
Find Your Words In English By Alphabets:


Meaning: a large mass of ice floating in the sea with most of it under water

Sentence: The ship was severely damaged when it hit an iceberg


Meaning: pointed, hanging, pieces of ice, formed when dripping water freezes

Sentence: He broke off an icicle from the edge of the roof.


Meaning: group of grey, green, or yellowish-brown clay minerals

Sentence: Illite does not expand on absorption of water.


Meaning: exactly the same

Sentence: Mehr and Maha are identical twins.


Meaning: inability to read or write

Sentence: Illiteracy is Pakistan?s heaviest burden.


Meaning: who or what a person or a thing is

Sentence: Early identification of a disease can prevent illness.


Meaning: the appearance of something as seen in a mirror or camera

Sentence: Alia saw the reflection of her image in the water.


Meaning: the ability to imagine things

Sentence: Children have a wonderful sense of imagination.


Meaning: doing no work; lazy

Sentence: The idle boy wasted his time.


Meaning: too large or great to be measured

Sentence: The industrialist had accumulated immeasurable wealth.


Meaning: not knowing about something

Sentence: In my ignorance, I failed to come downstairs to meet the guests.


Meaning: at once; without delay

Sentence: His mother asked him to return home immediately after school.


Meaning: with mistakes

Sentence: We live in an imperfect world.


Meaning: morally wrong

Sentence: Stealing is an immoral act.


Meaning: living forever

Sentence: Everything in life would be different if we were immortal beings.


Meaning: rude

Sentence: The impolite boy was punished by his father.


Meaning: to make a person admire something

Sentence: She tried to impress her teacher with her work.


Meaning: not patient; in a hurry

Sentence: The impatient man was getting annoyed at their lack of interest.


Meaning: an effect produced on the mind

Sentence: I think I made a good impression on my boss.


Meaning: unlikely

Sentence: The police detective listened to the suspects improbable story.


Meaning: impossible to get through

Sentence: It was difficult to cross the impenetrable jungle.


Meaning: a sudden strong wish to do something

Sentence: He had a sudden impulse to stand up and sing.


Meaning: a feeling that makes you want to do something

Sentence: He did not show the slightest inclination to leave.


Meaning: tending to do something; wanting or likely to do something

Sentence: The little children were inclined to trust their teacher.


Meaning: to make or consider something as part of a group of things

Sentence: Mehr wanted to include her entire class in her birthday celebration.


Meaning: not giving attention to something

Sentence: The teacher was unhappy with the inattentive students.


Meaning: not considerate towards other people

Sentence: Our previous neighbours were inconsiderate people.


Meaning: unbelievable

Sentence: Ali dressed with incredible speed.


Meaning: to compensate for loss

Sentence: The insurance company will indemnify us in case of theft.


Meaning: the state of being free and not controlled by another person or country

Sentence: August 14 is the anniversary of Pakistan?s independence


Meaning: not dependent on any other person or thing for help, money or support

Sentence: Pakistan became an independent country in 1947.


Meaning: an alphabetical list of things

Sentence: She consulted the index at the back of the book to find the word she was looking for.


Meaning: a very soft, silvery-white, chemical element

Sentence: Indium is used to coat the bearings of high speed motors.


Meaning: to point something out

Sentence: The arrow will indicate which direction we should take.


Meaning: white crystalline compound obtained from coal tar or various plants

Sentence: Indole is used in perfumery.


Meaning: lack of interest

Sentence: He has always shown indifference to the needs of others.


Meaning: hard working

Sentence: The industrious weavers worked hard.


Meaning: a baby or young child

Sentence: The infant was asleep in the cot.


Meaning: a person who lives in a particular place

Sentence: The oldest inhabitant of the village has survived a series of droughts and floods.


Meaning: to breathe in

Sentence: Your lungs expand when you inhale.


Meaning: to inject or treat someone with a vaccine or serum as a protection against a disease

Sentence: The doctor wanted to inoculate the child against typhoid


Meaning: to fill something with air or gas to make it bigger

Sentence: We had to inflate the balloons for the party.


Meaning: not sane, mad

Sentence: The insane child went out during a raging storm.


Meaning: a small animal with six legs, no backbone, and a

Sentence: body divided into three parts (head, thorax, abdomen)


Meaning: not thinking about other peoples feelings

Sentence: His insensitive remarks made her cry.


Meaning: facts

Sentence: A library is a good place to look for information.


Meaning: to make a person very angry

Sentence: Little Johnny always manages to infuriate his father with his naughtiness.


Meaning: small sums of money paid at regular intervals

Sentence: I paid the first instalment for my car.


Meaning: to get in the way; obstruct

Sentence: Please do not interfere in my business.


Meaning: to teach a person a subject or skill

Sentence: Sara asked her teacher to instruct her in mathematics.


Meaning: belonging to more than one country

Sentence: English is an international language.


Meaning: a tool or device used for a particular task

Sentence: The piano is a musical instrument.


Meaning: an agreement to compensate someone for a loss, damage or injury in return for a payment made in advance

Sentence: He decided to take out insurance against fire and theft


Meaning: a formal meeting with someone to ask him or her questions or to obtain information

Sentence: I was called for a job interview.


Meaning: feeling of fear or threat

Sentence: Female workers have been complaining of intimidation.


Meaning: to make more strong

Sentence: The heat will intensify in the future due to global warming.


Meaning: introducing somebody or something

Sentence: I wrote a two-paragraph introduction on the Asian elephant in my English essay.


Meaning: to attack and enter a country etc.

Sentence: Enemy soldiers tried to invade the country.


Meaning: supplying land with water to grow crops

Sentence: Irrigation has greatly increased the area of cultivated land.


Meaning: something made by a person that has not been made before

Sentence: Fax machines were a wonderful invention at the time.


Meaning: a systematic inquiry

Sentence: The police carried out an investigation into the crime.


Meaning: to supervise students at an examination

Sentence: I was asked to invigilate the mathematics examination.


Meaning: not able to be seen

Sentence: We watched a film about an invisible man.


Meaning: not regular

Sentence: Mrs. Ali was informed of her daughter?s irregular attendance at school.


Meaning: Fish-like.


