
Expressing Feelings

Expressing Feelings


Sometimes you need to express emotions such as joy or sorrow to the person you're talking to. This guide will help you understand various ways to express feelings in English.

Asking About Feelings

To inquire about someone's feelings, you can use the following questions:

  • How are you feeling today?
  • You look sad/upset. Are you okay?
  • You seem a bit distracted. Are you alright?
  • You seem kind of low today. What's wrong?
  • You seem a little blue today. What's the matter?
  • What's wrong?
  • What's the matter?
  • Are you okay/alright?
  • Are you happy/angry...?
  • Is everything okay/alright...?

Expressing Feelings

To respond to questions about your feelings, you can use these expressions:

  • I feel a little sad/happy/angry...
  • I am a little sad/happy/angry...
  • To be honest, I'm a bit sad/happy/angry...
  • It's been a difficult day.
  • The thing is, I am angry/sad...
  • I am mad at him/her...

Vocabulary for Feelings

Here are some words to help describe various emotions:


  • Sad/unhappy
  • Feel blue
  • Feel low/down
  • Depressed
  • Downhearted


  • Angry
  • Cross
  • Annoyed
  • Irritated
  • Mad
  • Furious
  • Vexed
  • Indignant
  • Irate
  • Seething

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