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Meaning: any small, useful tool

Sentence: This gadget is used to open tins.


Meaning: a piece of ground where flowers, fruit, or vegetables are grown

Sentence: I have planted a rose bush in my garden.


Meaning: a plant with a bulb divided into smaller bulbs (cloves)

Sentence: which have a strong smell and taste He seasoned the fish with garlic.


Meaning: a festive occasion

Sentence: The hall was decorated with buntings for the gala.


Meaning: a red gemstone

Sentence: She asked the jeweller to replace the broken garnet in her necklace.


Meaning: a piece of rubber etc between 2 metal surfaces, to prevent steam, gas etc escaping

Sentence: Her father manufactures gasket for the automative industry


Meaning: a mass of nerve cells

Sentence: The spinal ganglion contains the nerve-cell bodies of the nerve fibres.


Meaning: a building where motor vehicle may be kept or serviced

Sentence: He parked his car in the garage.


Meaning: a member of the crocodile family, this reptile has a long slender snout

Sentence: Sentence not Required


Meaning: the study of the Earths climate, peoples and products

Sentence: Sara enjoys studying geography.


Meaning: all the people born at about the same time

Sentence: Our parents? generation enjoys listening to classical music.


Meaning: the study of lines, angles, surfaces and solids in mathematics

Sentence: We learnt how to calculate the volume of a sphere in geometry


Meaning: a machine that produces electricity

Sentence: During the power cut, we used the generator to produce electricity.


Meaning: the spirit of a dead person

Sentence: The ghost haunted the house.


Meaning: a very clever person

Sentence: Einstein was a mathematical genius.


Meaning: speech or writing that is difficult to understand or is meaningless

Sentence: I am sick and tired of his gibberish.


Meaning: a courteous or honourable man

Sentence: Despite his upbringing, he was a gentleman in every possible way.


Meaning: a plant root with a hot and spicy taste, used as seasoning

Sentence: He bought ginger and garlic from the vegetable market


Meaning: real; not faked

Sentence: This painting is a genuine antique.


Meaning: an African animal, the worlds tallest mammal, which reaches up to 5.5 metres in height


Meaning: a man trained to fight for public entertainment in ancient Rome

Sentence: The gladiator fought bravely.


Meaning: to make a thing seem more attractive than it really is

Sentence: It is a film that tries to glorify war.


Meaning: excitingly attractive

Sentence: The movie star was wearing a glamorous dress.


Meaning: attractiveness

Sentence: The glamour of films inspired him to become an actor.


Meaning: a list of difficult words with their meanings explained

Sentence: The textbook contained a glossary at the end.


Meaning: to give a shiny surface to something

Sentence: Mehr is going to glaze the cake with some icing.


Meaning: a tiny fly that bites


Meaning: to move along smoothly

Sentence: I will glide across the ice in my skates.


Meaning: a kind of dwarf in fairy tales, usually living underground

Sentence: The gnome and his family lived happily ever after.


Meaning: a small red or orange fish, often kept as a pet


Meaning: tiny sparkling pieces used for decoration

Sentence: Mehr used glitter to decorate her hair.


Meaning: a long-necked water bird with webbed feet, larger than a duck


Meaning: sparkling

Sentence: The glittering lake shone beautifully in the sunlight.


Meaning: a small, green fruit that grows on a prickly bush

Sentence: The gooseberry bush grows naturally in thick forests.


Meaning: a narrow valley with steep sides

Sentence: The hikers had walked through a gorge to reach their camp.


Meaning: an African ape, the largest of all the apes


Meaning: very thankful

Sentence: The student extended her grateful thanks to all her teachers.


Meaning: the group of people who are in charge of the public affairs of a country

Sentence: The government is responsible for maintaining the law and order of a country.


Meaning: beauty

Sentence: The ballerina moved with extraordinary grace.


Meaning: thanks

Sentence: He expressed his gratitude for her help.


Meaning: the ceremony at which school or college degrees are given

Sentence: The principal handed out degrees at the graduation.


Meaning: to do with the force of gravity

Sentence: The gravitational pull of the Sun keeps the Earth in orbit.


Meaning: the rules for using words and punctuation correctly

Sentence: The students were taught grammar and literature.


Meaning: wanting more food, money, or other things than you need

Sentence: The greedy boy ate the entire packet of sweets.


Meaning: of or relating to grammar

Sentence: There are many grammatical errors in this essay.


Meaning: a person who keeps a shop that sells fruit and vegetables

Sentence: I bought some carrots from the greengrocer.


Meaning: the father of ones father or mother

Sentence: His grandfather is a wise old man.


Meaning: the colour between black and white

Sentence: The professor wore a grey suit.


Meaning: vivid, lifelike

Sentence: Ali gave a graphic account of his camping trip.


Meaning: items of food

Sentence: She has gone to the market to buy groceries.


Meaning: a feeling of resentment or ill will

Sentence: She isn?t the sort of person who bears a grudge.


Meaning: an assurance that certain conditions will be fulfilled

Sentence: There is no guarantee that he will succeed.


Meaning: a person who is legally in charge of a child whose parents cannot look after him or her

Sentence: His aunt acted as his guardian while his parents were away


Meaning: a musical instrument played by plucking its strings

Sentence: He is skilled at playing the guitar.


Meaning: a place equipped for gymnastics

Sentence: Nadia trained at the gymnasium from an early age.


Meaning: exercises performed to display strength and agility There was a display of gymnastics at the schools Sports Day.


Meaning: An instrument for measuring.