Meaning: The branch of zoology that treats of fishes.


Meaning: A fossil reptile.


Meaning: Frigidly.


Meaning: The state of being icy.

Synonyms: Chill, Chilliness, Coldness, Coolness, Frigidity, Gelidity, Frostiness, Gelidness, Wintriness,


Meaning: An image or likeness.

Synonyms: Figure, Idol, Likeness, Picture, Portrait, Portrayal, Representation, Symbol, Ikon, Graphic Image, Graphical User Interface, Painted Image,


Meaning: An image-breaker.

Synonyms: Critic, Cynic, Denouncer, Dissenter, Dissident, Heretic, Nonbeliever, Questioner, Radical, Rebel, Revolutionist, Ruiner, Sceptic, Unbeliever,

Antonyms: Believer,


Meaning: To make to conform to some mental or imaginary standard.

Synonyms: Admire, Dream, Glorify, Rhapsodize,


Meaning: A use of words peculiar to a particular language.

Synonyms: Argot, Colloquialism, Dialect, Expression, Idiosyncrasy, Jargon, Language, Lingo, Localism, Locution, Parlance, Patois, Phrase, Style, Talk, Tongue, Usage, Vernacular, Word, Provincialism, Vernacularism, Street Talk,

Antonyms: Silence, Standard,


Meaning: A mental quality or habit peculiar to an individual.

Synonyms: Affectation, Bit, Characteristic, Distinction, Eccentricity, Feature, Habit, Mannerism, Peculiarity, Singularity, Trait, Trick,

Antonyms: Normality, Usualness,


Meaning: To regard with inordinate love or admiration.

Synonyms: Admire, Adore, Apotheosize, Canonize, Deify, Exalt, Glorify, Love, Revere, Reverence, Venerate, Dote On, Bow Down, Look Up To,

Antonyms: Abhor, Castigate, Condemn, Criticize, Debase, Degrade, Despise, Detest, Hate, Humiliate, Lower,


Meaning: Low in character or purpose.

Synonyms: Abject, Base, Coarse, Common, Contemptible, Corrupt, Craven, Dastardly, Degenerate, Degraded, Despicable, Disgraceful, Dishonorable, Heinous, Humble, Infamous, Inferior, Lewd, Low, Mean, Menial, Modest, Ordinary, Peasant, Petty, Plain, Plebeian, Poor, Rotten, Scurvy, Servile, Shabby, Shameful, Simple, Sordid, Unwashed, Vile, Vulgar, Wicked, Wretched, Wrong, Baseborn,

Antonyms: Dignified, Grand, High, Honorable, Noble, Reputable, Respectable, Worthy,


Meaning: Shameful.

Synonyms: Discreditable, Disgraceful, Dishonorable, Embarrassing, Inglorious, Shameful,

Antonyms: Respectable,


Meaning: A Greek epic poem describing scenes from the siege of Troy.


Meaning: Not according to law.

Synonyms: Actionable, Banned, Bootleg, Contraband, Criminal, Crooked, Extralegal, Felonious, Forbidden, Heavy, Hot, Illegitimate, Illicit, Interdicted, Irregular, Lawless, Outlawed, Racket, Shady, Smuggled, Taboo, Unauthorized, Unconstitutional, Unlawful, Unlicensed, Unofficial, Unwarrantable, Unwarranted, Violating, Wildcat, Wrongful, Proscribed, Sub Rosa, Under The Table, Prohibited, Verboten, Prosecutable, Not Approved, Not Legal, Outside The Law,

Antonyms: Allowed, Authorized, Blessed, Ethical, Good, Justifiable, Lawful, Legal, Legitimate, Moral, Permissible, Permitted, Right, Warranted,


Meaning: Undecipherable.

Synonyms: Crabbed, Faint, Hieroglyphic, Indecipherable, Indistinct, Obscure, Scrawled, Unclear, Unintelligible, Undecipherable, Cacographic, Difficult To Read, Hard To Make Out,

Antonyms: Decipherable, Legible, Understandable,


Meaning: Unlawfully begotten.


Meaning: Stingy.

Synonyms: Biased, Bigoted, Greedy, Hidebound, Mean, Parsimonious, Partial, Stingy, Ungenerous, Vulgar, Prejudiced, Myopic,


Meaning: Unlawful.

Synonyms: Adulterous, Bootleg, Clandestine, Contraband, Criminal, Crooked, Dirty, Felonious, Furtive, Guilty, Heavy, Illegal, Illegitimate, Immoral, Improper, Lawless, Racket, Unauthorized, Unlawful, Unlicensed, Wrong, Wrongful, Prohibited, Contrary To Law, In Violation Of Law,

Antonyms: Aboveboard, Allowed, Authorized, Blessed, Chaste, Ethical, Forthright, Good, Lawful, Legal, Legitimate, Licit, Moral, Noble, Open, Permitted, Right, Truthful, Uncorrupt, Pure, Proper,


Meaning: Boundless.

Synonyms: Boundless, Ceaseless, Constant, Continual, Continuous, Countless, Deathless, Enduring, Eternal, Everlasting, Immeasurable, Immortal, Incalculable, Incessant, Indeterminate, Infinite, Interminable, Limitless, Measureless, Monotonous, Multitudinous, Numberless, Overlong, Perpetual, Unbounded, Unbroken, Undivided, Undying, Unending, Unfathomable, Uninterrupted, Unlimited, Unsurpassable, Untold, No End Of, Amaranthine, Without End,


Meaning: Having little or no book-learning.

Synonyms: Benighted, Ignorant, Uneducated, Unenlightened, Ungrammatical, Unlearned, Unlettered, Unread, Untaught, Untutored, Unschooled, Uninstructed, Solecistic, Catachrestic, Inerudite,

Antonyms: Able, Educated, Intelligent, Learned, Literate, Taught,


Meaning: Surly.

Synonyms: Catty, Churlish, Crabbed, Crabby, Cross, Crotchety, Cussed, Dirty, Disagreeable, Disobliging, Dyspeptic, Irritable, Malevolent, Malicious, Mean, Nasty, Ornery, Perverse, Petulant, Spiteful, Sulky, Sullen, Surly, Temperamental, Touchy, Unfriendly, Unkind, Unpleasant, Tempersome,

Antonyms: Friendly, Nice, Pleasant,


Meaning: Contrary to the rules of sound thought.

