
Business Aur Finance Wale Yeh Angrezi Seekhain 1-50

1Breathing spaceراحت یا مہلت کی مدتA period of relief or respite; here, it refers to a short-term loan that provides Pakistan with some financial relief.
2International Monetary Fund (IMF)ایک بین الاقوامی تنظیم جو رکن ممالک کو مالی امداد اور اقتصادی مشورے فراہم کرتی ہے۔An international organization that provides financial assistance and economic advice to member countries; here, it refers to the organization that has provided the loan to Pakistan.
3Stand-by arrangement (SBA)آئی ایم ایف اور ایک رکن ملک کے درمیان ایک مالیاتی معاہدہA financial agreement between the IMF and a member country that allows the country to access funds quickly in case of economic need; here, it refers to the type of agreement Pakistan received from the IMF.
4Extended Fund Facility (EFF)ادائیگیوں کے توازن کے مسائل کا سامنا کرنے والے ممالک کو آئی ایم ایف کی طرف سے فراہم کردہ مالی انتظامA financial arrangement provided by the IMF to countries facing balance of payments problems; here, it refers to the previous agreement that Pakistan had with the IMF before receiving the new loan.
5Policy misstepsاقتصادی پالیسیوں کے نفاذ میں غلطیاںErrors or mistakes in the implementation of economic policies; here, it refers to the IMF's assessment of some policy missteps made by Pakistan that contributed to economic challenges.
6Leverageفراہم کردہ مالی امداد کی وجہ سے قرض دہندہ کی طاقت یا اثر قرض لینے والے پر ہےThe power or influence a lender has over a borrower due to financial assistance provided; here, it refers to the control the IMF can exert over Pakistan's economic policies through the bailout programs.
7Fiscal disciplineمستحکم مالی صورتحال کو برقرار رکھنے کے لیے حکومتی اخراجات کو منظم اور کنٹرول کرنے کی صلاحیتThe ability to manage and control government spending to maintain a stable fiscal situation; here, it refers to the need for Pakistan to exercise fiscal discipline to address economic challenges.
8Market-determined exchange rateایک زر مبادلہ کی شرح جس کا تعین زرمبادلہ کی منڈی میں طلب اور رسد کی قوتوں سے ہوتا ہے۔An exchange rate that is determined by the forces of supply and demand in the foreign exchange market; here, it refers to the IMF's suggestion for Pakistan to have a market-determined exchange rate.
9Climate resilienceموسمیاتی تبدیلیوں کے اثرات کو ڈھالنے اور برداشت کرنے کی معیشت یا شعبے کی صلاحیتThe ability of an economy or sector to adapt and withstand the impacts of climate change; here, it refers to the need for reforms in the energy sector to promote climate resilience in Pakistan.
10Business climateایک ملک میں کاروبار کے لیے مجموعی اقتصادی اور ریگولیٹری ماحولThe overall economic and regulatory environment for businesses in a country; here, it refers to the need for improvements in the business climate in Pakistan.
11Injuriousنقصان دہHarmful or damaging; here, it describes certain conditions of the loan that may have negative effects on businesses and the public.
12Inflationary pressureبڑھتی ہوئی مہنگائی کی وجہ سے قیمتوں پر اوپر کا دباؤThe upward pressure on prices caused by rising inflation; here, it refers to the IMF's requirement for the State Bank to remain proactive in dealing with inflation.
13Rolloversموجودہ قرضوں کی ری فنانسنگ یا تجدید کرکے قرض کی پختگی میں توسیعThe extension of debt maturities by refinancing or renewing existing debt; here, it refers to the need for Pakistan to secure rollovers to manage its debt payments.
14Balance of payments stabilityکسی ملک کے معاشی لین دین کے بیرونی مالیاتی لین دین کے ساتھ توازن میں ہونے کی حالتThe condition of a country's economic transactions being in balance with its external financial transactions; here, it refers to the need for Pakistan to maintain stability in its balance of payments.
15Debt reliefقرض دہندگان کی طرف سے قرض کی جزوی یا مکمل معافیThe partial or complete forgiveness of debt by lenders; here, it refers to the possibility of Pakistan seeking debt relief from bilateral lenders.
16Debt reprofilingقرض کی شرائط و ضوابط میں ترمیم کرکے اس کی تنظیم نوThe restructuring of debt by modifying its terms and conditions; here, it refers to the option of seeking debt reprofiling to achieve long-term debt sustainability.
