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Meaning: strongly wanting to do something

Sentence: The children were eager to go to the cinema.


Meaning: a large bird of prey with a sharp, curved beak and very strong sight


Meaning: a sound that is heard again as it is reflected off something

Sentence: She heard an echo of her voice in the valley.


Meaning: a pain in the ear

Sentence: She had severe earache and had to be taken to the hospital.


Meaning: get something by working or in return for what you have done

Sentence: It is harder to earn than to borrow.


Meaning: the apparent path of the Sun across the sky over the course of a year

Sentence: In spring, the ecliptic in the northern hemisphere is angled high in the evening sky.


Meaning: an ornament for the ear

Sentence: She lost an earring at the party.


Meaning: a violent movement on some parts of the Earths surface

Sentence: The earthquake caused widespread damage.


Meaning: a long, thin worm that lives in the soil


Meaning: the study of living things in relation to each other and their surroundings

Sentence: Ecology teaches you about nature.


Meaning: to listen secretly to a private conversation

Sentence: The little boy tried to eavesdrop on his friends? conversation


Meaning: to do with the economy; profitable

Sentence: The country?s economic condition is improving.


Meaning: using as little as possible

Sentence: The hikers made economical use of their limited water supply.


Meaning: the person in charge of a newspaper

Sentence: The editor hired a journalist for his newspaper.


Meaning: the process of training peoples minds and abilities so that they acquire knowledge and develop skills Nothing is more important than a good education.


Meaning: the art of needlework

Sentence: She is good at embroidery.


Meaning: to remove errors from a piece of writing

Sentence: The editor?s job is to emend newspaper articles.


Meaning: a bright-green, precious stone

Sentence: This emerald was mined in Columbia.


Meaning: cord or material woven with strands of rubber so that it can stretch

Sentence: These trousers have a length of elastic sewn into their waistbands.


Meaning: a sudden, serious happening needing prompt action

Sentence: It is important to stay calm in an emergency.


Meaning: a form of energy carried by certain particles of matter, used for lighting, heating and other work

Sentence: The electricity had been cut off.


Meaning: a very large animal with a trunk and tusks


Meaning: a man who rules an empire

Sentence: The emperor ruled his empire wisely.


Meaning: a persons regular trade or profession

Sentence: He found employment as a gardener.


Meaning: with nothing in it

Sentence: Before you knew it, the empty cookie jar was refilled.


Meaning: charming

Sentence: She has an enchanting personality.


Meaning: ask for information

Sentence: He walked up to the post office to enquire how long they were open.


Meaning: one who hates or seeks to harm another

Sentence: The soldier could see an enemy approaching.


Meaning: to join

Sentence: He decided to enrol in a cricket club.


Meaning: something performed before an audience to amuse or interest them

Sentence: The singer provided us with entertainment.


Meaning: an appointment or commitment

Sentence: Their engagement was announced in the local paper.


Meaning: a strong liking, interest or excitement

Sentence: Akbar has a great enthusiasm for playing cricket.


Meaning: pleasant

Sentence: The summer fair is always an enjoyable occasion.


Meaning: whole or complete

Sentence: He ate the entire cake.


Meaning: the way into a place

Sentence: We could not find the entrance so we went in through the back.


Meaning: a wrapper or covering, especially a folded cover for a letter

Sentence: The envelope was addressed to his father.


Meaning: surroundings

Sentence: An unhappy home environment can affect a child?s behaviour.


Meaning: a short piece of writing about a subject

Sentence: She wrote an essay about her summer vacation.


Meaning: not able to be done without

Sentence: Milk is an essential part of a child?s diet.


Meaning: rub something out

Sentence: It is better to make mistakes in pencil because you can erase them.


Meaning: respect and admiration

Sentence: I hold my elders in high esteem.


Meaning: bursting out

Sentence: A major volcanic eruption can cause severe devastation.


Meaning: to make a guess about an amount or value

Sentence: I estimate that it will take me one hour to write this essay.


Meaning: to make or become greater, more serious or more intense

Sentence: We should not allow minor disagreements between countries to escalate into war.


Meaning: belonging to a particular racial group within a larger set of people

Sentence: Aborigines form an ethnic community in Australia.


Meaning: to get yourself free

Sentence: The prisoner tried to escape from prison.

Synonyms: breakout, departure, desertion, disappearance, flight, freedom, liberation, outbreak, rescue, withdrawal

Antonyms: arrival, coming, entrance, stay, staying, directness, meeting, capture


Meaning: coffee made by forcing steam through ground coffee beans

Sentence: He ordered an espresso at the restaurant.


Meaning: to do with Europe or its people

Sentence: The European currency is called the Euro.


Meaning: to move people away from a dangerous place Firemen had to evacuate people from the burning building.


Meaning: to estimate the worth of something

Sentence: The report card will evaluate your performance in school.


Meaning: to change from liquid into steam or vapour

Sentence: Heat causes water to evaporate.


Meaning: outstandingly good

Sentence: The actor was praised for his exceptional performance in the film.


Meaning: anything that gives people reason to believe something

Sentence: The police found evidence to prove the man guilty of robery


Meaning: the act of describing something as bigger, better or worse than it really is

Sentence: His story was obviously an exaggeration of the truth.


Meaning: a strong feeling of eagerness or pleasure

Sentence: The news caused great excitement among her friends.


Meaning: a test, assessment

Sentence: Mehr scored high marks in her science examination.


Meaning: shout out in surprise

Sentence: The children began to exclaim in surprise at the sight of the clown.


Meaning: very painful

Sentence: Maha has an excruciating headache.


Meaning: a person with great knowledge or skill in something

Sentence: He is a karate expert.


Meaning: using your body to make it strong and healthy

Sentence: You must exercise to keep well.


Meaning: to use a person or thing selfishly

Sentence: It is wrong to exploit people.


Meaning: to make known

Sentence: He tried to express his anger.


Meaning: something expected or hoped for

Sentence: It is my expectation that I will do well in my exams.


Meaning: from outer space

Sentence: Scientists have been searching for extraterrestrial life.


Meaning: the spending of money

Sentence: Building a house involves considerable expenditure.


Meaning: something that has happened to you

Sentence: My camping trip was an enjoyable experience.


Meaning: the fringe of hair growing on the face above the eye

Sentence: The gentleman had something on his eyebrow.


Meaning: a test made in order to find out what happens The students conducted an experiment during science class.


Meaning: Ardent in spirit and speech.

Synonyms: Ardent, Busy, Devoted, Diligent, Eager, Fervent, Fervid, Heartfelt, Impassioned, Industrious, Keen, Passionate, Sedulous, Sincere, Urgent, Vehement, Warm, Wholehearted, Zealous, Purposeful, Perseverant,

Antonyms: Apathetic, Cold, Cool, Dispassionate, Flippant, Frigid, Indifferent, Insincere, Thoughtless, Trivial, Unconcerned, Unenthusiastic, Unimportant, Unserious, Unthoughtful, Unexcited,


Meaning: Anything made of clay and baked in a kiln or dried in the sun.

Synonyms: Ceramics, Pottery, Stoneware, Terra Cotta,


Meaning: Edible.

Synonyms: Appetizing, Comestible, Culinary, Delicious, Dietary, Digestible, Edible, Esculent, Fit, Good, Harmless, Kosher, Nutritious, Nutritive, Palatable, Piquant, Safe, Satisfying, Savory, Scrumptious, Succulent, Tasty, Tempting, Wholesome, Yummy,

Antonyms: Disagreeable, Distasteful, Harmful, Inadequate, Inedible, Poisonous, Uneatable, Unpalatable, Unpleasant, Unsuitable, Unwholesome,


Meaning: Showing enthusiasm or exhilaration of feeling.

