
Making and Responding to Suggestions

Making and Responding to Suggestions

Making Suggestions

When you want to propose an idea or suggest an activity, use these expressions:

  • Let’s revise our lessons.
  • What about going to the cinema tonight?
  • How about playing cards?
  • Why don't we do our homework?
  • Couldn't we invite your grandmother to our party?
  • Shall we have a walk along the river?
  • What would you say to a cup of coffee?
  • Don't you think it's a good idea to watch TV?
  • Does it matter if we use your car?

Accepting Suggestions

When you agree with a suggestion, respond positively:

  • Ok. Yes, let's.
  • Yes, I'd like to.
  • Yes, I'd love to.
  • What a good idea!
  • Why not?
  • Yes, with pleasure.
  • Yes, I feel like taking a walk.
  • That sounds like a good idea.

Refusing Suggestions

If you disagree or prefer not to follow a suggestion, respond politely:

  • No, let's not.
  • No, I'd rather not.
  • I don't feel like it.
  • I dislike going for a walk.
  • What an awful / bad idea!

Things to Remember about Suggestions

  1. Verb "suggest": It can be followed by:
  2. Dialogue Example:
  • should + verb: "I suggest (that) we should go to the theater."
  • a verb (subjunctive form): "I suggest (that) we go to the movies."
  • "That" is optional in these constructions.

Two friends talking about plans for the evening:

Alice: You know Alan, why don't we go to the cinema to watch Titanic?

Alan: No, let's not. We've seen the film many times before. What about going to the library? We have to finish our school project!

Alice: That sounds like a good idea. But when we finish, let's go to the café.

Alan: Yes, I'd love to.

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