Synonyms: Absurd, Cockeyed, Fallacious, False, Fatuous, Faulty, Groundless, Hollow, Implausible, Inconclusive, Incongruous, Inconsequent, Inconsistent, Incorrect, Invalid, Irrational, Irrelevant, Mad, Meaningless, Nutty, Screwy, Senseless, Sophistic, Sophistical, Specious, Spurious, Unconnected, Unproved, Unreasonable, Unscientific, Unsound, Unsubstantial, Untenable, Wacky, Preposterous, Off The Wall, Casuistic, Not Following, Without Foundation, Without Basis,

Antonyms: Correct, Logical, Meaningful, Rational, Reasonable, Right, Sensible, True, Wise,


Meaning: That which may be used to produce light.


Meaning: To supply with light.

Synonyms: Brighten, Fire, Flash, Floodlight, Highlight, Ignite, Illume, Illumine, Irradiate, Kindle, Light, Lighten, Limelight, Spot, Spotlight, Light Up, Hit With A Light,

Antonyms: Cloud, Complicate, Darken, Dull, Extinguish, Involve, Obscure, Put Out,


Meaning: To make bright or clear.

Synonyms: Brighten, Illuminate, Irradiate, Light,

Antonyms: Darken, Dull, Obscure,


Meaning: An unreal image presented to the senses.

Synonyms: Apparition, Bubble, Chimera, Confusion, Daydream, Deception, Delusion, Error, Fallacy, Fancy, Fantasy, Ghost, Hallucination, Idolism, Image, Invention, Mirage, Misapprehension, Misbelief, Misconception, Mockery, Myth, Phantasm, Rainbow, Seeming, Semblance, Trip, Head Trip, Pipe Dream, False Impression, Optical Illusion, Figment Of Imagination, Virtual Reality, Paramnesia, Ignus Fatuus, Misimpression, D?j? Vu,

Antonyms: Being, Certainty, Correction, Event, Fact, Reality, Right, Truth,


Meaning: Deceptive.

Synonyms: Apparent, Chimerical, Deceitful, Delusive, Fake, False, Illusory, Imaginary, Misleading, Mocking, Seeming, Sham, Unread,

Antonyms: Real,


Meaning: Deceiving or tending to deceive, as by false appearance.

Synonyms: Apparent, Chimerical, Deceitful, Delusive, Delusory, Fallacious, False, Fanciful, Fantastic, Fictional, Fictitious, Fictive, Float, Hallucinatory, Ideal, Illusive, Imaginary, Misleading, Mistaken, Ostensible, Seeming, Sham, Supposititious, Unreal, Untrue, Visionary, Whimsical, Pipe Dream, Suppositious, Semblant, Barmecidal, Blue Sky,

Antonyms: Genuine, Honest, Real, Truthful,


Meaning: That can be imagined or conceived in the mind.

Synonyms: Apprehensible, Calculable, Comprehensible, Conceivable, Conjecturable, Convincing, Credible, Likely, Plausible, Sensible, Supposable, Thinkable, Under The Sun,

Antonyms: Impossible, Improbable, Incomprehensible, Unbelievable, Unimaginable, Unreasonable, Unthinkable,


Meaning: Fancied.

Synonyms: Abstract, Apocryphal, Apparitional, Assumed, Chimerical, Deceptive, Delusive, Dreamlike, Dreamy, Fabulous, Fancied, Fanciful, Fantastic, Fictional, Hallucinatory, Hypothetical, Ideal, Illusive, Illusory, Imaginative, Imagined, Legendary, Mythological, Nonexistent, Notional, Phantasmal, Phantasmic, Quixotic, Shadowy, Spectral, Supposed, Supposititious, Theoretical, Unreal, Unsubstantial, Visionary, Whimsical, Trumped Up, Figmental,

Antonyms: Existing, Factual, Genuine, Ordinary, Physical, Practical, Real, Substantial, True, Proven,


Meaning: A misunderstanding attended by ill feeling, perplexity, or strife.

Synonyms: Altercation, Argument, Bickering, Brawl, Broil, Brouhaha, Complexity, Complication, Dispute, Embarrassment, Embroilment, Entanglement, Flack, Involvement, Miff, Quandary, Quarrel, Row, Spat, Squabble, Soap Opera,

Antonyms: Agreement, Ease, Harmony, Peace, Peacemaking, Simplicity,


Meaning: To wet or moisten.

Synonyms: Deluge, Dip, Douse, Drown, Duck, Dunk, Flood, Immerse, Impregnate, Inundate, Pour, Saturate, Seethe, Soak, Sodden, Sop, Souse, Steep, Submerge, Teem,

Antonyms: Dehydrate, Dry, Parch,


Meaning: That which is made as a likeness or copy.

Synonyms: Apery, Aping, Clone, Copy, Counterfeit, Counterfeiting, Counterpart, Ditto, Dupe, Duplicate, Duplication, Ersatz, Fake, Forgery, Image, Impersonation, Impression, Likeness, Match, Matching, Mime, Mimicry, Mockery, Parallel, Parody, Picture, Reflection, Replica, Representing, Reproduction, Resemblance, Ringer, Semblance, Sham, Simulacrum, Transcription, Travesty, Xerox, Takeoff, Carbon Copy, Mimesis,

Antonyms: Difference, Opposite, Original, Reality, Reverse, Seriousness, Solemnity,


Meaning: One who makes in imitation.

Synonyms: Ape, Echo, Follower, Impersonator, Mime, Mimic, Copy Cat,


Meaning: Without spot or blemish.

Synonyms: Bright, Clean, Exquisite, Faultless, Flawless, Impeccable, Irreproachable, Neat, Snowy, Spotless, Spruce, Stainless, Trim, Unexceptionable, Unsoiled, Unsullied, Pure, Taintless, Errorless,

Antonyms: Corrupt, Defective, Defiled, Dirty, Dull, Filthy, Flawed, Foul, Horrible, Immoral, Imperfect, Impure, Sinful, Tainted, Unclean, Unsterile,


Meaning: Of no essential consequence.