Synonyms: Agitated, Bouncy, Brash, Buoyant, Chipper, Chirpy, Effervescent, Effusive, Elated, Excited, Exhilarated, Exuberant, Frothy, Gushing, Irrepressible, Vivacious, Zestful, Zippy, In High Spirits,

Antonyms: Apathetic, Depressed, Disinterested, Down, Serious, Unenthusiastic, Unhappy,


Meaning: Peculiar.

Synonyms: Aberrant, Abnormal, Anomalous, Beat, Bent, Bizarre, Capricious, Characteristic, Cockeyed, Crazy, Curious, Droll, Erratic, Flaky, Freak, Freakish, Funky, Funny, Idiosyncratic, Irregular, Kooky, Nutty, Odd, Oddball, Offbeat, Outlandish, Peculiar, Quaint, Queer, Quirky, Quizzical, Singular, Strange, Uncommon, Unconventional, Unnatural, Weird, Whimsical, Wild, Far Out, Off The Wall, Way Out,

Antonyms: Boring, Common, Conventional, Dull, Familiar, Normal, Ordinary, Plain, Reasonable, Regular, Standard, Unexciting, Usual,


Meaning: Idiosyncrasy.

Synonyms: Aberration, Abnormality, Anomaly, Caprice, Capriciousness, Foible, Idiosyncrasy, Irregularity, Kink, Nonconformity, Oddity, Oddness, Peculiarity, Queerness, Quirk, Singularity, Strangeness, Unconventionality, Waywardness, Weirdness, Whimsicality, Freakishness, Outlandishness, Idiocrasy, Whimsicalness,

Antonyms: Commonality, Conformity, Dullness, Normalcy, Normality, Regularity, Sameness, Standard, Uniformity, Usual, Usualness,


Meaning: The obstruction of a heavenly body by its entering into the shadow of another body.

Synonyms: Concealment, Darkening, Decline, Diminution, Dimming, Extinction, Extinguishment, Obliteration, Obscuration, Occultation, Penumbra, Shading, Shroud, Veil,

Antonyms: Increase,


Meaning: To spend sparingly.

Synonyms: Conserve, Manage, Retrench, Scrimp, Shepherd, Skimp, Stint, Cut Back, Cut Down, Be Sparing, Cut Corners, Make Ends Meet, Be Frugal, Be Prudent, Keep Within Means, Meet A Budget, Run Tight Ship, Stretch A Dollar,

Antonyms: Spend, Squander, Throw Away,


Meaning: Rapturous excitement or exaltation.


Meaning: Enraptured.

Synonyms: Beatific, Crazy, Delirious, Dreamy, Elated, Enraptured, Enthusiastic, Entranced, Euphoric, Fervent, Floating, Frenzied, Gone, High, Joyful, Joyous, Mad, Out, Overjoyed, Rapturous, Ravished, Rhapsodic, Sent, Sunny, Thrilled, Upbeat, Wild, In Seventh Heaven, Turned On, Tickled Pink, Pleased As Punch, Tickled To Death, Flying High, Athrill, In Exaltation,

Antonyms: Apathetic, Balanced, Collected, Depressed, Despaired, Down, Indifferent, Reasonable, Sad, Sane, Sorrowful, Tormented, Troubled, Unenthusiastic, Unhappy, Unexcited,


Meaning: Suitable to be eaten.

Synonyms: Comestible, Digestible, Eatable, Esculent, Fit, Good, Harmless, Nourishing, Nutritious, Nutritive, Palatable, Savory, Succulent, Tasty, Toothsome, Wholesome,

Antonyms: Harmful, Inadequate, Inedible, Poisonous, Unpalatable, Unsuitable,


Meaning: That which is uttered or proclaimed by authority as a rule of action.

Synonyms: Act, Canon, Command, Commandment, Decree, Dictate, Dictum, Directive, Enactment, Fiat, Injunction, Instrument, Judgment, Law, Mandate, Manifesto, Ordinance, Precept, Regulation, Rule, Ruling, Statute, Writ, Proclamation, Pronunciamento, Ukase, Prescript, Decretum,

Antonyms: Request,


Meaning: To build up, or strengthen, especially in morals or religion.

Synonyms: Educate, Enlighten, Improve, Teach, Uplift,

Antonyms: Learn,


Meaning: An article in a periodical written by the editor and published as an official argument.

Synonyms: Article, Critique, Opinion, Report, Review,


Meaning: To draw out.

Synonyms: Conclude, Deduce, Derive, Develop, Distill, Drag, Draw, Evince, Evoke, Evolve, Excogitate, Extort, Extract, Gain, Get, Infer, Milk, Obtain, Reason, Secure, Wrest, Wring, Pull, Procure, Come Out, Draw Out,

Antonyms: Decrease, Forfeit, Halt, Lose, Miss, Misunderstand, Pass, Repel, Repress, Repulse, Stop, Push, Put In,


Meaning: To obliterate.

Synonyms: Cancel, Delete, Destroy, Edit, Eliminate, Expunge, Fade, Obliterate, Wipe Out, Blot Out, Cross Out, Scratch Out, White Out,

Antonyms: Build, Construct, Create, Improve,


Meaning: A consequence.

Synonyms: Aftereffect, Aftermath, Backlash, Backwash, Conclusion, Consequence, Corollary, Denouement, Development, End, Event, Eventuality, Fallout, Fruit, Issue, Outcome, Outgrowth, Precipitate, Ramification, Reaction, Reflex, Repercussion, Response, Sequel, Sequence, Upshot, Waves, Follow Through, Pursuance, Chain Reaction, Causatum, Side Effect,

Antonyms: Beginning, Cause, Commencement, Foundation, Origin, Question, Source, Start,


Meaning: Fit for a destined purpose.

Synonyms: Able, Active, Adequate, Capable, Cogent, Compelling, Competent, Convincing, Direct, Effectual, Efficacious, Efficient, Emphatic, Energetic, Forceful, Forcible, Impressive, Live, Moving, Operative, Potent, Powerful, Practical, Resultant, Serviceable, Serving, Sound, Striking, Sufficient, Telling, Trenchant, Useful, Valid, Virtuous, Wicked, Yielding, Producing, On The Ball, Having Lead In Pencil,

Antonyms: Fruitless, Helpless, Impotent, Inadequate, Incapable, Incompetent, Ineffective, Inefficient, Inoperative, Insufficient, Unable, Unproductive, Unsuccessful, Useless, Weak, Worthless,


Meaning: Efficient.

Synonyms: Accomplishing, Achieving, Adequate, Binding, Capable, Conclusive, Decisive, Determinative, Effecting, Effective, Efficacious, Efficient, Forcible, Lawful, Legal, Licit, Potent, Powerful, Practicable, Qualified, Serviceable, Sound, Strong, Successful, Telling, Useful, Valid, Virtuous, Workable, Productive, In Force, Fulfilling,

Antonyms: Impotent, Incapable, Ineffectual, Unproductive, Unsuccessful, Useless, Weak,


Meaning: Womanishness.

Synonyms: Femaleness, Femininity, Unmanliness, Sissiness, Feminineness, Womanishness,


Meaning: Having womanish traits or qualities.

Synonyms: Epicene, Feminine, Womanish, Womanly, Womanlike,

Antonyms: Manly, Masculine,


Meaning: To bubble up.

Synonyms: Bubble, Foam, Froth,


Meaning: Giving off bubbles of gas.

