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Meaning: Insufferable.

Synonyms: Excruciating, Extreme, Impossible, Insufferable, Insupportable, Offensive, Painful, Unbearable, Undesirable, Unendurable, Last Straw, Enough Already, A Bit Much,

Antonyms: Acceptable, Bearable, Good, Tolerable,


Meaning: Inability or unwillingness to bear or endure.

Synonyms: Bigotry, Dogmatism, Prejudice,

Antonyms: Fairness, Tolerance,


Meaning: Bigoted.

Synonyms: Abaft, Antipathetic, Averse, Biased, Bigoted, Chauvinistic, Communist, Conservative, Contemptuous, Dictatorial, Disdainful, Dogmatic, Fanatical, Fractious, Hateful, Illiberal, Indignant, Individualistic, Inflexible, Irate, Irritable, Jaundiced, Narrow, Obdurate, Outraged, Racist, Snappy, Stuffy, Uncharitable, Unfair, Unsympathetic, Unwilling, Upset, Waspish, Xenophobic,

Antonyms: Fair, Happy, Impartial, Nice, Patient, Tolerant, Unprejudiced,


Meaning: Anything that unduly exhilarates or excites.

Synonyms: Booze, Drink, Liquor, Alcoholic Drink,


Meaning: To make drunk.

Synonyms: Addle, Baffle, Bewilder, Bother, Daze, Disorient, Distract, Dumbfound, Fluster, Inebriate, Muddle, Shake, Stupefy, Mix Up, Puzzle, Throw Off, Ball Up, Make Punchy,

Antonyms: Clarify, Enlighten, Explain, Explicate, Clear Up,


Meaning: Occurring or situated within a cell.


Meaning: Situated within the walls of a city.

Synonyms: Handcrafted, Homemade, Indigenous, Inland, Internal, Intestine, Municipal, National, Native,

Antonyms: Alien, Business, Foreign, Industrial, Office,


Meaning: Fearless and bold.

Synonyms: Audacious, Bold, Courageous, Daring, Dauntless, Doughty, Fearless, Gallant, Game, Gritty, Gutsy, Heroic, Lionhearted, Nerveless, Plucky, Resolute, Spunky, Stalwart, Unafraid, Undaunted, Unflinching, Valiant, Valorous,

Antonyms: Afraid, Cowardly, Fearful, Meek, Timid,


Meaning: Perplexity.

Synonyms: Complexity, Confusion, Difficulty, Elaborateness,

Antonyms: Calm,


Meaning: Difficult to follow or understand.

Synonyms: Abstruse, Baroque, Byzantine, Complex, Convoluted, Difficult, Entangled, Fancy, Hard, Involved, Labyrinthine, Obscure, Perplexing, Rococo, Sophisticated, Tangled, Tortuous, Tricky, Daedal,

Antonyms: Apparent, Clear, Direct, Easy, Methodical, Obvious, Plain, Simple, Straight, Straightforward, Systematic, Uncomplicated, Understandable,


Meaning: A plot or scheme, usually complicated and intended to accomplish something by secret ways.

Synonyms: Artifice, Cabal, Chicanery, Collusion, Complication, Conspiracy, Contrivance, Deal, Design, Dodge, Fix, Fraud, Game, Graft, Hookup, Machination, Maneuver, Manipulation, Plan, Plot, Ruse, Stratagem, Trickery, Wile, Little Game,

Antonyms: Honesty, Truthfulness,


Meaning: Inherent.

Synonyms: Central, Congenital, Connate, Constitutional, Constitutive, Elemental, Essential, Fundamental, Genuine, Hereditary, Inbred, Indwelling, Inherent, Inmost, Innate, Intimate, Material, Native, Natural, Particular, Peculiar, Real, True, Underlying,

Antonyms: Central, Congenital, Connate, Constitutional, Constitutive, Elemental, Essential, Fundamental, Genuine, Hereditary, Inbred, Indwelling, Inherent, Inmost, Innate, Intimate, Material, Native, Natural, Particular, Peculiar, Real, True, Underlying,


Meaning: Preliminary.

