
Expressing Possibility

Expressing Possibility

Understanding Possibility vs. Probability

Possibility is the chance that something may happen or be true, while probability is the likelihood of something happening or being true:

Example: "Until yesterday, the project was just a possibility, but now it has become a real probability."

Expressing Possibility

  • My grandmother may travel alone.
  • She may make the trip alone.
  • Perhaps she will visit London.
  • Possibly, she will go by plane.
  • It's possible that someone will meet her at the airport.
  • She might buy some presents for the family before she goes.
  • I suppose she might spend a lot of money on the presents.
  • There's a chance she'll like the city.
  • She will take an umbrella as it could rain heavily there.

Expressing Impossibility

  • No, it's impossible to repair that old Chevrolet.
  • Even a good mechanic can't possibly fix it.
  • We may not be able to travel by car.
  • There's no chance my father will repair it tomorrow.

Key Points to Remember

May vs. Might:

  • "May" and "might" are used interchangeably to express possibility, with "might" suggesting a slightly lower probability.

Expressing Impossibility:

  • Use phrases like "impossible," "can't possibly," "no chance," and "may not be able to" to convey that something cannot or is highly unlikely to happen.

Example Dialogue:

Person A:
Do you think she will visit London alone?

Person B:
She may make the trip alone. Perhaps she will go by plane. It's possible that someone will meet her at the airport.

Person A:
Will she buy presents before leaving?

Person B:
She might. I suppose she might spend a lot of money on them.

Person A:
Do you think she'll like the city?

Person B:
There's a chance she'll like it. She will take an umbrella as it could rain heavily there.

Person A:
Can we repair that old Chevrolet?

Person B:
No, it's impossible to repair it. Even a good mechanic can't possibly fix it.

Person A:
Can we travel by car?

Person B:
We may not be able to. There's no chance my father will repair it tomorrow.

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