Synonyms: Airy, Boiling, Bouncy, Bubbling, Bubbly, Carbonated, Elastic, Expansive, Fermenting, Frothing, Frothy, Resilient, Sparkling, Volatile,

Antonyms: Dull, Flat, Inactive, Serious, Sober, Stale, Unenthusiastic,


Meaning: Exhausted, as having performed its functions.

Synonyms: Corrupt, Debased, Decadent, Decayed, Declining, Decrepit, Degenerate, Dissipated, Dissolute, Drained, Enervated, Enfeebled, Feeble, Immoral, Obsolete, Overripe, Soft, Spent, Vitiated, Wasted, Weak, Worn Out, Burnt Out,

Antonyms: Capable, Tireless, Useful, Working, Productive,


Meaning: Effective.

Synonyms: Active, Adequate, Capable, Competent, Effective, Effectual, Energetic, Influential, Operative, Potent, Powerful, Serviceable, Strong, Successful, Useful, Virtuous, Puissant,

Antonyms: Impotent, Incapable, Inefficacious, Inefficient, Unproductive, Unsuccessful, Useless, Weak,


Meaning: The power to produce an intended effect as shown in the production of it.

Synonyms: Ability, Adequacy, Capability, Capableness, Capacity, Competence, Effect, Effectiveness, Energy, Force, Influence, Performance, Potency, Power, Strength, Success, Sufficiency, Use, Vigor, Virtue, Weight, Efficaciousness,

Antonyms: Enervation, Failure, Idleness, Impotence, Inability, Inactivity, Inadequacy, Incapacity, Incompetence, Ineffectiveness, Inefficacy, Inefficiency, Lethargy, Powerlessness, Unproductiveness, Uselessness, Weakness,


Meaning: The state of possessing adequate skill or knowledge for the performance of a duty.

Synonyms: Ability, Abundance, Adaptability, Address, Adequacy, Capability, Capableness, Competence, Competency, Completeness, Economy, Effectualness, Efficacy, Energy, Expertise, Facility, Faculty, Performance, Potency, Power, Powerfulness, Quantity, Readiness, Resourcefulness, Response, Skill, Suitability, Suitableness, Talent, Thoroughness, Proficiency, Skillfulness, Productivity, Prowess, Productiveness,

Antonyms: Disability, Helplessness, Idleness, Ignorance, Impotence, Inability, Inadequacy, Incapability, Incapacity, Incompetence, Ineffectiveness, Inefficiency, Ineptness, Lack, Weakness,


Meaning: Having and exercising the power to produce effects or results.

Synonyms: Aafa, Able, Accomplished, Active, Adapted, Adequate, Apt, Businesslike, Capable, Clever, Competent, Conducive, Decisive, Deft, Dynamic, Economic, Economical, Effectual, Efficacious, Energetic, Experienced, Expert, Fitted, Handy, Masterly, Organized, Potent, Powerful, Practiced, Qualified, Ready, Saving, Shrewd, Skilled, Skillful, Systematic, Talented, Tough, Useful, Valuable, Virtuous, Productive, Profitable, Proficient,

Antonyms: Delicate, Fragile, Helpless, Idle, Impotent, Inactive, Inadequate, Incapable, Incompetent, Ineffective, Inefficient, Inept, Lazy, Powerless, Sluggish, Unable, Unskilled, Unskillful, Useless, Weak, Worthless,


Meaning: The state of being flowery, or a flowery appearance.

Synonyms: Anthesis, Developing, Flowering, Folding, Rash, Redness, Sprouting,


Meaning: Opening in flower.

Synonyms: Appearing, Budding, Coming, Developing, Emanating, Outgoing, Rising, Emanant, Issuing Forth,

Antonyms: Declining, Dependent,


Meaning: A noxious or ill-smelling exhalation from decaying or putrefying matter.

Synonyms: Exhalation, Exhaust, Odor, Smell, Vapor,


Meaning: Unblushing impudence.

Synonyms: Arrogance, Assurance, Audacity, Brass, Brazenness, Cheek, Cheekiness, Chutzpah, Crust, Disrespect, Face, Gall, Guff, Hardihood, Impertinence, Impudence, Incivility, Insolence, Lip, Rudeness, Sauce, Shamelessness, Temerity, Sass, Presumption, Brashness, Backtalk, Smart Talk,

Antonyms: Care, Carefulness, Caution, Diffidence, Humility, Manners, Meekness, Modesty, Politeness, Respect, Shame, Shyness, Timidity, Unsureness,


Meaning: Splendor.

Synonyms: Blaze, Brilliance, Dazzle, Luster, Radiance, Splendor,

Antonyms: Dullness,


Meaning: To pour forth.

Synonyms: Decant, Diffuse, Discharge, Dispense, Emanate, Emit, Gush, Pour, Radiate, Spread Out, Give Out, Flow Out,

Antonyms: Take,


Meaning: an outpouring.

Synonyms: Address, Diffusion, Discharge, Effluence, Effluvium, Efflux, Emanation, Emission, Exudate, Gush, Gushing, Ooze, Outflow, Pouring, Shedding, Stream, Verbosity, Wordiness,


Meaning: The theory that places man's chief good in the completeness of self.

Synonyms: Arrogance, Assurance, Boastfulness, Boasting, Bragging, Conceit, Conceitedness, Egocentricity, Egomania, Egotism, Gasconade, Haughtiness, Insolence, Megalomania, Narcissism, Ostentation, Overconfidence, Selfishness, Superiority, Vainglory, Vanity, Vaunting, Pride, Presumption, Swellheadedness,

Antonyms: Altruism, Humility, Meekness, Modesty, Selflessness, Shyness, Timidity,


Meaning: One who advocates or practices egoism.

Synonyms: Boaster, Braggart, Egocentric, Egomaniac, Egotist, Narcissist,


Meaning: Self-conceit.

Synonyms: Arrogance, Boastfulness, Bragging, Conceit, Egoism, Immodesty, Narcissism, Selfishness, Vainglory, Vanity, Pride, Vainness,

Antonyms: Humility, Modesty, Shyness, Timidity,


Meaning: One given to self-mention or who is constantly telling of his own views and experiences.

Synonyms: Boaster, Braggart, Egoist, Egomaniac,


Meaning: Extreme.

Synonyms: Arrant, Atrocious, Capital, Deplorable, Extreme, Flagrant, Glaring, Grievous, Gross, Heinous, Infamous, Insufferable, Intolerable, Monstrous, Nefarious, Notorious, Outright, Rank, Scandalous, Shocking, Stark, Preposterous,

Antonyms: Concealed, Good, Hidden, Little, Mild, Minor, Secondary, Slight,


Meaning: Any place of exit.


Meaning: To expel.

Synonyms: Banish, Bounce, Bump, Debar, Disbar, Discharge, Disgorge, Dislodge, Dismiss, Displace, Dispossess, Ditch, Dump, Ejaculate, Eliminate, Emit, Eradicate, Eruct, Erupt, Evict, Exclude, Expel, Extrude, Fire, Oust, Reject, Rout, Sack, Spew, Spout, Unloose, Vomit, Turn Out, Force Out, Get Rid Of, Do Away With, Irrupt, Cast Out, Kick Out,

Antonyms: Accept, Admit, Allow, Employ, Engage, Hire, Hold, Include, Keep, Maintain, Permit, Save, Welcome, Take In,


Meaning: To quietly terminate: said of time.

Synonyms: Expire, Flow, Lapse, Pass, Transpire, Vanish, Run Out, Pass By, Pass Away, Glide By, Roll By, Roll On,


Meaning: That property of matter by which a body tends to return to a former shape after being changed.

Synonyms: Adaptability, Flexibility, Fluidity, Give, Malleability, Plasticity, Pliancy, Resilience, Springiness, Suppleness, Adjustability, Rubberiness,

Antonyms: Rigidity,


Meaning: The process of decomposing a chemical compound by the passage of an electric current.