17Boom-bust cyclesاقتصادی ترقی کے ادوار (بوم) کے بعد اقتصادی سکڑاؤ کے ادوار (بسٹ)Periods of economic growth (boom) followed by periods of economic contraction (bust); here, it refers to the need to address the boom-bust cycles in Pakistan's economy.
18Precariousغیر مستحکم، خطرناک، یا غیر یقینیUnstable, risky, or uncertain; here, it refers to the current economic crisis being one of the most unstable and risky situations for Pakistan.
19Inflationوہ شرح جس پر اشیاء اور خدمات کی قیمتوں کی عمومی سطح میں اضافہ ہوتا ہے، جس کے نتیجے میں پیسے کی قوت خرید میں کمی واقع ہوتی ہے۔ یہاں، اس سے مراد پاکستان میں مہنگائی کی بلند شرح ہے۔The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services rises, resulting in a decrease in the purchasing power of money; here, it refers to the high inflation rate experienced in Pakistan.
20Dirt cheapانتہائی سستا یا سستا؛ یہاں، یہ کھلی منڈی میں کرنسی کی قیمت بہت کم ہونے کی وضاحت کرتا ہے۔Extremely cheap or inexpensive; here, it describes the value of the currency being very low in the open market.
21Economic casualtiesاقتصادی بحران کے منفی اثرات اور نتائجThe negative impacts and consequences of an economic crisis; here, it refers to the various negative effects of the current economic situation in Pakistan.
22Joint qurbaniعید کے موقع پر جانوروں کی اجتماعی قربانیA collective sacrifice of animals during Eid; here, it refers to multiple families sharing the cost of sacrificing cows to suit their budgets.
23Demand slumpمانگ میں نمایاں کمیA significant decline in demand; here, it refers to the decrease in demand for cattle during the Eidul Azha festival.
24Footfallکسی جگہ یا تقریب کا دورہ کرنے والے لوگوں کی تعدادThe number of people visiting a place or event; here, it refers to the low number of people visiting regular bazaars and malls during Eid.
25Market shrinkageمارکیٹ کے حجم میں کمیA reduction in the size or volume of a market; here, it refers to the decrease in the size of the Bakra Eid market compared to previous years.
26Cash-based tradeتجارت کی ایک قسم جس میں نقد لین دین شامل ہے۔A type of trade that involves cash transactions; here, it refers to the predominantly cash-based trade during the Bakra Eid festival.
27Guesstimatesمحدود معلومات پر مبنی ایک تعلیم یافتہ اندازہ یا تخمینہAn educated guess or estimate based on limited information; here, it refers to the estimates made regarding the volume of the cattle market during Bakra Eid.
28Sacrificial animalsوہ جانور جو قربان کیے جاتے ہیں۔Animals that are sacrificed during religious rituals; here, it refers to the animals sacrificed during Eidul Azha.
29Cross-border influxسرحدوں کے پار لوگوں یا سامان کی نقل و حرکتThe movement of people or goods across borders; here, it refers to the influx of cows from neighboring countries into Pakistan.
30Tanneriesوہ سہولیات جہاں جانوروں کی کھالوں کو چمڑے میں پروسیس کیا جاتا ہے۔Facilities where animal hides are processed into leather; here, it refers to the industry that utilizes the hides collected during Eid.
31Wastageکسی قیمتی یا مفید چیز کا نقصان یا تباہیLoss or destruction of something valuable or useful; here, it refers to the loss of valuable hides and skins due to low demand.
32Organised collectionکچھ جمع کرنے کے لیے ایک منظم اور منصوبہ بند نظامA structured and planned system for collecting something; here, it refers to a well-managed system for collecting and preserving hides.
33Philanthropic armsفلاحی تنظیمیں یا سیاسی جماعتوں کی شاخیں جو سماجی بہبود کی سرگرمیوں میں شامل ہیںCharitable organizations or branches of political parties involved in social welfare activities; here, it refers to charitable wings of political parties that were previously involved in the collection of hides.
34Supply chainکسی شے کی پیداوار اور تقسیم میں شامل عمل کی ترتیبThe sequence of processes involved in the production and distribution of a commodity; here, it refers to the flow of hides from collection to utilization by the leather industry.
