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Meaning: The faculty in man by which he distinguishes between right and wrong in character and conduct.


Meaning: Governed by moral standard.

Synonyms: Complete, Diligent, Exact, Exacting, Faithful, Fastidious, Fussy, Heedful, Meticulous, Painstaking, Particular, Reliable, Tough, Punctual, Punctilious, Playing Safe, Hanging Tough, Hanging In, Walking On Eggs,

Antonyms: Careless, Corrupt, Dishonest, Immoral, Indifferent, Inexact, Irresponsible, Uncritical, Undemanding, Unjust, Unscrupulous, Vulgar, Uncareful, Unconscientious,


Meaning: Aware that one lives, feels, and thinks.

Synonyms: Acquainted, Aesthetic, Apprised, Assured, Attentive, Aware, Certain, Cognizant, Conversant, Discerning, Felt, Informed, Keen, Knowing, Known, Mindful, Noting, Observing, Perceiving, Percipient, Recognizing, Remarking, Responsive, Seeing, Sensible, Sentient, Supraliminal, Sure, Understanding, Vigilant, Watchful, With It, Au Courant, Alive To, In On, On To, In Right Mind, Hep To, Able To Recognize, Apperceptive, Sensitive To,

Antonyms: Careless, Doubtful, Dubious, Heedless, Ignorant, Impassive, Inattentive, Indifferent, Indiscreet, Insensitive, Negligent, Senseless, Unaware, Uncertain, Unconscious, Unfeeling, Uninformed, Unintentional, Unmindful, Unresponsive, Unsure, Unconfident, Unknowledgeable, Unstudied, Not Deliberate,


Meaning: To force into military service.

Synonyms: Draftee, Inductee,


Meaning: To set apart as sacred.

Synonyms: Anoint, Beatify, Bless, Dedicate, Devote, Exalt, Hallow, Honor, Ordain, Sanctify, Venerate, Set Apart,

Antonyms: Condemn, Curse, Damn, Denounce, Deprecate, Desecrate, Disallow,


Meaning: Following in uninterrupted succession.

Synonyms: After, Chronological, Connected, Constant, Continuing, Continuous, Ensuing, Following, Increasing, Later, Logical, Numerical, Running, Sequent, Sequential, Serial, Seriate, Seriatim, Successive, Understandable, Uninterrupted, Progressive, In Order, Going On, Successional, In Turn, One After Another, Serialized,

Antonyms: Broken, Discontinuous, Infrequent, Intermittent, Interrupted,


Meaning: A collective unanimous opinion of a number of persons.

Synonyms: Accord, Concord, Concurrence, Consent, Harmony, Unanimity, Unison, Unity,

Antonyms: Denial, Disagreement, Discord, Dissension, Opposition, Refusal,


Meaning: Tendency to adhere to the existing order of things.

Synonyms: Conservativeness, Moderation, Orthodoxy, Traditionalism, Preservation, Reactionaryism,


Meaning: Adhering to the existing order of things.

Synonyms: Abater, Bourgeois, Constant, Controlled, Conventional, Fearful, Firm, Guarded, Hidebound, Illiberal, Inflexible, Obstinate, Orthodox, Quiet, Reactionary, Redneck, Right, Sober, Stable, Steady, Timid, Tory, Traditional, Unchangeable, Unchanging, Uncreative, Unimaginative, Unprogressive, Hard Hat, Old Guard, Traditionalistic, Fogyish, Holding To, In A Rut, Old Line, Right Of Center,

Antonyms: Changeable, Exaggerated, Incautious, Inconstant, Liberal, Radical, Unfixed, Unstable, Unsteady, Untrustworthy, Wavering, Weak, Wobbly, Progressive,


Meaning: An institution for instruction and training in music and declamation.

Synonyms: Glasshouse, Nursery, Cold Frame, Hot House,


Meaning: To entrust.

Synonyms: Address, Appoint, Assign, Authorize, Commission, Commit, Confide, Convey, Delegate, Deliver, Dispatch, Forward, Give, Issue, Relegate, Remit, Route, Send, Ship, Transfer, Transmit, Turn Over, Commend To, Deposit With, Put In Charge Of,

Antonyms: Cease, Conceal, Hold, Keep, Maintain, Receive, Refrain, Reject, Retain, Stop, Suppress, Take, Withhold,


Meaning: A person to whom goods or other property has been entrusted.

Synonyms: Beneficiary, Collector, Payee, Casher,

Antonyms: Donor, Giver,


Meaning: One who entrusts.


Meaning: A state of permanence.

Synonyms: Compactness, Density, Elasticity, Fabric, Firmness, Flexibility, Hardness, Organization, Plasticity, Pliability, Softness, Solidity, Suppleness, Texture, Viscosity, Viscousness, Limberness, Viscidity, Frangibility,

Antonyms: Incongruity, Inconsistency, Inconstancy, Irregularity, Variation, Erraticism,


Meaning: To comfort.

Synonyms: Animate, Assuage, Calm, Cheer, Encourage, Gladden, Inspirit, Lift, Solace, Soothe, Tranquilize, Upraise, Buck Up, Condole With, Express Sympathy,

Antonyms: Agitate, Annoy, Antagonize, Depress, Discourage, Dispirit, Dissuade, Disturb, Hurt, Sadden, Trouble, Upset, Worry,


Meaning: The state or quality of being in accord with.

Synonyms: Accord, Chime, Chorus, Concert, Concord, Conformity, Congruence, Congruity, Correspondence, Harmony, Suitableness, Tune,

Antonyms: Disagreement, Discord, Dissonance, Disunity, Incompatibility, Incongruence, Incongruity, Nonconformity,


Meaning: Being in agreement or harmony with.

Synonyms: Accordant, According, Agnate, Akin, Alike, Analogous, Blending, Coincident, Comparable, Compatible, Concordant, Conformable, Congenial, Congruous, Correspondent, Corresponding, Harmonious, Like, Parallel, Similar, Suitable, Sympathetic, Uniform, In Agreement, In Rapport,

Antonyms: Different, Disagreeing, Dissimilar, Dissonant, Divergent, Incompatible, Incongruent, Incongruous, Inconsistent, Inconsonant, Unlike,


Meaning: A companion or associate.

Synonyms: Accompaniment, Companion, Concomitant, Friend, Husband, Mate, Spouse, Wife,

Antonyms: Antagonist, Enemy, Foe, Opponent,


Meaning: Clearly visible.

Synonyms: Apparent, Clear, Discernible, Distinct, Evident, Manifest, Noticeable, Patent, Perceptible, Plain, Visible,

Antonyms: Concealed, Hidden, Imperceptible, Inconspicuous, Indistinct, Invisible, Obscure, Obscured, Secret, Uncertain, Unclear, Unimportant, Unknown, Unnoticeable, Unremarkable, Unseen, Vague,


Meaning: One who agrees with others to cooperate in accomplishing some unlawful purpose.

Synonyms: Accomplice, Betrayer, Collaborator, Colluder, Plotter, Subversive, Traitor, Backstabber, Highbinder, Caballer,


Meaning: To plot.

Synonyms: Cabal, Cogitate, Collogue, Collude, Confederate, Connive, Contrive, Cooperate, Devise, Hatch, Intrigue, Machinate, Maneuver, Operate, Wangle, Wire, Promote, Cook Up, Be In Cahoots, Get In Bed With, Put Out A Contract, Work Something Out,

Antonyms: Disagree, Neglect, Leave Alone,


Meaning: An officer whose duty is to maintain the peace.