Meaning: A metallic copy of any surface, as a coin.


Meaning: A lyric poem lamenting the dead.

Synonyms: Knell, Lament, Plaint, Requiem, Threnody, Death Song, Funeral Song,


Meaning: A component or essential part.

Synonyms: Aspect, Basic, Basis, Bit, Component, Constituent, Detail, Drop, Facet, Factor, Fundamental, Hint, Ingredient, Item, Material, Matter, Member, Part, Particle, Particular, Piece, Portion, Root, Section, Stem, Subdivision, Trace, Unit, View, Principle,

Antonyms: Whole, Foreign Land,


Meaning: To educe or extract gradually or without violence.

Synonyms: Badger, Bite, Bring, Cause, Derive, Educe, Evince, Evoke, Evolve, Exact, Extort, Extract, Fetch, Milk, Obtain, Rattle, Shake, Squeeze, Wrest, Wring, Bring Out, Give Rise To, Put The Arm On, Bring To Light, Bring Forth, Call Forth, Put Muscle On,

Antonyms: Cover, Give, Hide, Keep, Placate, Repress, Soothe,


Meaning: Qualified for selection.

Synonyms: Acceptable, Appropriate, Becoming, Desirable, Discretionary, Elective, Employable, Fitted, Licensed, Likely, Qualified, Satisfactory, Seemly, Suitable, Suited, Trained, Usable, Proper, Privileged, Equal To, Up To, Preferable, Capable Of,

Antonyms: Improper, Inappropriate, Ineligible, Unacceptable, Unfit, Unsuitable, Unsuited, Unworthy,


Meaning: To separate and cast aside.

Synonyms: Annihilate, Biometer, Cancel, Defeat, Discard, Discharge, Dismiss, Disqualify, Disregard, Drop, Eject, Eradicate, Erase, Evict, Exclude, Expel, Exterminate, Ignore, Invalidate, Kill, Liquidate, Murder, Omit, Oust, Reject, Slay, Terminate, Waive, Waste, Cut Out, Wipe Out, Stamp Out, Dispose Of, Knock Out, Count Out, Get Rid Of, Put Out, Do Away With, Bump Off, Dispense With,

Antonyms: Accept, Add, Admit, Aid, Allow, Approve, Bear, Begin, Build, Choose, Create, Employ, Engage, Establish, Help, Hire, Hold, Include, Initiate, Keep, Permit, Ratify, Retain, Sanction, Save, Start, Welcome, Preserve, Take In, Give Birth,


Meaning: Relating to Elizabeth, queen of England, or to her era.


Meaning: The art of correct intonation, inflection, and gesture in public speaking or reading.

Synonyms: Declamation, Delivery, Diction, Dramatic, Eloquence, Enunciation, Expression, Locution, Oratory, Reading, Rhetoric, Speech, Utterance, Pronunciation, Public Speaking, Voice Culture, Voice Production,

Antonyms: Quiet, Silence, Inarticulation,


Meaning: Having the ability to express emotion or feeling in lofty and impassioned speech.

Synonyms: Affecting, Ardent, Articulate, Expressive, Fervent, Fervid, Fluent, Forceful, Glib, Grandiloquent, Graphic, Impassioned, Impressive, Indicative, Magniloquent, Meaningful, Moving, Outspoken, Passionate, Persuasive, Poignant, Potent, Powerful, Revealing, Rhetorical, Sententious, Significant, Stirring, Suggestive, Telling, Touching, Vivid, Vocal, Voluble, Facund,

Antonyms: Apathetic, Calm, Cold, Cool, Dispassionate, Dull, Frigid, Impotent, Inarticulate, Indifferent, Ineffective, Introverted, Shy, Unaffecting, Unenthusiastic, Unmoving, Weak, Unexcited,


Meaning: To bring out more clearly the facts concerning.

Synonyms: Annotate, Clarify, Clear, Decode, Demonstrate, Enlighten, Exemplify, Explicate, Expound, Gloss, Illuminate, Illustrate, Interpret, Unfold, Clear Up, Spell Out, Draw A Picture, Prove, Make Plain, Throw Light On, Make Perfectly Clear, Shed Light On, Make See Daylight,


Meaning: To evade the search or pursuit of by dexterity or artifice.

Synonyms: Baffle, Bilk, Circumvent, Confound, Ditch, Dodge, Double, Duck, Eschew, Evade, Flee, Fly, Foil, Frustrate, Outrun, Outwit, Shirk, Shuck, Shun, Shy, Stall, Stonewall, Stump, Thwart, Cop Out, Get Around, Beat Around The Bush, Pass The Buck, Puzzle, Give The Slip, Give The Runaround, Be Beyond Someone, Get Away From,

Antonyms: Abet, Aid, Assist, Attract, Clarify, Confront, Encounter, Encourage, Enlighten, Entice, Explain, Face, Help, Invite, Meet, Support, Take On, Clear Up,


Meaning: Evasion.

Synonyms: Circumvention, Delay, Departure, Dodge, Dodging, Escape, Escapism, Eschewal, Evasion, Flight, Forbearance, Parry, Recession, Recoil, Restraint, Retreat, Shunning, Prevention, Passive Resistance, Shirking, Absention, Steering Clear Of,

Antonyms: Advance, Arrival, Coming, Continuation, Meeting, Stay,


Meaning: To waste away in flesh.

Synonyms: Attenuate, Cook, Cut, Decrease, Delete, Diminish, Disperse, Doctor, Edit, Expand, Extenuate, Irrigate, Lace, Needle, Rarefy, Reduce, Refine, Shave, Spike, Trim, Water, Weaken, Prune, Cut Back, Weed Out, Water Down,

Antonyms: Develop, Enlarge, Grow, Increase, Strengthen, Thicken, Beef Up,


Meaning: To flow forth or proceed, as from some source.

Synonyms: Arise, Birth, Derive, Discharge, Egress, Emerge, Emit, Exhale, Exit, Exude, Flow, Initiate, Issue, Originate, Radiate, Rise, Spring, Stem, Proceed, Send Forth,

Antonyms: Conceal, Hold, Keep, Take, Withdraw,


Meaning: To release from bondage.

Synonyms: Affranchise, Deliver, Discharge, Disencumber, Disenthral, Enfranchise, Liberate, Loose, Loosen, Manumit, Release, Unbind, Unchain, Unfetter, Unshackle,

Antonyms: Detain, Hold, Imprison, Incarcerate, Keep,


Meaning: Authoritative stoppage of foreign commerce or of any special trade.

Synonyms: Ban, Bar, Barrier, Blockage, Check, Hindrance, Impediment, Interdict, Interdiction, Restraint, Stoppage, Proscription,

Antonyms: Aid, Assistance, Help,


Meaning: To make a beginning in some occupation or scheme.

Synonyms: Board, Commence, Emplane, Enter, Entrain, Launch, Set About, Set Out, Plunge Into, Set Sail, Put On Board, Go Aboard Ship, Leave Port, Take On Board, Take Ship,

Antonyms: Cease, Disembark, End, Finish, Stay, Stop,


Meaning: To render flustered or agitated.


Meaning: To make beautiful or elegant by adding attractive or ornamental features.

Synonyms: Adorn, Amplify, Array, Beautify, Bedeck, Color, Deck, Elaborate, Embroider, Enhance, Enrich, Exaggerate, Festoon, Fudge, Garnish, Gild, Grace, Magnify, Ornament, Overstate, Trim, Fix Up, Spruce Up, Dress Up, Gussy Up, Spiff Up, Emblaze, Give Details,

Antonyms: Decrease, Deface, Disfigure, Harm, Lessen, Mar, Reduce, Simplify, Spoil, Uglify,


Meaning: To misappropriate secretly.

