali was a boxing champion for many years


Meaning: keep on talking; the quick rattling of teeth from cold

Sentence: Amna and her friends love to chatter.


Meaning: likely to change

Sentence: Karachi has changeable weather.


Meaning: a stretch of water connecting two seas

Sentence: The English Channel connects the North Sea to the Atlantic Ocean.


Meaning: the study of substances and their reactions etc.

Sentence: Chemistry is an interesting subject.


Meaning: a small, soft, round fruit with shiny black or red skin and a large seed

Sentence: The juice was made from orange and cherry.


Meaning: to decide what you are going to take from among a number of options

Sentence: He decided to choose the school closest to his house


Meaning: to grind food between ones teeth

Sentence: The dried meat was very difficult to chew.


Meaning: a record of events in the order that they happened The soldiers chronicle of the war was useful to historians.


Meaning: a young hen

Sentence: The chicken tastes pretty good.


Meaning: a tall pipe that carries smoke away from a fire

Sentence: The chimney was black with soot.


Meaning: the case around a caterpillar that is changing into a butterfly or moth

Sentence: The butterfly emerged from its chrysalis.


Meaning: being considerate

Sentence: It is chivalrous behaviour to hold the door open for your elders.


Meaning: a garden flower that blooms in autumn

Sentence: Chrysanthemum is known to be the queen of flowers.


Meaning: a small roll of shredded tobacco in thin paper for smoking

Sentence: Even a single cigarette can harm your health.


Meaning: a group of people trained to sing together

Sentence: The choir always sings on Sunday.


Meaning: a motor racing track; the path of an electric current Michael Schumacher was the fastest driver in the last part of the circuit.


Meaning: the movement of blood around the body

Sentence: Exercise improves the circulation of blood around the body.


Meaning: the seashore or the land close to it

Sentence: The Gulpers live in a cottage on the coast.


Meaning: a person who is not serving in the armed forces

Sentence: A military uniform may not be worn by a civilian.


Meaning: a poisonous snake that can spread the skin at the back of its neck to make itself look bigger


Meaning: a person who is said to be able to predict future events

Sentence: The clairvoyant predicted a storm for the next day.


Meaning: the thin sticky net made by a spider to trap insects

Sentence: There was a cobweb on the ceiling.


Meaning: to fix something firmly

Sentence: The carpenter had to clamp the piece of wood to keep it from moving.


Meaning: a crested parrot


Meaning: to grasp or hold tightly

Sentence: The man had to clasp the old lady?s hand when crossing the road.


Meaning: a young male chicken


Meaning: a kind of stiff sticky earth that becomes hard when baked

Sentence: The vase on the table is made of clay.


Meaning: a hot drink made from the roasted ground seeds of a tropical plant

Sentence: She drank hot coffee for breakfast.


Meaning: a sleeveless garment that hangs loosely from the shoulders

Sentence: The vampire hid behind his cloak to block out the light


Meaning: a small plant usually with three leaves on each stalk

Sentence: A four leaf clover is said to bring you luck.


Meaning: an upright or turned-over band round the neck of a garment

Sentence: The collar of his shirt was dirty.


Meaning: a pillar; something long or tall and narrow

Sentence: The column started to crumble.


Meaning: a person who writes regularly for a newspaper

Sentence: The columnist wrote about the festival in his column.


Meaning: capable of burning

Sentence: Paper is a combustible item.


Meaning: someone who entertains people by making them laugh

Sentence: The comedian made the audience laugh.


Meaning: act of sharing or exchanging information

Sentence: E-mail has made communication between friends easier.


Meaning: a group with similar interests or origins

Sentence: Miklos is part of New York?s Hungarian community.


Meaning: a punctuation mark used to mark a pause in a sentence or to separate items in a list

Sentence: He forgot to put the comma in the sentence.


Meaning: the company of others

Sentence: He missed the companionship of his friends once they left town.