Synonyms: Bobby, Cop, Detective, Officer, Policeman, Policewoman, Flatfoot, Patrolman, Bluecoat, Patrolwoman, Peace Officer,


Meaning: An arbitrary assemblage or group of stars.

Synonyms: Afterlife, Break, Breaks, Certainty, Circumstance, Conclusion, Condition, Cup, Design, Doom, Expectation, Finality, Foreordination, Fortune, Future, Happenstance, Hereafter, Horoscope, Inevitability, Intent, Intention, Karma, Kismet, Lot, Luck, Objective, Ordinance, Portion, Predestination, Predetermination, Serendipity, World To Come, Prospect, Way The Ball Bounces, Way The Cookie Crumbles, Wheel Of Fortune, Course Of Events, Divine Decree, The Stars, What Is Written,

Antonyms: Choice, Concept, Continuity, Misfortune, Theory, Volition, Whole, Free Will,


Meaning: Panic.

Synonyms: Alarm, Amazement, Anxiety, Awe, Bewilderment, Confusion, Distraction, Dread, Fear, Fright, Horror, Muddle, Panic, Perplexity, Shock, Stupefaction, Terror, Trepidation, Wonder, Muddlement,

Antonyms: Assurance, Beauty, Calm, Calmness, Composure, Confidence, Contentment, Coolness, Expectation, Happiness, Peace, Peacefulness, Security, Tranquility,


Meaning: The inhabitants or voters in a district represented in a legislative body.

Synonyms: Balloters, Citizenry, City, County, District, Electorate, Electors, Faction, Nation, People, Precinct, State, System, Ward, Body Politic, Voters, Body Of Voters, Voting Area,


Meaning: One who has the right to vote at an election.

Synonyms: Basic, Combining, Composing, Constituting, Division, Elemental, Essential, Factor, Forming, Fraction, Fundamental, Ingredient, Integral, Portion,

Antonyms: Accessory, Additional, Auxiliary, Extra, Inessential, Minor, Nonessential, Secondary, Unimportant, Whole,


Meaning: To bind.

Synonyms: Choke, Circumscribe, Clench, Compress, Concentrate, Condense, Confine, Constringe, Contract, Cramp, Curb, Limit, Narrow, Pinch, Restrain, Restrict, Shrink, Squeeze, Strangle, Strangulate, Tauten, Tense, Tighten, Tuck, Draw Together, Astringe,

Antonyms: Enlarge, Expand, Free, Give, Increase, Lengthen, Liberate, Loose, Loosen, Open, Release, Stretch, Let Go,


Meaning: An officer appointed to reside in a foreign city, chiefly to represent his country.

Synonyms: Delegate, Emissary, Envoy, Lawyer, Legate,


Meaning: The place in which a consul transacts official business.

Synonyms: Ministry, Consular Office, Government Office,


Meaning: To bring to completion.

Synonyms: Able, Absolute, Accomplished, Complete, Conspicuous, Downright, Faultless, Finished, Flawless, Gifted, Ideal, Impeccable, Inimitable, Matchless, Peerless, Perfect, Perfected, Polished, Positive, Practiced, Ripe, Skilled, Superb, Superlative, Supreme, Talented, Thoroughgoing, Total, Trained, Transcendent, Unmitigated, Unqualified, Unsurpassable, Utter, Virtuosic, Whole,

Antonyms: Imperfect, Incomplete, Inept, Poor, Unfinished, Worst,


Meaning: Gradual destruction, as by burning, eating, etc., or by using up, wearing out, etc.

Synonyms: Burning, Consuming, Damage, Decay, Decrease, Depletion, Desolation, Destruction, Devastation, Diminution, Dispersion, Dissipation, Drinking, Eating, Exhaustion, Expenditure, Loss, Misuse, Ruin, Swallowing, Utilization, Waste, Using Up,

Antonyms: Building, Construction, Creation, Development, Enlargement, Expansion, Fasting, Growth, Improvement, Increase, Starvation,


Meaning: Designed for gradual destruction.

Synonyms: Devastating, Harmful, Immoderate, Wasteful,


Meaning: The communication of disease from person to person.

Synonyms: Bane, Contamination, Corruption, Illness, Miasma, Pestilence, Plague, Poison, Pollution, Taint, Transmission, Venom, Virus,

Antonyms: Advantage, Cleanliness, Purification, Good Luck,


Meaning: Transmitting disease.

Synonyms: Catching, Deadly, Endemic, Epidemic, Impartible, Infectious, Pestiferous, Pestilential, Poisonous, Spreading, Taking, Transmissible, Transmittable, Epizootic, Inoculable,

Antonyms: Harmless,


Meaning: To pollute.

Synonyms: Alloy, Befoul, Corrupt, Debase, Debauch, Defile, Deprave, Desecrate, Dirty, Harm, Infect, Injure, Pervert, Poison, Pollute, Soil, Spoil, Stain, Sully, Taint, Tarnish, Vitiate, Profane,

Antonyms: Aid, Assist, Clean, Cleanse, Clear, Cure, Fix, Heal, Help, Honor, Improve, Mend, Praise, Sanctify, Sterilize, Upgrade, Purify,


Meaning: To consider thoughtfully.

Synonyms: Aim, Consider, Deliberate, Design, Envisage, Excogitate, Expect, Foresee, Intend, Mean, Mind, Observe, Percolate, Perpend, Ponder, Ruminate, Speculate, Study, Weigh, Take In, Propose, Purpose, Size Up, Cool Out, Brood Over, Muse Over, Chew Over, Mull Over, Think Of, Aspire To, Reflect Upon,

Antonyms: Discard, Disregard, Forget, Ignore, Neglect, Reject, Scorn, Slight, Look Away,


Meaning: Living, occurring, or existing at the same time.

Synonyms: Coetaneous, Coeval, Coexistent, Coexisting, Concomitant, Simultaneous, Synchronic, Synchronous,


Meaning: Living or existing at the same time.

Synonyms: Abreast, Current, Existent, Extant, Instant, Latest, Mod, New, Newfangled, Now, Recent, Today, Topical, Ultramodern, Up, Voguish, In Vogue, With It, ? La Mode, Present, Just Out, Au Courant, In Fashion, Hot Off Press,

Antonyms: Future, Old, Past, Preceding,


Meaning: Worthy of scorn or disdain.

Synonyms: Abhorrent, Abject, Abominable, Bad, Base, Beggarly, Cheap, Crass, Currish, Degenerate, Detestable, Dirty, Disgusting, Hateful, Heel, Ignoble, Ignominious, Inferior, Low, Lowest, Mean, Odious, Outcast, Paltry, Pitiable, Pitiful, Poor, Sad, Scummy, Scurvy, Shabby, Sordid, Sorry, Swinish, Unworthy, Vile, Worthless, Wretched, Despisable,

Antonyms: Admirable, Admired, Delightful, Good, Honorable, Kind, Likeable, Lovable, Loved, Nice, Pleasant, Pleasing, Respectable, Worthy,


Meaning: Disdainful.

Synonyms: Audacious, Bold, Cavalier, Cheeky, Condescending, Cool, Derisive, Derisory, Disdainful, Disrespectful, Hard, Haughty, Insulting, Opprobrious, Sardonic, Scornful, Sneering, Snippy, Snobbish, Snooty, Snotty, Supercilious, Temperamental, Uppity, Upstage, Dog It, Contumelious, High And Mighty, High Hat, On High Horse,

Antonyms: Flattering, Humble, Polite, Praising, Respected, Respectful, Shy,


Meaning: Touching or joining at the edge or boundary.