Synonyms: Abstract, Appropriate, Defalcate, Filch, Forge, Loot, Misapply, Misappropriate, Misuse, Peculate, Pilfer, Skim, Thieve, Purloin, Put Hand In Cookie Jar, Put Hand In Till,

Antonyms: Compensate, Give, Pay, Receive, Reimburse, Return,


Meaning: To set forth publicly or in glowing terms.

Synonyms: Beautify, Brighten, Color, Deck, Decorate, Embellish, Ornament, Paint, Fix Up, Spruce Up, Do Up, Jazz Up, Add Finishing Touches, Gussy Up,


Meaning: A symbol.

Synonyms: Adumbration, Arms, Attribute, Badge, Banner, Brand, Character, Colophon, Colors, Design, Device, Figure, Flag, Hallmark, Identification, Image, Impress, Insignia, Logo, Mark, Marker, Medal, Memento, Miniature, Monogram, Motto, Pennant, Regalia, Reminder, Representation, Scepter, Seal, Sign, Standard, Symbol, Token, Trademark, Type, Coat Of Arms,


Meaning: To express, formulate, or exemplify in a concrete, compact or visible form.

Synonyms: Actualize, Complete, Demonstrate, Epitomize, Evince, Exemplify, Exhibit, Express, Exteriorize, Externalize, Hypostatize, Illustrate, Incarnate, Incorporate, Manifest, Mirror, Objectify, Personalize, Personify, Realize, Reify, Show, Substantiate, Symbolize, Typify, Stand For, Emblematize, Concretize,

Antonyms: Conceal, Cover, Disembody, Disintegrate, Exclude, Hide, Obscure,


Meaning: To give courage to.

Synonyms: Boost, Buoy, Cheer, Energize, Exhilarate, Goad, Inspire, Inspirit, Invigorate, Rally, Reassure, Refresh, Revitalize, Spur, Stir, Sway, Push, Enhearten, Give Courage, Give Pep Talk, Psyche Up,

Antonyms: Depress, Discourage, Dishearten, Dissuade,


Meaning: An obstruction or plugging up of an artery or other blood-vessel.

Synonyms: Array, Batch, Battery, Body, Bulk, Bunch, Bundle, Clotting, Clump, Cluster, Coagulum, Coalescence, Conglutination, Consolidation, Curd, Curdling, Embolus, Glob, Gob, Group, Lump, Occlusion, Precipitate, Set, Thickness, Thrombus, Grume,

Antonyms: Individual, One, Opening,


Meaning: To involve in dissension or strife.

Synonyms: Compromise, Confound, Confuse, Derange, Disorder, Disturb, Disunite, Encumber, Enmesh, Ensnare, Entangle, Implicate, Incriminate, Involve, Mire, Muddle, Perplex, Snarl, Tangle, Trouble, Mix Up, Cause Trouble,

Antonyms: Aid, Arrange, Assist, Calm, Clarify, Comfort, Enlighten, Exclude, Explain, Free, Help, Order, Organize, Untangle, Untwist, Clear Up,


Meaning: To come into view or into existence.

Synonyms: Appear, Arrive, Dawn, Derive, Develop, Egress, Emanate, Flow, Gush, Issue, Loom, Materialize, Originate, Rise, Show, Spring, Spurt, Steam, Stem, Surface, Transpire, Turn Up, Crop Up, Come Forth, Come Into View, Come To Light, Proceed, Come Up, Spring Up, Become Visible, Come On The Scene, Become Apparent, Become Known, Make Appearance,

Antonyms: Abandon, Decrease, Disappear, Drop, End, Fade, Fall, Finish, Go, Hide, Leave, Lessen, Trickle, Go Away,


Meaning: A coming into view.

Synonyms: Appearance, Development, Emanation, Evolution, Issue, Materialization,

Antonyms: Decrease, Stoppage,


Meaning: Coming into view.

Synonyms: Appearing, Budding, Coming, Developing, Efflorescent, Emanating, Outgoing, Rising, Emanant, Issuing Forth,

Antonyms: Declining, Dependent,


Meaning: Retired from active service but retained to an honorary position.

Synonyms: Elderly, Emerita, Resigned, Superannuated, In Retirement,

Antonyms: Active, Employed, Working,


Meaning: One who moves from one place to settle in another.

Synonyms: Alien, Colonist, Departer, Evacuee, Exile, Expatriate, Fugitive, Migrant, Outcast, Pilgrim, Refugee, Traveler, Wanderer, Wayfarer, Displaced Person, ?migr?, Migrator,

Antonyms: Nationalist, Native,


Meaning: To go from one country, state, or region for the purpose of settling or residing in another.

Synonyms: Depart, Migrate, Quit, Remove, Transmigrate, Move Abroad,

Antonyms: Come, Continue, Remain, Stay,


Meaning: An elevated position with respect to rank, place, character, condition, etc.

Synonyms: Authority, Celebrity, Credit, Dignity, Distinction, Esteem, Glory, Greatness, Honor, Illustriousness, Influence, Kudos, Loftiness, Notability, Note, Power, Preeminence, Rank, Renown, Reputation, Repute, Significance, Standing, Superiority, Weight, Prominence, Prestige, Prominency, Famousness, Prepotency,

Antonyms: Dishonor, Disrespect, Flat, Impotence, Incapacity, Inferiority, Insignificance, Lowliness, Subservience, Triviality, Unimportance, Weakness, Ill Repute, Low Ground,


Meaning: High in station, merit, or esteem.

Synonyms: August, Celeb, Celebrated, Conspicuous, Distinguished, Dominant, Elevated, Esteemed, Exalted, Famed, Grand, Great, High, Illustrious, Leonine, Lofty, Name, Noble, Notable, Noted, Noteworthy, Outstanding, Paramount, Preeminent, Renowned, Star, Superior, Vip, Prominent, Of Note, Prestigious, Celebrious, Lionlike,

Antonyms: Common, Disrespected, Inconspicuous, Inferior, Insignificant, Obscure, Ordinary, Undistinguished, Unimportant, Unknown, Unremarkable,


Meaning: To send or give out.

Synonyms: Abnegates, Afford, Beam, Belch, Breathe, Drip, Eject, Emanate, Evacuate, Excrete, Exhale, Expectorate, Expel, Expend, Expire, Extrude, Exude, Issue, Jet, Loose, Ooze, Pass, Perspire, Pour, Radiate, Reek, Secrete, Shed, Shoot, Speak, Spew, Spill, Spit, Squirt, Transmit, Utter, Vent, Void, Vomit, Yield, Purge, Pronounce, Give Off,

Antonyms: Allow, Conceal, Contain, Deny, Hide, Hold, Keep, Permit, Refrain, Refuse, Repress, Suppress, Take, Veto, Withhold, Take In, Be Quiet,


Meaning: Any special impressiveness added to an utterance or act, or stress laid upon some word.

Synonyms: Accent, Accentuation, Attention, Force, Headline, Highlight, Impressiveness, Insistence, Intensity, Moment, Positiveness, Power, Preeminence, Significance, Strength, Stress, Underlining, Weight, Priority, Decidedness, Underscoring,

Antonyms: Ignorance, Incompetence, Insignificance, Lethargy, Triviality, Unimportance, Weakness,


Meaning: To articulate or enunciate with special impressiveness upon a word, or a group of words.

