
CONJUNCTIONS-Linking words

CONJUNCTIONS-Linking words

Do you wonder why sometimes your sentence doesn't make any sense or are very choppy? This is because we never urge to glue the sentences together to sound perfect. Now you will be wondering what sort of glue am I talking about. One made from fish? Of course not.

The glue which joins or holds clauses and phrases is called a conjunction. Conjunctions are used to construct meaningful sentences. They are used to link words or groups of distinct words to sentences, to show a connection between them. They are joiners for words, clauses, or phrases in sentences.

Example: But, or, yet, so, and, because, although, not/but and many more.

Types of conjunctions

As you can see in the above example, many conjunctions are mentioned. In particular, all of them are known as conjunctions, but each of them belongs to their distinct conjunction type.

In the English language, there are three main types of conjunctions.

  • Coordinating Conjunctions
  • Subordinating Conjunctions
  • Correlative Conjunctions

What are Coordinating Conjunctions?

Coordinating conjunctions are the most commonly used conjunctions among the three types of conjunctions. They are used to join phrases with phrases, words with words, and clauses with clauses. They join sentences that are parallel in structure.

There are seven coordinating conjunctions, commonly known as FANBOYS. It is just an acronym to memorize these conjunctions. These are the most common conjunctions used in the English language.

  1. For- It is used to express reasons or a purpose.
  2. And- it joins two things or adds two things.
  3. Nor-it is used to present a negative idea with another negative idea.
  4. But- it shows distinction.
  5. Or- presents a choice.
  6. Yet- presents an idea leading another logical idea.
  7. So- specifies effects and consequences.


  • She goes to the academy every day, for she loves to study.
  • I will be late to work, for I have a dentist's operator.
  • I bought a pen and a book.
  • I love creating 3D art and building 3D during holidays.
  • I did not go to school, nor for shopping.
  • Aliza did not win the prize, nor the trophy in racing competition.
  • She cooked pasta for dinner, but they burnt.
  • Cricket is entertaining in winter, but it's better in spring.
  • Do you need coffee or tea?
  • The keys were hidden in a box or the drawer.
  • I am sleepy, yet I am studying.
  • Zainab thought she had no chance of passing the exam, yet she scored ninety-one.
  • It's hot today, so I am staying inside.
  • Jonathan was willing to play football so that he could pass his leisure time.

What are subordinating conjunctions?

Subordinating conjunctions are used to link independent clause with a dependent clause or a dependent clause with an independent clause. Subordinate conjunctions are often placed at the start of a sentence. They are also called subordinators.

A dependent clause cannot stand alone, while an independent clause gives complete either joined with a dependent clause or if it stands alone.

Some of the most commonly used subordinating conjunctions are:

WhyUntil.As soon as
Whether While


  • It was late until I got to know.
  • I must leave before it gets dusk.
  • Life's been so good since I started travelling.
  • When I wake up in the morning, I will add a new item to my to-do list.
  • We went to the park where we saw elegant flowers.
  • I will go for lunch once I am done with the assignment.
  • If you avoid eating chocolates, you will lose weight.
  • I will be there whenever you need my help.
  • Because of Aleena, we got late today.

What are correlative conjunctions?

The words that co and relate each other in one sentence are known as correlative conjunctions. They come in pairs and are used in a single sentence either to contrast or compare parts of a sentence.

If a noun follows whether then it should also follow or. The words of correlative conjunctions have a connection between them.

Common pairs of correlative conjunctions are:

  • neither/nor
  • not only/but also
  • either/or
  • both/and
  • not/but
  • whether/or


  • Neither Ali nor Sara did their homework on time.
  • I bought not only a shirt but also a pant.
  • She wants either a black carpet or the red one.
  • I speak both English and French fluently.
  • Not the milkshake for me, but of course a coffee
  • Jeremy didn't know whether Bella wants ice-cream or shake, so he grabbed both.


  • You will find him ______ in the classroom___ in the library.
  • He bought a book___ a pen.
  • Zainab requested her for help____ she didn't help her.
  • ____ he was washing his clothes, I went to his room.
  • ____ we left home, I had my lunch.
  • I will help______ you need my help.
  • ____ the grey____ black are my favorite colors.
  • I may buy _____ buy a car ___ a bike.
  • ________ I know he is such a kind person.
  • David is ___ wise ___ clever.
  • The mechanic has ____ the skills ___ the tools.
  • The dogs ____ destroyed my garden ___ killed the peacock.
  • ___ my mother ___ father are engineers.
  • She can't decide______ she will choose David __ john.

Bottom line:

In this lesson, you learned conjunctions, its type, and examples. Keep on practicing for better performance. Fill this hands-on exercise after reading this lesson.

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