
Advanced Vocabulary Quiz 24.001

Spelling Bee Practice - 'Test your knowledge of advanced vocabulary words and their meanings with this quiz. Each question provides a word or term, and your task is to select the correct meaning or definition. Good luck!')

What is a "sannyasi"?

  1. flowering tree
  2. Hindi monk
  3. Irish dance

What does "caducity" mean?

  1. measurement of electricity
  2. large town in the mountains
  3. mental decline in old age

A person who is "abashed" was....

  1. embarrassed by what was said
  2. punched repeatedly
  3. in a bad accident

What does it mean to "paginate"?

  1. number the pages of writing
  2. compete in a beauty contest
  3. repeatedly call someone's name

What is a "Tamworth"?

  1. an Irish narrow-brimmed hat
  2. a type of hand-held drum
  3. a breed of red pig

What does "facundity" mean?

  1. being very persuasive when speaking
  2. able to produce many offspring
  3. poorly educated

What does "abject" mean?

  1. to disagree forcefully
  2. extremely bad
  3. unload cargo from a ship

What is a "sarmentum"?

  1. a prayer asking for forgiveness
  2. a plant stem growing on the ground
  3. a rock containing sulfur and iron

What is a "daisy"?

  1. a type of garden flower
  2. computer parts linked together
  3. small bird that eats only seeds

What does "baccate" mean?

  1. shaped like a rod
  2. the area behind the front
  3. like a berry

What does "eagerly" mean?

  1. enthusiastic desire to do something
  2. waiting patiently
  3. limited time

What is a "palooka"?

  1. warm weather-proof jacket
  2. machine for drilling holes in rock
  3. a clumsy stupid person

What is "telmatology"?

  1. whispering
  2. the study of wetlands
  3. rocket science

What is an "earmark"?

  1. money saved for a specific use
  2. blemishes on corn
  3. damaged ability to hear

What is "macigno"?

  1. message sent via flashing light
  2. deposit of sandstone rock
  3. inability to chew food

What is a "naricorn"?

  1. ancient type of grain
  2. horn on the beak of an albatross
  3. a sore growing on a foot

What is an "obsecration"?

  1. a prayer to God about something sacred
  2. a verbal threat
  3. a sore that secretes fluid

What does "rankles" mean?

  1. short socks
  2. causes someone to become angry
  3. twisted metal

What is a "gaffer"?

  1. a bad joke
  2. an unskilled athlete
  3. an old man

What is a "labroid"?

  1. a science room
  2. a native of northern Canada
  3. a type of brightly colored fish

A "madrigal" is a type of....

  1. singing song
  2. bad-tempered dog
  3. snake

What does "scandal" mean?

  1. read something quickly
  2. a bad thing that causes disgrace
  3. spy on an enemy

What is "habitual"?

  1. always doing things the same way
  2. a comfortable place to live
  3. fear of bad luck charms

What does "immortality" mean?

  1. living forever
  2. doing sinful or wicked things
  3. death at an early age

What does "caique" mean?

  1. a sweet French dessert
  2. language spoken in the French Alps
  3. a type of Asian sailing boat

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