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Meaning: A complete thing.

Synonyms: Absoluteness, Aggregate, All, Collectivity, Completeness, Complex, Comprehensiveness, Ensemble, Entireness, Everything, Fullness, Gross, Intactness, Integrality, Integrity, Oneness, Perfection, Plenitude, Sum, Total, Totality, Unity, Universality, Sum Total, Allness, Collectiveness, Omneity, Omnitude, The Works, Whole Ball Of Wax, Whole Bit, Whole Enchilada, Whole Nine Yards,

Antonyms: Fraction, Incompleteness, Part, Partiality, Section,


Meaning: The branch of zoology that treats of insects.

Entrails pl

Meaning: The internal parts of an animal.

Synonyms: Bowels, Guts, Innards, Insides, Viscera, Vitals, Internal Parts,


Meaning: An earnest request.

Synonyms: ppeal, Application, Imploration, Imprecation, Petition, Prayer, Request, Suit, Supplication,

Antonyms: Answer, Command, Demand,


Meaning: The act of entering.

Synonyms: Access, Adit, Admission, Connection, Contact, Debut, Door, Entrance, Entry, Importation, In, Incoming, Induction, Ingress, Introduction, Way, Open Door, Open Arms,

Antonyms: Conclusion, Egress, Exit, Rejection, Prohibition, Blackballing,


Meaning: To fortify or protect, as with a trench or ditch and wall.

Synonyms: Anchor, Confirm, Define, Embed, Ensconce, Fence, Fix, Fortify, Found, Ground, Implant, Infix, Ingrain, Install, Lodge, Plant, Root, Seat, Set, Settle, Strengthen, Protect, Hole Up, Dig In,

Antonyms: Destroy, Discourage, Disorganize, Displace, Dissuade, End, Hurt, Leave, Move, Remove, Unsettle, Upset, Weaken, Let Go, Stay Off,


Meaning: To interweave.

Synonyms: Braid, Coil, Corkscrew, Curl, Embrace, Encircle, Enmesh, Entangle, Interlace, Intertwine, Interweave, Knit, Lace, Plait, Spiral, Surround, Twine, Weave, Wind, Wreathe, Interplait,

Antonyms: Exclude, Release, Straighten, Unravel, Untwist, Unwind, Let Go,


Meaning: To name one by one.

Synonyms: Calculate, Cite, Compute, Detail, Figure, Identify, Inventory, Itemize, Mention, Name, Number, Particularize, Quote, Recapitulate, Recite, Reckon, Recount, Rehearse, Relate, Specialize, Specify, Sum, Tally, Tell, Total, Run Down, Spell Out, Tick Off, Take Account Of, Add Up, Count Noses, Keep Tabs,

Antonyms: Conceal, Estimate, Guess, Hide, Neglect, Subtract, Not Count,


Meaning: A poem celebrating in formal verse the mythical achievements of great personages, heroes, etc.

Synonyms: Legend, Narrative, Saga, Tale, Heroic Poem,

Antonyms: Short Story,


Meaning: One who cultivates a delicate taste for eating and drinking.

Synonyms: Connoisseur, Epicurean, Gastronome, Gourmand, Gastronomist, Bon Vivant, Gastronomer,


Meaning: Indulging, ministering, or pertaining to daintiness of appetite.

Synonyms: Gluttonous, Gourmet, Hedonistic, Libertine, Lush, Luxurious, Sensual, Sensuous, Sybaritic, Voluptuous,

Antonyms: Puritan,


Meaning: A circle that rolls upon the external or internal circumference of another circle.


Meaning: A curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls upon another circle.


Meaning: Wide-spread occurrence of a disease in a certain region.

Synonyms: Catching, Communicable, Contagious, Endemic, General, Infectious, Pandemic, Rampant, Rife, Sweeping, Prevailing, Prevalent,

Antonyms: Limited,


Meaning: The outer skin.

Synonyms: Crust, Ectoderm, Felt, Fleece, Fur, Hide, Husk, Integument, Leather, Membrane, Pelage, Pellicle, Pelt, Rind, Scale, Shell, Skin, Wool, Peltry, Protective Covering, Scarfskin,

Antonyms: Body, Center, Core, Inside, Interior, Middle,


Meaning: A pithy phrasing of a shrewd observation.

Synonyms: Aphorism, Joke, Motto, Quip, Quirk, Bon Mot, Pithy Saying,


Meaning: The close of a narrative or dramatic poem.

Synonyms: Coda, Conclusion, Ending, Finale, Peroration, Postlude, Postscript, Sequel, Summation, Swan Song, Concluding Speech,

Antonyms: Beginning, Commencement, Foreword, Introduction, Opening, Start, Preface,


Meaning: Any appearance or bodily manifestation of a deity.

Synonyms: Bombshell, Discovery, Flash, Insight, Inspiration, Oracle, Realization, Shocker, Sign, Surprise, Vision, Lightning Bolt,

Antonyms: Confusion, Secret,


Meaning: An incident or story in a literary work, separable from yet growing out of it.

Synonyms: Affair, Business, Chapter, Circumstance, Doings, Event, Experience, Happening, Incident, Installment, Interlude, Matter, Occasion, Occurrence, Part, Passage, Section, Thing,

Antonyms: Whole,


Meaning: An inscription on a tomb or monument in honor or in memory of the dead.

Synonyms: Commemoration, Elegy, Epigraph, Eulogy, Legend, Memorial, Monument, Remembrance, Sentiment, Hic Jacet, Requiescat In Pace,


Meaning: Word used adjectivally to describe some quality or attribute of is objects, as in Father Aeneas.

Synonyms: Appellation, Description, Designation, Name, Sobriquet, Tag, Title,


Meaning: Prevailing among animals.

Synonyms: Communicable, Dangerous, Endemic, Epidemic, Infectious, Infective, Pandemic, Pestiferous, Pestilential, Taking, Transferable, Transmittable, Miasmatic,


Meaning: A interval of time, memorable for extraordinary events.

Synonyms: Age, Date, Era, Span, Time,


Meaning: A species of lyric poems.

Synonyms: Ballad, Composition, Limerick, Lyric, Poesy, Rhyme, Song, Sonnet, Verse,


Meaning: Evenness of mind or temper.

Synonyms: Aplomb, Assurance, Calm, Calmness, Composure, Confidence, Cool, Coolness, Detachment, Imperturbability, Patience, Peace, Phlegm, Placidity, Poise, Sangfroid, Serenity, Steadiness, Tranquillity, Equability, Presence Of Mind, Ataraxy,

Antonyms: Agitation, Alarm, Anxiety, Discomposure, Distrust, Doubt, Excitableness, Excitement, Fear, Frustration, Uncertainty, Upset, Worry,


Meaning: Pertaining to horses or horsemanship.

Synonyms: Horseman, Rider, Horsewoman,


Meaning: A state of balance.

Synonyms: Calm, Calmness, Composure, Cool, Coolness, Counterbalance, Counterpoise, Equanimity, Equipoise, Poise, Polish, Rest, Serenity, Stability, Stasis, Steadiness, Steadying, Symmetry,

Antonyms: Agitation, Excitement, Imbalance, Unevenness,


Meaning: Characterized by fairness.

Synonyms: Candid, Cricket, Decent, Disinterested, Dispassionate, Due, Ethical, Fair, Honest, Impersonal, Just, Level, Moral, Objective, Reasonable, Right, Rightful, Square, Stable, Unbiased, Unprejudiced, Proper, Uncolored, Proportionate, Fair And Square, Fair Shake, Square Deal,

Antonyms: Biased, Disproportionate, Intolerable, Partial, Unfair, Unjust, Unreasonable, Unsuitable, Prejudiced,


Meaning: Fairness or impartiality.

Synonyms: Disinterestedness, Equitableness, Fairness, Honesty, Integrity, Justice, Justness, Piece, Reasonableness, Rectitude, Righteousness, Uprightness, Fair Play, Square Deal,

Antonyms: Bias, Dishonesty, Inequity, Partiality, Unfairness, Unjustness,


Meaning: Equal in value, force, meaning, or the like.