Synonyms: Abutting, Adjoining, Beside, Bordering, Close, Conterminous, Juxtaposed, Juxtapositional, Meeting, Near, Nearby, Neighboring, Next, Touching, Approximal, Contactual, Next To,

Antonyms: Divided, Separated,


Meaning: Self-restraint with respect to desires, appetites, and passion.

Synonyms: Abstemiousness, Abstinence, Asceticism, Celibacy, Chastity, Forbearance, Moderation, Refraining, Sobriety, Temperance, Virtue,

Antonyms: Excess, Indulgence, Intemperance, Wildness,


Meaning: Possibility of happening.

Synonyms: Accident, Break, Chance, Crisis, Crossroads, Emergency, Event, Eventuality, Exigency, Fortuity, Happening, Incident, Juncture, Likelihood, Occasion, Odds, Opportunity, Pass, Pinch, Predicament, Strait, Uncertainty, Turning Point, Zero Hour, Probability,

Antonyms: Advantage, Certainty, Definiteness, Improbability, Misfortune, Plan, Reality, Solution, Surety, Truth, Unlikelihood, Good Fortune, Bad Luck,


Meaning: Permanence.

Synonyms: Constancy, Continuation, Endurance, Extension, Guts, Longevity, Period, Permanence, Perpetuation, Run, Survival, Term, Vitality, Protraction,

Antonyms: Arrest, End, Ending, Finish, Hindrance, Obstruction, Stop, Stoppage,


Meaning: Prolongation.

Synonyms: Assiduity, Augmenting, Continuance, Continuing, Continuity, Duration, Endurance, Enduring, Extension, Furtherance, Increase, Increasing, Line, Maintaining, Perpetuating, Perpetuation, Persisting, Postscript, Sequel, Succession, Supplement, Sustaining, Sustenance, Tenacity, Prolongation, Producing, Preservation, Production, Propagation, Prolonging, Protraction, Preserving, Going On, Protracting,

Antonyms: Cessation, End, Finish, Halt, Stop, Stoppage, Termination,


Meaning: One who exerts oneself in opposition or rivalry.

Synonyms: Adversary, Challenger, Competition, Contestant, Opponent, Rival,

Antonyms: Ally, Associate, Helper,


Meaning: Proximity.

Synonyms: Approximation, Closeness, Collision, Connection, Contingence, Hit, Impingement, Junction, Juxtaposition, Nearness, Relation, Strike, Touch, Union, Taction, Propinquity, Proximity,

Antonyms: Avoidance, Difference, Distance, Remoteness,


Meaning: To twist into a misshapen form.

Synonyms: Bend, Convolute, Curve, Deform, Gnarl, Knot, Misshape, Torture, Twist, Warp, Wind, Wrench, Writhe,

Antonyms: Beautify, Smooth, Straighten,


Meaning: Trade forbidden by law or treaty.

Synonyms: Banned, Bootleg, Disapproved, Excluded, Forbidden, Hot, Illegal, Illicit, Interdicted, Smuggled, Taboo, Unauthorized, Shut Out, Proscribed, Prohibited, Verboten,

Antonyms: Allowed, Lawful, Legal, Permitted,


Meaning: The assertion of the opposite of that which has been said.

Synonyms: Bucking, Conflict, Confutation, Contravention, Defiance, Denial, Difference, Disagreement, Discrepancy, Dispute, Dissension, Gainsaying, Incongruity, Inconsistency, Negation, Opposite, Opposition,

Antonyms: Acceptance, Accord, Agreement, Approval, Concession, Concurrence, Confirmation, Consistency, Corroboration, Harmony, Likeness, Ok, Peace, Reconcilement, Sameness, Similarity, Verification,


Meaning: Inconsistent with itself.

Synonyms: Adverse, Against, Anti, Antipodal, Antipodean, Antithetic, Antithetical, Con, Conflicting, Contrary, Converse, Counter, Diametric, Discrepant, Incompatible, Incongruous, Inconsistent, Irreconcilable, Negating, Nullifying, Opposing, Opposite, Ornery, Paradoxical, Polar, Repugnant, Reverse, No Go, Counteractive,

Antonyms: Agreeing, Confirming, Consistent, Consonant, Equal, Harmonious, Reconcilable, Reconciled, Same, Similar, Vouching,


Meaning: A placing opposite.

Synonyms: Antithesis, Contradiction, Contradistinction, Contrariety, Contrariness, Contrast, Oppositeness, Polarity,


Meaning: To prevent or obstruct the operation of.

Synonyms: Abjure, Breach, Break, Combat, Counteract, Cross, Defy, Disaffirm, Disobey, Encroach, Exclude, Fight, Gainsay, Hinder, Impugn, Infract, Infringe, Interfere, Interpose, Intrude, Negate, Offend, Oppose, Overstep, Refute, Reject, Repudiate, Resist, Spurn, Thwart, Transgress, Traverse, Trespass, Violate, Conflict With,

Antonyms: Accept, Agree, Aid, Allow, Approve, Assent, Assist, Concur, Consent, Endorse, Help, Join, Obey, Observe, Permit, Ratify, Retreat, Sanction, Stay, Support, Surrender, Uphold, Welcome, Go Along,


Meaning: The act of giving for a common purpose.

Synonyms: Addition, Alms, Augmentation, Benefaction, Beneficence, Bestowal, Charity, Donation, Gifting, Grant, Handout, Improvement, Increase, Input, Subscription, Supplement, Present, Helping Hand, A Hand, Significant Addition,

Antonyms: Decrease, Loss, Subtraction,


Meaning: One who gives or furnishes, in common with others, for a common purpose.

Synonyms: Donor, Giver, Patron, Grantor,


Meaning: Broken in spirit because of a sense of sin.

Synonyms: Apologetic, Chastened, Compunctious, Humble, Penitent, Penitential, Remorseful, Repentant, Sorrowful, Sorry, Attritional,

Antonyms: Hurtful, Indifferent, Mean, Unrepentant,


Meaning: The act planning, devising, inventing, or adapting something to or for a special purpose.

Synonyms: Angle, Artifice, Brainchild, Coinage, Design, Dodge, Expedient, Formation, Gimmick, Intrigue, Invention, Inventiveness, Machination, Measure, Plot, Ruse, Scheme, Slant, Stratagem, Switch, Trick, Twist, Project,

Antonyms: Disorganization, Ignorance,


Meaning: To manage or carry through by some device or scheme.

Synonyms: Concoct, Construct, Create, Devise, Engineer, Fabricate, Fashion, Forge, Form, Formulate, Frame, Handle, Hatch, Improvise, Make, Manipulate, Manufacture, Move, Plan, Plot, Rig, Scheme, Vamp, Wangle, Project, Cook Up, Dream Up, Throw Together, Make Up, Trump Up, Come Up With,

Antonyms: Break, Demolish, Destroy, Discourage, Disorganize, Dissuade, Forget, Neglect, Raze, Ruin, Stop, Waste, Wreck,


Meaning: To exercise a directing, restraining, or governing influence over.