Meaning: a statement complaining about something

Sentence: The police received a complaint about a disturbance in the apartment building.


Meaning: the natural colour and appearance of the skin of the face

Sentence: The baby had a healthy pink complexion.


Meaning: an object that is circular at one end and narrows to a point at the other

Sentence: I asked the shopkeeper for ice cream in a cone.


Meaning: a group of states joined together

Sentence: America is a confederation of 51 states.


Meaning: to settle a dispute by each side accepting less than it asked for

Sentence: The two governments had to compromise in order to reach a solution to the problem.


Meaning: tiny pieces of coloured paper thrown by guests on festive occasions

Sentence: The guests at the wedding threw confetti at the bride and groom


Meaning: hide; keep something secret

Sentence: We have put up curtains to conceal things from the neighbours.


Meaning: having too much self pride

Sentence: The conceited girl believed she should have received the prize.


Meaning: secret, not told or shared with anyone

Sentence: He leaked the confidential information.


Meaning: an idea

Sentence: The designer came up with quite an interesting concept.


Meaning: to begin again after stopping

Sentence: The game will continue after lunch.


Meaning: a formal agreement to do something

Sentence: He has signed a contract to begin working at the factory.


Meaning: the result of something that has happened

Sentence: His careless driving lead to a tragic consequence.


Meaning: to say that something that someone else has said is wrong, and that the opposite is true

Sentence: The two stories contradict each other.


Meaning: notably large

Sentence: He used his considerable wealth to help the poor.


Meaning: keeping to a regular pattern or style; not changing

Sentence: Consistent results were achieved by Ali.


Meaning: to give towards something

Sentence: Our class was asked to contribute articles for the school magazine.


Meaning: easy to use

Sentence: E-mail is a convenient way to keep in touch with friends.


Meaning: to make someone agree

Sentence: I will try to convince her to join us for a walk.


Meaning: letters a person sends and receives

Sentence: They maintained their friendship through regular correspondence.


Meaning: a passage in a building

Sentence: He was caught smoking in the corridor.


Meaning: one of a kings or queens companions at court

Sentence: The courtier bowed before the king.


Meaning: a shellfish with ten legs, the first two being a set of pincers


Meaning: clothes, especially for a particular purpose

Sentence: Ali wore a Superman costume to the party.


Meaning: a narrow, curved shape coming to a point at each end

Sentence: There is a crescent and star on the flag of Pakistan.


Meaning: warm and comfortable

Sentence: She was sitting in a cosy little room.


Meaning: the people working in a ship or aircraft; a group working together

Sentence: The crew on board the space shuttle was ready to blast off


Meaning: a small, simple house

Sentence: The old abandoned cottage was the only refuge the hikers could find from the rain.


Meaning: judgement of someones work or ideas

Sentence: His new novel has received a great deal of negative criticism.


Meaning: the ability to face danger, difficulty or pain even when you are afraid

Sentence: It requires a lot of courage to step inside a lion?s cage


Meaning: a large tropical reptile with thick skin, a long tail and huge jaws


Meaning: to sing softly and gently

Sentence: The audience will croon along when Michael Buble will sing in his concert.


Meaning: having a desire to know about something

Sentence: The letter was not addressed to me but I opened it out of curiosity.


Meaning: a large black bird


Meaning: a piece of material hung at a window or door

Sentence: I pulled back the curtain to let some light in.


Meaning: most important

Sentence: The crucial task for the company is to gain consumer confidence.


Meaning: an object with straight sides and circular ends

Sentence: A CNG kit with 55 kg of cylinder is available in the market.


Meaning: a transparent colourless mineral rather like glass Mother likes to decorate the house with vases made of crystal.


Meaning: a long, green-skinned vegetable eaten raw or pickled

Sentence: The price of cucumber shot up after the floods.


Meaning: to use land to grow crops

Sentence: The farmer will cultivate this field.


Meaning: customs and traditions

Sentence: Pakistan has a rich culture.