Synonyms: Agnate, Akin, Alike, Analogous, Carbon, Commensurate, Comparable, Convertible, Copy, Correlative, Correspondent, Corresponding, Ditto, Duplicate, Equal, Even, Homologous, Identical, Indistinguishable, Interchangeable, Like, Parallel, Reciprocal, Substitute, Synonymous, Tantamount, Proportionate, Same Difference, Of A Kind,

Antonyms: Changeable, Different, Dissimilar, Mismatched, Opposite, Unequal, Unlike,


Meaning: Ambiguous.

Synonyms: Ambiguous, Ambivalent, Borderline, Clouded, Disreputable, Dubious, Evasive, Fishy, Fuzzy, Hazy, Indefinite, Indeterminate, Indistinct, Misleading, Muddled, Muzzy, Oblique, Obscure, Open, Questionable, Suspect, Suspicious, Tenebrous, Unclear, Undecided, Unexplicit, Unintelligible, Vague, Puzzling, Problematic, Amphibological, Clear As Mud, With Mixed Feelings,

Antonyms: Certain, Clear, Definite, Determined, Obvious, Plain, Sure, Unequivocal, Unquestionable,


Meaning: To use words of double meaning.

Synonyms: Cavil, Con, Dodge, Elude, Escape, Eschew, Evade, Falsify, Fence, Fib, Fudge, Hedge, Jive, Lie, Palter, Parry, Quibble, Shuck, Shuffle, Sidestep, Stonewall, Tergiversate, Waffle, Weasel, Cop Out, Cover Up, Beat Around The Bush, Beg The Question, Pussyfoot, Prevaricate, Blow Hot And Cold, Pass The Buck, Cop A Plea, Cloud The Issue, Give Run Around,

Antonyms: Confront, Encounter, Face, Meet, Release, Take On, Tell Truth, Be Honest, Speak On,


Meaning: To destroy thoroughly.

Synonyms: Abate, Abolish, Annihilate, Demolish, Deracinate, Efface, Eliminate, Erase, Expunge, Exterminate, Extinguish, Extirpate, Liquidate, Obliterate, Off, Raze, Scratch, Scrub, Squash, Torpedo, Total, Trash, Uproot, Waste, Take Out, Wipe Out, Stamp Out, Purge, Wash Out, Do Away With, Weed Out, Blot Out, Root Out, Shoot Down, Unroot,

Antonyms: Aid, Assist, Bear, Build, Construct, Create, Establish, Fix, Help, Institute, Keep, Plant, Ratify, Schedule, Set Up,


Meaning: Roving or wandering, as in search of adventure or opportunity for gallant deeds.

Synonyms: Aberrant, Deviating, Devious, Drifting, Erratic, Erring, Fallible, Heretic, Meandering, Misbehaving, Mischievous, Miscreant, Naughty, Offending, Rambling, Ranging, Roaming, Roving, Shifting, Sinning, Stray, Straying, Unorthodox, Unreliable, Wandering, Wayward, Errable,

Antonyms: Correct, Normal, Righteous,

Erratic x

Meaning: Roving or wandering, as in search of adventure or opportunity for gallant deeds.

Synonyms: Aberrant, Abnormal, Anomalous, Arbitrary, Bizarre, Capricious, Changeable, Desultory, Devious, Dicey, Directionless, Dubious, Eccentric, Fitful, Flaky, Fluctuant, Idiosyncratic, Iffy, Incalculable, Inconsistent, Inconstant, Irregular, Meandering, Mercurial, Nomadic, Oddball, Peculiar, Planetary, Rambling, Roving, Spasmodic, Strange, Stray, Uncertain, Unnatural, Unreliable, Unstable, Unusual, Variable, Volatile, Wayward, Weird, Whimsical,

Antonyms: Calm, Certain, Common, Consistent, Definite, Dependable, Normal, Predictable, Reasonable, Regular, Reliable, Sensible, Stable, Standard, Steadfast, Steady, Sure, Unchanging, Usual,


Meaning: Incorrect.

Synonyms: Amiss, Askew, Awry, Defective, Fallacious, False, Faulty, Flawed, Inaccurate, Inexact, Invalid, Misguided, Mistaken, Off, Specious, Spurious, Unfounded, Unsound, Untrue, All Wet, Way Off, Wrong Number, All Off,

Antonyms: Accurate, Correct, Genuine, Honest, Just, Precise, Real, Right, Sound, Strong, Substantiated, True, Valid, Well,


Meaning: Very-learned.

Synonyms: Brainy, Cultivated, Educated, Highbrow, Into, Knowledgeable, Learned, Lettered, Literate, Savvy, Scholarly, Scholastic, Studious, Wise Up,

Antonyms: Common, Ignorant, Uncultured, Uneducated,


Meaning: Extensive knowledge of literature, history, language, etc.

Synonyms: Brains, Cultivation, Culture, Enlightenment, Intellectuality, Knowledge, Learning, Letters, Literacy, Lore, Pedantry, Refinement, Savvy, Scholarliness, Scholarship, Science, Studiousness, Learnedness, Bookishness,

Antonyms: Ignorance,


Meaning: To keep clear of.

Synonyms: Abandon, Abjure, Abstain, Avoid, Double, Duck, Elude, Evade, Forgo, Forswear, Refrain, Renounce, Sacrifice, Shun, Shy, Give Up, Swear Off, Not Touch, Steer Clear Of, Shy Away From, Have No Truck With, Let Well Enough Alone,

Antonyms: Embrace, Face, Keep, Like, Love, Meet, Take On,


Meaning: To keep close watch.

Synonyms: Detect, Discern, Discover, Find, Glimpse, Notice, Observe, See, Sight, Spot, View, Watch,

Antonyms: Ignore, Lose, Miss, Neglect, Overlook, Pass By, Be Blind,


Meaning: A title of dignity, office, or courtesy.

Synonyms: Man, Monsieur, Signor, Sir,


Meaning: That which makes a thing to be what it is.

Synonyms: Acclivity, Aspect, Attribute, Backbone, Base, Basis, Being, Bottom, Burden, Caliber, Character, Constitution, Core, Crux, Element, Entity, Essentiality, Fiber, Form, Fundamentals, Germ, Kernel, Life, Marrow, Meaning, Meat, Nature, Nub, Nucleus, Pith, Point, Quality, Quintessence, Reality, Root, Soul, Spirit, Structure, Substance, Timber, Vein, Bottom Line, Principle,

Antonyms: Abstract, Exterior, Outside, Top, Exteriority,


Meaning: Pertaining to beauty, taste, or the fine arts.

Synonyms: Artistic, Creative, Gorgeous, Inventive,

Antonyms: Displeasing, Ugly,


Meaning: Worthy of respect.

Synonyms: Admirable, Admired, Appreciable, August, Commendable, Decent, Deserving, Esteemed, Excellent, Good, Honored, Laudable, Name, Noble, Praiseworthy, Reputable, Reputed, Respectable, Respected, Sterling, Valuable, Valued, Venerable, Big Name, In Limelight, Major League, Meritable, Palmary, Praisable, Big Time,

Antonyms: Bad, Dishonorable, Inestimable, Insignificant, Poor, Unworthy,


Meaning: To alienate.

Synonyms: Alien, Alienate, Antagonize, Disaffect, Disunite, Divert, Divide, Divorce, Leave, Part, Separate, Sever, Split, Sunder, Wean, Withdraw, Withhold, Turn Off, Break Up, Drive Apart, Make Hostile, Put On The Outs, Set At Odds,

Antonyms: Agree, Combine, Come, Connect, Engage, Hold, Join, Keep, Maintain, Marry, Stay, Unite,


Meaning: A wide lower part of a tidal river.

Synonyms: Arm, Creek, Firth, Fjord, Inlet, Tidewater, Waterway,

Et cetera Latin

Meaning: And so forth.

Synonyms: Etceteras, Extras, Stuff, Sundries,


Meaning: Relating to the development and improvement of race.

Synonyms: Ancestral, Genital, Hereditary, Historical, Patrimonial, Sporogenous, Abiogenetic, Digenetic, Matriclinous, Phytogenetic, Xenogenetic,

Antonyms: Acquired,


Meaning: To speak or write a laudation of a person's life or character.