Synonyms: Anterior, Basic, Beginning, Early, Elementary, Inaugural, Incipient, Inductive, Initial, Initiatory, Opening, Original, Precursory, Rudimentary, Starting, Prior, Primary, Prefatory, Prelusive, Preparative, Provisional, Preparatory, Proemial,

Antonyms: Concluding, Ending, Final, Finishing, Last,


Meaning: Entrance.


Meaning: To insert.

Synonyms: Accept, Bless, Buy, Concede, Enter, Entertain, Grant, Harbor, House, Initiate, Introduce, Let, Lodge, Okay, Permit, Receive, Shelter, Sign, Suffer, Take, Take In, Sign Off On, Give The Nod, Be Big On, Give Access, Give Thumbs Up, Let In,

Antonyms: Abstain, Close, Condemn, Deny, Disagree, Disallow, Dispute, Disregard, End, Erase, Fight, Finish, Forget, Give, Hold, Ignore, Keep, Leave, Offer, Refuse, Reject, Repudiate, Sell, Stop, Veto, Turn Away,


Meaning: To look into.


Meaning: The act of observing and analyzing one's own thoughts and feelings.

Synonyms: Brooding, Contemplation, Egoism, Introversion, Meditation, Reflection, Rumination, Scrutiny, Deep Thought,


Meaning: The act of turning or directing inward, physically or mentally.

Synonyms: Brooding, Contemplation, Egoism, Meditation, Reflection, Rumination, Scrutiny, Deep Thought,


Meaning: To turn within.

Synonyms: Brooder, Egoist, Egotist, Loner, Narcissist, Solitary, Wallflower, Autist,

Antonyms: Extrovert,


Meaning: To come in without leave or license.

Synonyms: Bother, Disturb, Encroach, Entrench, Infringe, Insinuate, Interfere, Interject, Interlope, Intermeddle, Interpolate, Interpose, Introduce, Invade, Meddle, Obtrude, Overstep, Pester, Thrust, Violate, Barge In, Hold Up, Butt In, Cut In, Intercalate, Chisel In, Go Beyond, Push In,

Antonyms: Erase, Leave, Please, Subtract, Withdraw, Leave Alone,


Meaning: The act of entering without warrant or invitation; encroachment.

Synonyms: Encroachment, Impingement, Imposition, Incursion, Infraction, Inroad, Interference, Interposition, Intervention, Invasion, Meddling, Obtrusion, Transgression, Trespass, Overrunning, Forced Entrance, Overstepping,

Antonyms: Aid, Help, Obedience, Retreat,


Meaning: Instinctive knowledge or feeling.

Synonyms: Clairvoyance, Discernment, Divination, Esp, Feeling, Foreknowledge, Hunch, Inspiration, Instinct, Intuitiveness, Nose, Penetration, Perception, Perceptivity, Premonition, Presentiment, Gut Reaction, Second Sight, Sixth Sense, Innate Knowledge,

Antonyms: Knowledge, Reason, Reasoning,


Meaning: To fill with an overflowing abundance.

Synonyms: Deluge, Dunk, Engulf, Flood, Glut, Immerse, Overflow, Overrun, Snow, Submerge, Swamp, Whelm, Pour Down On,

Antonyms: Underwhelm,


Meaning: Flood.

Synonyms: Flood, Tide, Torrent,


Meaning: To harden or toughen by use, exercise, or exposure.


Meaning: One who is disabled by illness or injury.

Synonyms: Bad, Baseless, Fallacious, False, Illogical, Inoperative, Irrational, Mad, Nugatory, Null, Reasonless, Sophistic, Unreasonable, Unreasoned, Unscientific, Unsound, Untrue, Void, Wrong, Not Working, Not Binding,

Antonyms: Good, Healthy, Honest, Logical, Ok, Reasonable, Right, Sensible, Sound, Stable, True, Valid, Well, Worthwhile, Worthy,


Meaning: To render of no force or effect.

Synonyms: Abate, Abolish, Abrogate, Annihilate, Annul, Cancel, Counteract, Counterbalance, Discredit, Disqualify, Impair, Negate, Negative, Neutralize, Nix, Nullify, Offset, Overrule, Overthrow, Quash, Refute, Revoke, Undermine, Undo, Unfit, Weaken, Circumduct, Shoot Full Of Holes, Disannul,

Antonyms: Aid, Allow, Approve, Assist, Establish, Help, Institute, Legalize, Permit, Ratify, Revive, Sanction, Support, Validate,


Meaning: Exceedingly precious.