Synonyms: Accent, Accentuate, Affirm, Articulate, Assert, Charge, Dramatize, Enlarge, Enunciate, Headline, Highlight, Hit, Impress, Indicate, Limelight, Maintain, Mark, Pinpoint, Reiterate, Repeat, Spotlight, Underline, Underscore, Weight, Make Clear, Italicize, Dwell On, Play Up, Make Emphatic, Point Up, Rub In, Pronounce, Press, Point Out, Bear Down, Insist On, Punctuate, Labor The Point, Make A Point, Put Accent On,

Antonyms: Deny, Depreciate, Forget, Ignore, Lose, Mumble, Understate, Play Down,


Meaning: Spoken with any special impressiveness laid upon an act, word, or set of words.

Synonyms: Abbacy, Absolute, Accented, Assertive, Assured, Categorical, Certain, Cogent, Confident, Decided, Definite, Definitive, Determined, Direct, Distinct, Dogmatic, Dynamic, Earnest, Energetic, Explicit, Express, Flat, Forceful, Forcible, Important, Impressive, Marked, Momentous, Pointed, Positive, Potent, Powerful, Resounding, Significant, Sober, Solemn, Striking, Strong, Sure, Telling, Trenchant, Unmistakable, Vigorous, Pronounced,

Antonyms: Ambiguous, Equivocal, Idle, Impotent, Inactive, Indefinite, Indistinct, Ineffective, Inexact, Insignificant, Lethargic, Obscure, Reserved, Uncertain, Unimportant, Unpronounced, Unsure, Vague, Weak, Unconfident,


Meaning: One who works for wages or a salary.

Synonyms: Aafa, Agent, Apprentice, Assistant, Attendant, Breadwinner, Clerk, Cog, Domestic, Hand, Help, Hireling, Laborer, Member, Operator, Plug, Representative, Salesperson, Servant, Slave, Worker, Hired Hand, Jobholder, Desk Jockey, Hired Gun, Staff Member, Blue Collar, Company Person, Pink Collar,

Antonyms: Check, Hindrance, Master, Obstruction,


Meaning: One who uses or engages the services of other persons for pay.

Synonyms: Boss, Capitalist, Ceo, Chief, Co, Company, Corporation, Director, Entrepreneur, Establishment, Executive, Firm, Head, Juice, Kingpin, Management, Manager, Manufacturer, Organization, Outfit, Overseer, Owner, Patron, Superintendent, Supervisor, Big Shot, President, Meal Ticket, Head Honcho, Proprietor, Front Office, Workers Big Cheese,

Antonyms: Employee, Worker,


Meaning: A bazaar or shop.

Synonyms: Bazaar, Boutique, Chain, Mall, Mart, Outlet, Shop, Stand, Store, Supermarket, Shopping Center, Flea Market, Discount Store, Outlet Store, Shopping Plaza, Thrift Shop,


Meaning: To delegate authority to.

Synonyms: Accredit, Allow, Capacitate, Charge, Commission, Delegate, Entitle, Entrust, Grant, Invest, Legitimize, License, Okay, Permit, Qualify, Sanction, Vest, Warrant, Privilege,

Antonyms: Deny, Disallow, Disapprove, Disenfranchise, Refuse, Reject, Revoke, Veto,


Meaning: To make into law, as by legislative act.

Synonyms: Achieve, Depict, Discourse, Do, Execute, Perform, Personate, Play, Portray, Represent, Go On, Playact, Appear As, Play The Part Of,

Antonyms: Direct, Fail, Hinder, Miss, Refuse, Repeal, Stop, Veto, Prevent,


Meaning: To inspire with ardent love.

Synonyms: Attract, Bewitch, Charm, Enchant, Endear, Enrapture, Enthrall, Entice, Entrance, Grab, Infatuate, Please, Slay, Turn On, Sweep Off Feet, Fall In Love With, Make Hit With,

Antonyms: Disenchant, Disgust, Dislike, Displease, Hate, Repel, Repulse, Turn Off,


Meaning: To imitate with intent to equal or surpass.

Synonyms: Challenge, Compete, Contend, Ditto, Do, Follow, Imitate, Mimic, Mirror, Rival, Compete With, Make Like, Do Like, Go Like, Take After, Follow Suit, Outvie, Contend With, Follow In Footsteps, Follow The Example Of, Pattern After, Vie With,

Antonyms: Neglect,


Meaning: To pitch tents for a resting-place.

Synonyms: Billet, Bivouac, Quarter, Settle, Tent,


Meaning: A formal or discriminating expression of praise.

Synonyms: Accolade, Commendation, Eulogy, Laudation, Panegyric, Praise, Salutation, Tribute,

Antonyms: Blame, Censure, Condemnation, Criticism,


Meaning: To encircle.

Synonyms: Beset, Circle, Compass, Encircle, Enclose, Envelop, Environ, Gird, Girdle, Ring, Hem In,

Antonyms: Exclude, Free, Release, Unloose, Let Go,


Meaning: The call for a repetition, as of some part of a play or performance.

Synonyms: Acclamation, Cheers, Number, Plaudits, Praise, Reappearance, Repetition, Response, Return, Repeat Performance,

Antonyms: Question, Request,


Meaning: To inspire with courage, hope, or strength of mind.

Synonyms: Animate, Applaud, Boost, Brighten, Buoy, Cheer, Comfort, Console, Embolden, Energize, Enliven, Excite, Exhilarate, Fortify, Galvanize, Gladden, Goad, Hearten, Incite, Inspire, Inspirit, Instigate, Praise, Rally, Reassure, Refresh, Restore, Revitalize, Revivify, Rouse, Spur, Steel, Stir, Strengthen, Sway, Push, Prick, Buck Up, Prop Up, Cheer Up, Enhearten, Give Shot In Arm,

Antonyms: Agitate, Annoy, Block, Bore, Calm, Confuse, Dampen, Deaden, Deject, Depress, Deter, Discourage, Dishearten, Dispirit, Dissuade, Dull, Hurt, Repress, Sadden, Tire, Trouble, Upset, Weaken, Leave Alone,


Meaning: To invade partially or insidiously and appropriate the possessions of another.

Synonyms: Appropriate, Arrogate, Crash, Entrench, Impinge, Infringe, Interfere, Interpose, Intervene, Intrude, Meddle, Overstep, Trench, Trespass, Usurp, Work In, Barge In, Butt In, Worm In, Squeeze In, Elbow In, Make Inroads, Muscle In, Put Two Cents In, Stick Nose Into,

Antonyms: Give, Ignore, Keep Off,


Meaning: To impede with obstacles.

Synonyms: Block, Charge, Clog, Cramp, Discommode, Embarrass, Hamper, Handicap, Hinder, Impede, Incommode, Inconvenience, Lade, Load, Obstruct, Oppress, Overburden, Overload, Retard, Saddle, Tax, Trammel, Weight, Hold Up, Hang Up, Slow Down, Make Difficult, Weigh Down, Saddle With,

Antonyms: Advance, Aid, Allow, Assist, Benefit, Boost, Clear, Encourage, Exonerate, Facilitate, Forward, Free, Further, Gladden, Help, Open, Permit, Please, Release, Support, Unblock, Unburden, Let Go, Promote, Push, Make Happy,


Meaning: Intended for general circulation.


Meaning: A work containing information on subjects, or exhaustive of one subject.


Meaning: To expose to peril.

Synonyms: Chance, Expose, Hazard, Imperil, Menace, Peril, Risk, Threaten, Venture, Lay Open, Be Careless, Put On The Spot, Chance It, Lay On The Line, Leave Defenseless, Leave In The Middle, Make Liable, Put At Risk, Put In Danger, Subject To Loss,

Antonyms: Aid, Assist, Comfort, Guard, Help, Save, Protect, Take Care,


Meaning: To cause to be loved.