Meaning: A spoken or written laudation of a person's life or character.

Synonyms: Acclaim, Accolade, Adulation, Applause, Citation, Commendation, Compliment, Encomium, Exaltation, Glorification, Laudation, Paean, Panegyric, Plaudit, Salutation, Tribute,

Antonyms: Blame, Calumny, Censure, Condemnation, Criticism, Denunciation, Disapproval,


Meaning: Characterized by agreeableness of sound.

Synonyms: Agreeable, Clear, Dulcet, Harmonious, Mellifluous, Melodious, Musical, Rhythmic, Smooth, Tuneful,


Meaning: Agreeableness of sound.

Synonyms: Accord, Melody, Rhythm, Sound,


Meaning: I have found it.

Synonyms: Abruptness, Amazement, Astonishment, Attack, Awe, Bewilderment, Bombshell, Consternation, Curiosity, Disappointment, Disillusion, Epiphany, Fortune, Godsend, Incredulity, Jolt, Kick, Marvel, Miracle, Miscalculation, Phenomenon, Portent, Precipitance, Precipitation, Rarity, Revelation, Shock, Start, Stupefaction, Suddenness, Thunderbolt, Unexpected, Unforeseen, Wonder, Wonderment, Prodigy, Whammy, Precipitousness, Astoundment,

Antonyms: Calmness, Composure, Coolness, Expectation, Happiness, Indifference,


Meaning: To avoid by artifice.

Synonyms: Aadil, Avoid, Baffle, Balk, Bypass, Cavil, Circumvent, Conceal, Confuse, Deceive, Decline, Dodge, Double, Duck, Elude, Equivocate, Escape, Eschew, Fence, Flee, Fly, Fudge, Hedge, Hide, Lie, Parry, Shift, Shirk, Shuck, Shuffle, Shun, Shy, Sidestep, Tergiversate, Trick, Waffle, Weasel, Cop Out, Put Off, Pussyfoot, Prevaricate, Fend Off, Pretend,

Antonyms: Accept, Aid, Confront, Disclose, Divulge, Encounter, Enlighten, Explain, Expose, Face, Help, Meet, Open, Order, Organize, Release, Remain, Reveal, Show, Stay, Tell, Uncover, Take On, Tell Truth, Lay Bare, Clear Up, Let Out, Be Honest,


Meaning: To vanish gradually.

Synonyms: Disappear, Evaporate, Vanish, Fade Away,

Antonyms: Appear, Arrive,


Meaning: Fleeting.

Synonyms: Brief, Disappearing, Fading, Fleeting, Momentary, Passing, Temporary, Tenuous, Vanishing,


Meaning: Seeking the conversion of sinners.

Synonyms: Apostolic, Christian, Divine, Evangelic, Orthodox, Pious, Religious, Scriptural,

Antonyms: Irreligious,


Meaning: A preacher who goes from place to place holding services.

Synonyms: Minister, Missionary, Pastor, Revivalist, Televangelist, Tv Evangelist, Circuit Rider, Religious Teacher, Television Evangelist, Television Preacher,


Meaning: Escape.

Synonyms: Artifice, Circumvention, Cunning, Ditch, Dodge, Dodging, Elusion, Equivocating, Equivocation, Eschewal, Evading, Evasiveness, Excuse, Fudging, Jive, Lie, Obliqueness, Quibble, Routine, Ruse, Shift, Shuffling, Slip, Sophism, Sophistry, Stall, Stonewall, Subterfuge, Trick, Trickery, Shunning, Pretext, Prevarication, Fancy Footwork, Shirking,

Antonyms: Directness, Facing, Frankness, Honesty, Meeting, Openness, Reality, Truth,


Meaning: Ultimate.

Synonyms: Closing, Conditional, Consequent, Contingent, Dependent, Ending, Endmost, Ensuing, Final, Hindmost, Indirect, Inevitable, Last, Later, Latter, Overall, Possible, Resulting, Secondary, Terminal, Ulterior, Ultimate, Vicarious, Prospective, Down The Pike, Down The Road,

Antonyms: Beginning, Past, Unlikely,


Meaning: To turn inside out.

Synonyms: Alter, Backtrack, Capsize, Change, Convert, Flip, Introvert, Inverse, Modify, Overturn, Renege, Revert, Tip, Transpose, Turn, Upend, Upset, Upturn, Turn Over, Turn Down, Turn The Tables, Turn Inside Out, Double Back,

Antonyms: Continue, Grow, Hold, Keep, Persist, Remain, Stay, Straighten, Leave Alone,


Meaning: To dispossess pursuant to judicial decree.

Synonyms: Bounce, Chase, Dislodge, Dismiss, Dispossess, Eject, Expel, Extrude, Oust, Out, Remove, Shut Out, Turn Out, Force Out, Put Out, Kick Out, Boot Out, Show Out, Show The Door, Toss Out On Ear,

Antonyms: Admit, Board, Hold, Include, Keep, Lease, Receive, Rent, Welcome, Take In,


Meaning: Indicative.

Synonyms: Apocalyptic, Augural, Auspicious, Characteristic, Connotative, Demonstrative, Denotative, Denotive, Designative, Diagnostic, Emblematic, Expressive, Inauspicious, Indicatory, Ominous, Significant, Suggestive, Symbolic, Symptomatic, Testimonial, Prognostic, Evincive, Indicial, Pointing To, Significatory,


Meaning: To make manifest or evident.

Synonyms: Attest, Declare, Demonstrate, Disclose, Display, Furnish, Indicate, Reveal, Show, Prove,

Antonyms: Conceal, Cover, Deny, Hide, Secrete, Withhold,


Meaning: To call or summon forth.

Synonyms: Arouse, Awaken, Call, Conjure, Educe, Elicit, Evince, Evolve, Excite, Extort, Extract, Invoke, Milk, Raise, Rally, Recall, Rouse, Summon, Waken, Give Rise To, Provoke, Stir Up, Call Forth,

Antonyms: Calm, Deaden, Decrease, Halt, Ignore, Quell, Repress, Silence, Stifle, Stop, Suppress,


Meaning: Development or growth.

Synonyms: Change, Enlargement, Evolvement, Expansion, Flowering, Growth, Increase, Maturation, Transformation, Unfolding, Progression, Working Out, Natural Process,

Antonyms: Blockage, Decrease, Halt, Lessening, Reduction, Shrinkage, Stagnation, Stoppage,


Meaning: To unfold or expand.

Synonyms: Advance, Derive, Disclose, Educe, Elaborate, Emerge, Enlarge, Excogitate, Expand, Get, Grow, Increase, Mature, Obtain, Open, Result, Ripen, Unfold, Work Out,

Antonyms: ock, Decrease, Diminish, Halt, Hide, Leave, Lessen, Lose, Stop,


Meaning: To make more sharp, severe, or virulent.

Synonyms: Aggravate, Annoy, Embitter, Enrage, Envenom, Exasperate, Excite, Heighten, Increase, Inflame, Intensify, Irritate, Madden, Vex, Worsen, Hit On, Provoke, Egg On, Heat Up, Feed The Fire, Add Insult To Injury, Fan The Flames, Rub Salt In A Wound,

Antonyms: Aid, Alleviate, Appease, Calm, Comfort, Compose, Delight, Help, Improve, Pacify, Placate, Please, Soothe, Make Happy,


Meaning: To overstate.

Synonyms: Amplify, Boast, Boost, Brag, Caricature, Color, Corrupt, Distort, Embroider, Emphasize, Enlarge, Exalt, Expand, Fabricate, Falsify, Fudge, Heighten, Hike, Hyperbolize, Inflate, Intensify, Lie, Magnify, Misquote, Misrepresent, Overdo, Overdraw, Overestimate, Pad, Romance, Romanticize, Scam, Stretch, Up, Build Up, Puff, Cook Up, Pyramid, Put On, Blow Out Of Proportion, Go To Extremes, Overemphasize,

Antonyms: Abridge, Compress, Contract, Decrease, Deprecate, Depreciate, Ignore, Lessen, Lower, Minimize, Reduce, Shrink, Understate, Be Modest, Play Down,


Meaning: To excite great anger in.