Synonyms: Barometer, Basis, Benchmark, Bore, Capacity, Check, Criterion, Degree, Depth, Example, Exemplar, Extent, Guide, Guideline, Height, Indicator, Magnitude, Mark, Meter, Model, Norm, Pattern, Rule, Sample, Scale, Scope, Size, Span, Test, Thickness, Touchstone, Type, Width, Yardstick,

Antonyms: Estimate, Extreme, Guess, Unimportance,


Meaning: Festivity.

Synonyms: Animation, Blitheness, Brightness, Brilliance, Cheer, Color, Conviviality, Effervescence, Elation, Entertainment, Exhilaration, Festivity, Frolic, Fun, Geniality, Gladness, Glee, Glitter, Grins, Hilarity, Jollity, Joviality, Joyousness, Liveliness, Merriment, Merrymaking, Mirth, Pleasantness, Radiance, Revel, Revelry, Shindig, Sparkle, Sport, Sprightliness, Vivacity, Whoopee, Showiness, Lightheartedness, Good Humor, Joie De Vivre, Colorfulness,

Antonyms: Depression, Discouragement, Dullness, Gloom, Sadness, Seriousness, Solemnity, Sorrow, Unhappiness, Work,


Meaning: Merrily.

Synonyms: Blithely, Brilliantly, Cheerfully, Colorfully, Flashily, Gleefully, Glowingly, Joyfully, Laughingly, Merrily, Spiritedly, Splendidly, Vivaciously, Flamboyantly, Lightheartedly, Showily, With ?lan,

Antonyms: Sadly, Solemnly, Unhappily,


Meaning: Carriage of the body in going.

Synonyms: Amble, Bearing, Canter, Carriage, Clip, Gallop, Lick, March, Motion, Movement, Pace, Run, Speed, Step, Stride, Tread, Trot, Walk, Get Along,


Meaning: Possessing a brave or chivalrous spirit.

Synonyms: Attentive, Bold, Considerate, Courageous, Courteous, Courtly, Daring, Dashing, Dauntless, Dignified, Doughty, Fearless, Game, Glorious, Gracious, Grand, Gritty, Hairy, Heroic, Honorable, Intrepid, Lionhearted, Lofty, Magnanimous, Noble, Plucky, Polite, Quixotic, Stately, Suave, Thoughtful, Urbane, Valiant, Valorous, Stouthearted,

Antonyms: Afraid, Cowardly, Fearful, Meek, Shy, Timid, Ungentlemanly, Unmannerly, Unrefined, Unwilling,


Meaning: Abundant.

Synonyms: Abounding, Aplenty, Plentiful, In Quantity, In Profusion,


Meaning: Pertaining or relating to electricity produced by chemical action.

Synonyms: Active, Compelling, Dynamic, Energetic, Enterprising, Lively, Sweeping, Vigorous, Violent, Propulsive, Impellent,

Antonyms: Inactive, Weak, Wimpy,


Meaning: Current electricity, especially that arising from chemical action.

Synonyms: Ac, Current, Dc, Electron, Heat, Ignition, Juice, Light, Service, Spark, Tension, Utilities, Voltage, Hot Stuff,


Meaning: To imbue with life or animation.


Meaning: To risk money or other possession on an event, chance, or contingency.

Synonyms: Action, Bet, Fling, Leap, Lottery, Raffle, Risk, Spec, Stab, Uncertainty, Venture, Wager, Long Shot, Outside Chance, Shot In The Dark, Toss Up, Throw Of The Dice,

Antonyms: Certainty, Design, Guard, Insurance, Plan, Safeguard, Sureness, Protection,


Meaning: Playful leaping or frisking.

Synonyms: Bound, Caper, Cavort, Cut, Frisk, Frolic, Hop, Jump, Lark, Leap, Play, Prance, Revel, Roister, Rollick, Romp, Skip, Sport, Spring, Cut Loose, Carry On, Horse Around, Cut A Caper, Kibitz Around,

Antonyms: Face,


Meaning: A gambler.

Synonyms: Backer, Bookie, Bookmaker, Gambler, Player, Plunger, Shill, Speculator, Cardsharp, Dicer, Numbers Runner,


Meaning: The whole range or sequence.

Synonyms: Area, Catalogue, Compass, Diapason, Extent, Field, Panorama, Scale, Scope, Series, Spectrum, Sweep,


Meaning: In cookery, to surround with additions for embellishment.

Synonyms: Adornment, Decoration, Enhancement, Furbelow, Gingerbread, Ornament, Ornamentation, Tinsel, Trim, Trimming,

Antonyms: Decrease, Plainness, Divestment,


Meaning: The military force stationed in a fort, town, or other place for its defense.

Synonyms: Barracks, Base, Camp, Citadel, Encampment, Fortification, Fortress, Stronghold, Command Post,


Meaning: To execute by strangling.


Meaning: Given to constant trivial talking.

Synonyms: Babbling, Bloodstone, Chattering, Chatty, Effusive, Gabby, Glib, Gossiping, Gushing, Loquacious, Mouthy, Prating, Prattling, Verbose, Voluble, Windy, Wordy, Prolix, Prosy, Flap Jaw, Running On At The Mouth,

Antonyms: Mum, Quiet, Reserved, Silent, Still,


Meaning: Light and unsubstantial.

Synonyms: Aeriform, Effervescent,


Meaning: Of, pertaining to, or near the stomach.

Synonyms: Abdominal, Celiac, Duodenal, Enteric, Intestinal, Stomach, Stomachic, Ventral, Gastrocolic,


Meaning: Inflammation of the stomach.


Meaning: The art of preparing and serving appetizing food.

