
AI boss Sam Altman ousted after board loses confidence

The head of OpenAI, Sam Altman, who played a key role in revolutionizing the world of artificial intelligence, has been dismissed by the company's board. According to a report by the BBC, the decision was made by the board on November 19. The members stated that Altman did not communicate openly during his tenure.


The board of OpenAI consists of CEO Elijah Suits, along with three independent directors, including Cora, Chief Executive Ed McAngelo, business technology expert Tasha McColley, and George Town Center for Security and Emerging Technology's Helen Turner.


Following Altman's dismissal, Chief Technology Officer Myra Moriarty will serve as interim CEO. The search for a permanent replacement for Altman is currently underway.

The board stated in their announcement that they have lost confidence in Sam Altman's ability to lead the company, citing a lack of openness in communication during his tenure as compromising his accountability.


Members expressed that the decisions made by Sam Altman were not trusted by the board, leading to his removal from the position. The board further explained, "The board does not have confidence in Sam's ability to lead OpenAI into the future. The board made the decision with careful consideration that Sam was not conducting his responsibilities in a way that allowed the board to properly fulfill its duties."


Following the news of Sam Altman's dismissal, Greg Brock resigned as the chairman of OpenAI's board of directors. Microsoft, a key business partner of OpenAI, assured that the leadership change would not affect their ongoing relationship with the company.


The sudden change in leadership has caused a stir in the tech industry, and several employees are reportedly experiencing uncertainty. Greg Brock, the departing chairman of OpenAI, tweeted, "We are still trying to figure out what happened. Everything will be fine. We will soon see big things."


The situation remains fluid, and further developments are expected as the company navigates through this period of change.

Sam Altman is considered a significant investor and face of OpenAI, also known for leading a fundraising effort that resulted in Microsoft investing billions of dollars in the company. Through his efforts, OpenAI's valuation increased from $29 billion to $80 billion.


He is credited with transforming the financial fortunes of OpenAI and is recognized for his ability to engage with global leaders during challenging times, discussing the risks and benefits of powerful technologies derived from artificial intelligence.


After the announcement of his dismissal, Sam Altman expressed that he had spent a great time at the company, OpenAI had transformed him personally, and he hoped that it had created positive changes in the world. Regarding his future plans, he mentioned that he would discuss them later.


It's worth noting that OpenAI has faced leadership changes before. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, was once its co-chairman. Musk criticized the company's non-profit principles and resigned from the board of directors in 2020.


Erik Schmidt, former CEO of Google and current chair of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI), praised Sam Altman, calling him a "hero." Schmidt highlighted Altman's role in growing the company's valuation from zero to $90 billion and expressed anticipation for Altman's future endeavors.


Daniel Ives, a security analyst at Wedbush Securities, expressed surprise at the decision to remove Sam Altman but expected Microsoft and Nadella to have a strong impact on OpenAI in the future.


There are speculations that Sam Altman might be nominated as the new CEO of Animated Shares, a business personality known for previously serving as the CEO of the American video streaming platform "Twitch."


The company is reportedly not considering reinstating Sam Altman to his former position as CEO. It's worth mentioning that OpenAI, known for its research in artificial intelligence, introduced a software called "ChatGPT" in November of the previous year, designed to respond to user queries in a manner similar to Google.


The company has been facing legal actions in recent months, including concerns related to copyright violations and fears of job loss among employees.


In May 2023, a prominent computer scientist known as the "Creator of Artificial Intelligence" left Google, expressing a terrifying warning about the potential risks associated with this technology. Jeffrey Hinton, a key figure in artificial intelligence, issued a cautionary statement about the dangers of AI that could pose profound risks to society and humanity.

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