Synonyms: Costly, Dear, Expensive, Helpful, Inestimable, Precious, Serviceable, Valuable, Beyond Price,

Antonyms: Useless, Worthless,


Meaning: Unchangeable.

Synonyms: Changeless, Consistent, Constant, Fixed, Immovable, Immutable, Inalterable, Inflexible, Monotonous, Perpetual, Regular, Rigid, Same, Set, Static, Unalterable, Unchangeable, Unchanging, Unfailing, Uniform, Unmodifiable, Unrelieved, Unvarying, Unwavering,

Antonyms: Changeable, Changing, Different, Inconsistent, Irregular, Mobile, Movable, Moving, Undecided, Unfixed, Unlike, Unsteady, Variable, Varying, Wavering,


Meaning: Encroachment, as by an act of intrusion or trespass.

Synonyms: Aggression, Assault, Breach, Entrenchment, Foray, Incursion, Infiltration, Infraction, Infringement, Inroad, Intrusion, Irruption, Maraud, Offense, Offensive, Onslaught, Raid, Transgression, Trespass, Usurpation, Violation, Forced Entrance, Overstepping,

Antonyms: Obedience, Retreat, Surrender, Withdrawal,


Meaning: An utterance intended to cast censure, or reproach.

Synonyms: Accusation, Berating, Billingsgate, Blame, Blasphemy, Castigation, Censure, Condemnation, Contumely, Denunciation, Diatribe, Epithet, Jeremiad, Obloquy, Philippic, Reproach, Revilement, Sarcasm, Scurrility, Tirade, Vilification, Vituperation,

Antonyms: Approval, Compliment, Exculpation, Exoneration, Flattery, Praise,


Meaning: To utter vehement censure or invective.

Synonyms: Admonish, Berate, Blast, Castigate, Censure, Condemn, Except, Expostulate, Kick, Lambaste, Object, Rail, Recriminate, Remonstrate, Reproach, Roast, Scold, Scorch, Trash, Upbraid, Vituperate, Crack Down On, Sound Off, Protest, Work Over, Lay Out, Let Have It, Go After, Lay Into, Rip Into,

Antonyms: Accept, Agree, Allow, Approve, Compliment, Flatter, Laud, Praise, Uphold,


Meaning: Quick at contrivance.

Synonyms: Adroit, Artistic, Causative, Constructive, Demiurgic, Fertile, Formative, Fruitful, Gifted, Imaginative, Ingenious, Innovational, Innovative, Innovatory, Inspired, Original, Originative, Poetical, Resourceful, Productive, Deviceful, Breaking New Ground,

Antonyms: Dull, Inept, Old, Stolen, Uncreative, Unimaginative, Unoriginal, Uninventive,


Meaning: Contrary in tendency or direction.

Synonyms: Changed, Contrary, Converse, Flipped, Inverted, Reverse, Reversed, Reverted, Transposed, Turned, Turned Over,

Antonyms: Similar,


Meaning: Change of order so that the first shall become last and the last first.

Synonyms: Contradiction, Conversion, Opposite, Reversal,


Meaning: To turn inside out, upside down, or in opposite direction.

Synonyms: Alter, Backtrack, Capsize, Change, Convert, Evert, Flip, Introvert, Inverse, Modify, Overturn, Renege, Revert, Tip, Transpose, Turn, Upend, Upset, Upturn, Turn Over, Turn Down, Turn The Tables, Turn Inside Out, Double Back,

Antonyms: Continue, Grow, Hold, Keep, Persist, Remain, Stay, Straighten, Leave Alone,


Meaning: One who investigates.

Synonyms: Agent, Analyst, Attorney, Auditor, Detective, Examiner, Gumshoe, Hound, Inquirer, Inspector, Police, Researcher, Reviewer, Sleuth, Snooper, Spy, Tester, Prosecutor, Private Eye, Sherlock Holmes, Plainclothes Officer, Undercover Cop,


Meaning: One who invests money.

Synonyms: Backer, Banker, Capitalist, Lender, Shareholder, Stockholder, Venture Capitalist,


Meaning: Habitual.

