
Making an Appointment

Making an Appointment

Making an Appointment

Being able to schedule and manage appointments is essential in English. Here's how you can effectively:

  • Ask to Meet:
  • Are you available on... / next...?
  • Are you free on... / next...?
  • Can we meet on... / next...?
  • Would next ... be okay?
  • What about next ... ?
  • Is next ... okay?


  • "Are you available on the 17th?"
  • "Can we meet on the 16th?"
  • "How does the 3rd sound to you?"
  • "Are you free next week?"
  • "Would Friday suit you?"
  • "Is next Tuesday convenient for you?"
  • "What about sometime next week?"

Responding to an Appointment

When responding to an appointment request, you can reply with:

  • Acceptance:
  • Declining or Suggesting an Alternative:
  • Yes, ... is fine.
  • ... would be fine.
  • ... suits me.
  • ... would be perfect.


  • "Yes, Monday is fine."
  • "Monday suits me."
  • "Thursday would be perfect."
  • I'm afraid I can't on ....
  • I'm sorry, I won't be able to... on ...
  • I really don't think I can on ...


  • "I'm afraid I can't on the 3rd. What about the 6th?"
  • "I'm sorry, I won't be able to make it on Monday. Could we meet on Tuesday instead?"
  • "Ah, Wednesday is going to be a little difficult. I'd much prefer Friday, if that's alright with you."

Cancelling an Appointment

If you need to cancel an appointment, use these expressions:

  • Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen business, I will be unable to keep our appointment for tomorrow afternoon.
  • Would it be possible to arrange another time later in the week?
  • I’m afraid that I have to cancel our meeting on Wednesday, as something unexpected has come up.
  • You know we were going to meet next Friday? Well, I'm very sorry, but something urgent has come up.
  • I'm afraid that I'm not going to be able to meet you after all. Can we fix another time?

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