Meaning: a time or signal after which people must remain indoors until the next day

Sentence: The hostel imposes a curfew after dark.


Meaning: A number of persons secretly united for effecting by intrigue some private purpose.

Synonyms: Conspiracy, Intrigue, Scheme,


Meaning: Superstitious devotion to one's religion.

Synonyms: Cabala, Ontologism, Quietism, Spiritualism, Pietism, Kabala, Cabbalism,


Meaning: The body of men constituting the official advisors of the executive head of a nation.

Synonyms: Case, Chiffonier, Closet, Commode, Container, Depository, Dresser, Escritoire, Locker, Repository, Wardrobe,


Meaning: A disagreeable, harsh, or discordant sound or combination of sounds or tones.

Synonyms: Discord, Harshness, Noise,


Meaning: Resembling a corpse.

Synonyms: Ashen, Blanched, Bloodless, Consumptive, Dead, Deathlike, Deathly, Emaciated, Exsanguinous, Gaunt, Ghastly, Ghostly, Haggard, Pallid, Peaked, Peaky, Sallow, Shadowy, Sick, Skeletal, Spectral, Thin, Wan, Wasted, Bag Of Bones,

Antonyms: Flushed, Lifelike, Lively,


Meaning: Rhythmical or measured flow or movement, as in poetry or the time and pace of marching troops.

Synonyms: Accent, Beat, Count, Inflection, Intonation, Lilt, Measure, Meter, Modulation, Swing, Tempo, Throb, Pulse, Rhythmus,


Meaning: An embellishment or flourish, prepared or improvised, for a solo voice or instrument.


Meaning: Cowardly.

Synonyms: Dastard, Louse, Rat, Scoundrel,


Meaning: To impose on or dupe by flattering speech.

Synonyms: Acetates, Banter, Beguile, Blandish, Bootlick, Con, Crowd, Deceive, Decoy, Delude, Dupe, Entice, Entrap, Induce, Influence, Inveigle, Jolly, Lure, Maneuver, Massage, Mislead, Oil, Seduce, Snow, Soap, Soften, Stroke, Tantalize, Tempt, Urge, Wheedle, Build Up, Push, Get Around, Butter Up, Get Next To, Apple Polish, Hand A Line,

Antonyms: Bully, Discourage, Disenchant, Disgust, Dissuade, Force, Repel, Repulse, Turn Off,


Meaning: Delusive speech.

Synonyms: Adulation, Baloney, Blandishment, Coaxing, Compliments, Exaggeration, Eyewash, Fawning, Honey, Incense, Ingratiation, Inveiglement, Oil, Wheedling, Sweet Talk, Soft Words, Overpraise, Soft Soap, A Line,

Antonyms: Blame, Censure, Complaint, Condemnation, Criticism, Denunciation, Disapproval, Disfavor, Dislike, Disregard, Disrespect, Ignorance, Insult, Libel, Neglect, Opposition, Refusal, Silence, Slander, Veto,


Meaning: That may be estimated by reckoning.

Synonyms: Accountable, Ascertainable, Computable, Countable, Discoverable, Estimable, Foreseeable, Measurable, Predictable, Reckonable,

Antonyms: Incalculable, Inestimable,


Meaning: A concretion formed in various parts of the body resembling a pebble in hardness.

Synonyms: Addition, Algebra, Calculation, Division, Figures, Geometry, Math, Multiplication, Numbers, Subtraction, Trigonometry,

Antonyms: Decrease, Reduction, Subtraction,


Meaning: The state of being hard and insensible.


Meaning: Without experience of the world.

Synonyms: Crude, Green, Guileless, Inexperienced, Infant, Jejune, Jellybean, Juvenile, Kid, Naive, Raw, Sophomore, Tenderfoot, Unfledged, Unripe, Unsophisticated, Untrained, Untried, Young, Puerile, Unbaked, Low Tech, Not Dry Behind Ears,

Antonyms: Experienced, Initiated, Mature, Sophisticated,


Meaning: Amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree centigrade.