Synonyms: Cookery, Cooking, Cuisine, Culinary Science,


Meaning: In continental Europe, particularly in France, a uniformed and armed police officer.

Synonyms: Badge, Bear, Blue, Bobby, Constable, Constabulary, Cop, Copper, Corps, Detective, Fed, Force, Heat, Law, Narc, Patrol, Flatfoot, Black And White, Bluecoat, Law Enforcement, Arm Of The Law, Beat Cop,

Antonyms: Criminal,


Meaning: A list, in the order of succession, of ancestors and their descendants.

Synonyms: Ancestry, Derivation, Descent, Extraction, Generation, Genetics, Heredity, History, Line, Lineage, Parentage, Pedigree, Stock, Strain, Progeniture, Stemma, Blood Line, Stirps,


Meaning: A tracer of pedigrees.


Meaning: The principal portion.

Synonyms: Abstraction, Generalization, Law, Observation, Universality, Principle, Abstract Principle, Loose Statement, Sweeping Statement,

Antonyms: Detail, Specific, Specificity,


Meaning: To draw general inferences.

Antonyms: Except, Ignore, Miss, Neglect, Overlook, Unsettle,


Meaning: Ordinarily.

Synonyms: About, Altogether, Approximately, Broadly, Chiefly, Commonly, Conventionally, Customarily, Extensively, Habitually, Largely, Mostly, Normally, Ordinarily, Overall, Popularly, Practically, Predominantly, Regularly, Roughly, Roundly, Thereabouts, Typically, Universally, Usually, Widely, As A Rule, En Masse, Publicly, All In All, Primarily, Principally, Almost Always, By And Large, For The Most Part, On Average, On The Whole,

Antonyms: Exactly, Particularly, Rarely, Seldom, Sometimes, Specifically, Unusually,


Meaning: To produce or cause to be.

Synonyms: Accomplish, Achieve, Bear, Beget, Breed, Cause, Develop, Effect, Engender, Form, Found, Hatch, Inaugurate, Induce, Initiate, Institute, Introduce, Make, Multiply, Muster, Occasion, Originate, Parent, Perform, Reproduce, Spawn, Set Up, Procreate, Bring About, Give Rise To, Provoke, Propagate, Work Up, Bring To Pass, Get Up,

Antonyms: Break, Close, Destroy, Divide, End, Fail, Finish, Halt, Ignore, Kill, Lose, Neglect, Stop, Terminate, Prevent, Throw Away,


Meaning: Noting a genus or kind; opposed to specific.

Synonyms: Blanket, Collective, Comprehensive, Inclusive, Sweeping, Universal, Wide, Nonexclusive,

Antonyms: Exclusive, Individual, Particular, Specific,


Meaning: A disposition to give liberally or to bestow favors heartily.

Synonyms: Altruism, Beneficence, Benevolence, Bounty, Charitableness, Charity, Goodness, Heart, Hospitality, Kindness, Largesse, Liberality, Magnanimity, Munificence, Nobleness, Philanthropy, Readiness, Unselfishness, Profusion, All Heart, Openhandedness, Bounteousness, Free Giving,

Antonyms: Greed, Malevolence, Meanness, Selfishness, Stinginess, Unkindness,


Meaning: Creation.

Synonyms: Alpha, Birth, Commencement, Dawn, Dawning, Engendering, Formation, Generation, Inception, Opening, Origin, Outset, Root, Source, Start, Propagation, Provenance,

Antonyms: Completion, Conclusion, Death, End, Ending, Finale, Finish, Stop,


Meaning: Warmth and kindliness of disposition.

Synonyms: Affability, Agreeability, Agreeableness, Amenity, Amiability, Cheerfulness, Cheeriness, Conviviality, Cordiality, Enjoyableness, Friendliness, Gladness, Happiness, Heartiness, Jollity, Joviality, Joy, Joyousness, Kindliness, Kindness, Mirth, Pleasance, Pleasantness, Sunniness, Warmth, Good Cheer, Gratefulness, Warmheartedness, Good Nature,

Antonyms: Aloofness, Coldness, Coolness, Depression, Gloom, Irritation, Moodiness, Sadness, Sorrow, Unfriendliness, Unhappiness, Woe,


Meaning: Of or pertaining to the animal reproductive organs.

Synonyms: Genitalia, Gonads, Nuts, Stones, Testes, Testicles, Vulva, Pudenda, Private Parts, Privates, Reproductive Organs, Sexual Organs,


Meaning: Indicating source, origin, possession, or the like.

Synonyms: Animal, Bestial, Carnal, Erotic, Fleshly, Generative, Genital, Intimate, Loving, Passionate, Reproductive, Sensual, Sharing, Venereal, Voluptuous, Wanton, Animalistic, Procreative,

Antonyms: Asexual, Chaste, Cold, Cool, Dull, Frigid, Nonsexual,


Meaning: Well-bred or refined.

Synonyms: Affected, Aristocratic, Artificial, Chivalrous, Civil, Confined, Courteous, Courtly, Cultivated, Elegant, Fashionable, Formal, Graceful, Hollow, Intolerant, Mannerly, Noble, Ostentatious, Polished, Polite, Pompous, Precious, Refined, Respectable, Stuffy, Stylish, Urbane, Priggish, Pretentious, Prudish, Prissy, Prim, Straitlaced,

Antonyms: Boorish, Callous, Rough, Rude, Rugged, Uncivilized, Uncultured, Unfashionable, Unrefined, Unsophisticated,


Meaning: Belonging to a people not Jewish.