Synonyms: Extraneous, Foreign, Impertinent, Inapplicable, Inapposite, Inappropriate, Inconsequential, Inconsiderable, Inconsiderate, Inessential, Insignificant, Meaningless, Trifling, Trivial, Unimportant, Unnecessary, Of No Account, Irrelative, Of No Importance, No Big Deal, Matter Of Indifference,

Antonyms: Bodily, Essential, Important, Material, Meaningful, Physical, Real, Relevant, Significant, Solid, Substantial, Useful, Valuable, Worthwhile,


Meaning: Not full-grown.

Synonyms: Adolescent, Baby, Babyish, Callow, Childish, Crude, Green, Imperfect, Infantile, Infantine, Jejune, Juvenile, Kid, Raw, Sophomoric, Tender, Tenderfoot, Underdeveloped, Undeveloped, Unfinished, Unfledged, Unformed, Unripe, Unseasonable, Unseasoned, Unsophisticated, Untimely, Youthful, Undergrown, Puerile, Premature, Wet Behind Ears,

Antonyms: Adult, Developed, Experienced, Grown, Mature, Old,


Meaning: Indefinitely extensive.

Synonyms: Bottomless, Boundless, Countless, Endless, Extensive, Illimitable, Immense, Indefinite, Inestimable, Inexhaustible, Jillion, Large, Limitless, Measureless, Umpteen, Unbounded, Uncountable, Unfathomable, Unlimited, Unmeasurable, Vast, Zillion, Crawling With, No End Of,

Antonyms: Bounded, Calculable, Finite, Limited, Measurable, Restricted,


Meaning: Very great in degree, extent, size, or quantity.

Synonyms: Boundless, Colossal, Elephantine, Endless, Enormous, Eternal, Extensive, Giant, Gigantic, Great, Gross, Huge, Illimitable, Immeasurable, Infinite, Interminable, Jumbo, Limitless, Mammoth, Massive, Measureless, Mighty, Monstrous, Monumental, Stupendous, Super, Titanic, Tremendous, Unbounded, Vast, Prodigious, Brobdingnagian, Barn Door,

Antonyms: Bounded, Calculable, Common, Ending, Finite, Insignificant, Limited, Little, Measurable, Miniature, Minute, Narrow, Ordinary, Restricted, Short, Small, Teeny, Tiny, Unimportant,


Meaning: To plunge or dip entirely under water or other fluid.

Synonyms: Asperse, Baptize, Bathe, Bury, Christen, Dip, Douse, Drench, Drown, Duck, Dunk, Merge, Plunge, Saturate, Sink, Slop, Soak, Souse, Sprinkle, Steep, Submerse,

Antonyms: Ascend, Dehydrate, Disinvolve, Dry, Ignore, Increase, Neglect, Retrieve, Rise,


Meaning: The act of plunging or dipping entirely under water or another fluid.

Synonyms: Captivation, Concentration, Engagement, Engrossment, Enthrallment, Fascination, Holding, Intentness, Involvement, Occupation, Prepossession, Preoccupation, Raptness,

Antonyms: Surrender,


Meaning: A foreigner who enters a country to settle there.

Synonyms: Alien, Colonist, Foreigner, Incomer, Migrant, Newcomer, Outsider, Pioneer, Settler, Adoptive Citizen, Documented Alien, Naturalized Citizen, Undocumented Alien,

Antonyms: Citizen, Local, National, Native,


Meaning: To come into a country or region from a former habitat.

Synonyms: Arrive, Colonize, Migrate, Settle, Come In, Go In,

Antonyms: Emigrate, Stay,


Meaning: Impending evil or danger.

Synonyms: Access, Accession, Advance, Advent, Avenue, Coming, Convergence, Entrance, Gate, Landing, Nearing, Nearness, Passage, Path, Reaching, Road, Way, Drawing Near,

Antonyms: Departure, Exit,


Meaning: Dangerous and close at hand.

Synonyms: Abases, Approaching, Brewing, Close, Coming, Expectant, Following, Forthcoming, Gathering, Immediate, Impending, Ineluctable, Inescapable, Inevitable, Likely, Looming, Menacing, Near, Nearing, Next, Nigh, Possible, Threatening, Unavoidable, Probable, About To Happen, In The Air,

Antonyms: Avoidable, Distant, Doubtful, Far, Future, Later, Never, Unlikely, Escapable,


Meaning: Separating, as oil and water.


Meaning: Steadfast.

Synonyms: Abas, Adamant, Constant, Fast, Firm, Immobile, Immotile, Immutable, Impassive, Inflexible, Intransigent, Motionless, Obdurate, Quiescent, Resolute, Rooted, Secure, Set, Solid, Stable, Stationary, Steadfast, Stuck, Unalterable, Unchangeable, Uncompromising, Unshakable, Unwavering, Unyielding, Dead Set On, Locked In, Set In Stone, Stand Pat, Stick To Guns, Tough Nut, Dug In, Set In Concrete,

Antonyms: Changeable, Flexible, Inconstant, Indefinite, Loose, Mobile, Movable, Moving, Soft, Supple, Undecided, Unfixed, Unstable, Untrustworthy, Wavering, Willing, Yielding,


Meaning: Exempt, as from disease.

Synonyms: Allowed, Clear, Exempt, Favored, Free, Insusceptible, Irresponsible, Licensed, Resistant, Safe, Unaffected, Unanswerable, Privileged, Protected, Unsusceptible, Hardened To, Not Affected, Not Liable, Not Subject, Unliable,

Antonyms: Hindered, Susceptible, Unguarded, Unprotected, Vulnerable,


Meaning: Unchangeable.

Synonyms: Abiding, Ageless, Changeless, Constant, Enduring, Fixed, Immovable, Inflexible, Invariable, Permanent, Perpetual, Sacrosanct, Stable, Steadfast, Unalterable, Unmodifiable,

Antonyms: Alterable, Changeable, Flexible, Mutable, Variable,


Meaning: To cause to become less or worse.