Synonyms: Aag, Ascendancy, Authority, Bridle, Charge, Check, Clout, Containment, Curb, Determination, Direction, Discipline, Domination, Dominion, Force, Government, Guidance, Juice, Jurisdiction, Limitation, Management, Manipulation, Might, Oversight, Predomination, Qualification, Regimentation, Regulation, Restraint, Restriction, Ropes, Rule, Strings, Subjection, Subordination, Superintendence, Supervision, Supremacy, Sway, Weight, Inside Track, Upper Hand, Wire Pulling,

Antonyms: Advantage, Chaos, Disorganization, Freedom, Helplessness, Inability, Lawlessness, Mismanagement, Neglect, Powerlessness, Relinquishment, Renouncement, Weakness,


Meaning: One who or that which regulates or directs.

Synonyms: Ambassador, Authority, Boss, Bureaucrat, Captain, Ceo, Chair, Chairperson, Chief, Commander, Consul, Custodian, Dean, Director, Exec, Executive, Governor, Head, Inspector, Judge, Leader, Manager, Mayor, Minister, Officer, Official, Organizer, Overseer, Superintendent, Supervisor, Premier, President, Producer, Head Honcho, Head Person, Front Office, Person Upstairs,

Antonyms: Employee, Follower, Worker,


Meaning: Rebellious.

Synonyms: Alienated, Contrary, Disaffected, Estranged, Factious, Froward, Haughty, Inflexible, Insubordinate, Insurgent, Intractable, Intransigent, Irreconcilable, Mutinous, Obdurate, Perverse, Rebellious, Recalcitrant, Refractory, Seditious, Stubborn, Unyielding,

Antonyms: Following, Obedient, Subordinate, Tractable, Willing,


Meaning: Contemptuous disregard of the requirements of rightful authority.

Synonyms: Contempt, Disobedience, Insubordination, Rebelliousness, Recalcitrance, Refractoriness, Recalcitrancy,


Meaning: To bruise by a blow, either with or without the breaking of the skin.

Synonyms: Assault, Bash, Beat, Break, Bruise, Buffet, Clobber, Cripple, Crush, Dash, Deface, Demolish, Destroy, Disable, Disfigure, Drub, Hurt, Injure, Lacerate, Lambaste, Lame, Lash, Mangle, Mar, Maul, Mutilate, Pelt, Pommel, Pound, Ruin, Shatter, Smash, Thrash, Wallop, Wreck, Punish, Pummel,

Antonyms: Adorn, Aid, Assist, Beautify, Build, Compliment, Construct, Create, Cure, Decorate, Encourage, Fail, Fix, Heal, Help, Lose, Mend, Ornament, Praise, Repair, Restore, Surrender, Let Go, Protect,


Meaning: A bruise.

Synonyms: Bang, Bump, Cut, Discoloration, Knock, Mouse, Swelling, Wale, Wound,

Antonyms: Compliment, Praise,


Meaning: To recover after a sickness.


Meaning: The state of progressive restoration to health and strength after the cessation of disease.

Synonyms: Affliction, Ailing, Ailment, Attack, Breakdown, Bug, Collapse, Complaint, Confinement, Disability, Disorder, Disturbance, Dose, Fit, Flu, Indisposition, Infirmity, Malady, Malaise, Relapse, Seizure, Sickness, Syndrome, Virus, Ill Health, Diseasedness, Poor Health, Prostration, Failing Health,

Antonyms: Aid, Health, Healthiness, Order, Wellness, Good Health,


Meaning: To cause to incline and approach nearer together.

Synonyms: Assemble, Coincide, Combine, Concenter, Concentrate, Concur, Encounter, Focalize, Focus, Join, Meet, Merge, Mingle, Rally, Unite, Come Together, Enter In,

Antonyms: Avoid, Differ, Disagree, Disconnect, Disjoin, Disperse, Diverge, Divide, Part, Scatter, Separate, Spread,


Meaning: Tending to one point.

Synonyms: Concurrent, Confluent, Connecting, Meeting, Merging, Coming Together,


Meaning: Thoroughly informed.

Synonyms: Abreast, Acquainted, Alive, Apprehensive, Aware, Cognizant, Comprehending, Conscious, Cool, Hep, Hip, Informed, Into, Knowing, Knowledgeable, Learned, Perceptive, Percipient, Practiced, Sensible, Sentient, Skilled, Up, Versed, Witting, Down With, On The Beam, Proficient, Au Courant, Au Fait, Versant, Kept Posted, Plugged In,

Antonyms: Ignorant, Inexperienced, Quiet, Silent,


Meaning: Change from one state or position to another, or from one form to another.

Synonyms: Alteration, Exchange, Flux, Growth, Innovation, Metamorphosis, Modification, Novelty, Passage, Passing, Permutation, Qualification, Reclamation, Reconstruction, Reformation, Regeneration, Resolution, Resolving, Reversal, Switch, Transfiguration, Transformation, Translation, Transmogrification, Transmutation, Turning, Progress, Change Of Heart, Reorganization, Metanoia, Born Again,

Antonyms: Idleness, Sameness, Stagnation,


Meaning: Interchangeable.

Synonyms: Adaptable, Adjustable, Exchangeable, Modifiable, Switchable, Able To Be Changed,


Meaning: Curving like the segment of the globe or of the surface of a circle.

Synonyms: Arched, Bent, Biconvex, Bulged, Bulging, Bulgy, Gibbous, Raised, Protuberant,

Antonyms: Concave, Depressed, Sinking,


Meaning: That by which anything is transported.

Synonyms: Car, Carriage, Carrying, Communication, Machine, Movement, Transfer, Transference, Transmission, Transportation, Vehicle,

Antonyms: Hold, Possession,


Meaning: Devoted to feasting, or to good-fellowship in eating or drinking.

Synonyms: Cheerful, Clubby, Companionable, Entertaining, Festal, Festive, Friendly, Gay, Genial, Happy, Hearty, Hilarious, Holiday, Jocund, Jolly, Jovial, Lively, Merry, Mirthful, Pleasant, Sociable, Vivacious, Conversible,

Antonyms: Apathetic, Blah, Depressed, Dull, Gloomy, Lethargic, Sad, Serious, Solemn, Staid, Unfriendly, Unhappy,


Meaning: A winding motion.

Synonyms: Coil, Coiling, Complexity, Contortion, Curlicue, Flexing, Gyration, Helix, Intricacy, Involution, Serpentine, Sinuosity, Snaking, Swirl, Twist, Undulation, Winding, Tortuousness, Sinuousness,

Antonyms: Line, Straightness,


Meaning: To move with a circling or winding motion.

Synonyms: Convolute, Corkscrew, Fold, Intertwine, Lap, Loop, Rotate, Scroll, Sinuate, Snake, Spiral, Spire, Turn, Twine, Twist, Wind, Wreathe, Writhe, Intervolve, Make Serpentine, Wrap Around,

Antonyms: Straighten, Untwist,


Meaning: A protecting force accompanying property in course of transportation.

Synonyms: Attendance, Attendant, Companion, Protection,

Antonyms: Abandon, Avoid, Desert, Disregard, Endanger, Harm, Hurt, Ignore, Leave, Neglect, Quit, Refuse, Shun, Take,


Meaning: To cause spasms in.

Synonyms: Agitate, Bother, Disturb, Rock, Shake, Stir, Torment, Unsettle, Writhe, Shake Up,

Antonyms: Calm, Order, Quiet, Soothe,


Meaning: A violent and abnormal muscular contraction of the body.

Synonyms: Attack, Contortion, Contraction, Cramp, Epilepsy, Fit, Paroxysm, Seizure, Throe, Tremor,

Antonyms: Harmony, Peace,


Meaning: Plenteous.