Synonyms: Abiding, Accustomed, Addicted, Chronic, Confirmed, Continuing, Customary, Enduring, Entrenched, Fixed, Habitual, Habituated, Hardened, Inbred, Incorrigible, Incurable, Indurated, Ineradicable, Ingrained, Innate, Lifelong, Obstinate, Old, Perennial, Permanent, Persistent, Persisting, Set, Settled, Stubborn, Sworn, Usual,


Meaning: Showing or feeling envy.

Synonyms: Abominable, Calumnious, Defamatory, Detestable, Detracting, Detractive, Envious, Envying, Jealous, Libelous, Maligning, Obnoxious, Odious, Offensive, Repugnant, Scandalous, Slanderous, Slighting, Undesirable, Vilifying,

Antonyms: Delightful, Likeable, Lovable,


Meaning: To animate.

Synonyms: Activate, Animate, Brace, Energize, Enliven, Excite, Exhilarate, Fortify, Freshen, Galvanize, Harden, Inspirit, Nerve, Quicken, Rally, Refresh, Reinforce, Rejuvenate, Renew, Restore, Revitalize, Rouse, Stir, Strengthen, Trigger, Vivify, Zap, Pick Up, Turn On, Vitalize, Snap Up, Pep Up, Perk Up, Buck Up, Liven Up,

Antonyms: Bore, Calm, Depress, Destroy, Discourage, Dishearten, Dissuade, Dull, Enervate, Halt, Hurt, Kill, Retard, Stop, Tire, Weaken,


Meaning: Not to be conquered, subdued, or overcome.

Synonyms: Bulletproof, Impassable, Impregnable, Indomitable, Insuperable, Inviolable, Invulnerable, Irresistible, Powerful, Strong, Unassailable, Unattackable, Unbeatable, Unconquerable, Unsurmountable, Untouchable, Unyielding,

Antonyms: Breakable, Conquerable, Destructible, Beatable,


Meaning: Incapable of being injured or disturbed.

Synonyms: Holy, Sacred, Sacrosanct,


Meaning: To call on for assistance or protection.

Synonyms: Adjure, Beg, Beseech, Conjure, Crave, Entreat, Implore, Importune, Petition, Plead, Pray, Request, Solicit, Summon, Supplicate, Appeal To, Call Forth,

Antonyms: Answer, Give, Reply,


Meaning: Unwilling.

Synonyms: Automatic, Begrudging, Blind, Compulsory, Conditioned, Forced, Grudging, Habitual, Impulsive, Instinctive, Instinctual, Obligatory, Reflex, Reflexive, Reluctant, Spontaneous, Uncalculated, Unconscious, Uncontrolled, Unintended, Unintentional, Unpremeditated, Unprompted, Unthinking, Unwilling, Unwitting, Unmeditated,

Antonyms: Conscious, Deliberate, Intended, Intentional, Planned, Unforced, Voluntary,


Meaning: Complication.

Synonyms: Bight, Braid, Circle, Convolution, Corkscrew, Curlicue, Gyration, Helix, Lap, Loop, Ring, Roll, Scroll, Spiral, Tendril, Turn, Twine, Twirl, Twist, Whorl, Wind,

Antonyms: Line,


Meaning: To draw into entanglement, literally or figuratively.

Synonyms: Absorb, Affect, Argue, Associate, Bind, Catch, Commit, Complicate, Comprehend, Comprise, Compromise, Concern, Connect, Contain, Cover, Denote, Embrace, Embroil, Engage, Engross, Enmesh, Entail, Entangle, Grip, Hold, Hook, Implicate, Imply, Incorporate, Incriminate, Inculpate, Link, Mean, Mire, Necessitate, Number, Relate, Require, Suggest, Tangle, Touch, Prove, Preoccupy,

Antonyms: Abandon, Cancel, Cease, Disconnect, Disentangle, Dissociate, Divide, Exclude, Explain, Free, Ignore, Misunderstand, Reject, Release, Remove, Separate, Stop, Untangle, Untwist, Let Go,


Meaning: That can not be wounded or hurt.

Synonyms: Bulletproof, Impassable, Impenetrable, Impregnable, Indestructible, Powerful, Secure, Strong, Unbeatable, Untouchable,


Meaning: With no outward manifestation.