Synonyms: Blemish, Blunt, Cheapen, Damage, Debase, Debilitate, Decrease, Destroy, Deteriorate, Devalue, Diminish, Ding, Disqualify, Enervate, Enfeeble, Hurt, Injure, Invalidate, Lessen, Mar, Queer, Reduce, Spoil, Tarnish, Total, Tweak, Undermine, Unfit, Vitiate, Weaken, Worsen, Rough Up, Prejudice, Devaluate, Lose Strength, Make Useless,

Antonyms: Aid, Assist, Cure, Develop, Enhance, Enlarge, Expand, Extend, Fix, Grow, Heal, Help, Improve, Increase, Invigorate, Mend, Permit, Raise, Repair, Strengthen, Upgrade,


Meaning: Imperceptible to the touch.

Synonyms: Airy, Delicate, Disembodied, Fine, Imperceptible, Imponderable, Imprecise, Inappreciable, Incorporeal, Indiscernible, Indistinct, Insensible, Insubstantial, Nebulous, Shadowy, Tenuous, Thin, Unapparent, Unobservable, Vague, Unperceivable,

Antonyms: Palpable, Perceptible, Substantial, Tangible, Understandable,


Meaning: Unbiased.

Synonyms: Candid, Detached, Disinterested, Dispassionate, Equal, Equitable, Impersonal, Just, Neutral, Objective, Unbiased, Uncolored, Without Favor, Unslanted,

Antonyms: Biased, Discriminating, Favoring, Interested, Involved, Partial, Passionate, Subjective, Unfair, Unjust, Prejudiced,


Meaning: That can not be passed through or over.

Synonyms: Blockaded, Forbidden, Impenetrable, Insurmountable, Obstructed, Pathless, Trackless, Untrodden,

Antonyms: Open, Passable, Traveled,


Meaning: Not moved or affected by feeling.

Synonyms: Callous, Impassive, Indifferent, Insensible, Passionless, Unconcerned,


Meaning: Unmoved by or not exhibiting feeling.

Synonyms: Aadil, Apathetic, Callous, Cold, Collected, Composed, Dispassionate, Dry, Emotionless, Hardened, Heartless, Imperturbable, Indifferent, Indurated, Inscrutable, Insensible, Insusceptible, Nonchalant, Passionless, Phlegmatic, Placid, Reserved, Reticent, Sedate, Serene, Spiritless, Stoic, Stoical, Stolid, Taciturn, Unconcerned, Unemotional, Unfeeling, Unflappable, Unmoved, Unruffled, Wooden, Inexpressive, Inexcitable,

Antonyms: Agitated, Communicative, Emotional, Excited, Feeling, Nervous, Passionate, Responsive, Sensitive, Susceptible, Warm,


Meaning: Unwillingness to brook delays or wait the natural course of things.

Synonyms: Agitation, Anger, Annoyance, Anxiety, Avidity, Disquietude, Eagerness, Edginess, Excitement, Expectancy, Fretfulness, Haste, Hastiness, Heat, Impetuosity, Intolerance, Irritability, Irritableness, Nervousness, Rashness, Restiveness, Restlessness, Shortness, Snappiness, Suspense, Uneasiness, Vehemence, Violence, Ants In Pants, Quick Temper,

Antonyms: Apathy, Calm, Calmness, Contentment, Control, Ease, Endurance, Enjoyment, Forbearance, Happiness, Joy, Patience, Peace, Tolerance, Waiting, Willingness,


Meaning: Blameless.

Synonyms: Accurate, Aces, Clean, Correct, Exact, Exquisite, Faultless, Immaculate, Incorrupt, Infallible, Innocent, Irreproachable, Nice, Perfect, Precise, Right, Sinless, Stainless, Ten, Unblemished, Unerring, Unimpeachable, Pure, On Target, Errorless, Fleckless,

Antonyms: Blemished, Corrupt, Defective, Flawed, Imperfect, Suspicious, Wrong,


Meaning: Having no money.

Synonyms: Beggared, Broke, Destitute, Homeless, Impoverished, Indigent, Insolvent, Necessitous, Needy, Penniless, Penurious, Poor, Unprosperous, Dirt Poor, Cleaned Out,

Antonyms: Moneyed, Rich, Wealthy,


Meaning: To be an obstacle or to place obstacles in the way of.

Synonyms: Bar, Block, Brake, Check, Clog, Curb, Dam, Delay, Deter, Discomfit, Disconcert, Disrupt, Embarrass, Faze, Freeze, Hamper, Interfere, Oppose, Rattle, Restrain, Retard, Slow, Stonewall, Stop, Stymie, Thwart, Cut Off, Close Off, Hold Up, Hang Up, Shut Down, Slow Down, Saddle With, Blow Whistle On, Flag One,

Antonyms: Advance, Aid, Allow, Assist, Comfort, Continue, Encourage, Expedite, Facilitate, Forward, Free, Go, Help, Liberate, Open, Permit, Release, Soothe, Support, Unblock, Unclog, Promote, Push,


Meaning: To drive or urge forward.

Synonyms: Actuate, Boost, Compel, Constrain, Drive, Excite, Foment, Force, Goad, Induce, Influence, Inspire, Instigate, Jog, Lash, Mobilize, Motivate, Move, Oblige, Poke, Power, Require, Shove, Spur, Start, Stimulate, Thrust, Urge, Push, Prod, Propel, Set In Motion, Press,

Antonyms: Calm, Check, Delay, Depress, Discourage, Dissuade, End, Halt, Hinder, Repress, Slow, Stop, Suppress, Let Go, Prevent, Pull, Leave Alone,


Meaning: To be imminent.

Synonyms: Advance, Approach, Brew, Brewing, Forebode, Foreshadow, Frighten, Imperil, Jeopardize, Loom, Lower, Menace, Overhang, Portend, Warn, Presage, Come On, Be Imminent, Hang Over, Put At Risk, Be Dangerous, Be Gathering, Be In The Air, Be In The Offing, Be On The Horizon, Put In Jeopardy,


Meaning: Obligatory.

