Punjab University Issues The Schedule Of Online Classes

Punjab University has broadcasted the timetable of the online classes for the bachelor's and master's programs. On the directions of the public authority, the educational institutes across the country remain closed from 26th November 2020 because of the second influx of the Covid. According to the orders given by the higher education commission, the length of winter break was from 25th December 2020 to tenth January 2021. As per the timetable, the university has reported continuing the online classes from the eleventh of January 2021. Notwithstanding, the University of Punjab will be resumed for the actual classes from first February 2021, till then the understudies need to go to the online classes to cover their coursework.
Resuming Schedule of University
The teaching and the non-teaching staff of Punjab University will go to their individual departments/centers/institutes/colleges and the managerial workplaces from the eleventh of January 2021. While opening the establishments the individual heads of the teaching and the non-teaching staff will guarantee the exacting usage of SOPs conceived by the public authority to be shielded from COVID-19.