Meaning: A small or insignificant mark or part.

Synonyms: Atom, Crumb, Grain, Hint, Infinitesimal, Jot, Mite, Molecule, Nucleus, Ounce, Particle, Ray, Scintilla, Scrap, Smidgen, Speck, Trace, Whit,

Antonyms: Lot,


Meaning: Prone to anger.

Synonyms: Angry, Bearish, Bristly, Cantankerous, Choleric, Crabbed, Cranky, Cross, Feisty, Fractious, Grouchy, Hasty, Huffy, Ireful, Irritable, Ogre, Passionate, Peevish, Petulant, Querulous, Snappish, Surly, Testy, Touchy,

Antonyms: Cheerful, Cool, Happy, Pleasant,


Meaning: Moved to anger.

Synonyms: Angered, Annoyed, Enraged, Exasperated, Fuming, Furious, Incensed, Indignant, Infuriated, Irritated, Livid, Mad, Piqued, Riled, Steamed, Wrathful, Provoked, Up In Arms, Worked Up, Blown A Gasket, Ticked Off, Wroth,

Antonyms: Calm, Cheerful, Happy, Pleased,


Meaning: Wrath.


Meaning: A many-colored appearance.

Synonyms: Light, Opalescence, Phosphorescence, Radiance,

Antonyms: Dark,


Meaning: Exhibiting changing rainbow-colors due to the interference of the light.

Synonyms: Irised, Lustrous, Opalescent, Opaline, Pearly, Polychromatic, Shimmering, Prismatic, Rainbowlike,


Meaning: To afflict with pain, vexation, or fatigue.


Meaning: Wearisome.

Synonyms: Aggravating, Boring, Bothersome, Burdensome, Irritating, Tedious, Tiresome, Troublesome, Troubling, Vexing,

Antonyms: Helpful,


Meaning: Censure or ridicule under cover of praise or compliment.

Synonyms: Banter, Burlesque, Contempt, Contrariness, Criticism, Derision, Humor, Incongruity, Jibe, Mockery, Mordancy, Paradox, Quip, Raillery, Repartee, Reproach, Ridicule, Sardonicism, Satire, Taunt, Twist, Wit,

Antonyms: Approval, Compliment, Consideration, Deference, Flattery, Praise, Respect, Seriousness,


Meaning: Luster.


Meaning: To render clear and intelligible.

Synonyms: Brighten, Light, Lighten,

Antonyms: Darken, Depress, Dull, Upset,


Meaning: Not possessed of reasoning powers or understanding.

Synonyms: Aberrant, Absurd, Brainless, Crazy, Delirious, Demented, Disconnected, Disjointed, Distraught, Fallacious, Flaky, Foolish, Freaky, Incoherent, Injudicious, Insane, Invalid, Kooky, Loony, Mad, Mindless, Nonsensical, Nutty, Raving, Reasonless, Ridiculous, Silly, Sophistic, Specious, Stupid, Unreasonable, Unreasoning, Unsound, Unstable, Unthinking, Unwise, Wacky, Wild, Wrong, Preposterous, Cockamamie,

Antonyms: Balanced, Logical, Rational, Realistic, Reasonable, Reflective, Responsible, Sane, Sensible, Serious, Smart, Sound, Stable, Thoughtful, Well, Wise,


Meaning: That can not be lessened.

Synonyms: Clear, Excluding, Exclusive, Final, Remaining, Pure, After Deductions, After Taxes,

Antonyms: Unprofitable,


Meaning: That can not be refuted or disproved.

Synonyms: Absolute, Clear, Clinching, Cogent, Compelling, Convincing, Deciding, Decisive, Demonstrative, Determinant, Determinative, Incontrovertible, Indisputable, Irrefutable, Irrevocable, Precise, Resolving, Revealing, Settling, Telling, Ultimate, Unambiguous, Unanswerable, Unarguable, Unconditional, Undeniable, Unmistakable, Unquestionable, Flat Out, Straight Out, What You See Is What You Get, Litmus Test, All Out, Irrefrangible,

Antonyms: Ambiguous, Disputable, Doubtful, Dubious, Inconclusive, Indefinite, Questionable, Refutable, Uncertain, Unsure,


Meaning: That can not be broken or violated.

