
Be Verbs

Be verb

The English verb comes from the Latin verb language, which means a word. A verb is a central part of a sentence that makes complete thoughts of action.

"A word that expresses an action or ongoing situation in a sentence is called a verb."


  • Mother made biryani.
  • She is supporting her aunty
  • Ahmad played the match

A verb tells us something about a person or thing action.

  1. A person or thing does.


  • He says his prayers every night.
    • We work at the office.
    • The dog borks at me.
  1. Done by a person or thing.

• The mother is annoyed.
• Tahir delayed.
• The naughty girl is scared.

  1. person or thing is.
  • He is happy.
  • They are serious men.
  • I am glad to see you.

Kinds of a verb

There are six kinds of the verb:

  • Transitive verb
  • Intransitive verb
  • Regular verb
  • Irregular verb
  • Auxiliary verb
  • To be the verb

Transitive verbs

These verbs need to require an object.

You bought a bungalow.
S     Verb       Object

Asim loves his wife.
S        V          O

Neha kicks the football.
S        V             O

Intransitive verbs

These verbs don't need to require an object:
Sit there.

Saima laugh.

Don't lie.

Regular verbs

These verbs have past and past participle forms in the same way.

Wash - Washed – Washed

Burn - Burnt - Burnt

Catch - Caught - Caught

Irregular verbs

These verbs have past and past participle forms in different ways.

Be - Was/ Were - Been

Become - Become - Begun

Begin - Began - Begun

Auxiliary or Model verbs

These verbs support to Main verbs and also tell us the mood of main verbs and indicate the Advice, Possibility, Speculation, Prohibition, Permission, Invitation, offer, and logical deduction in a sentence. Such, These are:

Can – Aslam can swim well.
Could – Hira could write more.
Should - You should act upon your mother's advice.
May - May I come to your home in the evening.
Might - You might get a prize, but we confused about it.
Must - You must attend the class.
Ought to - We ought to follow the rules.
Will - We will meet again.

Used to - I used to eat more.
Shall - Shall I come?
Had better - You had better; don't cross the limit.
Would - Would you pass the sauce.

Furthermore, the verb has three primary parts.

1. Doing verbs 2. Having verbs 3. Being verbs

Doing Verbs

These verbs show action daily such, these are:

Wash - Saima washes the cloth.
Making - Nadia is making a meal.
Play - Asad plays football.
Writing - Sara is writing well.
Read - Tania reads daily.

These verbs show possession of action such, these are:

• Has - You have Samsung Mobile.
• Have
• Had

Being Verbs 

These verbs show a fixation with object such, these are.
Is, are, am, was, were, been, and being

• Is - He is Intelligent.
• Are - They are Miser.
• Am - I am a Teacher.
• Was - Aslam was Peon
• Were - Tania and Hina were friends.
• Been - We have been disappointed.
• Being - Naila is stitching.

Here, we discuss To be verbs

Be Verbs

• I write a letter.
• You like the fragrance of the perfume.
• I feel free.
• Tea refreshes me.

In these sentences, "Be" verbs mention a state of being. Verbs must be according to the subject in a sentence.

• They are Pilot.
• She is shy.
• I am confident.


• They are not Pilot.
• She is not shy.
• I am not confident.


• Are they, Pilot?
• Is she shy?
• Am I confident?

When we write Shortened to:

• We aren't Joker.
• I'm a Doctor.
• She isn't intelligent.

Characteristics of "Be "Verbs

Verbs are consist of five main characteristics, these are.

1. Mood
2. Person
3. Number
4. Voice
5. Tense

Be verbs also indicate a state of going on a situation in a sentence. Be verbs also require five primary rules in a sentence such as,

1. Exist
2. Happens
3. Locates 
4. Identifies
5. Describes

Exists - Show prediction

• You are.
• He is.

Happens - Show an action

• The party is over.
• I have done it.

Locates - Show at the place.

• I was Aslam home.
• They are in the hall.

Identifies - Show an indication about person or thing.

• He is the younger brother of Aslam.
• Sara and Hira are friendly.

Describes - Show more information about someone or something.

• It is a long wooden chair.
• He is a student and also doing work.

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