Synonyms: Agnostic, Atheist, Heathen, Heretic, Pagan, Unbeliever,


Meaning: The department of natural science that treats of the constitution and structure of the earth.

Synonyms: Cartography, Chorography, Geopolitics, Topography, Topology, Earth Science, Physiography, Geopolitical Study,


Meaning: Relevant.

Synonyms: Akin, Allied, Applicable, Applicative, Applicatory, Apposite, Apropos, Apt, Cognate, Connected, Fitting, Kindred, Kosher, Legit, Material, Pertinent, Related, Relating, Relevant, Suitable, Proper, Right On, On The Button, To The Point, On Target, Ad Rem,

Antonyms: Improper, Inappropriate, Irrelevant, Unfitting, Unrelated, Unsuitable,


Meaning: To begin to develop into an embryo or higher form.

Synonyms: Bud, Develop, Generate, Live, Originate, Shoot, Sprout, Swell, Vegetate, Pullulate,

Antonyms: Cease, Compress, Die, End, Halt, Shrink, Slow, Stop, Thwart,


Meaning: Pregnancy.

Synonyms: Evolution, Fecundation, Gravidity, Growth, Incubation, Maturation, Reproduction, Ripening, Pregnancy,

Antonyms: Decrease,


Meaning: To make gestures or motions, as in speaking, or in place of speech.

Synonyms: Gesture, Motion, Signal,


Meaning: A movement or action of the hands or face, expressive of some idea or emotion.

Synonyms: Action, Bow, Expression, Gesticulation, Indication, Intimation, Kinesics, Mime, Nod, Pantomime, Reminder, Salute, Shrug, Sign, Signal, Token, Wave, Wink, High Sign, Genuflection, Body Language, Sign Language,

Antonyms: Speech,


Meaning: Hideous.

Synonyms: Abhorrent, Accoutrement, Anemic, Appalling, Ashen, Awful, Bloodless, Cadaverous, Dim, Disgusting, Faint, Frightening, Frightful, Funereal, Ghostly, Ghoulish, Grim, Grisly, Gruesome, Haggard, Hideous, Horrendous, Horrible, Horrid, Livid, Loathsome, Lurid, Macabre, Mortuary, Nauseating, Offensive, Pallid, Repellent, Repulsive, Sepulchral, Shocking, Sickening, Spectral, Supernatural, Terrible, Terrifying, Uncanny, Unearthly, Unpleasant,

Antonyms: Beautiful, Comforting, Delightful, Good, Great, Nice, Pleasant, Pleasing, Wonderful, Pretty,


Meaning: To utter taunts or reproaches.

Synonyms: Comeback, Derision, Dig, Dump, Jab, Jeer, Joke, Mockery, Sarcasm, Scoffing, Slam, Sneer, Swipe, Taunt, Cutting Remark, Parting Shot,

Antonyms: Commendation, Compliment, Flattery, Praise, Respect,


Meaning: Affected with a whirling or swimming sensation in the head.

Synonyms: Aboriginally, Bemused, Brainless, Capricious, Careless, Changeable, Changeful, Dizzy, Erratic, Fickle, Flighty, Frivolous, Gaga, Heedless, Inconstant, Irresolute, Irresponsible, Reckless, Reeling, Scatterbrained, Skittish, Swimming, Thoughtless, Unbalanced, Unsettled, Unstable, Unsteady, Vacillating, Volatile, Whimsical, Whirling, Wild, Woozy, Lightheaded, Punchy,

Antonyms: Calm, Careful, Sensible, Serious,


Meaning: Tremendous.

Synonyms: Blimp, Colossal, Cyclopean, Elephantine, Enormous, Gargantuan, Giant, Gross, Herculean, Huge, Immense, Jumbo, Mammoth, Massive, Monster, Monstrous, Stupendous, Titan, Tremendous, Vast, Whopping, Prodigious, Brobdingnagian,

Antonyms: Dwarf, Dwarfed, Insignificant, Little, Miniature, Minute, Small, Teeny, Tiny,


Meaning: One who gives, in any sense.

Synonyms: Altruist, Angel, Backer, Benefactor, Benefactress, Bestower, Contributor, Patron, Philanthropist, Subscriber, Santa Claus, Donator, Presenter, Grantor, Conferrer, Almsgiver, Heavy Hitter,

Antonyms: Antagonist, Opponent, Opposer,


Meaning: Icy, or icily cold.

Synonyms: Antarctic, Arctic, Biting, Bitter, Chill, Chilly, Cool, Freezing, Frigid, Frosty, Frozen, Gelid, Icy, Nippy, Piercing, Polar, Raw, Wintry,

Antonyms: Amicable, Friendly, Heated, Hot, Warm,


Meaning: A field or stream of ice.

Synonyms: Berg, Floe, Iceberg, Icecap, Ice Floe, Glacial Mass, Snow Slide,


Meaning: To make joyous.

Synonyms: Brighten, Cheer, Delight, Elate, Hearten, Warm, Make Happy,

Antonyms: Depress, Discourage, Dishearten, Bring Down,


Meaning: One who cuts and fits panes of glass, as for windows.

Synonyms: Burnished, Clear, Glazed, Glossy, Hyaline, Hyaloid, Icy, Lustrous, Shiny, Sleek, Slick, Slippery, Transparent, Vitreous, Glazy,

Antonyms: Dull, Rough, Rugged, Shining, Smiling, Uneven,


Meaning: A faint, wavering, unsteady light.

Synonyms: Blink, Coruscation, Flicker, Glance, Gleam, Glint, Glow, Grain, Hint, Inkling, Ray, Scintillation, Shimmer, Suggestion, Trace, Twinkle,

Antonyms: Dullness,


Meaning: A momentary look.