Synonyms: Acute, Burning, Clamant, Clamorous, Compulsory, Critical, Crucial, Crying, Essential, Exigent, Immediate, Important, Importunate, Indispensable, Inescapable, Insistent, Instant, Obligatory, Urgent, Vital, Pressing,

Antonyms: Discretionary, Free, Inessential, Insignificant, Nonessential, Optional, Secondary, Trivial, Uncritical, Unimportant, Unnecessary, Unrestrained, Voluntary,


Meaning: Indiscernible.

Synonyms: Ephemeral, Evanescent, Fine, Gradual, Impalpable, Imponderable, Inappreciable, Inaudible, Inconsiderable, Inconspicuous, Indiscernible, Indistinct, Indistinguishable, Infinitesimal, Insensible, Insignificant, Invisible, Microscopic, Minute, Momentary, Shadowy, Slight, Small, Subtle, Tiny, Trivial, Undetectable, Unnoticeable, Vague,

Antonyms: Apparent, Conspicuous, Distinct, Evident, Noticeable, Obvious, Perceptible, Seeable, Striking, Unobscured,


Meaning: That can not be perfected.


Meaning: Insisting on obedience.

Synonyms: Arrogant, Authoritative, Autocratic, Commanding, Compulsory, Despotic, Dictatorial, Domineering, Exacting, Haughty, Imperative, Imperial, Mandatory, Obligatory, Oppressive, Overweening, Peremptory, Required, Tyrannical, Tyrannous, Compulsatory,

Antonyms: Arrogant, Authoritative, Autocratic, Commanding, Compulsory, Despotic, Dictatorial, Domineering, Exacting, Haughty, Imperative, Imperial, Mandatory, Obligatory, Oppressive, Overweening, Peremptory, Required, Tyrannical, Tyrannous, Compulsatory,


Meaning: Not permissible.

Synonyms: Banned, Closed, Contraband, Refused, Taboo, Vetoed, Proscribed, Out Of Bounds, Verboten, Off Limits,


Meaning: Not relating to a particular person or thing.

Synonyms: Abstract, Bureaucratic, Businesslike, Candid, Colorless, Cool, Detached, Disinterested, Dispassionate, Emotionless, Equal, Equitable, Fair, Formal, Impartial, Indifferent, Inhuman, Neutral, Objective, Remote, Straight, Unbiased, Uncolored, Strictly Business, Cold Turkey,

Antonyms: Compassionate, Friendly, Informal, Interested, Personable, Personal, Sympathetic, Warm,


Meaning: To appear or act in the character of.

Synonyms: Act, Ape, Ditto, Do, Enact, Fake, Imitate, Mimic, Mirror, Perform, Personate, Play, Portray, Represent, Make Like, Act Like, Playact, Act Out, Put On An Act, Pass Oneself Off As, Pose As, Masquerade As, Act A Part, Assume Character, Do An Impression Of, Double As, Dress As,

Antonyms: Differ, Direct, Fail, Halt, Idle, Oppose, Reverse, Stop, Prevent, Be Original,


Meaning: Unyielding.


Meaning: Rudeness.

Synonyms: Assurance, Audacity, Backchat, Brazenness, Cheek, Chutzpah, Crust, Disrespect, Disrespectfulness, Effrontery, Forwardness, Gall, Guff, Hardihood, Impropriety, Impudence, Incivility, Insolence, Lip, Nerve, Pertness, Rudeness, Wisecrack, Freshness, Back Talk, Sass, Presumption, Insolency, Smart Mouth,

Antonyms: Fear, Humility, Manners, Meekness, Modesty, Politeness, Respect, Shyness, Timidity,


Meaning: Calm.

Synonyms: Assured, Complacent, Composed, Cool, Equanimous, Immovable, Nerveless, Nonchalant, Sedate, Smug, Stoical, Tranquil, Unaffected, Undisturbed, Unflappable, Unmoved, Unruffled, Untouched, Unexcitable, Cool As Cucumber, Hard As Nails, Roll With Punches, Disimpassioned, Stiff Upper Lip,

Antonyms: Excitable, Irritable, Jittery, Touchy, Perturbable,


Meaning: Impenetrable.

Synonyms: Hermetic, Immune, Impassable, Impassive, Impenetrable, Impermeable, Imperviable, Inaccessible, Invulnerable, Resistant, Sealed, Tight, Unaffected, Unapproachable, Unmoved, Unreceptive, Watertight, Closed To,

Antonyms: Affected, Exposed, Moved, Open, Penetrable, Responsive, Sensitive, Susceptible, Vulnerable,


Meaning: Rashness.

Synonyms: Carelessness, Defiance, Foolhardiness, Frenzy, Heedlessness, Madness, Recklessness,

Antonyms: Calm, Cautiousness, Collectedness, Confidence, Contentment, Peace, Peacefulness, Security,


Meaning: Impulsive.


Meaning: Any impulse or incentive.


Meaning: Irreverence toward God.


Meaning: Characterized by irreverence or irreligion.


Meaning: Not plausible.


Meaning: Capable of being inferred.


Meaning: To show or prove to be involved in or concerned


Meaning: Implied.


Meaning: To signify.


Meaning: Inexpedient.


Meaning: The act or practice of bringing from one country into another.


Meaning: Urgent in character, request, or demand.


Meaning: To harass with persistent demands or entreaties.


Meaning: Destitute of or lacking in power, physical, moral, or intellectual.


Meaning: To make indigent or poor.


Meaning: Not feasible.


Meaning: That can not be taken by assault.


Meaning: To make pregnant.


Meaning: Anything done or said on the impulse of the moment.


Meaning: Not appropriate, suitable, or becoming.


Meaning: The state or quality of being unfit, unseemly, or inappropriate.


Meaning: Lacking foresight or thrift.


Meaning: To do anything extemporaneously or offhand.


Meaning: Heedless.


Meaning: Insolent disrespect.


Meaning: To assail with arguments, insinuations, or accusations.


Meaning: Impetus.


Meaning: Unpremeditated.


Meaning: Freedom from punishment.


Meaning: Tainted.


Meaning: To attribute.

Synonyms: Accredit, Accuse, Adduce, Ascribe, Assign, Blame, Brand, Censure, Charge, Credit, Hint, Indict, Insinuate, Intimate, Lay, Refer, Reference, Stigmatize, Hang Something On,

Antonyms: Absolve, Defend, Exculpate, Exonerate, Guard, Help, Praise, Protect,


Meaning: Difficult of approach.