Synonyms: Ample, Aplenty, Bounteous, Bountiful, Extensive, Exuberant, Full, Galore, Generous, Heavy, Lavish, Liberal, Lush, Luxuriant, Overflowing, Plenteous, Plentiful, Plenty, Replete, Rich, Superabundant, Verbose, Wordy, Prolix, Profuse, Crawling With, No End, Thick With, Coming Out Of Ears,

Antonyms: Lacking, Meager, Needing, Needy, Poor, Rare, Scarce, Wanting,


Meaning: An ornamental molding running round the walls of a room close to the ceiling.

Synonyms: Band, Crown, Drip, Eave, Frame, Furnish,


Meaning: The horn of plenty, symbolizing peace and prosperity.

Synonyms: Affluence, Amplitude, Bountifulness, Bounty, Exuberance, Fullness, Lavishness, Luxuriance, Plenty, Richness, Superabundance, Plentifulness, Horn Of Plenty,

Antonyms: Lack, Need, Poorness, Rareness, Scarcity, Want,


Meaning: A proposition following so obviously from another that it requires little demonstration.

Synonyms: Aftereffect, Analogy, Consequence, Culmination, Effect, End, Induction, Inference, Issue, Precipitate, Result, Sequel, Sequence, Upshot,

Antonyms: Beginning, Cause, Commencement, Foundation, Opening, Origin, Source, Start,


Meaning: The act or ceremony of crowning a monarch.

Synonyms: nauguration, Investiture,


Meaning: Inferior crown denoting, according to its form, various degrees of noble rank less than sovereign.

Synonyms: Chaplet, Circle, Crown, Diadem, Headband, Tiara, Wreath, Anadem,


Meaning: Belonging or relating to the body as opposed to the mind.

Synonyms: Anatomical, Carnal, Corporeal, Fleshly, Fleshy, Gross, Human, Material, Objective, Phenomenal, Sensible, Somatic, Substantial, Tangible,

Antonyms: Cerebral, Immaterial, Intangible, Mental, Partial, Spiritual,


Meaning: Belonging to a corporation.

Synonyms: Amalgamated, Associated, Collaborative, Collective, Combined, Common, Communal, Concerted, Incorporated, Joint, Pooled, Shared, United,

Antonyms: Separate,


Meaning: Of a material nature; physical.

Synonyms: Anatomical, Carnal, Corporal, Fleshly, Fleshy, Human, Material, Mortal, Objective, Phenomenal, Sensible, Somatic, Substantial, Tangible,

Antonyms: Cerebral, Immaterial, Intangible, Mental, Spiritual,


Meaning: A number or body of persons in some way associated or acting together.

Synonyms: Band, Body, Brigade, Company, Contingent, Crew, Detachment, Division, Outfit, Party, Posse, Regiment, Squad, Squadron, Team, Troop, Troupe, Unit,

Antonyms: Connection, Individual, Whole,


Meaning: A dead body.

Synonyms: Body, Bones, Cadaver, Carcass, Carrion, Deceased, Departed, Mort, Remains, Stiff,


Meaning: Obese.

Synonyms: Beefy, Blimp, Bulky, Burly, Embonpoint, Fat, Fleshy, Gross, Heavy, Hefty, Husky, Large, Lusty, Obese, Overblown, Overweight, Plump, Portly, Rotund, Stout, Tubby, Weighty, Baby Elephant, Having A Bay Window, Having A Spare Tire,

Antonyms: Skinny, Slender, Slight, Thin, Underweight,


Meaning: A minute particle of matter.

Synonyms: Bacterium, Egg, Embryo, Follicle, Germ, Microorganism, Spore, Unit, Vacuole, Utricle, Cellule,

Antonyms: Skinniness, Thinness,


Meaning: To put in some relation of connection or correspondence.

Synonyms: Associate, Connect, Coordinate, Correspond, Interact, Parallel, Tune In On, Be On Same Wavelength, Have Good Vibes, Relate Mutually,

Antonyms: Differ, Disassociate, Disconnect, Imbalance, Separate,


Meaning: Mutually involving or implying one another.

Synonyms: Complementary, Correlated, Correspondent, Corresponding, Matching, Parallel, Reciprocal,

Antonyms: Independent,


Meaning: Capable of reformation.

Synonyms: Amenable, Capable, Correctable, Healable, Improvable, Mendable, Reparative, Not Hopeless, Not Too Bad, Restorable, Subject To Cure,

Antonyms: Incurable,


Meaning: To strengthen, as proof or conviction.

Synonyms: Approve, Authenticate, Certify, Confirm, Document, Endorse, Establish, Justify, Okay, Ratify, Strengthen, Substantiate, Support, Sustain, Validate, Verify, Check Out, Prove, Bear Out, Give Nod, Check Up, Check On, Declare True, Double Check,

Antonyms: Contradict, Deny, Disagree, Disallow, Disapprove, Disclaim, Discredit, Disprove, Invalidate, Oppose, Refuse, Refute, Reject, Veto,


Meaning: Confirmation.

Synonyms: Affirmation, Attestation, Authentication, Evidence, Substantiation, Support, Testament, Testimony, Validation, Verification, Proof,


Meaning: To ruin or destroy little by little.

Synonyms: Bite, Canker, Consume, Corrupt, Destroy, Deteriorate, Erode, Gnaw, Impair, Oxidize, Rot, Rust, Scour, Waste,

Antonyms: Aid, Build, Construct, Create, Fortify, Help, Improve,


Meaning: Gradual decay by crumbling or surface disintegration.

Synonyms: Decay, Decomposition, Degeneration, Deterioration, Erosion, Oxidation, Rust, Wear,

Antonyms: Building, Construction, Development, Growth, Improvement, Strengthening,


Meaning: That which causes gradual decay by crumbling or surface disintegration.

Synonyms: Acerb, Acerbic, Acrid, Biting, Caustic, Corroding, Cutting, Destructive, Erosive, Incisive, Sarcastic, Trenchant, Venomous, Virulent, Wasting, Strongly Acid,

Antonyms: Contributing, Fortifying, Gentle, Kind, Nice, Supporting,


Meaning: Open to bribery.

Synonyms: Corrupt, Dishonest, Unethical, Unprincipled, Venal, Purchasable,


Meaning: Loss of purity or integrity.

Synonyms: Bribery, Bribing, Crime, Crookedness, Demoralization, Exploitation, Extortion, Fiddling, Fraud, Graft, Jobbery, Malfeasance, Misrepresentation, Nepotism, Payoff, Racket, Shadiness, Shuffle, Skimming, Squeeze, Venality, Shady Deal, Payola, Profiteering, Unscrupulousness, Breach Of Trust, Fraudulency,

Antonyms: Cleanliness, Cleanness, Decency, Goodness, Honesty, Honor, Kindness, Sterility, Truthfulness, Wholesomeness, Purification, Purity, Pureness,


Meaning: Pertaining to the art of beautifying, especially the complexion.

Synonyms: Corrective, Improving, Makeup, Nonessential, Painted, Remedial, Restorative, Superficial, Surface,

Antonyms: Disfiguring,


Meaning: Pertaining to the universe.

Synonyms: Catholic, Cosmopolitan, Ecumenical, Empyrean, Global, Grandiose, Huge, Immense, Infinite, Measureless, Planetary, Vast, Worldwide, Cosmogonic,

Antonyms: Bounded, Limited, Little, Miniature, Minute, Small, Teeny, Tiny,


Meaning: A doctrine of creation or of the origin of the universe.


Meaning: The science that describes the universe, including astronomy, geography, and geology.


Meaning: The general science of the universe.