Synonyms: Absolute, Clear, Clinching, Cogent, Compelling, Convincing, Deciding, Decisive, Demonstrative, Determinant, Determinative, Incontrovertible, Indisputable, Irrefutable, Irrevocable, Precise, Resolving, Revealing, Settling, Telling, Ultimate, Unambiguous, Unanswerable, Unarguable, Unconditional, Undeniable, Unmistakable, Unquestionable, Flat Out, Straight Out, What You See Is What You Get, Irrefragable, Litmus Test, All Out,

Antonyms: Ambiguous, Disputable, Doubtful, Dubious, Inconclusive, Indefinite, Questionable, Refutable, Uncertain, Unsure,


Meaning: Inapplicable.

Synonyms: Extraneous, Foreign, Garbage, Immaterial, Impertinent, Inapplicable, Inapposite, Inappropriate, Inapt, Inconsequent, Inconsequential, Insignificant, Outside, Pointless, Remote, Trivial, Unapt, Unconnected, Unimportant, Unnecessary, Unrelated, Out Of Order, Out Of Place, Inapropos, Not Germane, Not Connected With, Not Pertaining To, Off The Topic,

Antonyms: Appropriate, Consequential, Essential, Important, Meaningful, Necessary, Needed, Pertinent, Related, Relevant, Significant, Substantial, Useful, Valuable, Worthwhile,


Meaning: Indifferent or opposed to religion.

Synonyms: Agnostic, Atheistic, Blasphemous, Faithless, Godless, Heathen, Iconoclastic, Impious, Irreverent, Pagan, Sacrilegious, Sinful, Unbelieving, Unholy, Undevout,


Meaning: That can not be rectified or made amends for.

Synonyms: Broken, Destroyed, Hopeless, Impossible, Incorrigible, Incurable, Irrecoverable, Irredeemable, Irremediable, Irreplaceable, Irretrievable, Irreversible, Ruined, Cureless, Uncorrectable, Unrecoverable, Beyond Repair,

Antonyms: Fixable, Mendable, Repairable, Reparable,


Meaning: That can not be restrained or kept down.

Synonyms: Boisterous, Bubbling, Buoyant, Ebullient, Enthusiastic, Insuppressible, Rebellious, Rhapsodical, Unconstrained, Uncontainable, Uncontrollable, Unmanageable, Unquenchable, Unrestrained, Unruly, Unstoppable, Tumultous/tumultuous, Unrestrainable,

Antonyms: Depressed, Despondent, Grave, Hopeless, Serious,


Meaning: That can not be successfully withstood or opposed.

Synonyms: Alluring, Beckoning, Charming, Fascinating, Glamorous, Imperative, Indomitable, Ineluctable, Inevitable, Inexorable, Invincible, Lovable, Overpowering, Overwhelming, Potent, Powerful, Ravishing, Scrumptious, Seductive, Stunning, Tempting, Unavoidable, Unconquerable, Urgent,

Antonyms: Avoidable, Impotent, Incapable, Ineffective, Repulsive, Resistible, Weak, Escapable,


Meaning: Careless of or unable to meet responsibilities.

Synonyms: Capricious, Carefree, Feckless, Fickle, Flighty, Giddy, Harebrained, Immature, Immoral, Incautious, Lax, Loose, Rash, Scatterbrained, Shiftless, Thoughtless, Unaccountable, Unanswerable, Unpredictable, Unreliable, Unstable, Untrustworthy, Wild, Undependable, Uncareful,

Antonyms: Accountable, Careful, Liable, Reliable, Responsible, Trustworthy,


Meaning: The quality showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things.

Synonyms: Blasphemy, Cheek, Derision, Discourtesy, Flippancy, Heresy, Impertinence, Impiety, Impudence, Insult, Mockery, Ridicule, Rudeness, Sauciness, Sin, Sinfulness, Profanity,

Antonyms: Compliment, Courtesy, Flattery, Politeness, Praise, Regard, Respect, Reverence, Seriousness,


Meaning: Showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things.

