Prepositions after Adjectives

Prepositions after Adjectives
Specific prepositions are used after certain adjectives. There is no definite rule to ascertain which preposition should be used with which adjective. We simply need to learn them. But there’s no need to fret on the thought of learning without knowing the rule as people do manage to memorise them through constant usage and with a little time.
Here is a list of some commonly used adjectives and the prepositions that are normally used with them to help you get started:
accustomed | to |
afraid | of |
accused | of |
acquainted | with |
addicted | to |
annoyed | about/with/at |
allergic | to |
amazed | at/by |
anxious | about |
appreciated | for |
ashamed | of |
associated | with |
astonished | at/by |
aware | of |
angry | with |
afraid | of |
attached | to |
bad | at |
based | on |
beneficial | to |
boastful | for |
bored | with |
brilliant | at |
busy | with |
capable | of |
careful | with/about/of |
certain | about |
characteristic | of |
clever | at |
connected | with |
conscious | of |
content | with |
crazy | about |
crowded | with |
curious | about |
dissatisfied | with |
doubtful | about |
delighted | at/about |
derived | from |
different | from |
disappointed | with |
eager | for |
eligible | for |
enthusiastic | about |
excellent | in/at |
excited | about |
experienced | in |
exposed | to |
envious | of |
faithful | to |
familiar | with |
famous | for |
fed up | with |
free | of/from |
frightened | of |
friendly | with |
fond | of |
furious | about |
furnished | with |
full | of |
generous | with/about |
guilty | of/about |
gentle | with |
good | at |
grateful | to |
happy | about |
hopeful | of/about |
identical | with/to |
immune | to |
impressed | with |
inferior | to |
indifferent | to |
innocent | of |
interested | in |
involved | with |
incapable | of |
jealous | of |
kind | to |
keen | on |
late | for |
limited | to |
lucky | at |
nervous | of/about |
notorious | for |
opposed | to |
patient | with |
pessimistic | about |
pleased | with |
polite | to |
popular | with |
presented | with |
proud | of |
punished | for |
puzzled | by/about |
qualified | for |
ready | for |
related | to |
relevant | to |
respectful | for |
responsible | for |
rid | of |
sad | about |
safe | from |
satisfied | with |
scared | of |
sensitive | to |
serious | about |
sick | of |
similar | to |
shocked | by |
skilful | at |
slow | at |
sorry | for/about |
successful | in |
suitable | for |
sure | of/about |
superior | to |
surprised | at |
suspicious | of |
sympathetic | with |
terrible | at |
terrified | of |
tired | of |
thankful | to/for |
trilled | with |
troubled | with |
typical | of |
unaware | of |
upset | about |
used | to |
wrong | with/about |
worried | about |