Synonyms: Attach, Bind, Captivate, Charm, Cherish, Engage, Treasure, Value, Win, Prize,

Antonyms: Disconnect, Disenchant, Dislike, Hate, Release, Repulse, Unfasten,


Meaning: Peculiar to some specified country or people.

Synonyms: Local, Regional,


Meaning: To endow with some quality, gift, or grace, usually spiritual.

Synonyms: Award, Dower, Endow, Furnish, Grant, Invest, Provide, Indue,

Antonyms: Take,


Meaning: Tolerable.

Synonyms: Bearable, Livable, Sufferable, Supportable, Sustainable,

Antonyms: Changeable, Intolerable, Tiring, Unendurable,


Meaning: The ability to suffer pain, distress, hardship, or stress of any kind without succumbing.

Synonyms: Ability, Allowance, Backbone, Bearing, Begorra, Capacity, Continuing, Cool, Coolness, Courage, Enduring, Fortitude, Grit, Guts, Heart, Mettle, Moxie, Patience, Perseverance, Persistence, Pertinacity, Pluck, Resignation, Resistance, Resolution, Restraint, Spunk, Stamina, Standing, Starch, Strength, Submission, Sufferance, Suffering, Tenacity, Tolerance, Toleration, Vitality, Will, Gutsiness, Holding Up,

Antonyms: Apathy, Compliance, Cowardice, End, Fear, Idleness, Impotence, Inability, Incompetence, Indifference, Indolence, Intolerance, Lack, Laziness, Lethargy, Resistance, Timidity, Weakness, Fleetingness,


Meaning: Working vigorously.

Synonyms: Active, Aggressive, Animated, Breezy, Brisk, Demoniac, Driving, Dynamic, Enterprising, Forcible, Fresh, Hardy, Indefatigable, Industrious, Kinetic, Lively, Lusty, Peppy, Potent, Powerful, Rugged, Snappy, Spirited, Sprightly, Spry, Stalwart, Strenuous, Strong, Sturdy, Tireless, Tough, Unflagging, Untiring, Vigorous, Vital, Vivacious, Zippy, Ball Of Fire,

Antonyms: Apathetic, Dispirited, Dull, Idle, Impotent, Inactive, Lazy, Lethargic, Lifeless, Passive, Slow, Sluggish, Tired, Weak,


Meaning: To render ineffective or inoperative.

Synonyms: Debilitate, Disable, Enfeeble, Exhaust, Fatigue, Incapacitate, Jade, Paralyze, Sap, Unnerve, Vitiate, Weaken, Weary, Devitalize,

Antonyms: Activate, Aid, Animate, Assist, Empower, Energize, Help, Invigorate, Liven, Mobilize, Refresh, Strengthen,


Meaning: To debilitate.

Synonyms: Attenuate, Blunt, Cripple, Debilitate, Deplete, Diminish, Disable, Exhaust, Fatigue, Incapacitate, Sap, Undermine, Unhinge, Unnerve, Weaken, Devitalize, Wear Out,

Antonyms: Aid, Allow, Assist, Enable, Encourage, Energize, Expand, Help, Increase, Invigorate, Refresh, Strengthen,


Meaning: To endow with a privilege, especially with the right to vote.

Synonyms: Emancipate, Empower, Free, Liberate, Manumit, Naturalize, Release, Give Rights To, Grant Citizenship To,

Antonyms: Enslave, Hold, Incarcerate, Limit, Restrain,


Meaning: To produce.

Synonyms: Arouse, Beget, Breed, Create, Develop, Excite, Foment, Generate, Hatch, Incite, Induce, Instigate, Make, Muster, Occasion, Precipitate, Quicken, Rouse, Spawn, Stimulate, Stir, Produce, Procreate, Bring About, Give Rise To, Lead To, Provoke, Propagate, Work Up, Bring Forth,

Antonyms: Calm, Destroy, Discourage, Dull, Finish, Halt, Kill, Repress, Ruin, Stop, Wait, Prevent,


Meaning: To cut or carve in or upon some surface.

Synonyms: Bite, Burn, Chase, Chisel, Crosshatch, Cut, Diaper, Embed, Enchase, Etch, Fix, Grave, Hatch, Impress, Imprint, Infix, Ingrain, Initial, Inscribe, Instill, Intaglio, Lithograph, Lodge, Ornament, Scratch, Stipple, Print, Mezzotint,

Antonyms: Aid, Dislodge, Help, Neglect,


Meaning: To occupy completely.

Synonyms: Absorb, Apply, Arrest, Assimilate, Attract, Bewitch, Busy, Captivate, Consume, Corner, Engage, Engulf, Enrapture, Enthrall, Fascinate, Fill, Grip, Hog, Immerse, Involve, Monopolize, Occupy, Soak, Take Up, Sew Up, Up On, Preoccupy, Be Hung, Become Lost,

Antonyms: Bore, Disenchant, Disgust, Eject, Forget, Ignore, Misunderstand, Offend, Reject, Release, Repel, Repulse, Surrender, Tire, Yield, Let Go, Turn Off, Not Use,


Meaning: To intensify.

Synonyms: Adorn, Aggrandize, Amplify, Appreciate, Augment, Beautify, Boom, Boost, Complement, Elevate, Embroider, Enlarge, Exaggerate, Exalt, Heighten, Increase, Intensify, Lift, Magnify, Pad, Raise, Reinforce, Strengthen, Swell, Upgrade, Build Up, Add To, Pyramid, Flesh Out,

Antonyms: Compress, Condemn, Contract, Debase, Decrease, Demote, Denounce, Depress, Diminish, Discourage, Disgrace, Drop, Fix, Hurt, Lessen, Lower, Mar, Minimize, Neglect, Reduce, Subtract, Undermine, Weaken, Worsen, Take Away, Play Down,


Meaning: A riddle.

Synonyms: Bewilderment, Conundrum, Crux, Cryptogram, Grabber, Knot, Mystification, Parable, Perplexity, Question, Riddle, Secret, Sphinx, Sticker, Stickler, Stumper, Teaser, Twister, Why, Problem, Puzzlement, Tough Nut To Crack, Puzzle, Puzzler, Question Mark,


Meaning: To command.

Synonyms: Adjure, Admonish, Advise, Appoint, Bid, Caution, Charge, Counsel, Decree, Demand, Dictate, Direct, Forewarn, Impose, Instruct, Ordain, Require, Rule, Tell, Urge, Warn, Prescribe, Call Upon,

Antonyms: Allow, Ask, Permit,


Meaning: To set on fire.

Synonyms: Burn, Fire, Ignite, Kindle, Set Fire To,

Antonyms: Extinguish, Put Out,


Meaning: To cause to see clearly.

Synonyms: Acquaint, Advise, Apprise, Brief, Catechize, Civilize, Convert, Counsel, Direct, Disclose, Divulge, Edify, Educate, Elucidate, Guide, Illume, Illuminate, Illumine, Imitate, Improve, Inculcate, Indoctrinate, Inform, Inspirit, Instruct, Persuade, Preach, Reveal, Save, School, Teach, Tell, Train, Update, Uplift, Open Up, Put On To, Give The Word, Let In On, Give Faith, Give The Lowdown,

Antonyms: Bewilder, Conceal, Confound, Confuse, Deceive, Delude, Harm, Hide, Hurt, Keep, Learn, Listen, Misguide, Mislead, Neglect, Obscure, Secrete, Suppress, Puzzle, Be Vague,


Meaning: To enter voluntarily the military service by formal enrollment.