Synonyms: Aloof, Away, Beyond, Distant, Elusive, Far, Faraway, Impassable, Impervious, Impracticable, Insurmountable, Remote, Unachievable, Unapproachable, Unattainable, Unavailable, Unfeasible, Unobtainable, Unreachable, Unrealizable, Unworkable, Not At Hand,

Antonyms: Accessible, Approachable, Close, Friendly, Near, Nearby, Reachable, Warm,


Meaning: Not exactly according to the facts.

Synonyms: Careless, Defective, Discrepant, Fallacious, False, Faulty, Imprecise, Incorrect, Inexact, Mistaken, Off, Out, Specious, Unfaithful, Unreliable, Unsound, Untrue, Wide, Wild, Wrong, In Error, Off Base, All Wet,

Antonyms: Accurate, Correct, Honest, Just, Perfect, Precise, Reliable, Right, Sound, True,


Meaning: Inert.

Synonyms: Abeyant, Asleep, Blah, Disengaged, Dormant, Down, Dull, Idle, Immobile, Indolent, Inoperative, Jobless, Latent, Lax, Lethargic, Limp, Mothballed, Motionless, Ossified, Passive, Quiescent, Quiet, Sedentary, Slack, Sleepy, Slothful, Slow, Sluggish, Somnolent, Stable, Static, Still, Torpid, Unemployed, Unoccupied, Unused, Out Of Commission, Out Of Work, In Holding Pattern,

Antonyms: Active, Busy, Employed, Energetic, Involved, Lively, Mobile, Moving, Used, Working,


Meaning: Insufficient.

Synonyms: Bare, Barren, Beaks, Deficient, Depleted, Dry, Failing, Faulty, Feeble, Glitch, Imperfect, Impotent, Inapt, Incapable, Incommensurate, Incompetent, Incomplete, Insubstantial, Junk, Lacking, Lame, Lemon, Lousy, Low, Meager, Minus, Miserly, Parsimonious, Poor, Scanty, Scarce, Short, Shy, Sketchy, Skimpy, Small, Spare, Sparse, Sterile, Stunted, Unequal, Weak,

Antonyms: Able, Abundant, Adequate, Capable, Competent, Complete, Enough, Finished, Full, Perfect, Potent, Strong, Sufficient,


Meaning: Not to be approved, considered, or allowed, as testimony.

Synonyms: Exceptionable, Immaterial, Improper, Inappropriate, Inapt, Incompetent, Inept, Irrelevant, Malapropos, Objectionable, Unacceptable, Unallowable, Unbecoming, Undesirable, Unfit, Unqualified, Unreasonable, Unsatisfactory, Unseemly, Unsuited, Unwanted, Unwelcome,

Antonyms: Acceptable, Admissible, Allowable, Appropriate, Desirable, Fitting, Good, Ok, Relevant, Suitable, Proper,


Meaning: Accidental.

Synonyms: Careless, Chance, Feckless, Heedless, Negligent, Reckless, Thoughtless, Uncaring, Unconcerned, Undesigned, Unheeding, Unintended, Unintentional, Unmindful, Unplanned, Unpremeditated, Unthinking, Unthought, Unwitting, Irreflective, Not On Purpose,

Antonyms: Advertent, Attentive, Careful, Cautious, Deliberate, Intentional, Planned,


Meaning: Unadvisable.

Synonyms: Careless, Foolhardy, Foolish, Harebrained, Impolitic, Improper, Imprudent, Inappropriate, Incautious, Inconvenient, Indiscreet, Inexpedient, Injudicious, Pointless, Rash, Undesirable, Unsuitable, Unwise, Wrong,

Antonyms: Advisable, Good, Ok, Recommended, Wise,


Meaning: Silly.

Synonyms: Batty, Bizarre, Cracked, Crazy, Cuckoo, Daft, Demented, Derailed, Deranged, Fatuous, Frenzied, Idiotic, Impractical, Irrational, Irresponsible, Loony, Lunatic, Mad, Maniacal, Mental, Moonstruck, Nuts, Nutty, Paranoid, Rabid, Raging, Raving, Schizophrenic, Screwy, Senseless, Touched, Unsettled, Wild, Preposterous, Psychotic, Psychopathic,

Antonyms: Balanced, Calm, Healthy, Intelligent, Ok, Rational, Reasonable, Responsible, Sane, Sensible, Smart, Sound, Well,


Meaning: Destitute of animal life.

Synonyms: Azoic, Cold, Dead, Defunct, Dull, Exanimate, Extinct, Idle, Inactive, Inert, Inoperative, Insensate, Insentient, Lifeless, Mineral, Motionless, Quiescent, Soulless, Spiritless, Nonanimal,

Antonyms: Animate, Living,


Meaning: Not to be understood.

Synonyms: Doubtful, Exceptional, Extraordinary, Fantastic, Impossible, Improbable, Incomprehensible, Inconceivable, Incredible, Indescribable, Ineffable, Rare, Singular, Unbelievable, Uncommon, Unique, Unknowable, Unthinkable, Unordinary, Incogitable, Not Understandable, Beyond Wildest Dreams,

Antonyms: Bad, Believable, Common, Commonplace, Conceivable, Credible, Customary, Describable, Familiar, Fathomable, Imaginable, Normal, Ordinary, Plausible, Poor, Possible, Reasonable, Regular, Tenable, Usual,


Meaning: Awkward or slow.

Synonyms: Awkward, Banal, Clumsy, Dull, Flat, Gauche, Improper, Inapposite, Inappropriate, Incongruous, Inept, Inexperienced, Inexpert, Infelicitous, Insipid, Jejune, Maladroit, Malapropos, Slow, Stupid, Unable, Unfit, Unhandy, Unmeet, Unskilled, Unsuitable, Unsuited, Untimely,

Antonyms: Apt, Competent, Happy, Suitable, Suited,


Meaning: Speechless.