Synonyms: Eye, Eyeball, Flash, Gander, Glance, Glom, Gun, Impression, Lamp, Peek, Peep, Sight, Sighting, Slant, Squint, Swivel, Quick Look,

Antonyms: Stare,


Meaning: Spherical.

Synonyms: Annular, Arced, Arched, Bent, Bowed, Bulbous, Circular, Coiled, Curled, Curved, Curvilinear, Cylindrical, Discoid, Domical, Elliptical, Globular, Orbed, Orbicular, Orbiculate, Oval, Ringed, Rotund, Rounded, Spherical, Spheroid, Spiral, Arciform,

Antonyms: Deceitful, Dishonest, Inadequate, Incomplete, Indirect, Lacking, Low, Small, Soft, Straight, Tiny, Unfinished, Weak,


Meaning: Spherical.

Synonyms: Annular, Arced, Arched, Bent, Bowed, Bulbous, Circular, Coiled, Curled, Curved, Curvilinear, Cylindrical, Discoid, Domical, Elliptical, Globose, Orbed, Orbicular, Orbiculate, Oval, Ringed, Rotund, Arciform, Globoid,


Meaning: Of excellence and splendor.

Synonyms: August, Beautiful, Bright, Brilliant, Celebrated, Dazzling, Delightful, Distinguished, Effulgent, Elevated, Eminent, Enjoyable, Exalted, Excellent, Famed, Famous, Fine, Gorgeous, Grand, Gratifying, Great, Heavenly, Heroic, Honored, Illustrious, Immortal, Magnificent, Majestic, Marvelous, Memorable, Noble, Notable, Noted, Pleasurable, Preeminent, Radiant, Remarkable, Shining, Splendid, Sublime, Superb, Triumphant, Wonderful,

Antonyms: Atrocious, Awful, Bad, Contemptible, Dark, Disgraceful, Dull, Gloomy, Homely, Horrible, Infamous, Inferior, Insignificant, Lowly, Normal, Obscure, Offensive, Ordinary, Paltry, Plain, Poor, Shameful, Stupid, Typical, Ugly, Unaware, Undignified, Unenjoyable, Unhappy, Unimportant, Unimpressive, Unintelligent, Unknown, Unpleasant, Unremarkable, Usual,


Meaning: Sticky.

Synonyms: Adhesive, Clammy, Gelatinous, Gluey, Gooey, Mucilaginous, Ropy, Slimy, Stiff, Syrupy, Tenacious, Thick, Tough, Viscid, Viscose,


Meaning: Given to excess in eating.

Synonyms: Adhesive, Clammy, Gelatinous, Gluey, Gooey, Mucilaginous, Ropy, Slimy, Stiff, Syrupy, Tenacious, Thick, Tough, Viscid, Viscose,


Meaning: To grind or strike the teeth together, as from rage.

Synonyms: Clamp, Crush, Grate, Grit, Rub,

Gordian knot

Meaning: Any difficulty the only issue out of which is by bold or unusual manners.

Synonyms: Abstracted, Abstruse, Bewildering, Byzantine, Circuitous, Complicated, Confused, Convoluted, Crabbed, Cryptic, Discursive, Disordered, Disturbing, Enigmatic, Entangled, Excursive, Hidden, Impenetrable, Inscrutable, Interwoven, Intricate, Involved, Jumbled, Knotted, Knotty, Labyrinthine, Mazy, Meandering, Mixed, Muddled, Obscure, Perplexing, Rambling, Recondite, Sinuous, Sophisticated, Tangled, Tortuous, Unfathomable, Winding, Puzzling, Undecipherable,

Antonyms: Apparent, Clear, Direct, Discernible, Easy, Evident, Homogeneous, Obvious, Plain, Simple, Uniform,


Meaning: A connoisseur in the delicacies of the table.

Synonyms: Connoisseur, Glutton, Gourmet, Gastronomist, Bon Vivant,


Meaning: A young goose.


Meaning: Flimsy.

Synonyms: Airy, Cobweb, Delicate, Diaphanous, Fibrous, Fine, Flimsy, Light, Sheer, Silky, Tiffany, Translucent, Transparent,

Antonyms: Coarse, Dark, Heavy, Serious, Thick,


Meaning: A melon, pumpkin, squash, or some similar fruit having a hard rind.

Synonyms: Alembic, Bag, Beaker, Bottle, Canteen, Carafe, Caster, Chalice, Crock, Cruet, Crystal, Decanter, Ewer, Fiasco, Flacon, Flagon, Glass, Goblet, Horn, Jar, Jug, Noggin, Phial, Retort, Tumbler, Urn, Vial, Demijohn, Ampulla, Flasket,


Meaning: Ungracious.

Synonyms: Awkward, Barbarian, Barbaric, Barbarous, Boorish, Coarse, Corrupt, Crude, Forced, Gauche, Gawky, Improper, Indecorous, Inelegant, Inept, Infelicitous, Loutish, Oafish, Outlandish, Rough, Rude, Shameless, Tasteless, Uncouth, Uncultured, Unfortunate, Ungainly, Unhappy, Two Left Feet, Unmannered, Clunky,

Antonyms: Beautiful, Charming, Dexterous, Elegant, Graceful, Sophisticated,


Meaning: A step, degree, rank, or relative position in an order or series.