Meaning: The place where Christ was crucified.

Synonyms: Affliction, Agony, Anguish, Calamity, Cross, Crucible, Difficulty, Distress, Nightmare, Test, Torment, Torture, Trial, Tribulation, Visitation,

Antonyms: Comfort, Contentment, Happiness, Health, Joy, Peace, Pleasure,


Meaning: The system of doctrine taught by John Calvin.


Meaning: To teach or imbue with the doctrines of Calvinism.


Meaning: A leaden sash-bar or grooved strip for fastening panes in stained-glass windows.

Synonyms: Abasers, Appear, Arrive, Attain, Become, Burst, Buzz, Enter, Flare, Get, Happen, Hit, Materialize, Move, Near, Occur, Originate, Reach, Show, Turn Up, Show Up, Check In, Drop In, Blow In, Bob Up, Breeze In, Clock In, Fall By, Fall In, Hit Town, Make It, Make The Scene, Turn Out, Get In, Be Accessible, Be At Disposal, Be Convenient, Be Handy, Be Obtainable, Be Ready, Close In, Draw Near,

Antonyms: Conceal, Depart, Disappear, Discourage, Dissuade, Fail, Go, Hide, Leave, Lose, Miss, Recede, Retreat, Stop,


Meaning: Any small engraved or carved work in relief.

Synonyms: Abandond, Adornment, Anklet, Band, Bangle, Bauble, Beads, Bijou, Bracelet, Brass, Brooch, Chain, Charm, Choker, Costume, Cross, Crown, Diamonds, Earring, Finery, Frippery, Gem, Glass, Gold, Ice, Jewel, Junk, Knickknack, Locket, Necklace, Ornament, Pendant, Pin, Regalia, Ring, Rock, Rosary, Silver, Sparkler, Stone, Tiara, Treasure, Trinket, Stickpin,

Antonyms: Plainness,


Meaning: A complete series of connected military operations.

Synonyms: Crusade, Drive, Expedition, Fight, Movement, Offensive, Operation, Warfare, Push,

Antonyms: Inaction,


Meaning: A member of one of the three tribes that dwelt in the land of Canaan, or western Palestine.


Meaning: Of a bright but delicate yellow.

Synonyms: Bare, Blonde, Ecru, Lemon, Nude, Ochre, Straw, Tan, Tawny, Yellowish, Light Brown,

Antonyms: Clothed, Covered,


Meaning: Straightforward.

Synonyms: boveboard, Bluff, Blunt, Equal, Equitable, Fair, Forthright, Frank, Free, Frontal, Genuine, Guileless, Impartial, Ingenuous, Just, Objective, Open, Outspoken, Plain, Scrupulous, Sincere, Straightforward, Truthful, Unbiased, Unequivocal, Unprejudiced, Upright, Uncolored, Up Front, Talking Turkey, Right Up Front, Unpretended, Telling It Like It Is,

Antonyms: Artful, Biased, Deceitful, Devious, Dishonest, Lying, Tactful, Tricky, Untruthful, Prejudiced,


Meaning: The quality of frankness or outspokenness.

Synonyms: Artlessness, Directness, Fairness, Forthrightness, Frankness, Glasnost, Guilelessness, Honesty, Impartiality, Ingenuousness, Openness, Outspokenness, Simplicity, Sincerity, Straightforwardness, Truthfulness, Unequivocalness, Uprightness, Veracity, Probity,

Antonyms: Artifice, Deceit, Deception, Dishonesty, Falsehood, Guile, Lying, Unfairness,


Meaning: Characteristic of a dog.

Synonyms: Chow, Coyote, Cur, Dingo, Fox, Hound, Hyena, Mutt, Pooch, Wolf, Pup, Lobo,


Meaning: Any rule or law.


Meaning: To talk in a singsong, preaching tone with affected solemnity.