Synonyms: Aggravate, Agitate, Anger, Annoy, Bug, Disturb, Embitter, Enrage, Exacerbate, Excite, Gall, Get, Incense, Inflame, Infuriate, Irk, Irritate, Madden, Needle, Nettle, Peeve, Pique, Rankle, Rile, Roil, Rouse, Vex, Work Up, Make Waves, Drive Up The Wall, Try The Patience Of,

Antonyms: Aid, Alleviate, Appease, Assist, Calm, Comfort, Compose, Delight, Ease, Gladden, Help, Lull, Mollify, Pacify, Placate, Please, Quiet, Soothe, Tranquilize, Make Happy,


Meaning: To remove by digging or scooping out.

Synonyms: Burrow, Cut, Delve, Empty, Gouge, Grub, Hollow, Mine, Quarry, Scoop, Scrape, Shovel, Spade, Trench, Tunnel, Uncover, Unearth,

Antonyms: Cover, Fill,


Meaning: To go beyond, as in measure, quality, value, action, power, skill, etc.

Synonyms: Beat, Best, Better, Cap, Distance, Eclipse, Excel, Outdo, Outpace, Outreach, Outrun, Outshine, Outstrip, Overstep, Overtake, Overtax, Pass, Surmount, Top, Transcend, Go Beyond, Rise Above, Run Circles Around, Go By, Break Record, Get Upper Hand, Have A Jump On, Have Advantage, Have It All Over,

Antonyms: Fail, Lose, Surrender, Fall Behind, Be Inferior,


Meaning: To be superior or distinguished.

Synonyms: Beat, Best, Better, Cap, Eclipse, Exceed, Outdo, Outrival, Outshine, Outstrip, Pass, Predominate, Shine, Surmount, Top, Transcend, Wax, Make It, Come Through, Go Beyond, Be Master Of, Be Good, Be Proficient, Be Skillful, Be Talented, Improve Upon, Show Talent, Take Precedence,

Antonyms: Fail, Lose, Surrender, Fall Behind, Be Inferior,


Meaning: Possession of eminently or unusually good qualities.

Synonyms: Class, Distinction, Eminence, Excellency, Fineness, Goodness, Greatness, Merit, Perfection, Preeminence, Quality, Supremacy, Transcendence, Virtue, Worth, Purity, Arete, Superbness, High Quality,

Antonyms: Failure, Imperfection, Inferiority, Unimportance,


Meaning: A title of honor bestowed upon various high officials.

Synonyms: Class, Distinction, Eminence, Fineness, Goodness, Greatness, Merit, Perfection, Preeminence, Quality, Supremacy, Transcendence, Virtue, Worth, Purity, Arete, Superbness, High Quality,

Antonyms: Failure, Imperfection, Inferiority, Unimportance,


Meaning: Possessing distinguished merit.

Synonyms: Abaser, Accomplished, Admirable, Attractive, Capital, Champion, Choice, Desirable, Distinctive, Distinguished, Estimable, Exceptional, Exemplary, Exquisite, Fine, First, Good, Great, High, Incomparable, Invaluable, Magnificent, Meritorious, Notable, Noted, Outstanding, Peerless, Select, Skillful, Sterling, Striking, Superb, Superlative, Supreme, Tiptop, Transcendent, Prime, Premium, Finest, Priceless,

Antonyms: Bad, Common, Crude, Detestable, Failing, Ignorant, Imperfect, Inferior, Insignificant, Ordinary, Poor, Regular, Repulsive, Ugly, Unable, Unexceptional, Unknown, Unskilled, Unworthy,


Meaning: An extract or selection from written or printed matter.

Synonyms: Extract, Fragment, Notation, Note, Part, Passage, Pericope, Piece, Portion, Quotation, Quote, Saying, Section, Selection,

Antonyms: Entirety, Insert, Refusal, Whole,


Meaning: That which passes the ordinary, proper, or required limit, measure, or experience.

Synonyms: Balance, Enough, Exorbitance, Exuberance, Fat, Glut, Inundation, Lavishness, Leavings, Leftover, Luxuriance, Nimiety, Overdose, Overflow, Overkill, Overload, Overmuch, Overrun, Oversupply, Overweight, Plenty, Plethora, Redundance, Redundancy, Refuse, Remainder, Residue, Rest, Spare, Superabundance, Supererogation, Superfluity, Surfeit, Surplus, Waste, Too Much, Profusion, Wastefulness, Fulsomeness, Recrement, The Limit,

Antonyms: Base, Core, Dearth, Deficiency, Deprivation, Economy, Few, Frugality, Insufficiency, Lack, Little, Moderation, Need, Poverty, Scarcity, Shortcoming, Want, Privation,


Meaning: Nervously high-strung.

Synonyms: Demonstrative, Edgy, Emotional, Enthusiastic, Fidgety, Fierce, Fiery, Hasty, Hysterical, Impatient, Impetuous, Impulsive, Inflammable, Intolerant, Irascible, Mercurial, Moody, Nervous, Neurotic, Passionate, Peevish, Quick, Rash, Reckless, Restless, Sensitive, Skittish, Susceptible, Temperamental, Testy, Touchy, Uncontrolled, Uneasy,

Antonyms: Calm, Cold, Cool, Easy, Insensitive, Passive, Uninspired, Unexcitable,


Meaning: Intensified emotion or action.

Synonyms: Action, Activity, Agitation, Commotion, Eagerness, Elation, Enthusiasm, Ferment, Flurry, Furor, Incitement, Stimulation, Thrill, Turmoil, Provocation,

Antonyms: Apathy, Calm, Calmness, Depression, Idleness, Inactivity, Inertia, Peace, Quiet, Repose,


Meaning: An abrupt or emphatic expression of thought or of feeling.

Synonyms: Bellow, Call, Clamor, Cry, Ejaculation, Expletive, Holler, Interjection, Outcry, Roar, Utterance, Vociferation, Yawp, Yell,

Antonyms: Quiet, Silence,


Meaning: To shut out purposely or forcibly.

Synonyms: Ban, Bar, Bate, Blackball, Blacklist, Block, Bounce, Boycott, Debar, Disallow, Eject, Eliminate, Embargo, Evict, Except, Ignore, Interdict, Obviate, Occlude, Omit, Ostracize, Oust, Preclude, Refuse, Reject, Remove, Repudiate, Sideline, Suspend, Veto, Prevent, Prohibit, Rule Out, Shut Out, Proscribe, Close Out, Count Out, Estop, Get Rid Of, Pass Over, Put Out,

Antonyms: Accept, Add, Admit, Allow, Approve, Choose, Help, Include, Incorporate, Keep, Open, Permit, Ratify, Sanction, Support, Welcome, Let Go, Take On, Take In,


Meaning: Non-admission.

Synonyms: Ban, Bar, Blackball, Blockade, Boycott, Coventry, Cut, Discharge, Dismissal, Ejection, Elimination, Embargo, Eviction, Exception, Excommunication, Interdict, Interdicting, Interdiction, Lockout, Occlusion, Omission, Ostracism, Preclusion, Refusal, Rejection, Relegation, Removal, Repudiation, Segregation, Separation, Suspension, Veto, Prohibition, Prevention, Proscription, Debarment, Debarring, Keeping Out, Nonadmission,

Antonyms: Acceptance, Addition, Admittance, Allowance, Approval, Inclusion, Incorporation, Ok, Permission, Ratification, Sanction, Welcome,


Meaning: Any unnatural addition, outgrowth, or development.

Synonyms: Accretion, Enlargement, Knob, Lump, Outgrowth, Pimple, Wart,

Antonyms: Decrease, Shrinkage,


Meaning: The getting rid of waste matter.

Synonyms: Defecation, Discharge, Discharging, Ejecting, Ejection, Elimination, Evacuation, Expulsion, Exudation, Leaving, Perspiration, Secretion, Sweating, Urination, Voiding, Expelling,

Antonyms: Accretion, Eating, Receiving,


Meaning: To inflict severe pain or agony upon.

Synonyms: Agonize, Anguish, Bother, Curse, Distress, Harass, Hurt, Mistreat, Plague, Smite, Torment, Torture,

Antonyms: Aid, Assist, Calm, Help, Please, Relieve, Soothe, Make Happy,


Meaning: A journey.