35Securities (Leveraged and Pledging) Rulesپاکستانی کیپٹل مارکیٹوں میں لیوریج پروڈکٹس، جیسے مارجن ٹریڈنگ اور مارجن فنانسنگ سسٹم کو کنٹرول کرنے والے قواعد۔Rules governing leverage products, such as margin trading and margin financing system, in the Pakistani capital markets.
36Margin tradingاثاثہ جات کی تجارت کا ایک طریقہ ادھار فنڈز کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے ممکنہ فوائد کو بڑھاناA method of trading assets using borrowed funds to amplify potential gains; here, it refers to the practice of margin trading in the Pakistani stock market.
37Derivativesمالی معاہدے جن کی قیمت ایک بنیادی اثاثہ کی کارکردگی سے اخذ ہوتی ہےFinancial contracts whose value is derived from the performance of an underlying asset; here, it refers to options and cash-settled futures introduced in other markets as alternatives to margin financing.
38Reratingکسی چیز کی قدر یا صلاحیت کو دوبارہ جانچنے کا عملThe process of reassessing the value or potential of something; here, it refers to the positive impact on the Indian capital market after introducing options and cash-settled futures.
39Participative marketsسرمایہ کاروں کی فعال اور متنوع شرکت کے ساتھ مارکیٹسMarkets with active and diverse participation from investors; here, it refers to the Pakistani stock market being perceived as one of the least participative markets globally.
40Margin Trading System (MTS)پاکستانی اسٹاک مارکیٹ میں ایک ایسا نظام جہاں اسٹاک کی تجارت لیوریج پر ہوتی ہے۔ یہاں، اس سے مراد مارکیٹ میں ٹرن اوور کا ایک اہم حصہ ہے جو MTS پر اسٹاکس سے آتا ہے۔A system in the Pakistani stock market where stocks are traded on leverage; here, it refers to a significant portion of turnover in the market coming from stocks on the MTS.
41Boom-bust cyclesتیز رفتار ترقی (بوم) کے چکروں کو دہرانا جس کے بعد اچانک گر جانا یا گر جانا (بسٹ)Repeating cycles of rapid growth (boom) followed by a sudden collapse or downturn (bust); here, it refers to the market's tendency to go through such cycles detached from economic performance.
42Derivative exchangeایک تبادلہ جو مالیاتی مشتقات کی تجارت میں مہارت رکھتا ہے۔An exchange that specializes in trading financial derivatives; here, it refers to the establishment of a separate exchange for derivatives in Pakistan.
43Market liquidityوہ آسانی جس کے ساتھ کسی اثاثے کی قیمت کو نمایاں طور پر متاثر کیے بغیر مارکیٹ میں خریدا یا فروخت کیا جا سکتا ہے۔The ease with which an asset can be bought or sold in the market without significantly impacting its price; here, it refers to encouraging individual investors to participate, leading to increased activity in the market.
44Genuine buyers and sellersجائز سرمایہ کار جو بنیادی تجزیہ کی بنیاد پر اثاثے خریدتے اور بیچتے ہیں۔Legitimate investors who buy and sell assets based on fundamental analysis; here, it refers to the impact of leveraged buyers compared to genuine buyers in the market.
45Nettingمتعدد لین دین میں نفع اور نقصانات کو پورا کرنے کا عملThe process of offsetting gains and losses in multiple transactions; here, it refers to the possibility of netting gains and losses in the Pakistani market.
46Uneven playing fieldایسی صورت حال جہاں کچھ شرکاء کو دوسروں کے مقابلے میں فوائد یا نقصانات ہوتے ہیںA situation where some participants have advantages or disadvantages compared to others; here, it refers to the advantage of leveraged buyers over genuine buyers in the Pakistani capital markets.
47Anti-level playing fieldایسی صورت حال جہاں مقابلہ تمام شرکاء کے لیے منصفانہ نہیں ہے۔A situation where the competition is not fair for all participants; here, it refers to the criticism of Rule 3(2) of the Leverage Market Rules allowing certain entities to act as authorised intermediaries.
48FY23مالی سال 2023، جولائی 2022 سے جون 2023 تک کے مالی سال کا حوالہ دیتے ہوئےFiscal year 2023, referring to the financial year from July 2022 to June 2023.
49FY24مالی سال 2024، جولائی 2023 کے بعد کے مالی سال کا حوالہ دیتے ہوئےFiscal year 2024, referring to the financial year from July 2023 onwards.
50Joblessnessبے روزگاری یا نوکری کے بغیر ہونے کی حالت۔Unemployment or the state of being without a job.

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