Synonyms: Deceit, Dishonesty, Humbug, Hypocrisy, Insincerity, Pomposity, Sanctimoniousness, Sanctimony, Show, Pretentiousness, Pretense, Lip Service, Pharisaicalness, Affected Piety, Pious Platitudes, Sham Holiness,

Antonyms: Frankness, Honesty, Openness, Reality, Sincerity, Standard, Truth, Truthfulness,


Meaning: A choral composition.

Synonyms: Arrangement, Article, Chart, Concerto, Dissertation, Drama, Essay, Exercise, Exposition, Fiction, Getup, Manuscript, Melody, Music, Novel, Number, Opus, Paper, Piece, Play, Poetry, Rhapsody, Romance, Score, Setup, Song, Stanza, Study, Symphony, Theme, Thesis, Tune, Verse, Work, Writing, Short Story, Literary Work,

Antonyms: Silence,


Meaning: One of the divisions of an extended poem.


Meaning: The part of the town or district in which the troops are quartered.

Synonyms: Billet, Bivouac, Camp, Dormitory, Encampment, Enclosure, Garrison, Headquarters, Hut, Quarters, Tent, Prefab,

Antonyms: Office, Unemployment,


Meaning: Roomy.

Synonyms: Abundant, Broad, Comfortable, Commodious, Comprehensive, Dilatable, Distensible, Expandable, Expansive, Extended, Generous, Liberal, Plentiful, Roomy, Sizable, Spacious, Substantial, Vast, Voluminous, Wide,

Antonyms: Small, Squeezed, Tiny,


Meaning: A minute vessel having walls composed of a single layer of cells.

Synonyms: Course, Current, Duct, Follicle, Hair, Lode, Nerve, Seam, Stratum, Streak, Stripe, Thread, Venation,


Meaning: To surrender or stipulate terms.


Meaning: A whim.

Synonyms: Bee, Caper, Changeableness, Contrariety, Crotchet, Fad, Fancy, Fickleness, Fitfulness, Freak, Gag, Humor, Impulse, Inconsistency, Inconstancy, Jerk, Kink, Mood, Notion, Peculiarity, Perversity, Quirk, Rib, Temper, Thought, Vagary, Vein, Whim, Whimsy, Fool Notion, Put On,

Antonyms: Constancy, Constant, Dependability, Normality, Steadfastness,


Meaning: A heading, as of a chapter, section, document, etc.

Synonyms: Explanation, Head, Inscription, Legend, Rubric, Subtitle, Title, Underline,


Meaning: Hypercritical.


Meaning: To fascinate, as by excellence. eloquence, or beauty.

Synonyms: Allure, Beguile, Bewitch, Charm, Dazzle, Delight, Draw, Enrapture, Enslave, Ensnare, Entertain, Enthrall, Entrance, Fascinate, Gratify, Grip, Hold, Hook, Hypnotize, Infatuate, Intrigue, Lure, Magnetize, Mesmerize, Please, Seduce, Spellbind, Take, Vamp, Wile, Win, Rope In, Make A Hit With, Enamour, Turn One On,

Antonyms: Annoy, Bore, Depress, Disappoint, Disenchant, Disgust, Disillusion, Displease, Dissuade, Disturb, Fail, Forget, Free, Liberate, Lose, Offend, Pain, Refuse, Reject, Release, Repel, Repulse, Stop, Tire, Upset, Let Go, Turn Off,


Meaning: The dead body of an animal.

Synonyms: Body, Cadaver, Corpse, Framework, Hulk, Mort, Remains, Shell, Skeleton, Stiff,


Meaning: Pertaining to the heart.


Meaning: Of prime or special importance.

Synonyms: Basal, Basic, Central, Chief, Constitutive, Essential, First, Foremost, Fundamental, Greatest, Highest, Indispensable, Leading, Main, Overriding, Overruling, Paramount, Pivotal, Preeminent, Ruling, Vital, Prime, Primary, Principal,

Antonyms: Additional, Auxiliary, Extra, Inessential, Inferior, Insignificant, Last, Least, Minor, Negligible, Nonessential, Outside, Peripheral, Secondary, Subordinate, Trivial, Unimportant, Unnecessary,


Meaning: A sign (^) placed below a line, indicating where omitted words, etc., should be inserted.