Synonyms: Cosmogony, Creation, Ontology, Perspective, Position, Underpinning, View, Viewpoint, Weltanschauung,


Meaning: Common to all the world.

Synonyms: Catholic, Cultivated, Cultured, Ecumenical, Global, Gregarious, Metropolitan, Planetary, Polished, Smooth, Sophisticated, Universal, Urbane, Worldly, Worldwide, Public,

Antonyms: Country, Particular, Rural, Rustic, Specific, Unrefined, Unsophisticated,


Meaning: A cosmopolitan character.

Synonyms: Comfort, Craze, Dash, Delicacy, Ease, Elegance, Fad, Flair, Grace, Grandeur, Luxury, Mode, Panache, Polish, Rage, Refinement, Smartness, Sophistication, Stylishness, Taste, Thing, Urbanity, Vogue, Chichi, Dernier Cri, ?lan, Dressiness,

Antonyms: Dislike, Dullness, Hate, Hatred, Ineptness,


Meaning: The world or universe considered as a system, perfect in order and arrangement.

Synonyms: Creation, Galaxy, Macrocosm, Nature, World, Solar System, Macrocosmos, Megacosm, Star System,

Antonyms: Disorganization,


Meaning: A cross-demand alleged by a defendant in his favor against the plaintiff.


Meaning: To act in opposition to.

Synonyms: Annul, Buck, Cancel, Check, Contravene, Correct, Counterbalance, Countercheck, Countervail, Cross, Defeat, Fix, Foil, Frustrate, Halt, Hinder, Invalidate, Negate, Negative, Neutralize, Offset, Oppose, Rectify, Redress, Resist, Right, Thwart, Prevent, Cancel Out,

Antonyms: Abet, Aid, Allow, Approve, Assist, Break, Encourage, Facilitate, Forward, Help, Permit, Support, Uphold, Validate, Worsen,


Meaning: To oppose with an equal force.

Synonyms: Amend, Balance, Cancel, Compensate, Correct, Counteract, Counterpoise, Countervail, Equalize, Outweigh, Rectify, Redeem, Set Off, Make Up For, Atone For,

Antonyms: Disproportion, Forfeit, Imbalance, Lose,


Meaning: To accuse in return.

Synonyms: Answer, Confutation, Counterclaim, Defense, Rejoinder, Reply, Counteraccusation,

Antonyms: Question, Request,


Meaning: Made to resemble something else.

Synonyms: Affected, Assumed, Bent, Bogus, Copied, Crock, Deceptive, Delusive, Delusory, Ersatz, Faked, False, Feigned, Fictitious, Fishy, Forged, Framed, Fraudulent, Hollywood, Imitation, Misleading, Mock, Pirate, Plant, Queer, Sham, Snide, Spurious, Wrong, Pretended, Pseudo, Suppositious, Pretentious, Brummagem, Not Genuine, Not Kosher, Soft Shell,

Antonyms: Actual, Authentic, Factual, Genuine, Honest, Ok, Real, Sincere, True, Truthful, Valid,


Meaning: Something taken with another for the completion of either.

Synonyms: Analogue, Complement, Copy, Correlate, Correlative, Correspondent, Ditto, Duplicate, Equal, Equivalent, Fellow, Like, Mate, Obverse, Opposite, Pendant, Ringer, Supplement, Tally, Twin, Dead Ringer, Spitting Image, Carbon Copy, Two Of A Kind, Look Alike, Peas In A Pod,

Antonyms: Opposite, Original,


Meaning: To offset.

Synonyms: Balance, Counteract, Counterbalance, Counterpoise, Invalidate, Neutralize, Nullify, Undo, Make Up For, Compensate For,

Antonyms: Approve, Permit, Validate,


Meaning: A house or office used for transacting business, bookkeeping, correspondence, etc.


Meaning: A rustic.

Synonyms: Compatriot, Landsman, National, Fellow Citizen,


Meaning: Brave.


Meaning: Line of motion or direction.

Synonyms: Advancement, Chain, Channels, Continuity, Development, Flow, Furtherance, Line, Manner, March, Movement, Order, Plan, Policy, Polity, Row, Scheme, Sequel, Sequence, Series, String, Succession, System, Unfolding, Way, Program, Procedure, Progression, Red Tape, Consecution,

Antonyms: Cessation, Disorder, Disorganization, Halt, Stoppage,


Meaning: A fleet and spirited horse.

Synonyms: Chaser, Foxhound, Hound, Stalking Horse, Gun Dog, Hound Dog, Hunting Horse, Rabbit Hound,


Meaning: Politeness originating in kindness and exercised habitually.

Synonyms: Address, Affability, Amenities, Amiability, Attentiveness, Ceremony, Chivalry, Civility, Comity, Complaisance, Consideration, Cordiality, Courteousness, Cultivation, Culture, Deference, Elegance, Familiarity, Favor, Friendliness, Gallantry, Generosity, Geniality, Gentleness, Graciousness, Indulgence, Kindness, Polish, Politeness, Refinement, Respect, Reverence, Solicitude, Suavity, Sympathy, Tact, Thoughtfulness, Urbanity, Courtliness, Good Behavior, Gallantness, Good Breeding,

Antonyms: Aloofness, Coldness, Coolness, Crudeness, Discourtesy, Disdain, Disfavor, Disregard, Disrespect, Fear, Ignorance, Impoliteness, Meanness, Neglect, Pompousness, Roughness, Rudeness, Thoughtlessness, Unfriendliness, Unmannerliness, Bad Manners,


Meaning: An agreement entered into by two or more persons or parties.


Meaning: Concealed, especially for an evil purpose.

Synonyms: Buried, Camouflaged, Cloaked, Concealed, Disguised, Dissembled, Furtive, Hidden, Incog, Incognito, Masked, Obscured, Secret, Shrouded, Stealthy, Surreptitious, Ulterior, Undercover, Underhand, Unsuspected, Veiled, Privy, Private, Under Wraps, Sub Rosa, Qt,

Antonyms: Aboveboard, Candid, Frank, Honest, Known, Open, Overt, Revealed, Unconcealed, Public,


Meaning: A flock of quails or partridges.

Synonyms: Brood, Bunch, Herd,


Meaning: To crouch down tremblingly, as through fear or shame.

Synonyms: Blench, Bootlick, Cringe, Crouch, Fawn, Flinch, Grovel, Honey, Kowtow, Quail, Recoil, Shrink, Skulk, Sneak, Toady, Tremble, Truckle, Wince, Draw Back,

Antonyms: Face, Meet, Come Out,


Meaning: One who steers a rowboat, or one who has charge of a ship's boat and its crew under an officer.

Synonyms: Accompany, Advise, Attend, Beacon, Chaperon, Command, Conduct, Contrive, Control, Convoy, Counsel, Educate, Engineer, Escort, Govern, Handle, Influence, Instruct, Manage, Maneuver, Marshal, Navigate, Oversee, Pilot, Quarterback, Regulate, Route, Rule, See, Shepherd, Show, Spearhead, Steer, Superintend, Supervise, Sway, Teach, Train, Usher, Show The Way, Have A Handle On, Trailblaze,

Antonyms: Abandon, Desert, Disorganize, Ignore, Learn, Leave, Misguide, Mislead, Mismanage, Neglect, Obey, Leave Alone,


Meaning: A rugged, rocky projection on a cliff or ledge.

Synonyms: Bank, Cliff, Escarpment, Headland, Hill, Mountain, Peak, Ridge, Rock, Promontory,

Antonyms: Crevasse, Depression, Unimportance, Valley,


Meaning: The skull of an animal, especially that part enclosing the brain.