Synonyms: Circuit, Cruise, Digression, Expedition, Jaunt, Junket, Outing, Picnic, Ramble, Safari, Tour, Trek, Trip, Walk, Wandering, Round Trip, Pleasure Trip, Day Trip,


Meaning: Justifiable.

Synonyms: Defensible, Explainable, Fair, Forgivable, Justifiable, Minor, Moderate, Okay, Pardonable, Passable, Permissible, Plausible, Reasonable, Remittable, Slight, Specious, Temperate, Tenable, Trivial, Understandable, Venial, Vindicatory, All Right, Not Too Bad, Warrantable, Condonable, Vindicable, Within Limits,

Antonyms: Blameable, Inexcusable, Unallowable, Unforgivable, Unjustifiable,


Meaning: Abominable.

Synonyms: Abhorrent, Abominable, Accursed, Atrocious, Confounded, Cursed, Damnable, Defective, Deplorable, Despicable, Detestable, Disgusting, Foul, Hateful, Heinous, Horrific, Loathsome, Low, Monstrous, Nauseous, Obnoxious, Odious, Offensive, Repulsive, Revolting, Vile, Wretched,

Antonyms: Nice, Pleasant,


Meaning: An accursed thing.

Synonyms: Abhorrence, Abomination, Anathema, Blasphemy, Condemnation, Contempt, Curse, Cursing, Cussing, Damnation, Denunciation, Detestation, Detesting, Excoriation, Hatred, Imprecation, Loathing, Malediction, Odium, Swearing, Vilification, Profanity,

Antonyms: Approval, Blessing, Compliment, Liking, Love, Loving, Praise, Regard, Respect,


Meaning: A person nominated by the will of another to execute the will.

Synonyms: Administrator, Agent, Enforcer, Executrix,


Meaning: Biblical exposition or interpretation.


Meaning: A model, pattern, or original to be copied or imitated.

Synonyms: Archetype, Copy, Criterion, Epitome, Example, Exemplification, Illustration, Instance, Mirror, Model, Paradigm, Paragon, Pattern, Specimen, Standard, Type, Prototype,


Meaning: Fitted to serve as a model or example worthy of imitation.

Synonyms: Admirable, Blameless, Characteristic, Classic, Classical, Commendable, Correct, Estimable, Excellent, Good, Guiltless, Honorable, Illustrative, Inculpable, Innocent, Laudable, Meritorious, Model, Paradigmatic, Praiseworthy, Quintessential, Representative, Righteous, Sterling, Typical, Virtuous, Worthy, Pure, Prototypical, Punctilious, Not Too Shabby, Batting A Thousand, Irreprehensible, Bueno, Not Bad,

Antonyms: Bad, Dishonorable, Erring, Incorrect, Poor, Unideal, Unworthy, Wrong,


Meaning: To show by example.

Synonyms: Body, Cite, Clarify, Demonstrate, Depict, Display, Elucidate, Embody, Enlighten, Epitomize, Evidence, Exhibit, Illuminate, Illustrate, Instance, Manifest, Mirror, Personify, Quote, Represent, Show, Symbolize, Typify, Clear Up, Spell Out, Emblematize,

Antonyms: Conceal, Confuse, Cover, Distort, Hide, Obscure, Mix Up,


Meaning: To make an effort.

Synonyms: Apply, Dig, Employ, Endeavor, Exercise, Expend, Labor, Plug, Ply, Strain, Strive, Struggle, Throw, Toil, Use, Utilize, Wield, Work, Push, Apply Oneself, Put Forth, Put Out, Try Hard, Bring Into Play, Bring To Bear, Sweat It, Give Best Shot, Make Effort,

Antonyms: Conceal, Hide, Idle, Ignore, Laze, Relax, Rest,


Meaning: To breathe forth.

Synonyms: Breathe, Discharge, Eject, Emanate, Emit, Evaporate, Expel, Issue, Respire, Steam, Vaporize, Let Out, Give Off,

Antonyms: Hold, Inhale, Keep, Take In, Breathe In,


Meaning: To empty by draining off the contents.

Synonyms: Bankrupt, Cripple, Debilitate, Disable, Drain, Draw, Enervate, Enfeeble, Fag, Fatigue, Frazzle, Impoverish, Overdo, Overexert, Overwork, Poop, Sap, Tucker, Weaken, Weary, Do In, Wear Down, Prostrate, Use Up, Overtire, Peter Out, Suck Dry, Conk Out, Burn Out, Overfatigue, Overextend, Poop Out, Run Ragged,

Antonyms: Aid, Animate, Assist, Enable, Energize, Help, Invigorate, Refresh, Replenish, Strengthen,


Meaning: Causing or tending to cause exhaustion.

Synonyms: Inadequate, Limited, Modest,


Meaning: Deprivation of strength or energy.

Synonyms: Burnout, Collapse, Consumption, Debilitation, Debility, Enervation, Expenditure, Fatigue, Feebleness, Lassitude, Weariness, Prostration,

Antonyms: Ability, Energy, Health, Liveliness, Readiness, Strength, Vigor,


Meaning: Thorough and complete in execution.

Synonyms: Catholic, Comprehensive, Encyclopedic, Extensive, Full, Intensive, Radical, Sweeping, Thorough, Thoroughgoing, Total, Profound, The Word, From A To Z,

Antonyms: Excluding, Exclusive, Incomplete, Narrow, Partial, Superficial, Unfinished, Uncomprehensive, Incomprehensive,


Meaning: To fill with high or cheerful spirits.

Synonyms: Animate, Boost, Buoy, Cheer, Commove, Delight, Elate, Enliven, Exalt, Excite, Gladden, Inspire, Inspirit, Invigorate, Juice, Lift, Quicken, Rejoice, Send, Stimulate, Thrill, Uplift, Pick Up, Turn On, Vitalize, Snap Up, Pep Up, Perk Up, Put Zip Into,

Antonyms: Agitate, Bore, Deaden, Depress, Discourage, Dishearten, Dissuade, Dull, Enervate, Receive, Sadden, Upset, Weaken, Worry,


Meaning: To dig out of the earth (what has been buried).

Synonyms: Disclose, Disinter, Resurrect, Reveal, Unearth, Unbury, Disentomb,

Antonyms: Bury,


Meaning: A critical period or condition.

Synonyms: Demands, Exigencies, Exigency, Necessity, Need, Needs, Requirement, Requirements, Want,


Meaning: Urgent.

Synonyms: Acute, Burning, Clamant, Clamorous, Constraining, Critical, Crucial, Crying, Imperative, Importunate, Insistent, Instant, Menacing, Necessary, Needful, Threatening,

Antonyms: Easy, Facile, Ordinary, Usual, Unpressured,


Meaning: Possession or continuance of being.

Synonyms: Actuality, Animation, Being, Breath, Continuance, Continuation, Duration, Endurance, Entity, Essence, Individuality, Journey, Permanence, Perseverance, Reality, Something, Subsistence, Survival, World, Rat Race, Presence, Real World, Hand One Is Dealt, The Big Game,

Antonyms: Abstract, Death, End, Inanimateness,


Meaning: A way or passage out.

Synonyms: Avenue, Door, Egress, Gate, Hole, Opening, Outlet, Vent, Fire Escape, Passage Out,

Antonyms: Arrival, Arriving, Closure, Coming, Entering, Entrance,


Meaning: A going forth or departure from a place or country, especially of many people.

Synonyms: Departure, Egress, Egression, Emigration, Evacuation, Exit, Exiting, Flight, Journey, Migration, Retirement, Retreat, Withdrawal, Going Out,

Antonyms: Arrival, Arriving, Coming, Entrance, Stay,


Meaning: To relieve or vindicate from accusation, imputation, or blame.

Synonyms: Absolve, Acquit, Disburden, Discharge, Dismiss, Except, Exculpate, Exempt, Free, Justify, Liberate, Pardon, Release, Relieve, Sanitize, Vindicate, Whitewash, Let Off, Wipe Slate Clean, Let Off Hook,

Antonyms: Accuse, Blame, Burden, Charge, Condemn, Convict, Damn, Employ, Engage, Hire, Hold, Incarcerate, Incriminate, Keep, Limit, Restrain, Sentence, Punish,


Meaning: Extravagance or enormity.