Synonyms: Aweless, Cheeky, Cocky, Contemptuous, Crusty, Derisive, Flip, Flippant, Fresh, Iconoclastic, Impertinent, Impious, Impudent, Insolent, Mocking, Rude, Sacrilegious, Sassy, Saucy, Ungodly, Unhallowed, Unholy, Profane, Irreverential,

Antonyms: Religious, Respectful, Reverent,


Meaning: Showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things.

Synonyms: Aweless, Cheeky, Cocky, Contemptuous, Crusty, Derisive, Flip, Flippant, Fresh, Iconoclastic, Impertinent, Impious, Impudent, Insolent, Mocking, Rude, Sacrilegious, Sassy, Saucy, Ungodly, Unhallowed, Unholy, Profane,

Antonyms: Religious, Respectful, Reverent,


Meaning: Irrevocable.

Synonyms: Certain, Changeless, Constant, Doomed, Established, Fated, Final, Immutable, Indelible, Inevitable, Invariable, Irremediable, Irretrievable, Lost, Permanent, Predestined, Predetermined, Settled, Unalterable, Beyond Recall, Unrepealable,


Meaning: Serving to water lands by artificial means.


Meaning: To water, as land, by ditches or other artificial means.

Synonyms: Flood, Flush, Inundate, Soak, Spray, Sprinkle,

Antonyms: Collect, Gather,


Meaning: Showing impatience or ill temper on little provocation.

Synonyms: Annoyed, Bearish, Brooding, Cantankerous, Carping, Choleric, Complaining, Contentious, Crabbed, Cross, Crotchety, Disputatious, Dissatisfied, Dyspeptic, Exasperated, Fiery, Fractious, Fretful, Gloomy, Grouchy, Grumbling, Hasty, Hot, Huffy, Hypercritical, Irascible, Moody, Morose, Peevish, Petulant, Plaintive, Querulous, Resentful, Sensitive, Snappy, Surly, Tense, Testy, Touchy, Prickly,

Antonyms: Cheerful, Happy, Nice, Pleasant,


Meaning: The quality of producing vexation.


Meaning: A mechanical, chemical, or pathological agent of inflammation, pain, or tension.

Synonyms: Aggravation, Bother, Burden, Nuisance, Trouble,

Antonyms: Aid, Happiness, Help,


Meaning: To excite ill temper or impatience in.

Synonyms: Abrade, Affront, Aggravate, Annoy, Bother, Bug, Burn, Chafe, Confuse, Distemper, Disturb, Enrage, Exasperate, Fret, Gall, Get, Grate, Harass, Incense, Inflame, Infuriate, Irk, Madden, Needle, Nettle, Offend, Pain, Peeve, Pester, Pique, Rankle, Rasp, Rattle, Rile, Roil, Ruffle, Sour, Try, Vex, Provoke, Put Out, Drive Up The Wall,

Antonyms: Aid, Alleviate, Appease, Assist, Assuage, Calm, Comfort, Delight, Encourage, Help, Mollify, Order, Organize, Pacify, Placate, Please, Soothe, Make Happy,


Meaning: Sudden invasion.

Synonyms: Attack, Incursion, Invasion,

Antonyms: Retreat, Surrender,


Meaning: An island.

Synonyms: Archipelago, Atoll, Bar, Cay, Enclave, Haven, Islet, Key, Peninsula, Reef, Refuge, Retreat, Sanctuary, Shelter,


Meaning: A little island.

Synonyms: Archipelago, Atoll, Bar, Cay, Enclave, Haven, Isle, Key, Peninsula, Reef, Refuge, Retreat, Sanctuary, Shelter,


Meaning: A line joining points at which the barometric pressure is the same at a specified moment.


Meaning: Relating to or denoting equal intervals of time.

Synonyms: Alternate, Chain, Continued, Cyclic, Cyclical, Frequent, Habitual, Intermittent, Periodic, Periodical, Recurring, Regular, Repeated, Repetitive, Rolling, Isochronal, Reoccurring, Like Clockwork,


Meaning: To separate from others of its kind.

Synonyms: Abstract, Confine, Detach, Disconnect, Disengage, Divide, Divorce, Insulate, Island, Part, Quarantine, Remove, Seclude, Segregate, Separate, Sequester, Sever, Sunder, Close Off, Keep Apart, Block Off,

Antonyms: Attach, Combine, Connect, Couple, Desegregate, Gather, Include, Incorporate, Integrate, Join, Link, Mingle, Unite,


Meaning: Having or marking equality of temperature.