Synonyms: Asterisk, Bullet, Dagger, Ditto, Leaders, Reference, Diacritical Mark, Double Dagger, Punctuation, Punctuation Mark,


Meaning: a picture or description in which natural characteristics are exaggerated or distorted.


Meaning: Massacre.

Synonyms: Annihilation, Blitz, Blood, Bloodshed, Butchering, Butchery, Crime, Extermination, Gore, Havoc, Hecatomb, Holocaust, Homicide, Killing, Liquidation, Manslaughter, Murder, Offing, Rapine, Shambles, Slaughter, Slaying, Warfare, Wasting, Taking Out, Mass Murder, Blood Bath,

Antonyms: Peace,


Meaning: Sensual.

Synonyms: Animal, Bodily, Corporal, Corporeal, Earthly, Fleshly, Genital, Impure, Lascivious, Lecherous, Lewd, Libidinous, Licentious, Lustful, Physical, Salacious, Sensuous, Temporal, Unchaste, Venereal, Voluptuous, Vulgar, Wanton, Worldly, Prurient,

Antonyms: Chaste, Clean, Decent, Intellectual, Moral, Spiritual, Pure,


Meaning: Eating or living on flesh.

Synonyms: Cannibal, Hungry, Omnivorous, Predatory, Rapacious,

Antonyms: Vegetarian,


Meaning: To drink deeply and in boisterous or jovial manner.

Synonyms: Booze, Drink, Frolic, Imbibe, Play, Quaff, Revel, Riot, Roister, Wassail, Go On A Spree, Have Fun, Paint The Town, Raise Cain,

Antonyms: Grieve, Be Sad,


Meaning: Dead and putrefying flesh.

Synonyms: Body, Corpse, Remains,


Meaning: An elastic animal tissue of firm consistence.

Synonyms: Bony Process, Ossein, Osseous Matter,


Meaning: A charge for a firearm, or for blasting.

Synonyms: Blank, Bullet, Capsule, Case, Cassette, Cylinder, Tube,


Meaning: The division of society on artificial grounds.

Synonyms: Casting, Ejection, Expulsion, Fling, Flinging, Heave, Heaving, Hurl, Hurling, Launching, Lob, Pitch, Pitching, Shooting, Sling, Slinging, Thrust, Thrusting, Toss, Tossing, Propulsion, Projection, Lobbing,

Antonyms: Catch, Keeping, Retention,


Meaning: To punish.

Synonyms: Acrostical, Baste, Beat, Berate, Blister, Cane, Censure, Chasten, Chastise, Correct, Criticize, Discipline, Drub, Excoriate, Flay, Flog, Lambaste, Lash, Penalize, Rail, Rate, Ream, Rebuke, Reprimand, Scarify, Scathe, Scold, Scorch, Scourge, Thrash, Upbraid, Whip, Punish, Pummel, Dress Down, Lay Out, Come Down On, Bawl Out, Chew Out,

Antonyms: Aid, Approve, Assist, Compliment, Exonerate, Flatter, Forgive, Guard, Help, Laud, Lose, Praise, Reward, Surrender, Protect,


Meaning: Accidental, by chance.

Synonyms: Accidental, Adventitious, Contingent, Erratic, Extemporaneous, Extempore, Fluky, Fortuitous, Impromptu, Improvised, Impulsive, Incidental, Infrequent, Irregular, Occasional, Odd, Offhand, Spontaneous, Uncertain, Unexpected, Unforeseen, Unintentional, Unplanned, Unpremeditated, By Chance,

Antonyms: Deliberate, Formal, Painstaking, Planned, Serious, Premeditated,


Meaning: A fatal or serious accident or disaster.