Synonyms: Arrangement, Calibration, Change, Degree, Difference, Distinction, Divergence, Grade, Grouping, Level, Mark, Measurement, Modification, Notch, Nuance, Ordering, Place, Point, Position, Rank, Scale, Sequence, Series, Shade, Sorting, Stage, Succession, Variation, Progression,

Antonyms: Accord, Agreement, Sameness, Similarity, Unemployment, Unimportance,


Meaning: Moving or advancing by steps.

Synonyms: Acclivity, Angle, Bank, Cant, Declivity, Grade, Hill, Inclination, Incline, Lean, Leaning, Pitch, Ramp, Rise, Slant, Tilt,


Meaning: A storehouse for grain after it is thrashed or husked.

Synonyms: Barn, Crib, Repository, Storehouse,


Meaning: The quality of being grand or admirably great.

Synonyms: Amplitude, Beauty, Breadth, Brilliance, Celebrity, Circumstance, Dignity, Distinction, Elevation, Eminence, Expansiveness, Fame, Fineness, Glory, Grandiosity, Gravity, Greatness, Handsomeness, Immensity, Impressiveness, Inclusiveness, Loftiness, Magnificence, Majesty, Might, Nobility, Opulence, Pomp, Preeminence, Richness, Splendor, State, Stateliness, Sublimity, Sumptuousness, Sway, Transcendency, Vastness, Luxuriousness, Augustness, Superbity,

Antonyms: Dullness, Insignificance, Simplicity, Ugliness, Unimportance,


Meaning: Speaking in or characterized by a pompous or bombastic style.

Synonyms: Aureate, Bombastic, Declamatory, Fustian, Histrionic, Inflated, Magniloquent, Oratorical, Orotund, Overblown, Pompous, Rhetorical, Sonorous, Swollen, Verbose, Windbag, Windy, Purple,

Antonyms: Plain, Simple, Unadorned, Unpretentious,


Meaning: Having an imposing style or effect.

Synonyms: Affected, Ambitious, August, Bombastic, Cosmic, Flamboyant, Fustian, Grand, Imposing, Impressive, Lofty, Lordly, Magnificent, Majestic, Monumental, Noble, Ostentatious, Overwhelming, Pompous, Royal, Showy, Splashy, Stately, Unfathomable, Vast, Pretentious, Purple,

Antonyms: Bad, Calm, Common, Humble, Insignificant, Low, Moderate, Modest, Poor, Restrained, Small, Trivial, Unassuming, Unimportant, Unimposing, Unimpressive, Unpretentious,


Meaning: The person to whom property is transferred by deed.

Synonyms: Assignee, Donee, Heir, Heiress, Inheritor, Legatee, Payee, Possessor, Receiver, Recipient, Stipendiary, Successor, Devisee,

Antonyms: Giver, Payer,


Meaning: The maker of a deed.

Synonyms: Altruist, Angel, Backer, Benefactor, Benefactress, Bestower, Contributor, Patron, Philanthropist, Subscriber, Santa Claus, Donator, Presenter, Conferrer, Almsgiver, Heavy Hitter,

Antonyms: Antagonist, Opponent, Opposer,


Meaning: Composed of small grains or particles.

Synonyms: Chapped, Crude, Grainy, Gritty, Harsh, Homespun, Impure, Inferior, Loose, Lumpy, Mediocre, Particulate, Rough, Rugged, Unfinished, Unpolished, Unprocessed, Unpurified, Poor Quality,


Meaning: To form into grains or small particles.

Synonyms: Atomize, Comminute, Crumble, Crystallize, Disintegrate, Grate, Grind, Pound, Powder, Triturate, Pulverize, Make Coarse, Make Grainy,

Antonyms: Build,


Meaning: A small grain or particle.

Synonyms: Atom, Bit, Cereal, Corn, Crumb, Drop, Fragment, Grist, Iota, Jot, Kernel, Mite, Modicum, Molecule, Morsel, Mote, Ounce, Particle, Pellet, Scintilla, Scrap, Scruple, Smidgen, Spark, Speck, Tittle, Trace, Whit,

Antonyms: Lot, Whole,


Meaning: To take hold of.

Synonyms: Attack, Battle, Catch, Clash, Clasp, Close, Clutch, Combat, Confront, Contend, Cope, Encounter, Engage, Face, Fasten, Fight, Grasp, Grip, Hold, Hook, Hug, Nab, Nail, Scuffle, Seize, Snatch, Struggle, Tackle, Take, Tussle, Take On, Deal With, Do Battle,

Antonyms: Agree, Avoid, Cancel, Disconnect, Dodge, Free, Give, Idle, Liberate, Lose, Misunderstand, Offer, Open, Receive, Refuse, Reject, Release, Retreat, Run, Stop, Support, Surrender, Unfasten, Unlock, Yield, Let Go, Make Peace, Be Immune,


Meaning: Satisfaction.

Synonyms: Delight, Enjoyment, Fruition, Glee, Hit, Indulgence, Joy, Kicks, Luxury, Pleasure, Recompense, Regalement, Relish, Reward, Thrill, Fulfillment, Sure Shock,

Antonyms: Depression, Disappointment, Dissatisfaction, Failure, Sadness, Sorrow, Unhappiness, Upset, Woe,


Meaning: To please, as by satisfying a physical or mental desire or need.

Synonyms: Appease, Baby, Coddle, Content, Delight, Enchant, Favor, Gladden, Humor, Indulge, Oblige, Pamper, Please, Recompense, Requite, Thrill, Make Happy, Do One Proud, Do The Trick, Arride, Cater To, Make A Hit,

Antonyms: Annoy, Depress, Disappoint, Disturb, Frustrate, Hurt, Ignore, Neglect, Offend, Pain, Upset, Be Mean,


Meaning: Voluntarily.

