Expressing Shock and Disbelief

Expressing Shock and Disbelief
It can be challenging to articulate your feelings in unexpected and sorrowful situations, such as natural disasters or receiving bad news. Here are some common expressions to help you convey shock and disbelief effectively.
- I was shocked to hear…
- I was stunned by…
- I was taken aback by…
- … came as a complete shock.
- I'm in shock.
- I was shocked to hear the news.
- I was stunned by the development.
- I was completely taken aback by his sudden decision.
- I was just stunned by her sudden announcement.
- The news came as a complete shock to everyone.
- We're all in complete shock over what happened.
- I (just) can't believe…
- I (just) can't imagine…
- It's unbelievable.
- It's incredible.
- I just can't believe he won the race.
- It's unbelievable that they got married.
- I just can't imagine how they resolved their differences.