Synonyms: Blurred, Dumb, Faltering, Halting, Hesitant, Hesitating, Inaudible, Incoherent, Incomprehensible, Indistinct, Muffled, Mumbled, Mumbling, Mute, Obscure, Reticent, Silent, Speechless, Stammering, Unclear, Unintelligible, Unspoken, Unuttered, Unvocal, Unvoiced, Vague, Voiceless, Wordless, Maundering,

Antonyms: Articulate, Communicative,


Meaning: That can not be heard.

Synonyms: Faint, Hushed, Imperceptible, Low, Muffled, Mum, Mumbled, Mute, Muted, Noiseless, Quiet, Soundless, Still, Unclear, Uncommunicative, Voiceless, Wordless, Nonvocal, Not Talkative,


Meaning: Implanted by nature.

Synonyms: Congenital, Connate, Connatural, Constitutional, Essential, Hereditary, Inbred, Indigenous, Indwelling, Ingrained, Inherent, Inherited, Innate, Instinctive, Intrinsic, Intuitive, Native, Unacquired, Ingenerate,

Antonyms: Acquired, Extrinsic, Learned, Meditated,


Meaning: Innate.

Synonyms: Congenital, Inborn, Innate, Intrinsic, Native, Natural, Primal,


Meaning: The state of being white or glowing with heat.

Synonyms: Blaze, Bonfire, Charring, Coals, Combustion, Conflagration, Devouring, Element, Embers, Flames, Flare, Glow, Hearth, Heat, Holocaust, Inferno, Luminosity, Oxidation, Phlogiston, Scintillation, Scorching, Searing, Sparks, Tinder, Warmth, Pyre, Hot Spot, Rapid Oxidation, Sea Of Flames, Up In Smoke,

Antonyms: Apathy, Dullness, Lethargy, Spiritlessness,


Meaning: White or glowing with heat.


Meaning: To deprive of power, capacity, competency, or qualification.

Synonyms: Cripple, Damage, Disable, Disarm, Disenable, Disqualify, Hamstring, Hinder, Hurt, Immobilize, Lame, Maim, Paralyze, Undermine, Weaken, Take Out, Prostrate, Lay Up, Clip Wings, Put Out Of Commission,

Antonyms: Aid, Allow, Assist, Assuage, Enable, Facilitate, Help, Mobilize, Permit, Please, Soothe, Strengthen,


Meaning: Want of power to apprehend, understand, and manage.


Meaning: To imprison.

Synonyms: Bastille, Book, Cage, Commit, Confine, Constrain, Detain, Hold, Immure, Impound, Imprison, Intern, Jail, Railroad, Restrain, Restrict, Settle, Slough, Lock Up, Put Away, Take Away, Put On Ice, Coop Up, Throw Book At,

Antonyms: Cancel, Cease, Free, Liberate, Release, Stop, Let Go,


Meaning: Chemical or person who starts a fire-literally or figuratively.

Synonyms: Dangerous, Demagogic, Dissentious, Inflammatory, Malevolent, Seditious, Subversive, Treacherous, Wicked, Provocative,

Antonyms: Loyal, Peacemaking,


Meaning: That which moves the mind or inflames the passions.

Synonyms: Allurement, Bait, Carrot, Catalyst, Consideration, Determinant, Drive, Encouragement, Enticement, Excuse, Exhortation, Goad, Ground, Impetus, Impulse, Incitement, Influence, Insistence, Inspiration, Instigation, Motivation, Motive, Persuasion, Rationale, Reason, Spring, Spur, Stimulant, Stimulation, Stimulus, Temptation, Urge, Whip, Provocation, Purpose, Reason Why,

Antonyms: Block, Deterrent, Discouragement, Dislike, Hindrance, Prevention,


Meaning: The beginning.

Synonyms: Birth, Commencement, Dawn, Derivation, Fountain, Inauguration, Initiation, Kickoff, Origin, Outset, Rise, Root, Source, Start, Well, Wellspring, Provenance,

Antonyms: Close, Completion, Conclusion, Consequence, Death, Effect, End, Ending, Finish, Outgrowth, Result, Stop,


Meaning: Beginning.

Synonyms: Antecedent, Basic, Commencing, Early, Elementary, Embryonic, First, Foremost, Fundamental, Germinal, Headmost, Inaugural, Inchoate, Incipient, Infant, Initial, Initiative, Initiatory, Introductory, Leading, Nascent, Opening, Original, Pioneer, Virgin, Earliest, Leadoff,


Meaning: Unceasing.

Synonyms: Ceaseless, Constant, Continual, Continuous, Endless, Eternal, Everlasting, Interminable, Monotonous, Perpetual, Relentless, Timeless, Unbroken, Unceasing, Unending, Unrelenting, Unremitting, Nonstop,

Antonyms: Bounded, Broken, Ceasing, Completed, Discontinuous, Ending, Finished, Halting, Inconstant, Infrequent, Intermittent, Interrupted, Irregular, Merciful, Occasional, Stopping, Sympathetic, Temporary, Terminable, Terminating, Transient,


Meaning: Piecemeal.

Synonyms: Gradually, Piecemeal, By Degrees, Drop By Drop, Grade By Grade, In Stages, Inch By Inch, Little By Little, Step By Step,


Meaning: Incipient.

Synonyms: Amorphous, Elementary, Embryonic, Formless, Immature, Imperfect, Inceptive, Incipient, Nascent, Rudimentary, Shapeless, Unfinished, Unformed, Unshaped, Preliminary, Just Begun,

Antonyms: Developed, Grown, Mature,


Meaning: That which begins, or expresses beginning.


Meaning: Casual occurrence.

Synonyms: Commonness, Degree, Drift, Extent, Frequency, Measure, Number, Percentage, Rate, Scope, Tendency, Trend, Proportion, Prevalence,

Antonyms: Whole,


Meaning: A happening in general, especially one of little importance.

Synonyms: Adventure, Circumstance, Episode, Event, Fact, Happening, Matter, Milestone, Occasion, Scene, Trip,


Meaning: Without intention.

Synonyms: Accidentally, Casually, Fortuitously, Obiter, Parenthetically, Remotely, Subordinately, Unexpectedly, By The Way, As Side Effect, By The Bye, In Passing, In Related Manner, Not By Design,

Antonyms: Purposely,

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