Synonyms: Brainpan, Crown, Head,

Antonyms: Bottom,

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Meaning: oarse or thick in nature or structure, as opposed to thin or fine.

Synonyms: Asinine, Blundering, Boorish, Bovine, Churlish, Dense, Doltish, Gross, Indelicate, Inelegant, Loutish, Lowbrow, Lumpish, Oafish, Obtuse, Philistine, Raw, Rough, Rude, Stupid, Uncouth, Unrefined, Vulgar, Witless,

Antonyms: Careful, Delicate, Kind, Nice, Polite, Refined, Sensitive, Sophisticated, Tactful,


Meaning: A vehement desire.

Synonyms: Appetite, Hankering, Hunger, Hurting, Itch, Longing, Lust, Need, Passion, Thirst, Urge, Yearning, Yen, Appetition, Munchies,

Antonyms: Disgust, Dislike, Distaste, Hate, Hatred, Indifference,


Meaning: A sharp, harsh, squeaking sound.

Synonyms: Chirr, Crepitate, Groan, Rasp, Scrape, Scratch, Screech, Sound, Squeak, Squeal,


Meaning: A butter-making establishment.

Synonyms: Buttery, Factory, Farm, Dairy Farm, Cow Barn, Pasteurizing Plant,


Meaning: Resembling or containing cream.

Synonyms: Creamed, Feathery, Fluffy, Gooey, Goopy, Greasy, Luscious, Lush, Milky, Oily, Rich, Soft, Velvety, Gloppy,

Antonyms: Dry, Poor, Rough,


Meaning: Belief.

Synonyms: Accepting, Admission, Admitting, Assurance, Belief, Certainty, Confidence, Credit, Dependence, Faith, Reliance, Stock, Store,

Antonyms: Denial, Disbelief, Distrust, Doubt, Faithlessness, Fear, Misgiving, Uncertainty,


Meaning: Believable.

Synonyms: Aboveboard, Colorable, Conceivable, Conclusive, Creditable, Dependable, Determinative, Honest, Imaginable, Likely, Plausible, Possible, Rational, Reasonable, Reliable, Satisfactory, Satisfying, Seeming, Sincere, Solid, Sound, Straight, Supposable, Tenable, Thinkable, Trustworthy, Trusty, Valid, Up Front, Probable, Probably, Honest To God,

Antonyms: Deceptive, Dishonest, Implausible, Impossible, Improbable, Inconceivable, Incredible, Irresponsible, Unacceptable, Unbelievable, Unimaginable, Unlikely, Unreasonable, Unreliable, Unsound, Untenable, Untrustworthy, Undependable,


Meaning: Easily deceived.

Synonyms: Accepting, Believing, Green, Simple, Trustful, Trusting, Uncritical, Unquestioning, Unsophisticated, Unsuspecting, Unsuspicious, Unwary, Easy Mark, Taken In, Dupable, Born Yesterday, Falling For, Overtrusting, Swallow Whole,

Antonyms: Skeptical, Suspecting, Suspicious, Untrusting,


Meaning: A formal summary of fundamental points of religious belief.

Synonyms: Canon, Catechism, Church, Confession, Conviction, Cult, Doctrine, Dogma, Faith, Ideology, Persuasion, Religion, Tenet, Profession, Weltanschauung, Articles Of Faith,

Antonyms: Agnosticism, Atheism, Disbelief, Doubt, Skepticism, Unbelief,


Meaning: A place for cremating dead bodies.

Synonyms: Boiler, Burner, Cinerarium, Heater, Pyre, Oil Burner, Heating System, Cinerator,


Meaning: A deep crack or fissure in the ice of a glacier.

Synonyms: Abyss, Chasm, Cleft, Fissure, Gap, Hole,

Antonyms: Closure, Solid,


Meaning: A small fissure, as between two contiguous surfaces.

Synonyms: Abyss, Chasm, Chink, Cleft, Crack, Cranny, Crevasse, Cut, Division, Fissure, Fracture, Gap, Hole, Interstice, Opening, Precipice, Rent, Rift, Slit, Split,

Antonyms: Agreement, Closing, Closure, Juncture, Solid,


Meaning: A standard by which to determine the correctness of a judgment or conclusion.

Synonyms: Archetype, Basis, Benchmark, Canon, Example, Exemplar, Fact, Foundation, Law, Measure, Model, Norm, Opinion, Original, Paradigm, Pattern, Precedent, Rule, Scale, Standard, Touchstone, Yardstick, Proof, Principle, Prototype, Point Of Comparison,

Antonyms: Change, Conjecture, Fancy, Guess, Possibility, Probability,


Meaning: A criticism or critical review.

Synonyms: Appraisal, Assessment, Comment, Commentary, Criticism, Editorial, Examination, Exposition, Judgment, Notice, Pan, Rap, Rave, Review, Slam, Slap, Study, Takedown, Zapper, Reviewal, Putdown,

Antonyms: Compliment, Flattery, Praise,


Meaning: Earthenware made from baked clay.

Synonyms: Ceramics, Porcelain, Pottery,


Meaning: A trying and purifying test or agency.

Synonyms: Cauldron, Container, Pot, Vessel, Melting Pot,


Meaning: Any concerted movement, vigorously prosecuted, in behalf of an idea or principle.

Synonyms: Cause, Demonstration, Drive, Evangelism, Expedition, Jihad, March, Movement, Push, Holy War,

Antonyms: Halt, Stoppage,


Meaning: Pertaining to a division of arthropods, containing lobsters, crabs, crawfish, etc.

Synonyms: Shellfish,


Meaning: Having a crust-like shell.

Sentence: These genera have crustaceous seed coats


Meaning: Anything written in characters that are secret or so arranged as to have hidden meaning.

Synonyms: Cipher, Code, Figure, Representation, Writing,


Meaning: To bring together or give fixed shape to.

Synonyms: Assume A Pattern, Become Definite, Become Delineated, Form Into Crystals, Take Form,


Meaning: A short thick stick used as a club.


Meaning: Of or pertaining to cooking or the kitchen.

Synonyms: Appetizing, Comestible, Delicious, Dietary, Digestible, Edible, Esculent, Fit, Good, Harmless, Kosher, Nutritious, Nutritive, Palatable, Piquant, Safe, Satisfying, Savory, Scrumptious, Succulent, Tasty, Tempting, Wholesome, Yummy,

Antonyms: Disagreeable, Distasteful, Harmful, Inadequate, Inedible, Poisonous, Uneatable, Unpalatable, Unpleasant, Unsuitable, Unwholesome,


Meaning: To pick or sort out from the rest.

Synonyms: Choose, Discriminate, Elect, Extract, Glean, Mark, Pluck, Select, Sift, Take, Thin, Winnow, Thin Out, Single Out, Prefer, Opt For, Optate,

Antonyms: Insert, Reject, Put In,


Meaning: Guilty.

Synonyms: Amiss, Answerable, Blamable, Blameful, Blameworthy, Caught, Censurable, Dirty, Guilty, Indictable, Liable, Reprehensible, Responsible, Sinful, Unholy, Wrong, At Fault, Hung Up, In The Wrong, To Blame, Impeachable, Off Base, Punishable, Smoking Gun, Caught In The Act, Demeritorious, Found Wanting,

Antonyms: Blameless, Immune, Inculpable, Innocent, Irresponsible, Right, Not Guilty,


Meaning: A guilty person.