Synonyms: Costliness, Excess, Luxury, Excessiveness,

Antonyms: Economy, Frugality,


Meaning: Going beyond usual and proper limits.

Synonyms: Absonant, Dear, Enormous, Exacting, Expensive, Extortionate, Extreme, High, Immoderate, Inordinate, Outrageous, Overboard, Overmuch, Steep, Stiff, Towering, Unconscionable, Undue, Unreasonable, Unwarranted, Wasteful, Preposterous, Highway Robbery, Out Of Sight, Pricey, Up To Here,

Antonyms: Cheap, Good, Inexpensive, Low, Mild, Moderate, Reasonable, Sensible, Warranted,


Meaning: To cast or drive out by religious or magical means.

Synonyms: Dismiss, Expel, Remove, Purify, Purge, Drive Out, Cast Out,

Antonyms: Hold, Keep, Maintain, Welcome,


Meaning: Foreign.

Synonyms: Alien, Alluring, Bizarre, Colorful, Curious, Different, Enticing, External, Extraneous, Extraordinary, Extrinsic, Fascinating, Foreign, Glamorous, Imported, Introduced, Kinky, Outlandish, Outside, Peculiar, Peregrine, Romantic, Strange, Striking, Unfamiliar, Unusual, Weird, Far Out, Way Out,

Antonyms: Boring, Common, Dull, Familiar, Native, Normal, Ordinary, Regular, Standard, Uninteresting, Usual,


Meaning: To increase in range or scope.

Synonyms: Aafa, Aggrandize, Amplify, Bloat, Bolster, Broaden, Burgeon, Detail, Develop, Diffuse, Dilate, Distend, Elaborate, Embellish, Enlarge, Explicate, Fatten, Grow, Heighten, Hike, Increase, Inflate, Lengthen, Magnify, Mount, Multiply, Mushroom, Open, Pad, Spread, Stretch, Swell, Thicken, Unfold, Unfurl, Unravel, Unroll, Wax, Widen, Prolong, Pyramid, Protract, Beef Up,

Antonyms: Abbreviate, Abridge, Close, Compress, Contract, Curtail, Decrease, Deflate, Diminish, End, Fall, Halt, Hide, Hinder, Lessen, Lower, Narrow, Reduce, Restrict, Shorten, Shrink, Shrivel, Simplify, Stop, Tangle, Thin, Withhold,


Meaning: A continuous area or stretch.

Synonyms: Amplitude, Area, Belt, Breadth, Compass, Distance, Domain, Extension, Extent, Field, Immensity, Latitude, Length, Margin, Orbit, Plain, Radius, Range, Reach, Region, Remoteness, Room, Scope, Span, Sphere, Spread, Stretch, Sweep, Territory, Tract, Width, Wilderness, Uninterrupted Space,

Antonyms: Extreme, Height, Limitation,


Meaning: Increase of amount, size, scope, or the like.

Synonyms: Amplification, Augmentation, Breadth, Development, Diffusion, Dilation, Distance, Distension, Enlargement, Evolution, Expanse, Extension, Increase, Inflation, Magnification, Maturation, Multiplication, Space, Spread, Stretch, Swelling, Unfolding, Unfurling, Opening Out,

Antonyms: Compression, Decrease, Lessening, Reduction, Shrinkage, Stagnation, Abridgment,


Meaning: To drive from ones own country.

Synonyms: Departer, Deportee, Emigrant, Evacuee, Exile, Expellee, Migrant, Outcast, Refugee, Displaced Person, emigre,

Antonyms: Admit, Allow, Hold, Keep, Permit, Welcome, Take In,


Meaning: To look forward to as certain or probable.

Synonyms: Apprehend, Assume, Await, Bombards, Calculate, Conjecture, Contemplate, Divine, Envisage, Feel, Figure, Forecast, Foreknow, Foresee, Gather, Hope, Imagine, Look, Predict, Reckon, Sense, Suppose, Surmise, Suspect, Take, Think, Trust, Understand, Presume, Be Afraid, Presuppose, Count On, Look For, See Coming, Look Forward To, Bargain For, Wait For, Bargain On, Look Ahead To,

Antonyms: Disbelieve, Disregard, Know, Misunderstand, Neglect, Overlook,


Meaning: The act or state of looking forward to as certain or probable.

Synonyms: Assumption, Assurance, Belief, Calculation, Confidence, Conjecture, Expectation, Hope, Likelihood, Outlook, Prediction, Reliance, Supposition, Surmise, Suspense, Trust, View, Waiting, Presentiment, Presumption, Presentation, Prospect, Probability, Looking Forward,

Antonyms: Disbelief, Distrust, Doubt, Fact, Fear, Knowledge, Reality, Truth, Uncertainty, Unlikelihood, Proof,


Meaning: To cough up and spit forth.

Synonyms: Hawk, Spew, Spit, Spit Out,


Meaning: Fitness to meet the requirements of a particular case.

Synonyms: Contrivance, Expedience, Expedient, Makeshift, Practicality,

Antonyms: Inappropriateness, Unsuitability, Uselessness,


Meaning: Contributing to personal advantage.

Synonyms: Advantageous, Advisable, Beneficial, Convenient, Desirable, Discreet, Effective, Feasible, Fit, Fitting, Helpful, Judicious, Meet, Opportune, Politic, Possible, Practicable, Practical, Pragmatic, Seasonable, Suitable, Tactical, Timely, Useful, Utilitarian, Wise, Proper, Profitable, Prudent, Ad Hoc,

Antonyms: Disadvantageous, Impossible, Improper, Inappropriate, Incorrect, Inexpedient, Unfeasible, Unfitting, Unprofitable, Unreasonable, Unseemly, Unsuitable, Unwise, Unworkable,


Meaning: To hasten the movement or progress of.

Synonyms: Accelerate, Advance, Assist, Dispatch, Facilitate, Forward, Hasten, Hurry, Precipitate, Quicken, Railroad, Rush, Speed, Urge, Promote, Press, Speed Up, Run With The Ball, Cut The Red Tape, Fast Track, Grease Wheels, Handle Personally, Run Interference, Shoot Through, Walk It Through,

Antonyms: Block, Cease, Check, Delay, Halt, Hinder, Hold, Hurt, Keep, Retard, Slow, Stop, Wait,


Meaning: Speedy.

Synonyms: Active, Alert, Breakneck, Brisk, Diligent, Effective, Effectual, Efficient, Fast, Fleet, Hasty, Instant, Nimble, Quick, Rapid, Ready, Swift, Prompt, Punctual,

Antonyms: Delayed, Lazy, Pokey, Retarded, Slow,


Meaning: To spend.

Synonyms: Blow, Consume, Disburse, Dispense, Dissipate, Distribute, Employ, Finish, Give, Outlay, Pay, Splurge, Dish Out, Shell Out, Ante Up, Lay Out, Put Out, Use Up, Go Through, Foot The Bill, Pay Out, Spring For, Throw Money At, Wash Up,

Antonyms: Accumulate, Collect, Gather, Hoard, Hold, Keep, Maintain, Save, Store,


Meaning: The laying out or expending or money or other resources, as time or strength.

Synonyms: Amount, Assessment, Bite, Budget, Charge, Consumption, Debit, Debt, Decrement, Deprivation, Disbursement, Duty, Expenditure, Forfeit, Forfeiture, Insurance, Investment, Liability, Loan, Loss, Mortgage, Obligation, Outdo, Outlay, Output, Overhead, Rate, Responsibility, Risk, Sacrifice, Spending, Sum, Surcharge, Tariff, Toll, Upkeep, Use, Value, Worth, Bottom Line, Price, Price Tag,

Antonyms: Asset, Irresponsibility,


Meaning: To make satisfaction or amends for.

Synonyms: Absolve, Amend, Appease, Atone, Compensate, Correct, Excuse, Forgive, Rectify, Redeem, Redress, Remedy, Square Things, Atone For, Do Penance,

Antonyms: Blame, Charge, Damage, Forfeit, Harm, Injure, Lose, Worsen, Punish,


Meaning: To clear from involvement.

