
Idioms with a Black word in them

Several idioms in English contain the word “Black”. Here are a few examples:


  • "Black sheep" (someone who is different from the rest of the family or group, often in a negative way)


  • "Black market" (an illegal market where goods or services are sold at prices above or below the official market rate)


  • "In the black" (financially successful, profitable)


  • "Paint the town black" (to go out and party or have a wild night)


  • "Blackball" (to exclude someone from a group or organization)


  • "Black magic" (supernatural powers or abilities believed to be evil or negative)


  • "Blackout" (a loss of consciousness or memory)


  • "Blacklist" (a list of people or organizations that are considered undesirable or untrustworthy)


  • "Black and white" (clear-cut, without any gray areas)


  • "Black eye" (a bruise or swelling around the eye caused by a blow)


  • "Black cloud" (an ominous or negative influence)


  • "Black Friday" (the day after Thanksgiving, traditionally the start of the Christmas shopping season)


  • "Black ice" (clear ice that forms on roads or sidewalks, making them extremely slippery)


  • "Black belt" (the highest level of proficiency in martial arts)


  • "Black box" (a device that records data from an aircraft or vehicle, used for investigating accidents)


  • "Black comedy" (a type of humour that deals with the dark or morbid subject matter)


  • "Black gold" (crude oil)


  • "Black hole" (an area in space with extremely strong gravity from which nothing can escape)


  • "Blackout curtains" (curtains that block out light)


  • "Black and blue" (bruised or injured)


It's important to note that in some idioms, the word "black" refers to a negative or undesirable state, but in other cases, it does not have any negative or racist connotation. The idioms were not necessarily coined or used in a way that is derogatory or racist, and their meanings have evolved over time. However, in some cases and contexts, idioms might be perceived as having a racist connotation, especially if used in the wrong context and with the wrong attitude. Therefore it's important to be aware of the idioms' meaning and usage and use them with sensitivity and care.

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