Synonyms: Con, Convict, Criminal, Delinquent, Evildoer, Felon, Fugitive, Jailbird, Malefactor, Miscreant, Offender, Rascal, Sinner, Transgressor, Wrongdoer, Yardbird, Guilty Party,

Antonyms: Police,


Meaning: Any artificial covered channel for the passage of water through a bank or under a road, canal.

Synonyms: Canal, Channel, Conduit, Drain, Duct, Gutter, Pipe, Watercourse,


Meaning: Avarice.


Meaning: A person having charge as of a library or museum.

Synonyms: Amenable, Capable, Correctable, Corrigible, Healable, Improvable, Mendable, Reparative, Not Hopeless, Not Too Bad, Restorable, Subject To Cure,

Antonyms: Incurable,


Meaning: A person having charge as of a library or museum.

Synonyms: Administrator, Conservator, Custodian, Director, Guardian, Keeper, Manager, Steward,

Antonyms: Employee,


Meaning: A piece of bric-a-brac.

Synonyms: Antique, Bauble, Bibelot, Bygone, Collectible, Toy, Trifle, Trinket, Whatnot,


Meaning: Writing in which the letters are joined together.

Synonyms: Calm, Carefree, Comfortable, Comfy, Commodious, Composed, Content, Contented, Cozy, Cushy, Easeful, Effortless, Flowing, Fluent, Forthright, Gentle, Languid, Light, Mild, Moderate, Peaceful, Pleasant, Quiet, Running, Satisfied, Secure, Serene, Slow, Smooth, Snug, Soft, Spontaneous, Substantial, Successful, Temperate, Thriving, Tranquil, Undisturbed, Unhurried, Untroubled, Prosperous,

Antonyms: Arduous, Clamorous, Complex, Complicated, Demanding, Difficult, Exhausting, Hard, Impossible, Intelligent, Intolerant, Intricate, Involved, Laborious, Loud, Noisy, Oppressive, Rough, Smart, Strict, Trying, Uneasy, Unfriendly, Unhappy, Unrelaxed,


Meaning: Rapid and superficial.

Synonyms: Brief, Careless, Depthless, Desultory, Fast, Haphazard, Hurried, Offhand, Passing, Perfunctory, Quick, Random, Rapid, Shallow, Short, Sketchy, Slapdash, Slight, Sloppy, Speedy, Summary, Superficial, Swift, Uncritical,

Antonyms: Careful, Complete, Detailed, Meticulous, Painstaking, Perfect, Thorough, Unhurried,


Meaning: Concise, compressed, and abrupt in act or expression.

Synonyms: Blunt, Brief, Brusque, Churlish, Compendious, Concise, Crusty, Gruff, Imperious, Laconic, Offhand, Peremptory, Pithy, Sharp, Short, Snappish, Snippy, Succinct, Summary, Tart, Terse, Unceremonious, Uncivil, Ungracious, Breviloquent, Snippety,

Antonyms: Ceremonious, Civil, Gracious, Lengthy, Polite, Tactful, Wordy,


Meaning: To cut off or cut short.

Synonyms: Abbreviate, Chop, Clip, Contract, Cramp, Cut, Decrease, Diminish, Dock, Downsize, Halt, Lessen, Lop, Minify, Reduce, Retrench, Shorten, Slash, Trim, Truncate, Cut Back, Boil Down, Put In Nutshell, Roll Back, Get To Meat,

Antonyms: Amplify, Develop, Enlarge, Expand, Extend, Grow, Increase, Lengthen, Raise, Strengthen, Stretch, Prolong,


Meaning: A downward movement of the body by bending the knees.


Meaning: Like a circle.


Meaning: A young swan.


Meaning: Exhibiting moral skepticism.

Synonyms: Contemptuous, Derisive, Ironic, Misanthropic, Misanthropical, Mocking, Pessimistic, Sarcastic, Sardonic, Scoffing, Scornful, Skeptical, Sneering, Suspicious, Unbelieving, Wry,

Antonyms: Believing, Hopeful, Optimistic, Trusting, Undoubting,


Meaning: Contempt for the opinions of others and of what others value.

Synonyms: Bitterness, Distrust, Doubt, Misanthropy, Pessimism, Sarcasm,

Antonyms: Belief, Certainty, Confidence, Faith, Trust,


Meaning: That to which general interest or attention is directed.

Synonyms: Ace, Bigwig, Celeb, Figure, Heavyweight, Hero, Immortal, Lion, Luminary, Magnate, Mahatma, Name, Notable, Personage, Personality, Somebody, Someone, Star, Superstar, Vip, Worthy, Big Cheese, Big Deal, Big Name, Big Shot, Hotshot, Big Gun, Big Stuff, Famous Person, Major Leaguer,

Antonyms: Commoner, Nobody, Nonentity, Obscurity, Unknown,


Meaning: cartoons are meant for kids to make there mood good or happy.


Meaning: A czar is also a person who has a lot of power in a particular activity

Sentence: Whichever way opinion goes, one thing is clear: the new finance czar's performance is the most discussed topic in economic circles.

Synonyms: despot, emperor, king, leader, ruler, tycoon, tzar, baron, tsar, tsarina and autocrat

Antonyms: inferior, subordinate, underling


Meaning: causing , involving, or likely to cause disagreement and argument

Sentence: She has some very contentious views on education.

Synonyms: antagonistic, combative, testy, argumentative, belligerent, disagreeable, factious, perverse, petulant, querulous

Antonyms: agreeable


Meaning: causing great damage or suffering

Sentence: The bank went bust, with calamitous consequences for global markets.

Synonyms: adverse, cataclysmic, catastrophic, deadly, devastating, dire, fatal

Antonyms: advantageous, favorable, fortunate, good


Meaning: the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place

Sentence: With $25 million closed already from themselves and several family offices, the fund has begun investing globally with particular interests in digital health, ecommerce, digital entertainment and gaming, robotics and climate change. WITH GOAT CAPITAL, JUSTIN KAN AND ROBIN CHAN WANT TO KEEP FOUNDING ALONGSIDE THE RIGHT TEAMSERIC ELDONSEPTEMBER 17, 2020TECHCRUNCH

Synonyms: humidity, temperature, altitude, aridity, clime, conditions, latitude, atmospheric conditions, characteristic weather, meteorologic conditions, meteorological character


Meaning: unkind, cruel, and without sympathy or feeling for other people

Sentence: The importance of callous-unemotional traits for extending the concept of psychopathic traits to children.

Synonyms: apathetic, careless, cold-blooded, heartless, indifferent, insensitive, uncaring, unsympathetic, hardened

Antonyms: caring, compassionate, concerned, feeling, interested, kind, merciful, mindful, nice, responsive, sympathetic


Meaning: a feeling of friendliness towards people that you work or share an experience with

Synonyms: companionship, intimacy, togetherness

Antonyms: gloom


Meaning: to make a loud complaint or demand

Sentence: The children were all clamoring for attention.

Synonyms: agitation, brouhaha, buzz, ferment, hubbub, noise, outcry, ruckus, tumult, upheaval, uproar

Antonyms: calm, order, peace, silence, harmony


Meaning: to understand the meaning, especially of other people's actions and statements, in a particular way

Sentence: A crucial question, though, is how exactly we should construe the normativity here.

Synonyms: define, infer, interpret, parse, translate

Antonyms: misunderstand, cloud, confuse, fail, obscure


Meaning: an officer of high rank in the army or air force

Sentence: Colonel is the military rank between lieutenant-colonel and brigadier.

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