Synonyms: Agent, Ancestor, Ancestry, Antecedent, Author, Base, Causation, Connection, Creator, Derivation, Determinant, Egg, Element, Embryo, Fountain, Generator, Germ, Impulse, Inception, Inducement, Influence, Inspiration, Mainspring, Motive, Nucleus, Occasion, Parent, Parentage, Root, Roots, Seed, Source, Spring, Stock, Well, Wellspring, Progenitor, Principle, Producer, Provenance,

Antonyms: Close, Completion, Conclusion, Consequence, Death, Destiny, Effect, End, Ending, Finale, Goal, Outcome, Outgrowth, Result, Termination,


Meaning: Any overwhelming flood of water.

Synonyms: Calamity, Cataract, Catastrophe, Collapse, Convulsion, Crunch, Curtains, Debacle, Deluge, Disturbance, Flood, Flooding, Inundation, Misadventure, Ruin, Torrent, Tragedy, Upheaval, Waterloo, Woe, Unholy Mess, Holy Mess, Double Trouble,

Antonyms: Blessing, Boon, Happiness, Miracle, Success, Wonder, Good Fortune, Good Luck,


Meaning: Opacity of the lens of the eye resulting in complete or partial blindness.

Synonyms: Deluge, Flood, Rapids, Torrent,


Meaning: Any great and sudden misfortune or calamity.

Synonyms: Aafa, Accident, Adversity, Affliction, Alluvion, Blow, Calamity, Casualty, Cataclysm, Contretemps, Crash, Culmination, Curtains, Debacle, Denouement, Desolation, Devastation, Disaster, Emergency, End, Failure, Fatality, Fiasco, Finale, Grief, Hardship, Havoc, Ill, Infliction, Misadventure, Mischance, Misery, Misfortune, Mishap, Reverse, Scourge, Stroke, Termination, Tragedy, Trial, Trouble, Upshot, Waterloo, Wreck,

Antonyms: Advantage, Aid, Assistance, Beginning, Benefit, Birth, Blessing, Boon, Cause, Comfort, Commencement, Creation, Delight, Favor, Fortune, Gain, Happiness, Help, Joy, Luck, Miracle, Opening, Origin, Peace, Start, Success, Win, Wonder, Prosperity, Good Fortune, Good Luck, Profit,


Meaning: The negative pole or electrode of a galvanic battery.


Meaning: The system, doctrine, and practice of the Roman Catholic Church.

Synonyms: Catholicity, Popery, Church Of Rome, Romanism, Papistry,


Meaning: Universal prevalence or acceptance.

Synonyms: Catholicism, Popery, Church Of Rome, Romanism, Papistry,


Meaning: A private meeting of members of a political party to select candidates.

Synonyms: Assembly, Conclave, Convention, Council, Gathering, Meeting, Parley, Session,


Meaning: Indicating or expressing a cause.

Synonyms: Causative, Conceiving, Creative, Demiurgic, Devising, Envisioning, Fertile, Formative, Generative, Imaginative, Ingenious, Innovational, Innovative, Innovatory, Inspiring, Inventive, Novel, Originative, Quick, Ready, Resourceful, Seminal, Sensitive, Unconventional, Unprecedented, Untried, Unusual, Productive, Breaking New Ground,

Antonyms: Borrowed, Derivative, Hackneyed, Latest, Normal, Old, Slow, Standard, Uncreative, Uneducated, Unimaginative, Used, Usual, Worn, Newest, Uninventive,


Meaning: Sarcastic and severe.

Synonyms: Abrasive, Acerbic, Acid, Acrid, Alkaline, Astringent, Biting, Corroding, Erosive, Keen, Mordant, Tart, Pungent,

Antonyms: Bland, Calm, Kind, Mild, Nice, Soothing, Sweet,


Meaning: To burn or sear as with a heated iron.

Synonyms: Burn, Sear, Singe,

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