Meaning: Wandering.

Synonyms: Afoot, Ambulant, Ambulatory, Floating, Gypsy, Journeying, Migratory, Moving, Nomadic, Peripatetic, Ranging, Roving, Shifting, Travelling, Unsettled, Vagabond, Vagrant, Wandering, Wayfaring, On Foot, Riding The Rails,

Antonyms: Permanent, Settled,


Meaning: A detailed account or diary of a journey.

Synonyms: Beat, Circuit, Course, Guide, Guidebook, Journey, Line, Outline, Path, Route, Run, Schedule, Tour, Way, Program,


Meaning: To wander from place to place.

Synonyms: Drifting, Gypsy, Migrant, Migratory, Pastoral, Peripatetic, Roaming, Roving, Traveling, Vagabond, Vagrant, Wandering, Wayfaring, Perambulatory,

Antonyms: Native, Settled,

In advance

Meaning: progress or a development in a particular activity or area of understanding

Sentence: Recent advances in medical science

Ice age

Meaning: one of the long periods of time, thousands of years ago, when much of the earth’s surface was covered in ice

Iron age

Meaning: the historical period about 3000 years ago when people first used iron tools

In the aggregate

Meaning: (British English, sport) when the scores of a number of games are added together

Sentence: They won 4–2 on aggregate.


Meaning: in a way that continues without any possibility of being stopped

Sentence: These events led inexorably to war.

Synonyms: ferociously, fiercely, mercilessly, relentlessly, ruthlessly, savagely, viciously

Antonyms: gently, humanely, kindly, nicely


Meaning: A synonym for the word approval, imprimatur literally means "let it be printed" in New Latin.

Sentence: The Guide was published with the imprimatur of the U.S. architectural industry group.

Synonyms: charter, permission, permit, sanction

Antonyms: prohibition, veto


Meaning: Indefatigable means “incapable of being fatigued”—i.e., “untiring.”

Sentence: He has been an indefatigable campaigner on the issue for many years.

Synonyms: assiduous, diligent, dogged, energetic, inexhaustible, painstaking, relentless, tireless, unflagging, unwavering, vigorous

Antonyms: changing, idle, inactive, indifferent, lazy, lethargic, negligent, tired, wavering


Meaning: interesting, strange, or funny because of being very different from what you would usually expect

Sentence: an ironic comment/reply

Synonyms: arrogant, caustic, incongruous, mocking, paradoxical, ridiculous, sardonic, satiric, satirical, twisted, unexpected, wry

Antonyms: straight


Meaning: despite; not being affected by something

Sentence: I don't think children should be hit, irregardless of what they've done wrong.


Meaning: the body of doctrine, myth, belief, etc., that guides an individual, social movement, institution, class, or large group.


Meaning: (of a setting or event) suitable for or suggestive of pastoral literature or art, which portrays an idealized scene of peace, charm, and rustic simplicity


Meaning: disgrace; dishonor; public contempt.


Meaning: relating to an empire.


Meaning: a tool, utensil, or other piece of equipment that is used for a particular purpose.


Meaning: begin or introduce (a system, policy, or period).


Meaning: a series of words said as a magic spell or charm.


Meaning: a gum, spice, or other substance that is burned for the sweet smell it produces.


Meaning: (of a person or mental process) intelligently analytical and clear-thinking.


Meaning: (of a person or their behaviour) not able to be changed or reformed.


Meaning: an increase or addition, especially one of a series on a fixed scale.


Meaning: having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned.


Meaning: possessed with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone.


Meaning: deduce or conclude (something) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.


Meaning: extremely small.


Meaning: inborn; natural.


Meaning: unusually or disproportionately large; excessive.


Meaning: necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental.


Meaning: combine (one thing) with another to form a whole.


Meaning: hard to control or deal with.


Meaning: unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something.


Meaning: characterized by or given to introspection.


Meaning: not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final.


Meaning: A fossil marine reptile of the Mesozoic era, resembling a dolphin with a long pointed head, four flippers, and a vertical tail.

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