Synonyms: Amplify, Construe, Demonstrate, Develop, Dilate, Elucidate, Enucleate, Expatiate, Explain, Expound, Illustrate, Interpret, Unfold, Untangle, Make Clear, Run Down, Clear Up, Spell Out, Work Out, Make Plain, Enlarge Upon, Give The Big Picture, Make Explicit, Tell Why,

Antonyms: Cloud, Complicate, Compress, Conceal, Confuse, Hide, Lessen, Mystify, Obscure, Stop, Tangle,


Meaning: To cause to burst in pieces by force from within.

Synonyms: Backfire, Blast, Blaze, Burst, Collapse, Convulse, Detonate, Discharge, Erupt, Fracture, Jet, Mushroom, Rupture, Shatter, Shiver, Split, Thunder, Let Go, Set Off, Break Out, Flare Up, Blow To Kingdom Come, Flame Up,

Antonyms: Implode, Mend, Prove,


Meaning: A sudden and violent outbreak.

Synonyms: Access, Backfire, Bang, Blast, Burst, Clap, Combustion, Concussion, Crack, Detonation, Firing, Fit, Fulmination, Gust, Ignition, Outbreak, Outburst, Paroxysm, Percussion, Pop, Report, Roar, Salvo,

Antonyms: Implosion,


Meaning: Pertaining to a sudden and violent outbreak.

Synonyms: Bursting, Charged, Consequential, Convulsive, Detonating, Ebullient, Eruptive, Fiery, Forceful, Frenzied, Fulminant, Fulminating, Hazardous, Impetuous, Meteoric, Overwrought, Perilous, Raging, Rampant, Stormy, Tense, Touchy, Ugly, Uncontrollable, Unstable, Vehement, Violent, Wild, At The Boiling Point, Detonative,

Antonyms: Calm, Controlled, Gentle, Mild, Moderate, Peaceful, Safe,


Meaning: Formal presentation.

Synonyms: Account, Analysis, Annotation, Article, Comment, Commentary, Composition, Construction, Critique, Delineation, Details, Discourse, Discussion, Disquisition, Dissertation, Editorial, Elucidation, Enunciation, Essay, Exegesis, Explanation, Explication, Expounding, History, Illustration, Interpretation, Monograph, Paper, Piece, Report, Review, Statement, Story, Study, Tale, Text, Theme, Thesis, Tract, Treatise, Presentation,

Antonyms: Quiet, Silence,


Meaning: Pertaining to a formal presentation.

Synonyms: Critical, Elucidative, Explanatory, Explicative, Hermeneutic, Illustrative, Informative, Interpretive, Explicatory,


Meaning: To discuss.

Synonyms: Argue, Dissuade, Oppose, Remonstrate, Protest,

Antonyms: Agree,


Meaning: An open situation or position in relation to the sun, elements, or points of the compass.

Synonyms: Airing, Baring, Betrayal, Confession, Defenselessness, Denudation, Denunciation, Disclosure, Display, Divulgence, Divulging, Exhibition, Giveaway, Hazard, Introduction, Jeopardy, Liability, Manifestation, Nakedness, Openness, Peril, Revelation, Risk, Showing, Susceptibility, Susceptiveness, Susceptivity, Unfolding, Unmasking, Vulnerability, Vulnerableness, Presentation, Publicity, Laying Open,

Antonyms: Certainty, Concealment, Cover, Covering, Hiding, Safety, Secret, Surety, Protection,


Meaning: Full of meaning.

Synonyms: Alive, Articulate, Artistic, Brilliant, Colorful, Demonstrative, Dramatic, Eloquent, Emphatic, Energetic, Forcible, Graphic, Indicative, Ingenious, Lively, Masterly, Meaningful, Mobile, Moving, Passionate, Pathetic, Picturesque, Poignant, Pointed, Representative, Responsive, Showy, Significant, Spirited, Stimulating, Stirring, Striking, Strong, Suggestive, Sympathetic, Tender, Thoughtful, Touching, Understanding, Vivid, Warm, Pregnant,

Antonyms: Dull, Expressionless, Lifeless, Passive, Ugly, Uncaring, Undemonstrative, Inexpressive,


Meaning: Forcible ejection.

Synonyms: Banishment, Boot, Bounce, Deportment, Discharge, Dislodgment, Dismissal, Displacement, Dispossession, Ejection, Eviction, Exclusion, Exile, Expatriation, Extrusion, Ostracism, Ouster, Relegation, Removal, Rush, Suspension, Purge, Proscription, Debarment, Driving Out, Forcing Out,

Antonyms: Admittance, Import, Inclusion, Welcome, Welcoming,


Meaning: Still existing and known.

Synonyms: Actual, Alive, Around, Being, Contemporary, Current, Existent, Existing, Immediate, Instant, Living, Real, Remaining, Subsisting, Surviving, Present, In Current Use, Not Lost,

Antonyms: Dead, Extinct, Gone,


Meaning: Done or made without much or any preparation.

Synonyms: Automatic, Casual, Expedient, Extemporary, Extempore, Fake, Free, Immediate, Impromptu, Improvisatory, Informal, Jamming, Makeshift, Offhand, Snap, Spontaneous, Unplanned, Unpremeditated, Unprepared, Unrehearsed, Winging It, Toss Off, Unstudied, Ad Hoc, By Ear, Improviso, On Impulse, Toss Out, Autoschediastic,

Antonyms: Deliberate, Planned, Rehearsed, Premeditated, Prepared,


Meaning: Without studied or special preparation.

Synonyms: Extemporaneous, Impromptu,


Meaning: Capable of being thrust out.

Synonyms: Expandable, Expansible, Extendable, Extendible, Extensile, Stretchable, Protractile,


Meaning: A reaching or stretching out, as in space, time or scope.

Sentence: I've applied for an extension to my visa (= asked for it to last longer).

Synonyms: delay, development, expansion, increase, postponement, Addendum, Addition, Adjunct, Amplification, Annex, Appendage, Appendix, Arm, Augmentation

Antonyms: Abbreviation, Base, Body, Compression, Contraction


Meaning: Extended widely in space, time, or scope.

Synonyms: Big, Blanket, Boundless, Broad, Capacious, Commodious, Comprehensive, Comprising, Considerable, Expanded, Extended, General, Great, Hefty, Huge, Inclusive, Indiscriminate, Large, Lengthy, Long, Major, Pervasive, Roomy, Sizable, Spacious, Sweeping, Universal, Unrestricted, Vast, Voluminous, Wholesale, Wide, Widespread, Protracted, Prevalent, Scopic, Across The Board,

Antonyms: Exclusive, Insignificant, Limited, Little, Miniature, Narrow, Restricted, Short, Slight, Small, Tiny, Unimportant, Uncomprehensive,


Meaning: A muscle that causes extension.


Meaning: To diminish the gravity or importance of.

Synonyms: Decrease, Diminish, Downplay, Excuse, Justify, Minimize, Moderate, Palliate, Qualify, Reduce, Soften,

Antonyms: Develop, Enlarge, Expand, Extend, Grow, Increase, Raise,


Meaning: That which is outside.

Synonyms: Exoteric, External, Extraneous, Extraterrestrial, Extraterritorial, Extrinsic, Foreign, Marginal, Outdoor, Outer, Outermost, Outlying, Outmost, Outward, Over, Peripheral, Superficial, Surface,

Antonyms: Central, Interior, Middle,


Meaning: Anything relating or belonging to the outside.

Synonyms: Alien, Apparent, Exterior, Extraneous, Foreign, Independent, Out, Outer, Outermost, Outmost, Outward, Over, Peripheral, Superficial, Surface, Visible,

Antonyms: Central, Inside, Interior, Internal, Intrinsic, Middle, National, Native, Relevant,


Meaning: Being no longer in existence.

Synonyms: Abolished, Archaic, Asleep, Bygone, Cold, Deceased, Defunct, Departed, Disappeared, Doused, Ended, Exanimate, Exterminated, Extinguished, Fallen, Gone, Inactive, Late, Lifeless, Lost, Out, Outmoded, Superseded, Terminated, Unknown, Vanished, Vanquished, Void, Done For, Passed On, Snuffed Out,

Antonyms: Alive, Existing, Extant, Living,


Meaning: To render extinct.