Synonyms: Admit, Appoint, Assign, Attract, Conscript, Draft, Embody, Employ, Engage, Enroll, Enter, Gather, Get, Hire, Hitch, Incorporate, Induct, Initiate, Inscribe, Interest, Join, Levy, List, Mobilize, Muster, Oblige, Obtain, Place, Record, Recruit, Register, Reserve, Secure, Serve, Volunteer, Take On, Procure, Enter Into, Call To Arms, Call Up, Conscribe,

Antonyms: Avoid, Cancel, Discharge, Dismiss, Divide, Dodge, Eject, Exclude, Expel, Fire, Forfeit, Forget, Ignore, Leave, Lose, Oust, Refrain, Refuse, Reject, Remove, Repel, Separate, Shun, Stop, Unfasten, Withdraw, Let Go, Lay Off,


Meaning: Hatred.

Synonyms: Acrimony, Alienation, Animus, Antagonism, Antipathy, Aversion, Bitterness, Daggers, Detestation, Dislike, Hate, Hostility, Loathing, Malevolence, Malice, Malignancy, Malignity, Rancor, Spite, Spleen, Unfriendliness, Venom, Ill Will, Bad Blood,

Antonyms: Affinity, Approval, Fellowship, Friendliness, Friendship, Kindness, Like, Liking, Love, Loving, Rapport, Respect, Sweetness, Sympathy, Good Will,


Meaning: To dignify.

Synonyms: Dignify, Exalt, Praise,

Antonyms: Condemn, Denounce, Humiliate,


Meaning: Immensity.

Synonyms: Abomination, Atrociousness, Atrocity, Crime, Depravity, Disgrace, Evil, Evilness, Grossness, Heinousness, Horror, Monstrosity, Monstrousness, Nefariousness, Outrage, Outrageousness, Rankness, Turpitude, Vice, Viciousness, Vileness, Villainy, Wickedness, Flagrancy,

Antonyms: Delight, Esteem, Goodness, Joy, Kindness, Smallness, Triviality, Virtue, Tininess,


Meaning: Gigantic.

Synonyms: Astronomic, Blimp, Colossal, Excessive, Gargantuan, Gigantic, Gross, Huge, Immense, Jumbo, Mammoth, Massive, Monstrous, Mountainous, Stupendous, Titanic, Tremendous, Vast, Whopping, Prodigious, Barn Door,

Antonyms: Common, Insignificant, Little, Miniature, Minute, Ordinary, Small, Teeny, Tiny,


Meaning: To infuriate.

Synonyms: Aggravate, Anger, Exasperate, Hack, Incense, Incite, Inflame, Infuriate, Ire, Irritate, Madden, Needle, Rile, Umbrage, Provoke, Ask For It, Get Under Skin, Make Blood Boil, Make See Red, Steam Up,

Antonyms: Appease, Calm, Comfort, Compose, Delight, Gladden, Pacify, Placate, Please, Soothe, Make Happy,


Meaning: To delight extravagantly or intensely.

Synonyms: Allure, Attract, Beguile, Bewitch, Charm, Delight, Elate, Enamor, Enchant, Enthrall, Entrance, Fascinate, Gladden, Gratify, Please, Ravish, Rejoice, Score, Send, Spellbind, Transport,

Antonyms: Annoy, Bore, Depress, Disappoint, Disenchant, Disgust, Displease, Disturb, Offend, Pain, Repel, Repulse, Tire, Upset, Turn Off,


Meaning: To keep sacred.

Synonyms: Apotheosize, Bless, Cherish, Consecrate, Dedicate, Embalm, Exalt, Hallow, Idolize, Revere, Sanctify, Treasure, Preserve,

Antonyms: Condemn, Defile, Desecrate, Disrespect,


Meaning: To entrap.

Synonyms: Bag, Capture, Catch, Cheat, Deceive, Decoy, Embroil, Enmesh, Entangle, Entice, Entrap, Hook, Inveigle, Lure, Mislead, Net, Snag, Snare, Snarl, Tangle, Trick, Suck In, Come On, Rope In, Bat Eyes At,

Antonyms: Disenchant, Disentangle, Disgust, Dissuade, Exclude, Free, Liberate, Lose, Release, Repulse, Let Go, Turn Off,


Meaning: To involve; necessitate.

Synonyms: Cause, Demand, Encompass, Entangle, Evoke, Impose, Involve, Necessitate, Occasion, Require, Tangle, Bring About, Give Rise To, Lead To, Call For,

Antonyms: Exclude, Untangle, Untwist,


Meaning: To involve in difficulties, confusion, or complications.

Synonyms: Aaa, Bewilder, Burden, Catch, Clog, Complicate, Compromise, Confuse, Corner, Dishevel, Embarrass, Embrangle, Embroil, Enchain, Enmesh, Ensnare, Entrap, Fetter, Hamper, Hook, Impede, Implicate, Intertwine, Interweave, Jumble, Knot, Mat, Muddle, Perplex, Ravel, Snag, Snare, Snarl, Swindle, Tangle, Trammel, Trap, Twist, Unsettle, Set Up, Puzzle, Come On, Duke In,

Antonyms: Aid, Allow, Assist, Clarify, Disentangle, Enlighten, Exclude, Explain, Explicate, Free, Help, Liberate, Order, Organize, Release, Support, Untangle, Untwist, Let Go, Clear Up,


Meaning: To bring or hold under any overmastering influence.

Synonyms: Absorb, Beguile, Bewitch, Charm, Enchant, Engage, Enrapture, Enslave, Entrance, Fascinate, Grab, Grip, Hook, Hypnotize, Intrigue, Mesmerize, Rivet, Spellbind, Subdue, Subject, Subjugate, Preoccupy, Hold Spellbound,

Antonyms: Bore, Disenchant, Disgust, Dull, Eject, Free, Incite, Liberate, Release, Repel, Repulse, Tire, Weary, Let Go, Turn Off,


Meaning: To invest with sovereign power.

Synonyms: Adorn, Arm, Authorize, Commission, Coronate, Delegate, Determine, Dower, Enable, Endow, Endue, Ennoble, Erect, Establish, Exalt, Festoon, Fix, Heighten, Honor, Inaugurate, Induct, Install, Invest, Raise, Sanction, Settle, Stabilize, Strengthen, Set Up,

Antonyms: Change, Confuse, Denounce, Destroy, Disallow, Dishonor, Disregard, Fine, Hurt, Ignore, Neglect, Raze, Stop, Unsettle, Weaken, Prevent, Punish,


Meaning: To yield to or display intense and rapturous feeling.

Synonyms: Fondle, Gush, Pet, Rave, Rhapsodize, Rhapsody, Spoil, Want, Dote On, Lick Chops, Slobber Over,

Antonyms: Bore, Calm, Comfort, Compose, Deaden, Depress, Discourage, Dull, Expect, Pacify, Quiet,


Meaning: Full of zeal and fervor.

Synonyms: Aah, Agog, Animated, Anxious, Ardent, Athirst, Attracted, Avid, Concerned, Devoted, Eager, Earnest, Ebullient, Exhilarated, Exuberant, Fanatical, Fascinated, Fervent, Fervid, Forceful, Gaga, Hearty, Intent, Keen, Lively, Nutty, Obsessed, Passionate, Pleased, Rabid, Rhapsodic, Spirited, Thrilled, Unqualified, Vehement, Vigorous, Wacky, Warm, Wholehearted, Willing, Zealous, Crazy About, Gung Ho,

Antonyms: Apathetic, Cold, Cool, Disinterested, Dispassionate, Doubting, Dull, Frigid, Happy, Impotent, Indifferent, Lethargic, Pessimistic, Uncaring, Unconcerned, Unenthusiastic, Uninterested, Unwilling, Unworried, Weak, Weary, Unexcited,

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