Synonyms: Complimentary, Costless, Gratis, Spontaneous, Unpaid, Voluntary, Willing, Chargeless, For Nothing,

Antonyms: Costly, Deserved, Expensive, Needed, Reasonable, Warranted,


Meaning: That which is given without demand or claim. Tip.

Synonyms: Alms, Benefaction, Bonus, Boon, Bounty, Contribution, Donation, Largesse, Offering, Perk, Perquisite, Recompense, Reward, Salve, Sweetener, Token, Present, Fringe Benefit, Grease Palm, Little Something,


Meaning: Seriousness.

Synonyms: Force, Heaviness, Weight, Pressure,

Antonyms: Frivolity, Inconsequentiality, Levity, Silliness, Unimportance,


Meaning: Not habitually solitary or living alone.

Synonyms: Affable, Clubby, Companionable, Convivial, Cordial, Fun, Outgoing, Sociable, Social,

Antonyms: Cold, Cool, Introverted, Unfriendly, Unsociable,


Meaning: A member of a regiment composed of men of great stature.


Meaning: Sorrow.

Synonyms: Aaa, Affliction, Agony, Anguish, Bereavement, Care, Dejection, Depression, Desolation, Despair, Despondency, Discomfort, Disquiet, Distress, Dole, Dolor, Gloom, Grievance, Harassment, Heartache, Heartbreak, Lamenting, Malaise, Melancholy, Misery, Mortification, Mournfulness, Mourning, Pain, Regret, Remorse, Rue, Sadness, Sorrow, Torture, Trial, Tribulation, Trouble, Unhappiness, Vexation, Woe, Worry, Wretchedness, Purgatory,

Antonyms: Advantage, Aid, Blessing, Calm, Cheer, Comfort, Contentedness, Contentment, Delight, Ecstasy, Exhilaration, Gladness, Happiness, Health, Help, Hopefulness, Joy, Joyfulness, Peace, Pleasure, Relief, Satisfaction, Good Health,


Meaning: That which oppresses, injures, or causes grief and at the same time a sense of wrong.

Synonyms: Affliction, Beef, Bellyache, Blast, Case, Cross, Damage, Distress, Flack, Grief, Grouse, Hardship, Holler, Howl, Injury, Injustice, Jeremiad, Kick, Knock, Objection, Outrage, Pain, Rap, Resentment, Rigor, Roar, Rumble, Sorrow, Squawk, Stink, Trial, Tribulation, Trouble, Unhappiness, Violence, Wrong, Yell, Pain In The Neck, Ax To Grind,

Antonyms: Advantage, Aid, Assistance, Benefit, Blessing, Comfort, Compliment, Delight, Favor, Flattery, Happiness, Health, Help, Joy, Peace, Pleasure, Praise, Right, Good Health,


Meaning: Creating affliction.

Synonyms: Agonizing, Appalling, Atrocious, Calamitous, Damaging, Deplorable, Dire, Dismal, Disquieting, Distressing, Disturbing, Dreadful, Egregious, Flagrant, Glaring, Grave, Harmful, Heavy, Heinous, Hurtful, Injurious, Intolerable, Lamentable, Monstrous, Mournful, Offensive, Onerous, Oppressive, Outrageous, Pathetic, Pitiful, Sad, Shameful, Sharp, Shocking, Sorrowful, Taxing, Tough, Tragic, Troublesome, Unbearable, Villainous, Weighty,

Antonyms: Acceptable, Bearable, Blessed, Comforting, Concealed, Delightful, Favorable, Fortunate, Good, Happy, Harmless, Hidden, Little, Lucky, Magnificent, Mild, Pleasant, Pleasing, Tolerable, Wonderful,


Meaning: A distortion of the features, occasioned by some feeling of pain, disgust, etc.

Synonyms: Face, Frown, Moue, Mouth, Mouthing, Mug, Scowl, Smile, Smirk, Sneer, Wry Face,

Antonyms: Grin,


Meaning: A flat circular stone, used for sharpening tools.

Synonyms: Activity, Affair, Calling, Craft, Do, Dodge, Employment, Game, Hang, Job, Lick, Line, Moonlight, Play, Post, Racket, Slot, Thing, Trade, Vocation, Work, Rat Race, Daily Grind, Pursuit, Walk Of Life, Day Gig, Chosen Work, Line Of Work, What One Is Into,

Antonyms: Avocation, Entertainment, Fun, Hobby, Pastime, Recreation, Surrender, Unemployment, Yielding, Giving Up,


Meaning: Fear-inspiring.

Synonyms: Abominable, Appalling, Awful, Bloody, Disgusting, Dreadful, Eerie, Frightful, Ghastly, Grim, Gross, Gruesome, Hideous, Horrible, Horrid, Lurid, Macabre, Sanguine, Shocking, Sick, Sickening, Terrible, Terrifying, Yucky, Grody,

Antonyms: Beautiful, Comforting, Delightful, Good, Nice, Normal, Pleasant, Pleasing, Wonderful, Pretty,


Meaning: Incongruously composed or ill-proportioned.

Synonyms: Aberrant, Abnormal, Absurd, Antic, Bizarre, Deformed, Distorted, Eerie, Extravagant, Extreme, Fanciful, Fantastic, Flamboyant, Freakish, Gross, Incongruous, Ludicrous, Malformed, Monstrous, Odd, Outlandish, Perverted, Queer, Ridiculous, Strange, Surrealistic, Uncanny, Unnatural, Weird, Whimsical, Preposterous, Grody,

Antonyms: Beautiful, Common, Familiar, Little, Logical, Moderate, Nice, Normal, Ordinary, Reasonable, Regular, Sensible, Serious, Shapely, Small, Standard, Tiny, Usual, Pretty,


Meaning: A small cavern.