Synonyms: Choke, Douse, Drown, Out, Quench, Smother, Stifle, Suffocate, Trample, Stamp Out, Blot Out, Snuff Out, Blow Out,

Antonyms: Bear, Create, Light, Start,


Meaning: To praise in the highest terms.

Synonyms: Acclaim, Applaud, Bless, Boost, Celebrate, Commend, Eulogize, Exalt, Glorify, Hymn, Laud, Magnify, Praise, Rave, Root, Stroke, Push, Panegyrize, Brag About, Cry Up, Give A Boost To, Givea Bouquet, Hand It To, Hats Off To, Hear It For,

Antonyms: Blame, Castigate, Censure, Condemn, Criticize, Debase, Decrease, Denounce, Disapprove, Discourage, Humiliate,


Meaning: To obtain by violence, threats, compulsion, or the subjection of another to some necessity.

Synonyms: Bleed, Bully, Clip, Coerce, Demand, Educe, Elicit, Evince, Exact, Extract, Fleece, Force, Get, Gouge, Ice, Milk, Obtain, Pinch, Secure, Skin, Soak, Squeeze, Stick, Sting, Wrench, Wrest, Wring, Hold Up, Put The Arm On, Put Screws To, Make Pay Through Nose,

Antonyms: Forfeit, Give, Loosen, Lose, Offer, Surrender, Unfasten, Yield, Let Go,


Meaning: The practice of obtaining by violence or compulsion.

Synonyms: Arm, Badger, Bite, Coercion, Compulsion, Demand, Exaction, Force, Fraud, Oppression, Payoff, Racket, Rapacity, Shake, Shakedown, Squeeze, Stealing, Swindle, Theft, Pressure, Protection, Payola,

Antonyms: Peace,


Meaning: To surrender the custody of.

Synonyms: Abandon, Apprehend, Arrest, Deliver, Release, Surrender, Give Up, Bring To Justice, Bring To Trial,

Antonyms: Hold, Keep,


Meaning: The surrender by a government of a person accused of crime to the justice of another government.

Synonyms: Banishment, Deportation, Expatriation, Expulsion, Ostracism, Proscription,


Meaning: Happening out of court.


Meaning: Having no essential relation to a subject.

Synonyms: Accidental, Additional, Adventitious, Extra, Foreign, Immaterial, Impertinent, Inadmissible, Inapplicable, Inapposite, Inappropriate, Incidental, Inessential, Needless, Nonessential, Peripheral, Pointless, Redundant, Superfluous, Supplementary, Unconnected, Unessential, Unnecessary, Unrelated, Beside The Point, Off The Subject,

Antonyms: Appropriate, Basic, Essential, Important, Integral, Material, National, Native, Necessary, Needed, Pertinent, Relevant,


Meaning: Unusual.

Synonyms: Amazing, Bizarre, Boss, Curious, Exceptional, Fab, Fantastic, Flash, Gnarly, Heavy, Inconceivable, Incredible, Marvelous, Odd, Outstanding, Particular, Peculiar, Phenomenal, Rare, Remarkable, Singular, Special, Strange, Stupendous, Surprising, Terrific, Uncommon, Unfamiliar, Unimaginable, Unique, Unprecedented, Unthinkable, Unusual, Unwonted, Weird, Wicked, Off Beaten Path,

Antonyms: Average, Bad, Believable, Common, Commonplace, Conventional, Customary, Expected, Familiar, General, Indifferent, Inferior, Like, Normal, Ordinary, Plain, Poor, Regular, Similar, Standard, Typical, Unexceptional, Unimportant, Unremarkable, Unsurprising, Usual, Worthless, Unextraordinary,


Meaning: Undue expenditure of money.

Synonyms: Absurdity, Amenity, Dissipation, Exaggeration, Excess, Exorbitance, Expenditure, Folly, Frill, Immoderation, Improvidence, Lavishness, Luxury, Outrageousness, Overindulgence, Recklessness, Squander, Squandering, Superfluity, Unreasonableness, Unrestraint, Wildness, Profusion, Wastefulness, Profligacy, Preposterousness, Prodigality, Overdoing, Overspending, Unthrift,

Antonyms: Economy, Frugality, Moderation, Saving, Thrift, Thriftiness, Providence,


Meaning: Needlessly free or lavish in expenditure.

Synonyms: Abas, Absurd, Bizarre, Costly, Crazy, Exaggerated, Excessive, Exorbitant, Expensive, Extortionate, Extreme, Fanciful, Fancy, Fantastic, Flamboyant, Flashy, Foolish, Garish, Gaudy, Grandiose, Immoderate, Implausible, Improvident, Imprudent, Inordinate, Lavish, Ludicrous, Nonsensical, Ornate, Ostentatious, Outrageous, Reckless, Ridiculous, Showy, Silly, Spendthrift, Steep, Unbalanced, Unconscionable, Preposterous, Prodigal, Profligate, Pretentious,

Antonyms: Believable, Calm, Careful, Cheap, Close, Drab, Economical, Good, Inexpensive, Logical, Moderate, Modest, Normal, Ordinary, Plain, Poor, Reasonable, Restrained, Saving, Sensible, Serious, Simple, Small, Stingy, Tasteful, Thrifty, Unpretentious, Usual, Wise, Provident, Unflashy,


Meaning: One who supports extreme measures or holds extreme views.

Synonyms: Agitator, Fanatic, Radical, Revolutionary, Revolutionist, Ultra, Zealot, Ultraist,

Antonyms: Conservative, Moderate,


Meaning: The utmost point, side, or border, or that farthest removed from a mean position.

Synonyms: Acme, Acuteness, Adversity, Apex, Apogee, Border, Bound, Boundary, Brim, Brink, Butt, Climax, Consummation, Crisis, Depth, Disaster, Edge, End, Excess, Extreme, Frontier, Height, Last, Margin, Maximum, Nadir, Outside, Pinnacle, Plight, Pole, Remote, Rim, Setback, Terminal, Termination, Terminus, Tip, Top, Trouble, Verge, Vertex, Zenith, Dire Straits,

Antonyms: Aid, Base, Beginning, Blessing, Boon, Bottom, Center, Commencement, Help, Inside, Interior, Middle, Minimum, Nadir, Opening, Peace, Start, Success, Prosperity, Good Fortune, Good Luck,


Meaning: Disentangle.


Meaning: To drive out or away.

Synonyms: Boot, Chase, Dismiss, Eject, Evict, Expel, Squeeze, Thrust, Project, Press, Throw Out, Kick Out,

Antonyms: Admit, Keep, Welcome, Pull, Take In,


Meaning: Rich supply.

Synonyms: Abandon, Animation, Ardor, Bounce, Buoyancy, Cheerfulness, Eagerness, Ebullience, Effervescence, Excitement, Exhilaration, Fervor, Juice, Life, Liveliness, Pep, Pepper, Spirit, Sprightliness, Vigor, Vitality, Zap, Zest, Zip, Friskiness, High Spirits, Gayness,

Antonyms: Apathy, Coolness, Depression, Discouragement, Disinterest, Dullness, Inactivity, Indifference, Insufficiency, Lack, Lethargy, Lifelessness, Need, Want,


Meaning: Marked by great plentifulness.

Synonyms: Animated, Ardent, Bouncy, Brash, Buoyant, Cheerful, Chipper, Eager, Ebullient, Effervescent, Elated, Excited, Exhilarated, Frolicsome, Gay, Lively, Passionate, Sparkling, Spirited, Sprightly, Vigorous, Vivacious, Zappy, Zestful, Zippy, Zingy,

Antonyms: Apathetic, Depressed, Discouraged, Dispirited, Down, Dull, Heavy, Inactive, Insufficient, Lacking, Lazy, Lethargic, Lifeless, Needing, Sad, Unenthusiastic, Unhappy, Wanting, Unexcited,


Meaning: (formal) an extremely long period of time; thousands of years

Sentence: Only yesterday—and it seemed aeons ago, not just a few hours—he had been a happily married man.

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