Synonyms: Antre, Cavern, Cavity, Chamber, Den, Hollow, Rock Shelter, Subterrane, Underground Chamber,


Meaning: A pavement or floor or any supporting surface on which one may walk.

Synonyms: Arena, Dirt, Dust, Field, Landscape, Loam, Park, Sand, Sod, Soil, Terrain, Turf, Terra Firma, Real Estate, Old Sod,

Antonyms: Heavens, Sky,


Meaning: Surmise.

Synonyms: Assumption, Conclusion, Conjecture, Deduction, Divination, Estimate, Fancy, Feeling, Guesstimate, Guesswork, Hunch, Hypothesis, Induction, Inference, Judgment, Notion, Opinion, Postulate, Postulation, Prediction, Reckoning, Shot, Stab, Supposal, Supposition, Surmise, Suspicion, Theory, Thesis, View, Presumption, Presupposition, Ballpark Figure, Shot In The Dark, Sneaking Suspicion,

Antonyms: Calculation, Certainty, Fact, Knowledge, Measurement, Reality, Truth, Proof,


Meaning: Duplicity.

Synonyms: Artfulness, Artifice, Chicanery, Craft, Craftiness, Cunning, Deceit, Deception, Dishonesty, Dissemblance, Dissimulation, Duplicity, Jive, Ruse, Treachery, Trickery, Trickiness, Wiliness, Foul Play, Dirty Pool, Dirty Trick, Dirty Work, Dirty Dealing, Stab In The Back,

Antonyms: Artlessness, Forthrightness, Frankness, Honesty, Honor, Naivety, Openness, Sincerity, Trustworthiness, Truth, Truthfulness, Uprightness,


Meaning: Frank.


Meaning: An English monetary unit.


Meaning: The external appearance as produced by garb or costume.

Synonyms: Air, Aspect, Behavior, Cloak, Color, Cover, Demeanor, Disguise, Disguisement, Dress, Facade, Face, Fashion, Form, Front, Mask, Mien, Mode, Pose, Posture, Role, Seeming, Semblance, Shape, Show, Showing, Simulacrum, False Front, False Show,

Antonyms: Back, Character, Personality, Reality, Rear,


Meaning: Credulous.

Synonyms: Believing, Biting, Credulous, Foolish, Green, Innocent, Mark, Silly, Simple, Sucker, Susceptible, Trustful, Unsophisticated, Unsuspecting, Easy Mark, Unskeptical, Being A Sucker, Easily Taken In, Kidding Oneself, Swallowing Whole, Taken In, Taking The Bait, Tumbling For,

Antonyms: Astute, Discerning, Knowledgeable, Perceptive, Suspicious, Unbelieving, Wise, Untrusting,


Meaning: Common sense.

Synonyms: Ability, Acumen, Astuteness, Cleverness, Commonsense, Discernment, Enterprise, Industry, Judgment, Perspicacity, Resourcefulness, Sagacity, Savvy, Sense, Shrewdness, Spirit, Wisdom, Wit, Good Sense, Sagaciousness, Perspicaciousness,

Antonyms: Cowardice, Idleness, Ignorance, Inanity, Indolence, Naivety, Stupidity, Unemployment,


Meaning: Keen enjoyment.

Synonyms: Appetite, Appreciation, Ardor, Brio, Delectation, Delight, Enjoyment, Exhilaration, Fervor, Heart, Liking, Palate, Passion, Pleasure, Relish, Taste, Verve, Zeal, Zest,

Antonyms: Apathy, Depression, Dislike, Hate, Hatred, Indifference, Lethargy, Melancholy, Misery, Pain, Reluctance, Sorrow, Trouble, Unhappiness, Worry,


Meaning: Stay-rope.


Meaning: To swallow greedily or hastily; gulp.

Synonyms: Bolt, Booze, Carouse, Cram, Devour, Englut, Gobble, Gorge, Gormandize, Imbibe, Ingurgitate, Quaff, Slop, Slosh, Soak, Swig, Swill, Tipple, Knock Back,

Antonyms: Abstain, Open, Sip,


Meaning: Female supremacy.


Meaning: The science that treats of the functions and diseases peculiar to women.


Meaning: To revolve.

Synonyms: Circle, Circulate, Gyre, Pirouette, Roll, Rotate, Spin, Spiral, Turn, Twirl, Whirl, Whirligig, Circumduct, Purl,

Antonyms: Steady,


Meaning: An instrument for illustrating the laws of rotation.

Synonyms: Gyrostat, Spinner, Whirligig,


Meaning: Games are for anyone! Its like having fun playing with friends!

Golden age

Meaning: golden age (of something) a period during which something is very successful, especially in the past

Sentence: the golden age of cinema

Group age

Meaning: people of a similar age or within a particular range of ages

Sentence: Education for the 16–18 age group

General agent

Meaning: the representative of an Australian state or Canadian province in a foreign country


Meaning: a sum of money given to a local government or an institution, or to a particular person to allow them to study something

Sentence: I was awarded a grant-in-aid to conduct my research.


Meaning: Used chiefly in British English, gormless is a synonym for “stupid.”

Sentence: He looks really gormless.


Meaning: lacking social grace, sensitivity, or acuteness; awkward; crude; tactless


Meaning: a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content, technique, or the like


Meaning: to feed or fill to satiety


Meaning: Greenwich Mean Time

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